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Multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head are rare and usually present a challenge to the pathologist and to the police in determining the manner of death. We report a case of two suicidal gunshot wounds to the head. The literature is reviewed, and the pertinent findings, including location of the wounds, location of the brain injuries, types of weapons used, and criteria important to determine the manner of death, are discussed.  相似文献   

Natural gas (NG) is used as a home energy supply and, with or without ignition, is rarely misused to result in death. The authors report an unusual suicidal explosive death induced by NG. A huge explosion with resultant fire had blown out a bungalow, with destructive damage predominantly above the ground, resulting in only 1 exterior wall and the foundation still in place. The victim was transferred to the hospital, and on the way, he admitted to undoing the natural gas fitting and to igniting the source. He survived for a short interval of time in the hospital before all resuscitative efforts failed. During autopsy, a special attention was paid to victim's identification and search for other injuries, not related to the explosion, so as to exclude or document homicidal injuries disguised by the subsequent explosion. The forensic pathologist should be aware of the different kinds of inflammable substances and integrate the findings with the scene information and the impression of the investigators at the scene.  相似文献   

A 27-year-old male committed suicide by ingestion of a large quantity of xylene. The presence of xylene in the tissues of the victim was confirmed by chromatographic and spectrometric techniques. High levels of xylene were detected in blood (11 mg/dl), gastric contents (880 mg/dl), and duodenal contents (3,300 mg/dl). Histological examination of the lungs showed severe congestion and acute pulmonary edema. Review of the relevant literature is presented.  相似文献   

The Authors describe a rare case of suicide in a 31-year-old woman, due to oral ingestion of lidocaine; the histological and toxicological findings are discussed to provide useful information to the present experience with this particular modality of death. Histological examination revealed generalized stasis. In the myocardium we observed segmentation of the myocardial cells and/or widening of intercalated discs and associated group of hypercontracted myocardial cells with "square" nuclei in line with hyperdistended ones. Non-eosinophilic bands of hypercontracted sarcomeres alternating with stretched, often apparently separated sarcomeres, small foci of paradiscal contraction band necrosis, and perivascular fibrosis were observed too. Lidocaine was detected in the subject's urine through immunoenzymatic screening. Toxicological analysis by solid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, was carried out to identify and quantify the individual substances present in the biological fluids and organs. Lidocaine concentrations were as follows: blood 31 microg/mL, gastric content 2.5 g, liver 10 microg/g, kidney 12 microg/g, brain 9 microg/g, spleen 24 microg/g, lung 84 microg/g, heart 9 microg/g, urine 9 microg/mL, and bile 6 microg/mL. No other drugs or alcohol were detected. When blood lidocaine reaches toxic levels, serious toxic symptoms associated with the central nervous system and cardiac system are noted. The overdose of lidocaine produces death from ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest. In this case, according to macroscopic and microscopic findings, the cause of death was most likely cardiac and possibly related to ventricular fibrillation.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the toxic gas associated with the smell of "rotten eggs," is an important cause of work-related sudden death. The gas is particularly insidious due to the unpredictability of its presence and concentration and its neurotoxicity at relatively low concentrations, causing olfactory nerve paralysis and loss of the warning odor. We report a double fatality involving 2 surveyors working near a man-hole, who fell into the sewer and died due to sudden exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas. Key historical, physical, and toxicologic findings are described. Additionally, we present a discussion of the clinical presentations and differential diagnosis, mechanism of injury, metabolism and toxicology, incidence, and scene and safety concerns in fatal hydrogen sulfide exposures.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe an unusual case of suicide involving a gunshot wound to the left ventricle. The victim engaged in premortem activity that was both prolonged and methodical. This report stresses the importance of a complete investigation to distinguish such case from an homicide.  相似文献   

A retrospective review of 406 suicidal gunshot wounds to the head, investigated at the Medico-Legal Laboratory of Pretoria, between 1997 and 2000 was performed. Fifty-seven percent of fatal suicidal firearm injury to the head occurred in the 21- to 40-year age range in both male and female victims. Eighty-two percent of all these victims of suicidal firearm fatalities to the head were male. Of the 406 cases, 63% were white, 31% were black, and 6% were of mixed ethnic and/or Asian decent. There was a slight increase in incidence around spring and autumn. Handguns were used in the majority of cases with shoulder weapons being used in 18 of the 406 cases. Ninety-two percent of the suicidal gunshot wounds to the head occurred indoors. A positive blood alcohol concentration was seen in 40% of cases. Of those examined, 81% were contact gunshot wounds. The trajectory was upward in 51% of cases and horizontal in 24% of cases. The right temple was the most common entrance gunshot wound site. Findings are in keeping with previously published literature.  相似文献   

