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Soviet law-enforcement organs, including the procuracy of the USSR and its combat section, the military procuracy—whose task was to maintain higher supervision of rigorous compliance with the law in the USSR Armed Forces and, at the same time, to enforce the principle of legality, an intrinsic aspect of the Soviet system from the very beginning—played a major role in the historic complete victory of the Soviet people over the shock troops of imperialism, fascist Germany. Throughout the Great Patriotic War, constitutional principles were unceasingly adhered to in the Soviet state and its armed forces, and the procurator's office maintained continuous supervision as the most important guarantee that the law would be followed.  相似文献   

随着21世纪的到来和我军现代化步伐的加快,我军官兵科学文化素质不高的问题已越来越突出,直接制约和影响着我军的建设与发展。面对高技术战争对军队官兵文化素质的高起点和高要求,我军除加强科技练兵外,当对我军各级指挥员科学文化素质的提高加快步伐,加大我国现行《兵役法》兵员质量条件改革的力度,从根本上解决我军官兵科技文化素质偏低的问题。  相似文献   

In the present paper we analyse some of the preconditions for the emergence of democracy in Ancient Greece. For democracy to emerge in Ancient Greece a combination of several enabling factors proved decisive: the development of new military tactic, the phalanx, marked by the appearance of a new type of heavy infantry warrior, the hoplite, who owned individually some property, i.e. land, sufficient to permit him to finance his weaponry and a city-state culture. We describe the emergence of this new type of warrior, link this emergence to the establishment of individual property rights and show how this brought about a military revolution, exemplified in a new tactical formation, the phalanx. We then proceed by showing how the attitudes and learning processes made necessary by this new type of warfare were transformed in the civic values and virtues that shaped democratic institutions. Our thesis can thus be briefly termed as the “military cum city-state” explanation of democracy.  相似文献   

The Department of Defense has taken steps in recent years to improve outcomes for victims of domestic violence who reside on military installations. In 2000, the Defense Task Force on Domestic Violence was established, a military‐civilian group of experts charged with improving the military's effectiveness in addressing domestic violence in the Armed Forces in a variety of areas including offender accountability, coordination between military and civilian communities, and changing the military climate around domestic violence. This article will provide an overview of the Task Force, its work during the past three years, and its recommendations.  相似文献   

辛昊 《政法学刊》2013,(6):115-117
《孙子兵法》作为一部论述谋略智慧的军事巨著,在孙子“全胜”思想的指导下,主张通过认识战争规律来控制战局,用计策谋略来赢得战果。当下,公安机关根据群体性事件的特点,按照“以柔克刚、依法行动、注重实效”的处置原则,通常采用《孙子兵法》的“攻心”、“择机”、“拖延”和“就势”谋略,科学妥善的处置群体性事件。  相似文献   

孙德厚 《行政与法》2005,(10):124-125
《孙子兵法》是举世公认的中外军事学术史上的名著,其丰富的思想内涵不仅涵盖军事领域,而且涉及到政治、经济、行政、心理、领导科学、法学等,本文仅就其对现代行政管理理论与实践的影响从六个方面作一初浅的分析:一是注重上下同心的组织环境;二是坚持严格选才,辅以教育,资以激励的行政用人原则;三是主张因利乘便,因地制宜的权变思想;四是提倡利害兼顾,以利为重的行政价值观;五是强调精干的行政组织原则和速胜的行政效率意识;六是强调重视外部环境的影响。  相似文献   

当韦伯以现代社会科学的视角对合法性与正当性的议题进行研究后,他对当下正当性等同于合法性的陈述几乎成了我们研究合法性与正当性的出发点,不论是反对还是赞同。但是,在韦伯的合法性理论中,作为正当性的合法性存在两种意涵,一种是与价值无涉的经验陈述;一种是与价值判断相关的倾向和论证。正是在对经验现象批驳的基础上,韦伯论证了法制型支配和领袖民主相配合下作为正当性的合法性之可能条件。当我们正本清源,对韦伯的合法性理论进行再认识,或许会产生新的启示。  相似文献   

This paper considers the newly imperative force of the jus ad bellum, when it acts as a guarantee of the moral. An emotive sense of cruelty now mobilizes as legitimate some forms of virtuous killing, whether in the 'war on crime' waged upon a country's own citizens, or in the conduct of war upon other nations. The recoil against cruelty authorizes virtuous wars against 'brutal' regimes, and underwrites the imposition of maximal penalties for atrocious crimes. Cruelty obliges military force, that naked arm of sovereign power, to be placed at the service of an ailing humanity. This turn towards a pitiful virtuous war suggests a jurisprudence critical of those intimations of cruelty that tend to secure compassion as an authorizing stamp, or guarantor, of the moral.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):651-680
In February of 2008 the New York Times ran a series—War Torn—on Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and their adjustment to civilian life upon return from the war zone. The authors assessed the criminal involvement of veterans by using newspaper accounts and other open source data to identify homicides in which the offender was an Afghanistan or Iraq war veteran. This particular aspect of the series drew a great deal of criticism, in part because of disagreements about the wisdom of the wars, but also because the sources of data used were perceived as less than systematic and accurate. This series and the debate that it engendered raised once again to prominence the issue of whether veterans are disproportionately involved in crime upon their return from service and specifically from combat assignments. The series also raised the question of whether media accounts of violent behavior by returning combat veterans are simply anecdotal or if they portend a more system-wide problem. This paper uses data from the Surveys of Inmates of State and Federal Correctional Facilities and the Current Population Surveys from 1985 to 2004 to estimate more systematically the prevalence and nature of the offending by military veterans in civilian society. The study seeks to avoid some of the methodological weaknesses of earlier studies that examined the criminal behavior of returning veterans. Specifically, the research considers whether criminal behavior, as reflected in the likelihood of imprisonment, is affected by military service, era of service, or service during wartime after controlling for social and demographic characteristics associated with offending. The findings indicate that military service in general is not predictive of incarceration when key demographic and social integration variables are taken into account. Service during wartime was found to be inversely related to subsequent incarceration, while veterans of the post-1973 All Volunteer Force were more likely to be incarcerated than were civilians and veterans who served during the draft era.  相似文献   

