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外伤致乳房假体破裂的法医学鉴定(附1例报道)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着我国社会经济的发展 ,人们的生活质量不断提高 ,女性对自己形象要求更加完美。乳房作为女性的重要性征 ,其形态和大小更加受到重视。应用置入假体的隆乳术 ,可使乳房发育不良的妇女达到丰乳的目的 ,使她们的美好愿望成为实现 ,加上隆乳技术及填充材料的改进 ,目前女性实施隆乳手术的人数逐年增加。伴随因隆乳带来的医疗纠纷也时有发生 ,相关文献上屡见报道。但在法医学鉴定中 ,外伤造成胸部损伤合并乳房假体破裂的鉴定尚未见到 ,由于此类案件在鉴定过程中 ,缺乏相应依据条款 ,增加了鉴定难度。本文结合 1例胸部损伤合并乳房假体破裂案 ,…  相似文献   

张某,男,38岁,工人.1998年2月2日张某头面部等身体多处被人用棍棒、拳、脚打伤,受伤当时曾有一过性昏迷,昏迷时间不详,醒后感头晕、视物模糊等.伤后第二天清晨发现自己站立不稳,右手颤抖不定,在当地数家医院检查,见张某头右颞部肿胀、皮下瘀血,双眼球结膜下出血,面部左右不对称,右上肢肌力0级,右下肢肌力Ⅳ级,右上、下肢生理反射亢进,病理反射(+).左侧肢体正常.1998年2月5日(伤后第3天)颅脑CT片显示左侧基底节区新鲜脑梗塞灶,表现为边界不清的低密度区.低密度区内密度不均,散在较高密度的斑点状影.医院确诊为外伤性左基底节区脑梗塞.伤后1年半来我院行法医检查,见被鉴定人面部左右不对称,表现为右面部中枢性轻瘫及舌下神经瘫,右侧肢体轻瘫,右上肢肌力Ⅱ~Ⅲ级,右下肢肌力Ⅳ级.右面部及右侧肢体痛觉明显减退,生理反射右侧肢体亢进,病理反射右侧肢体阳性.左侧肢体正常.当日复查颅脑CT结果显示同一病变部位脑梗塞灶已呈陈旧性软化灶.鉴定结论为急性脑外伤所致左基底节区脑梗塞造成右面瘫、右侧肢体轻偏瘫,属重伤.  相似文献   

1 案例 1.1 简要案情 许某,男,45岁.被孟某用拳脚殴打致伤全身多处,当即就医,先后于多家医院住院治疗,诊断为右臀部软组织血肿,并行多次手术治疗.而孟某称并未殴打许某臀部,认为许某臀部是既往陈旧伤.公安机关委托我鉴定中心对"许某右臀部软组织血肿是否与此次外伤存在因果关系及损伤程度"进行法医学鉴定.  相似文献   

放射状角膜切开术后外伤致眼球破裂法医学鉴定3例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1案例资料案例1某男,39岁。右眼被拳击伤,既往史:12年前行双眼RK。入院检查见:右上睑轻度瘀肿,右眼结膜充血,右角膜上见10条RK手术切口,4点及7点切口处虹膜大部分脱出、嵌顿,剩余约1/4残留于前房中,根部离断,前房出血,玻璃体脱出。伤后3个月检查见:右眼主观视力为0.1-1 6.0Ds→  相似文献   

火器伤损伤程度的法医学鉴定(附63例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨火器损伤的致伤特点及活体损伤程度鉴定的有关问题。方法  6 3例火器损伤主要按火器枪弹种类及数量分为四组 ,Ⅰ组 :霰弹损伤 ;Ⅱ组 :气枪损伤 ;Ⅲ组 :军用枪损伤 ;Ⅳ组 :射钉枪与爆炸损伤 ,对其进行前瞻与回顾性分析总结。结果 Ⅰ组损伤多见于斗殴 ,损伤部位以四肢部多见 ,异物存留、损伤程度明显高于其它各组 ;Ⅱ组损伤多见意外 ,不易造成异物存留 ;损伤程度轻于其它各组 ;Ⅲ组损伤多见抢劫与杀人 ,损伤部位多见头部 ;Ⅳ组损伤较少见仅占 7 92 %,不是本文讨论的重点。四组损伤合并脏器、神经血管损伤及骨折 33例 ,占 5 2 38%,构成重伤、轻伤 5 0例 ,占 79 37%。结论 火器损伤程度较重 ,致伤机理有其自身特点 ,现行损伤程度鉴定标准对其体现不够 ,值得法医同仁加以重视。  相似文献   

