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Since 1978, the Chinese reform policy has brought fast economic developments and social change but also considerably higher crime levels. China’s rapid modernization has resulted in a situation of increased opportunities and Durkheimian anomie. The Chinese government responds to the worsening crime situation with punitive criminal sanctions, especially under the ‘strike hard’ policy. However, a punitive crime control ideology and repressive criminal norms are neither effective in stopping the crime wave nor in compliance with the aim to establish the rule of law. After examining the negative effects the strike hard policy has brought to the Chinese criminal justice, we present findings from a recent web survey among Chinese students in Germany (N=ca. 900). We use these data to explore the punitive attitudes, esp. towards the death penalty, among the Chinese young elite.  相似文献   

In the decree of the CPSU Central Committee "On improving work in the maintenance of law and order and strengthening the fight against crime," the need for increasing public involvement in the fight against crime and other antisocial behavior is pointed out. (1) The role and functions of public involvement increase significantly under conditions of developed socialism. Its effect as a subjective factor is directly dependent on the qualitative condition, structure, and content of public consciousness and its component parts. Therefore, not only does multi-faceted study of public consciousness as an integrative factor of the social organism as a whole have important theoretical and practical import but so also does clarification of the inner content of public consciousness and of the characteristics of the mechanism of the formation of its separate components, for example, of public opinion, which plays a significant role in the policy of the Soviet state with regard to the eradication of crime. (2)  相似文献   

妨害公务罪是我国现行《刑法》第277条规定的罪名,其设定对维护国家公务的正常进行具有重要意义。但是妨害公务罪在立法上仍然存在一些值得思考之处。因此,有必要反思其罪名、犯罪对象、客观要件、刑事责任以及具体立法构架。作者对上述诸问题进行了创造性思考。  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(六)》第20条规定的罪名,是枉法裁决罪,而非枉法仲裁罪,称为枉法仲裁罪易致误解,并极易扩大修正案确定的适用范围。基于仲裁与诉讼的诸多不同,在枉法裁决罪的认定和适用上,不能简单地参照民事、行政枉法裁判罪的标准,而应在协调与仲裁立法(含《仲裁法》、《民事诉讼法》)及国际公约内容内在逻辑一致性的基础上,从严把握枉法裁决罪的犯罪构成及定案标准。  相似文献   

赵军 《法学研究》2015,(2):26-41
概率样本数据显示,组织卖淫罪适用死刑的民意支持率极低,这与公共空间所呈现的舆论态势存在较大反差;围绕本罪死刑存废的拉锯过程对进一步推进死刑改革具有重要启示.由政治领袖推动的“突然死亡”式死刑废除模式在我国不具有可行性,而依靠精英话语引导民众支持死刑废除的思路则面临“精英观念缺位”的尴尬.以个罪死刑的民意支持度为依据,逐步废除罪刑失衡的个罪的死刑,是我国死刑改革的必由之路.在这一过程中,要特别防止“沉默的螺旋”等传播现象所导致的“错位民意”对立法与司法的不当影响.以官方人口统计信息为参照获取概率样本,采用匿名电脑调查法和“讲故事法”测量相对敏感的“外指观念”,是进行民意测量时可行且有效的方法.  相似文献   

现行的职务犯罪案件侦查和公诉一体模式存在监督制约失灵的问题。异地公诉制度是利用现有检察制度资源有效解决这一问题的创新性举措,具有相当的合理性、必要性和可行性。本文提出了构建该项制度的初步方案,有利于完善我国刑事诉讼程序,保障职务犯罪侦查权的公正行使。  相似文献   

刘津慧 《河北法学》2002,20(Z1):121-124
刑法第239条的罪名应统一定为绑架罪。绑架罪与人质概念具有不可分离性,在绑架罪中,被剥夺人身自由者必然充当“人质”角色。绑架罪的行为手段具有多样性和实力控制性,并不仅局限于暴力、胁迫和麻醉这三种方法。用“劫持”替代“绑架”更具科学性。绑架罪是指,劫持、扣押某人或以其他方法非法剥夺他人人身自由,并将其置于自己或第三人实力控制之下,以杀死、伤害或继续扣押该人质和威胁,强迫第三方满足其一定要求,作为释放人质的明示或暗示的条件的行为。  相似文献   

郭莉 《法律科学》2010,(5):73-77
作为罪数理论的核心,罪数的判断不只是计算犯罪的单复,更关乎刑法目的的实现。然而现有的罪数标准由于种种缺陷均无法承载一罪、数罪的区分功能。从罪数论在整个刑法体系中的定位来看,其为连接犯罪论与刑罚论的桥梁,因此,犯罪个数的量定必须考虑相关犯罪要素的齐备和刑罚效果的适当,应在法益的基础上,综合行为、犯意等各种要素,并结合刑罚的充分必要性而为认定。  相似文献   

论恐怖主义犯罪的特征和要件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘华 《犯罪研究》2009,(1):6-10
需要说明的是,在研究恐怖主义犯罪时,我们将特征和要件区别开来,我们所研究的恐怖主义犯罪特征,是指恐怖主义犯罪作为一类犯罪区别于其他类刑事犯罪所具有的共性特点。我们所研究的恐怖主义犯罪要件,是指依据国际公约、法律所规定的认定恐怖主义犯罪构成的要素。  相似文献   

