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医疗卫生是事关人民群众切身利益的一个十分重要的问题,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容.卫生政策是公共政策的重要组成部分.我国医疗卫生政策的制定在政策价值取向、政策的可操作性等方面都存在突出的问题,我国医疗卫生政策的制定迫切需要以科学发展观为指导,科学合理地确定医疗卫生政策价值目标取向,加强卫生政策的可操作性,加强公民参与卫生政策制定的制度化建设,拓宽公民参与政策制定的渠道.  相似文献   

交易成本、资产专用性与公民政策参与绩效提升   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
公民参与政府治理越来越重要,公民参与公共政策过程是公民参与政府治理的集中表现。既然政策参与对政府和公民都有益,那么现实中为何政府和公民都会出现"左右为难"的困境呢?一个重要的原因在于交易成本的存在,而交易成本的高低很大程度受制于资产专用性。因此,基于"场地"专用性、物质资产专用性、人力资产专用性和特殊资产专用性等角度分析,专用性资产对公民政策参与绩效的影响主要表现在:公民政策参与的专用性场所缺失,专用性物质资产投入不足,专用性人力资产匮乏,特定资产发展滞后等。对此,应采取积极培育和发展社会组织,建设公民政策参与的专用性"场所";加大政策参与专用性物质资产投入;逐步加大政策参与人力资本专用性的投入;加强公民政策参与制度专用性资产建设等提升公民政策参与绩效的对策建议。  相似文献   

论完善我国公民政策参与的意义及其路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政策参与是公民通过合法的途径和方式直接或间接参与和影响公共政策 ,表达自身利益要求和意愿的一般公民政治行为及过程 ;是公民参与公共政策过程表达和实现自身利益的最直接、最有效而且最明显的政治参与形式。公民政策参与对于实现公共政策决策的科学化、民主化 ,保证公共政策公共利益方向以及维护政策体系合法性方面具有重要的作用。在社会转型期推进和完善公共政策参与必须从发展政策参与的物质基础、建立参与型政治文化以及政策参与制度化等三方面来加以推进。  相似文献   

公共政策制定过程中公民参与在我国现代政府治理中起着十分重要的作用。我国现代社会发展的政治民主价值准则是人民群众有参与公共政策制定过程和了解相关政策信息的权利,而政府的义务就是积极引导公民广泛参与政策制定。当前随着我国公民参与度的不断提升,民主化进程和法治社会也在迅速发展,规范和发展政策的制定,形成公平、公正的决策体系如下:增强公民参与意识,提高公民参与能力;提高政府官员民主意识,消除官本位思想;防止强势利益集团对公共政策过程的渗透;大力推行信息公开;促进非政府组织的发展。  相似文献   

公民参与越来越多地见于政府行为的诸多领域,公民参与的各方面设施都在逐步建立与完善,但公民对政府行为的影响力仍然有限。采用机制加因素的分析方法,分析公民在参与政府政策制定过程中的实际影响力,并从中观察我国的政民关系。  相似文献   

提高政府的决策能力,完善公民参与是最优选择。在政府决策中,公民在其中是否发挥了有效作用,政府的决策是否符合民众的需求,直接影响着政府决策的科学性和可操作性。虽然我国在公民参与的领域也在不断地完善和改革,但是我国政府决策中公民参与方面还存在很多问题,还有待更进一步的完善。怎样使政府决策达到科学化、民主化是我们的最终目标。在这里,从政治文化建设——提高公民参与意识、完善制度建设——拓宽公民参与渠道和推进民主科技化——搭建公民参与的技术平台三个方面阐述如何完善我国公民参与制度,从而达到提高政府决策能力的目的。  相似文献   

万朝珠 《行政论坛》2012,19(4):61-64
日益频发的公共危机需要政府作出有效的决策,因此公共危机决策是政府危机管理的先导和主要手段,一切危机管理都离不开危机决策。而公民的有序参与是科学、民主与合法地进行公共危机决策的重要保证。但是,现阶段我国公民有序参与公共危机决策还存在许多困境:危机信息的传播缺乏公开性和透明性,公民的参与意识和能力不高,公民参与渠道不畅通,政府与公民之间缺乏良性互动,公民参与危机决策缺乏法律制度保障,公民参与政府危机决策的组织基础薄弱。因此,应积极采取措施促进危机信息公开化,提高公民参与能力,培育公民参与的主动精神,建立政府与公民的合作治理机制,加强公民参与的法治化和制度化建设,培育和发展社会自治性组织,以促进公民有序参与公共危机决策并及时有效地消除公共危机。  相似文献   