刘军  郭秀改  曹侠  仇海华 《证据科学》2000,7(3):105-108
目的 探讨火器损伤的致伤特点及活体损伤程度鉴定的有关问题。方法 63例火器损伤主要按火器枪弹种类及数量分为四组,Ⅰ组:霰弹损伤;Ⅱ组:气枪损伤;Ⅲ组:军用枪损伤;Ⅳ组:射钉枪与爆炸损伤,对其进行前瞻与回顾性分析总结。结果 Ⅰ组损伤多见于斗殴,损伤部位以四肢部多见,异物存留、损伤程度明显高于其它各组;Ⅱ组损伤多见意外,不易造成异物存留;损伤程度轻于其它各组;Ⅲ组损伤多见抢动劫与杀人,损伤部位多见头部  相似文献   

<正>肠道T细胞淋巴瘤是一类罕见的恶性肿瘤,它起源于肠上皮内T淋巴细胞,主要多发于空肠和回肠[1],其首发症状表现为消化道穿孔、肠梗阻、腹膜炎等。在法医学鉴定中,外伤致肠道T细胞淋巴瘤破裂引发肠穿孔的鉴定较为少见,分析其伤病关系是此例鉴定的重点。  相似文献   

某男,于2006年5月18日被他人用射钉枪击发的钉子击中颈部等处,伤后即到医院诊治。住院病志记载:BP:17.3/10.7kPa(130/80mmHg),呼吸18次/min,脉搏80次/min。颈部见一约1.0cm长裂口,深及喉软骨。局部皮下握雪感,心肺听诊未见异常。胸部CT示:前上纵隔见环形片状气体密度影,两肺血管走行分布正常,余(-)。诊断:颈部皮肤裂伤,喉软骨损伤,纵隔气肿。伤后半个月来我鉴定中心进行损伤程度评定。  相似文献   

《人体轻伤鉴定标准(试行)》(简称"轻伤标准")规定,牙齿脱落/折断2枚以上构成轻伤,而该标准中并未对牙齿的范围做出具体解释,特别是多生牙损伤的界定,在评定中常引起争议,本文报道1例多生牙折断的案例. 1案例资料 赵某,男,19岁.2011年5月19日,被他人用木棒打伤口唇部并出血.病历记载:下唇粘膜正中见条状粘膜破损,上左、右中切牙松动Ⅱ°,两牙之间一多生牙松动Ⅱ°,对应牙龈红肿.牙片示上左中切牙根尖1/2折断,上左、右中切牙之间腭侧见一发育完全的多生牙,垂直生长,位于上颌骨外,牙冠与侧切牙类似,该多生牙根尖1/2折断.  相似文献   

卵巢破裂系指卵巢非赘生性囊肿因某些原因引起囊肿破裂、出血及囊内液外溢,多发生于卵巢功能旺盛的育龄妇女,而在卵巢非赘生性囊肿中,卵泡囊肿、黄体囊肿和子宫内膜异位易发生破裂,其中黄体囊肿破裂最为多见。但现行  相似文献   

A 15-year-old male died of cardiac rupture due to blunt chest trauma from a traffic accident involving a low-speed scooter carrying 3 people and a head-on collision with a tree. The victim was sitting on the footrest of the scooter. It was concluded that the victim was compressed between the handlebar of the scooter and the other 2 passengers, causing cardiac ruptures via bidirectional compression and intravascular hydrostatic pressure. The victim may have served as a cushion for the other 2 passengers, who were not thrown from the scooter and sustained only minor injuries.  相似文献   