Recent studies have challenged traditional wisdom regarding public apathy about white-collar crime by revealing equal or greater perceived seriousness of these offenses among respondents relative to traditional crime. Nevertheless, subjects in those studies were generally asked to contrast white-collar crime scenarios with a non-violent street crime baseline vignette. Perhaps a violent street crime would have invited lower perceived seriousness for the white-collar offenses. Participants in the present study were asked to (1) read vignettes describing violent street crimes and physically harmful white-collar crimes, (2) compare their seriousness, and (3) determine appropriate sanctions. Subjects perceived the violent crime scenarios presented to them to be more serious than the harmful white-collar crime vignettes. Further, they were less punitive toward white-collar offenders compared with street criminals. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

不能犯是指因欠缺行为的危险而不具有可罚性的未遂行为,因此如何认识和把握危险概念是不能犯判断的核心问题。德国《刑法》第23条第3款的规定是导致其理论上以印象说作为未遂犯处罚根据的通行观点,亦是实务中对不能犯未遂的可罚性持肯定态度的主要原因,但客观未遂论取代印象理论已成为德国未遂犯理论发展的主要趋势。危险的本质是结果发生的客观盖然性,危险的判断涉及的是结果发生的盖然性而非确定性,客观危险理论为危险的事后判断立场提供了方法论上的支持。具体危险说在危险判断上契合了二元不法论的理论诉求,但在危险判断的具体规则上存在重大缺陷。对具体危险的判断应当从更为客观的角度加以限定。具体危险即抽象危险的现实化,对具体危险的判断,主要就是从一般人的角度对抽象危险现实化的条件是否可能存在而展开的评价性判断。具体危险的判断应当限定为着手以后的阶段,而不包括预备阶段。  相似文献   

This article questions existing performing arts market segmentation practices in the United States, probing for examples of unintended exclusion and discrimination. The author critiques specific performing arts marketing scholarship and the segmentation practices that stem from it. Future growth of the performing arts industry's audiences may rest on the ability to define their composition more broadly, to be more inclusive rather than exclusive. At the same time, marketing theory, research, and practice may need to be specifically developed to meet the needs of both the performing arts industries and their audiences.  相似文献   

Public opinion plays a greater and greater role in solving the problems facing Soviet society. It exercises strong influence on the functioning of all the elements of the political system of developed socialism. Therefore, interdisciplinary analysis of this phenomenon is of special importance.  相似文献   

The horizon is an arbitrary, subjective concept. It is determined, moment by moment, by the position of the observer and where he stands above sea level. What one can see depends on the means available and one's experience at observation. The same can be said of a time horizon, especially when we face, as we do now, the biggest break accessible to the naked eye, the turn of a century. (The two or three generations encompassed by a century can be retained in living memory, whereas the turn of the millennium occurring at the same time can only be an object of chronological speculation.) Measures of human or social action, the succession of generations, political errors, or peaks of popularity are undoubtedly real. Every period of time, whether measured in years or months, has its own pace and structure, its own "time." Such a measurement as a century seems quite artificial, imposed from without and bearing no relation to reality. But any social process that takes place in the real world relies on the attention, imagination, and will of people. One function of these processes is to structure time, not only time filled with actual deeds and plans but "empty" time as well. A "century" is structured by imagination, expectations, and so on—not so much practical as ideological (social or mythological) in nature. In human (public, mass) perceptions, the very events that are mythologized are the ones declared "historical": the victories, disasters, breakthroughs, intrigues, disappointments, victims, and so on give meaning to the flow of events.  相似文献   

公共新闻(或称公民新闻)在美国的兴起,引起国内学者的关注.公共新闻活动与以往最大的不同之处是同城媒介联合行动,共同设置话题,直接介入公共事务,试图解决公众关注的公共问题.公共新闻活动是对此前所有新闻学、传播学、舆论学和社会学理论的巨大冲击.它的实践和理论对于我国新闻媒介的改革具有现实借鉴意义.本文从公共新闻与舆论市场、与媒介议程设置、与我国媒介改革诸方面对公共新闻实践和理论的影响和可借鉴之处作了理论上的探讨,并从国家民族利益角度提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

近年来,网络公共事件连年攀升,双刃剑效应愈发突出。一些地方政府和部门在网络公共事件舆论引导工作中存在许多不到位、不适应的问题,必须继续强调和落实政务公开,完善相关机制,加强行业自律,并探索建立网络发言人制度,以进一步提高网络公共事件舆论引导能力。  相似文献   

刑法仅规定相同商标而排除近似商标的做法,是基于法益保护与制度成本综合考量的结果,应当予以坚持。司法解释将相同扩展为基本相同的规定具有现实合理性。在认定假冒注册商标罪时,不仅涉及对商标权人的保护,还涉及商标使用者的权利,对相同商标认识上的扩展应当是有限度的。误导公众标准在语义上并不能清晰界定基本相同与近似的差别。对强保护政策的片面认识加深了将基本相同扩展至近似的理解误区,有必要在理论层面予以澄清。对相同商标的解读应当遵循系统论的解释方法,以客观标准为主,辅之以混淆必然性标准,厘清假冒注册商标罪与商标民事侵权的关系。  相似文献   

刘静 《行政与法》2012,(5):35-38
随着互联网技术的快速发展和普及,网络在新闻传播和舆论形成中已经无可争议地赢得了主导地位,改变了传统的舆论格局。在网络舆论传播过程中呈现出快速性、冲突性、情绪性、群体性、复杂性等特点,因此,只有分析其传播过程中呈现的规律,才能有计划、有步骤、有针对性地对网络舆论进行引导。  相似文献   

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