公民参与城市政府公共政策是政府治理的一个重要领域。为判断城市政府在公共政策制定过程中公民参与的实际状况,本研究对分布在我国东部、西部、东北等地区的五个城市政府网上公开的具体参与案例进行实证分析。结果发现,吸纳公民参与公共政策的议题范围和数量有明显差异,参与环节以政府对政策的征求意见稿公开的环节居多,参与方式以各种媒介为主,参与结果公开有限。可以判断,在地方公共政策制定中的公民参与具有行政选择性特征,公民参与层次和参与环节发展不平衡。分析这种参与状况的影响因素,主要涉及法律制度、经济发展水平和公民本身因素等方面,这也是进一步扩展和发挥公民参与公共政策的实际功能需要着重考虑的要素。  相似文献   

政策问题结构视角下的公民参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府决策中的公民参与受到政策问题结构的制约.即就是说,在政府决策中,政策问题结构化程度和政策问题结构的性质直接影响着公民参与的范嗣和程度.一味地批评政府决策非民主化或者鼓吹公民参与政府决策的有效性,既不符合政策问题结构客脱存在的事实,也不符合严谨的学术研究的态度.  相似文献   

公民参与公共管理是新公共行政和强势民主理论强调的重要主张之一。它具有契合民主理念、确保决策品质、分担政府职能,培育公民自主与合作精神的优势,对目前我国服务型政府创建具有重要的价值与意义。把公民参与引入服务型政府建设过程还需要从提供基础条件、扩大参与形式和防范负面影响三方面入手。  相似文献   

Wagle  Udaya 《Policy Sciences》2000,33(2):207-223
There are continuing debates on methodological issues of policy science. On the one hand, the unprecedented advancement in research methods and technology has made it possible to formulate more precise, empirically driven models of scientific inquiries and thus has added credibility on positivist approach of policy science. On the other hand, social systems and subjective values have increasingly been emphasized in policy analyses and have served as impetus to postpositivist approach of policy science. In this essay, I discuss the role of democratization and citizen participation in policy science. While citizen participation is important to ensure democratization of the process of policymaking and to improve the quality of information provided to make appropriate policy decisions, how such citizen participation can be acquired has become another pressing issue. I explore community participation in light of assessing its effectiveness in policymaking and its coherence with the role of policy experts.  相似文献   

Abstract: Citizen involvement is regarded as a desirable component of public policy making, particularly policy in the social welfare field. This paper examines different conceptions of social welfare and different conceptions of citizen participation. Participation is a term with many shades of meaning, and policy makers should distinguish between sociotherapy, market research and citizen power, all of which come under the rubric "citizen participation". Different conceptions of participation are appropriate in different policy circumstances and these circumstances are examined with reference to two recent Australian participatory programs in the welfare field. The paper concludes with an examination of the applicability of participation, leadership and expertise to public administration, and argues that these three values exist in a dialectical relationship and that social justice and the effectiveness of programs will be limited if too much reliance is placed on any one of these values.  相似文献   

Allocation of public resources is an area in which considerations of both economic efficiency and democratic legitimacy are likely to be present. Public administrators are often blamed for being too devoted to the norms of bureaucratic ethos, such as efficiency, effectiveness, and top‐down control, and less so to the norms of democratic ethos, such as inclusiveness and bottom‐up decision making. This article examines whether managers in agencies with greater budget autonomy are more likely to include the public when allocating resources. Because participation offers an opportunity for agencies to enhance the legitimacy of their decisions, it is expected that the value of citizen input will increase with the degree of agency autonomy. Using data on the practices of citizen participation in budgeting in two state departments—transportation and environment—this study finds that agencies with a higher degree of autonomy tend to be more open to public comment than agencies with more centralized budget processes.  相似文献   