国内武装冲突中的战争犯罪审判问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内武装冲突中的战争犯罪行为,国家立法机关应当提供必要的惩处依据。我国现行刑法、刑事诉讼法和人民法院组织法尚不能适应追究这类犯罪的客观需要。建议通过法律修正案或单行法规的形式,尽快完善相关的实体法、程序法和组织法,促进中国特色社会主义法律体系的健全发展,为军事斗争准备提供必要的法律保障。  相似文献   

The present stage in the history of the Soviet state is characterized by the improvement of socialist democracy in all spheres. Legality is most closely connected with democracy. Legality ensures law and order. The policy of developing democracy does not mean that the individual will be left to himself, that observance of the laws is henceforth not obligatory, or that standards are being lowered and a nihilistic attitude toward state discipline is permissible. Certainly, the majority of Soviet people voluntarily observe the provisions of the law as a result of their great consciousness; they regard these provisions as the expression of the will of society as a whole. But at the same time, under present-day conditions, full force still attaches to Lenin's notion that "law is nothing without a machinery capable of compelling observance of its provisions."  相似文献   

监听是世界各国为应付犯罪形势的新变化而发展起来的一种高技术化、高隐密性的强制侦查措施,其出现对于侦查机关打击和惩罚犯罪发挥了极其重要的作用。但是另一方面,监听的采用又严重侵犯了公民隐私权,因此,各国都对监听的采用规定了严格的法律程序,以防止侦查机关滥用监听,过度分割公民权利。我国刑事诉讼立法上对监听缺乏明确规定,这不利于保障公民人权,应当加以改进。  相似文献   

This Article will suggest that Canadian officials, both military and civilian, are exposed to criminal prosecution secondary to the transfer of detainees captured by members of the Canadian Forces (CF) during military operations in Afghanistan, To be very clear at the outset, this Article will not suggest that any member of the CF during military operations in Afghanistan engaged in torture or any form of mistreatment of any detainee captured. Rather, this Article will propose that as a result of operations in which individuals were captured by members of the CF and subsequently transferred to the custody of Afghan authorities and in particular the National Directorate of Security that by so doing members of the CF are exposed to prosecution as a result of these transferred individuals being subjected to torture or forms of cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment by Afghan authorities.  相似文献   


This study is a reappraisal of press censorship during the Spanish‐American War of 1898. The accounts of censors and correspondents written during or shortly after the war are compared to answer three questions: How did the censorship system work? What factors caused its effectiveness to vary? How did the press respond? The study argues that the war's most effective censors were the correspondents, who mostly competed for stories that did not pose risks to military security. The conflicting priorities of military and political leaders often blocked the censors, who reviewed newspaper dispatches as much to gain information as to protect secrets.  相似文献   

“原创文化”是文化与法文化比较研究中的一种新理论与新方法。“原创文化”是指世界上几种最古老、影响最深远、最富于创造性智慧的文化体系。原创文化滋养了人类的法治精神 ,法治精神的建设有赖于原创文化研究的深入开展。东西方原创智慧是人类的共同财富 ,“返回原创”既可以克服文化上的民族本位 ,又可以找到不同文化之契合点 ,从而实现文化与法文化的“返本开新” ,“综合创新”、“天下大同”。  相似文献   

This paper questions the claim that British militarized security strategy in Northern Ireland offers a model for the global 'war against terrorism' by exploring the critically important (though neglected) 'Falls Curfew' episode. Part one explores the relationship between law, legitimacy, and the role of the military in democracies experiencing violent conflict. Part two examines the operationalization of the law on military intervention during the curfew, drawing on archival material and employing empirical studies. Part three draws overall conclusions, relating the contribution that the curfew made to the escalation of the conflict to its operational aspects and legal underpinnings. Failings are identified, and some general lessons drawn out about the dangers of a 'war' model in complex and violent political disorders.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper I shall take an inferential approach to legality (legal validity), and consider how the legality of a norm can be inferred, and what can be inferred from it. In particular, I shall analyse legality policies, namely, conditionals conferring the quality of legality upon norms having certain properties, and I shall examine to what extent such conditionals need to be positivistic, so that legality is only dependant on social facts. Finally, I shall consider how legality is transmitted from norm to norm and whether the ultimate legality policies (the rules of recognition) of a legal system need to be constituted by social facts.  相似文献   

The argument of this paper is that our lives have meaning because theyare structured by rules which are open to the outside, through which theoutside can reflexively fold back into the rules so that it canregenerate and transform them. It is this process that constitutes theunity and integrity of our lives and gives them coherence. Our lives donot have certainty in the sense that there is always a definite answeras to how we should live. It is in the reflexive unity of law and lovethat we have the confidence to respond to the outside and create andtransform our narratives, however dangerous that may seem. We might callthis ``legality' – the ability to go beyond the law at theappropriate time. In this sense then, it is a creative activity and isto be distinguished from legalism, which thinks that following the rulesis all that there is. But following the rules is important, for it isonly in following them and being faithful to them that we gain theunderstanding of when to break them. That creativity, which stems fromthe precarious linking of the arbitrary and the structured, might leadus to think of legality as a form of anarchy – not of thenihilistic variety but of the ability creatively to break the law andthus regenerate it.  相似文献   

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