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La loi, le sujet et la jouissance est un ouvrage concis qui s’essaye plus qu’honorablement à présenter les concepts lacaniens pouvant intéresser le droit, avec un souci jamais démenti de clarté et de rigueur. Il a été publié dans une collection animée par l’Institut des hautes études sur la justice (IHEJ), collection dont l’objectif avoué, selon la présentation de ses directeurs, est d’expliquer la pensée des “auteurs classiques ou contemporains dont les œuvres ouvrent des perspectives parfois inédites sur le droit” aux “acteurs de la vie démocratique – élus, magistrats, travailleurs sociaux, étudiants, enseignants” (2 de couverture). Le but en est donc explicitement “pédagogique” (id.). Le petit livre de Franck Chaumon fait donc office d’introduction à la pensée de Lacan. Encore une, dira-t-on! En effet la pensée notoirement hermétique du psychiatre-psychanalyste fran?ais, célèbre pour ses mathèmes et ses néologismes comme pour son érudition et ses commentaires aigus sur le devenir de la subjectivité contemporaine, ne cesse de donner lieu à de multiples tentatives d’explication, de classification et de schématisation de qualité pour le moins inégale. En dépit de cette surabondance de textes introductifs l’ouvrage de Chaumon reste remarquable à deux égards. Tout d’abord, la qualité du travail d’exposition effectué est irréprochable. Chaumon parvient, sans être plus réducteur que la taille des volumes de la collection ne l’exige, à rendre compte de la complexité et de la pertinence des concepts évoqués, sans pour autant transiger sur la radicalité de la psychanalyse. Cette radicalité est affirmée notamment par rapport aux disciplines souvent considérées à mauvais escient comme connexes à la psychanalyse, telle la psychologie ou la psychiatrie légale. L’auteur parvient également à transmettre quelque chose de l’extrême actualité, de la pertinence de la pensée lacanienne pour interpréter, appréhender et traiter notre modernité – à savoir les effets de sujet produits par la structure du lien social contemporain (Sur la relation entre la structure du lien social et les effets de sujet, voir l’excellent texte de Miller 2003). Outre sa qualité, Lacan: La loi, le sujet et la jouissance présente également l’intérêt non négligeable de s’adresser spécifiquement aux acteurs de la justice, et d’offrir de solides bases de travail et de réflexion pour ceux que le traitement des personnes ayant maille à partir avec la justice concerne au-delà et de la simple gestion du risque incarné par le délinquant, et d’une politique visant tout uniment à normaliser les sujets considérés comme mal adaptés au lien social, ayant par conséquent besoin d’un ‘recadrage’. Le respect d? à chaque subjectivité y est donc mis à l’ordre du jour.  相似文献   

The Law of the European Union is multilingual and multijural. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the problems related to the use of several languages in the writing of European legal texts and to compare the interactions between law and language in the decision-making process at the executive and judicial levels. Finally, the study will focus on the contributions of translation as a linguistic mediation in the communication of the European message on the continent.  相似文献   

First developed by human rights lawyers and activists, transitional justice emerged from the so-called third wave of democratisations in Latin America. Over the last 30 years, transitional justice has risen to become a ‘global project’ of global governance. Locating the emergence of transitional justice within the global rise of neoliberalism, this article shows that transitional justice serves an important function in regards to the particularly neoliberal contours of many transitions. Understanding this relation, the article argues, is best served with recourse to what Wendy Brown describes as neoliberalism’s practice of omnus et singulatim, a double process through which ‘communities’ are gathered together as stakeholders to take part in economic activities whilst simultaneously being individualised as ‘responsibilised’ and self-sufficient entrepreneurial units. Taking this concept, I argue that transitional justice also undertakes a process of omnus et singulatim that usefully prefigures and supports processes of neoliberalisation during ‘transition’. Transitional justice, it concludes, does the necessary work of bringing conflictual, traumatised, societies back together, whilst doing so on terms that do not threaten but instead prefigure the individualising demands made upon subjects at the sites of neoliberal transition.  相似文献   

Our (2014) model for the regulation of cognitive enhancement devices (CEDs) received a great deal of interest from those involved in European device regulation and from academic commentators. Further, since the publication of our recommendations, the number of manufacturers of brain stimulation devices for non-medical purposes has increased, underscoring the need for a regulatory response. In this paper, we clarify aspects of our original proposal and address additional regulatory issues beyond our original focus on the sale of devices. We begin with theoretical points pertaining to the definition of a CED and the distinction between treatment and enhancement. We then respond to practical challenges raised by the prospect of implementing our regulatory framework. Next, we address some wider societal considerations relating to users and other stakeholders. Finally, we revisit the broader regulatory context within which the various discussions are situated.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - University–industry interaction has many supporters and some detractors in the scholarly literature. Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy...  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):504-527
Across three months during 2001, Lange, Blackman, Johnson and Voas collected data from the New Jersey Turnpike to determine whether there were differences in speeding behavior grounded in race and ethnicity, while controlling for age and gender. They reported that Black drivers were more likely to speed at high rates (15 mph or more over the speed limit) in 65 mph speed zones, as were young drivers and male drivers. In the scholarly report of their research, Lange and colleagues concluded: “our research offer[s] a plausible explanation for the findings that Black drivers are represented among traffic stops at a higher rate than they are represented in the population.” The present research assesses the generalizability of the findings reported by Lange and colleagues using data reported by Massachusetts State Police officers during April and May of 2001. We also find that Black drivers, young drivers, and male drivers are more likely to speed at high rates in 65 mph speed zones. We therefore remind scholars that Lange and colleagues’ findings and our own are entirely consistent with theory and research on the correlates of law violative actions. Our fundamental conclusion, however, is that more research is needed to determine whether traffic stops for Driving While Black are in small part the result of Speeding While Black.  相似文献   

Forensic psychologists are sometimes faced with the task of educating triers of fact about the evidential weight of dissociative experiences reported by claimants in litigation procedures. In their two-part essay, Brand et al. (Psychological Injury and Law, 10, 283–297, 2017a; Psychological Injury and Law, 10, 298–312, 2017b) provide advice to experts who find themselves in such situation. We argue that the Brand et al. approach is problematic and might induce confirmation bias in experts. Their approach is not well connected to the extant literature on recovered memories, dissociative amnesia, memory distortions, and symptom validity testing. In some instances, Brand et al. (Psychological Injury and Law, 10, 283–297, 2017a; Psychological Injury and Law, 10, 298–312, 2017b) simplify the current body of knowledge about dissociation; in other instances, they ignore relevant empirical studies to an extent that is worrisome.  相似文献   

Various methodological approaches to constructing external and internal benchmarks have been applied to estimate racial bias in police stop, question, and frisk (SQF) patterns. We apply an external benchmark of the race of the residential population and an internal benchmark of similarly-situated stops to estimate if racial disparities in New York City SQF data were impacted by the Floyd, et al. v. City of New York court settlement. We find that after the settlement, the racial composition of census tracts were no longer significant predictors of the stop rate after controlling for reported crime, socioeconomic factors, and police precincts. We further find that differences in SQF outcomes and hit rates between Blacks and Hispanics and similarly-situated others diminished substantially after the settlement. These findings suggest that court reforms may be an effective method for reducing racial disparities in SQF patterns.  相似文献   

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