公共政策问题建构过程中的公共性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公共政策具有公共性,亦即处理大多数民众的问题。政策具有问题性,也就是政策以民众问题为导向,大多数民众有相同问题,政府机关将问题纳入政府议程,提出解决策略。倘若忽视公共性,公共政策就有可能变为某些个人、团体、阶层谋取私立的工具。这就要求我们在公共政策的制定和实施的过程中,必须时时关注公共性,亦即要做到在政策问题取向上的公共性。故而,首先探究公共政策问题与其公共性之意涵;其次,析探问题建构中公共性之哲学基础;最后,藉由现今流行于公共政策学界,用以展现问题建构过程中公共性的审议式民主,以及审议式民主在台湾之应用-公民会议的召开,来加以进一步说明。  相似文献   

This article examines how public service motivation (PSM) relates to public managers’ attitudes toward citizen participation. Perry and Vandenabeele suggest that PSM effects are moderated and/or mediated by self‐regulation and by the salience of an activity to self‐identity. Using data from Phase IV of the National Administrative Studies Project, latent model results suggest a direct, positive relationship between PSM and citizen participation evaluation. The relationship is not mediated by value congruence but rather is moderated by the perceived importance of the organization’s citizen participation efforts. The moderating effect has three interpretations: (1) PSM has a stronger relationship to evaluation as citizen participation becomes more important in the agency; (2) at low and medium PSM levels, the greater the importance of citizen participation, the lower its evaluation; or (3) at high PSM levels, the greater the importance of citizen participation, the higher its evaluation. This suggests that PSM is more germane for activities such as citizen participation, invoking relevant values as perceived organizational commitment increases.  相似文献   

Based on the Asia Barometer Survey of 2003, 2004, and 2006, government performance, citizen empowerment, and citizen satisfaction with self‐expression values are associated with public trust in government in Japan and South Korea. This study finds, first, that government performance on the economy, controlling political corruption, the quality of public services, crime, and attention to citizen input are significantly associated with broad public trust in government in both Japan and South Korea. Likewise, citizens’ satisfaction with their right to gather and demonstrate and to criticize the government is closely connected to trust in central and local governments in Japan. In South Korea, citizens’ satisfaction with their right to gather and demonstrate is intimately linked to trust in local government. Implications for government leadership to enhance performance, transparency, citizen participation, and public trust in government are analyzed and elaborated upon in this insightful study.  相似文献   

An important but unattended consideration in citizen participation efforts is whether public officials trust citizens and, if not, whether they can formulate and implement policies that really engage, empower, and emancipate citizens. This study attempts to answer four questions: Is public officials' trust in citizens relevant and important? Is it a valid construct that can be differentiated from other constructs? What factors influence its level? And how does trust influence citizen involvement efforts? Based on a survey of 320 public administrators, the study finds that public administrators' trust in citizens is a relevant and valid construct and a predictor of proactive citizen involvement efforts. Public administrators generally have a neutral (neither trustful nor distrustful) view of citizens. Finally, factors affecting the level of trust are identified at the individual, organizational, and societal levels.  相似文献   

公众参与是衡量现代社会民主程度和发展水平的一项重要指标。实践中我国公民参与的形式丰富多彩,其中蕴含了中国特色的协商民主价值。我国公众参与实践还存在一些问题,公众参与在公共决策中的应用应当实现效率与民主价值的恰当平衡。在执政党、政府与公民社会的推动下,公众参与在我国公共管理实践中将得到日益广泛的应用,成为社会主义民主政治的重要实现形式。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,除了物质基础和制度基础之外,还需要有一定的思想道德基础。公民的公共精神正是其最为重要的思想道德基础。当前我国构建和谐社会的一个重大障碍就是公民精神的乏弱,具体表现为公民主体意识缺乏、公共意识淡薄、公共责任缺失等,这就要求发展公共领域、提高公民素质,鼓励和推动公民积极参与公共生活实践,以此来培植和促进公民的参与、合作、团结、责任等公共精神。  相似文献   

Vrydagh  Julien 《Policy Sciences》2022,55(1):65-88
Policy Sciences - As academic and political interest in citizen participation and democratic innovations is growing, the question of their impact on public policy remains essential to assess their...  相似文献   

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