A case of fatal spontaneous rupture of the liver caused by primary angiosarcoma is described. Spontaneous rupture of the liver is a rare clinical and pathological entity associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Possible causes include infections such as hydatid disease, infiltrating conditions such as amyloidosis, inflammatory disorders such as the vasculitides, malignant and benign tumors, and tumorlike conditions. As in the case presented, the finding of a ruptured liver raises the possibility of blunt abdominal trauma, and the circumstances and scene should be assessed. The possibility of terminal resuscitation attempts should also be considered as a possible cause.  相似文献   

We report a case of subarachnoid hemorrhage at the skull base with possible rupture of a vertebral artery, and we present a new method to investigate rupture of this artery. In this method, the brain stem and cerebrum are divided with ligation of the internal carotid artery and basilar artery, and milk is injected from the original part of the vessel to find the rupture. We show that this method is particularly useful for cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage at the skull base in which there may be rupture of a vertebral artery.  相似文献   

Rupture of a varicose vein is a rare cause of sudden death. It occurs when the failure of venous valves causes an increase in venous pressure great enough to provoke rupture of the blood vessel. When it does happen, the victim is often found surrounded by a pool of blood, and the examination of the scene can mislead the forensic team to think of violent death. Until now, the bloodstain patterns in these fatal cases have not been described. An examination of the bloodstain pattern in a case of fatal varicose vein rupture in an 84-year-old man is here reported.  相似文献   

案例一、诊疗情况患者晏某,女,23岁。因停经38 周、阵发性腹痛7小时于2003年5月14日晚10点钟住入某医院妇产科。入院诊断:孕1产0孕38 周ROA临产。检查见宫口开大3cm,头先露,行人工破膜,羊水IIo污染,胎头有水肿,考虑有胎儿宫内窘迫,不能在短时间内阴道分娩,决定行剖宫产术结束分  相似文献   

敖明亮 《证据科学》2006,13(2):87-88
案例 一、诊疗情况 患者晏某,女,23岁.因停经38+周、阵发性腹痛7小时于2003年5月14日晚10点钟住入某医院妇产科.入院诊断:孕1产0孕38+周ROA临产.检查见宫口开大3 cm,头先露,行人工破膜,羊水Ⅱ&#176;污染,胎头有水肿,考虑有胎儿宫内窘迫,不能在短时间内阴道分娩,决定行剖宫产术结束分娩.术中发现子宫内膜绿染,胎儿、胎盘娩出后,用干纱布擦拭子宫腔一圈,子宫切口用可吸收缝合线连续缝合一层,逐层关腹.手术历时30min,术中顺利,出血约300ml.母子安返病房.术后用青霉素、氨苄青霉素及替硝唑、宫缩剂等治疗,子宫收缩好,恶露不多,无臭,术后第5天(5月19)腹部伤口愈合出院.  相似文献   

Sudden death after sexual activity is a well-known entity, but it is rare in females. Herein we present a case of fatal, massive subarachnoid hemorrhage from a ruptured berry-shaped aneurysm, during sexual anal self-stimulation. A 39-year-old woman was found dead on a couch, with the wooden handle of a spring twirl whisk inserted inside her anus and rectum as a dildo-like object. External examination was unremarkable with no signs of injuries. Intracranial examination showed a massive subarachnoid hemorrhage, up to 6 mm in thickness, especially around the brainstem and the inferior side of the brain. After removing the blood clots, the saccular aneurysm was found at the site of the bifurcation of the left internal carotid. In this case study, we underline the utility of forensic autopsy, as well as death scene investigation, in reconstructing the mechanism of death, as well as the dynamics of the event.  相似文献   

Autoerotic asphyxiation is an unusual but increasingly more frequently occurring phenomenon, with >1000 fatalities in the United States per year. Understanding of this manner of death is likewise increasing, as noted by the growing number of cases reported in the literature. However, this form of accidental death is much less frequently seen in females (male:female ratio >50:1), and there is correspondingly less literature on female victims of autoerotic asphyxiation. The authors present the case of a 31-year-old woman who died of an autoerotic ligature strangulation and review the current literature on the subject. The forensic examiner must be able to discern this syndrome from similar forms of accidental and suicidal death, and from homicidal hanging/strangulation.  相似文献   

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