Due to the conversion of the gas supply from city gas to CO-free natural gas and the introduction of the catalytic converter technology for motor vehicles the number of suicides by CO poisoning has decreased considerably. Nevertheless suicides by CO poisoning are still committed once in a while. In the described case from the autopsy material of the Institute of Legal Medicine at Münster, the suicide used a charcoal grill as the source of carbon monoxide.  相似文献   

A 25-year-old fit man died suddenly while playing social soccer. Autopsy revealed an infiltrative lesion involving the left ventricle with overlying pericarditis. No other significant pathologic changes were observed. Histologic examination showed necrotizing granulomatous inflammation. No acid-fast bacilli were demonstrated in the pericardial fluid or on histologic examination. The presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA complex was confirmed by use of the ligase chain reaction technique. The differential diagnosis of myocardial tuberculosis includes sarcoidosis, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, giant-cell-containing tumors, idiopathic (giant-cell) myocarditis, and bacterial infections such as tularemia and brucellosis. This case illustrates the protean manifestations of tuberculosis and highlights the use of molecular biologic techniques in arriving at a definitive diagnosis in cases of suspected tuberculosis.  相似文献   

An unusual case of suicidal ligature strangulation is described. The victim is a 42-year-old white male who devised a very elaborate ligature mechanism comprised of thin wire, a plastic tub filled with water, and a combination of other common objects to commit suicide while in custody. A brief review of the literature follows.  相似文献   

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a diagnosis of exclusion difficult to make due to a lack of pathognomonic features. Diagnosing NMS by postmortem examination becomes increasingly challenging when possible underlying brain pathology is obscured. The diagnosis is based on clinical history and laboratory findings. Autopsy and histologic findings, if any, usually are reflective of hyperthermia or complications (eg, aspiration pneumonia) of NMS. The authors describe a case of a 36-year-old Hispanic woman with a presumptive diagnosis of pseudoseizures, treated with various combinations of neuroleptic medications over a 6-week period prior to her sudden, unexpected, in-hospital death. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is likely to have contributed to this patient's death. Confounding factors and medicolegal issues of a postmortem diagnosis of NMS are discussed.  相似文献   

Poisoning may also lead to both coma and multiple organ failure, also in youngsters without a known major medical history. As not all toxic agents are routinely screened when a poisoning is suspected, it is useful to consider less frequently encountered poisons in certain cases. We describe the occurrence of asystole and multiple organ failure which occurred in a young man after a suspected tramadol overdose. The tramadol concentration on admission in the ICU was indeed 8 microg/ml (mg/l), far above the therapeutic range. Subsequently, the patient developed severe acute liver failure, finally leading to death. Post-mortem toxicology did not reveal any other poison responsible for this unfavourable course as only very high serum and tissue tramadol and desmethyltramadol concentrations were found. Only a few fatal poisonings attributable to tramadol alone, as observed in our case, have been reported. An overview of these cases is presented.  相似文献   

Apart from typical suicides, there are sometimes unusual deaths from gunshots to the head. The presented case is a double death from the autopsy material of the Institute of Legal Medicine in Berlin. The report deals with a murder-suicide of a man, who killed himself and his 2-year-old daughter by a single gunshot. After having administered a tranquilizer to the child, he held her head to his own and fired a contact shot to his right temple so that the bullet passed through both heads.  相似文献   

A homicidal shooting with an air gun is reported. The history, mechanisms of action, and crime scene implications of air guns are discussed. The wounds produced by air guns are compared to those produced by powder firearms.  相似文献   

Ludwig angina is a rapidly progressing submaxillary, submandibular, and sublingual necrotizing cellulitis of the floor of the mouth that can have lethal consequences due to airway obstruction. Various aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, and less often fungi, have been implicated to cause Ludwig angina, including oral flora such as streptococci and staphylococci. Early recognition and the use of parenteral antibiotics can prevent mortality and morbidity. We report a case of a 25-year-old white man who was admitted to the hospital by his dentist after being diagnosed with Ludwig angina secondary to periodontal abscesses involving teeth #17 and #32. Although antibiotics were administered, while in the hospital, the decedent had difficulty swallowing and was drooling. He suddenly began to have seizure-like activity thought to be anoxic myoclonus. The decedent was aggressively resuscitated and taken to the operating room for neck exploration and a tracheostomy. Neck exploration revealed severe necrotizing acute inflammation of the deep soft tissues and musculature of the neck. He remained on life support for 7 days until he was declared brain dead. Ludwig angina is a progressive cellulitis that often results in death by asphyxia. Ludwig angina can be complicated by subsequent deep neck infection. The underlying etiologies and common scenarios are examined, and significant autopsy findings and dissecting procedures are discussed. The pathophysiology of Ludwig angina is studied with a review of the current literature.  相似文献   

Heat stroke is the most serious and potentially life-threatening condition of the heat-related illnesses. Heat stroke deaths caused by electric blanket are rarely reported. In this paper, we report 2 cases of fatal heat stroke caused by overheating from electric blankets in winter. One was a 41-year-old man who was found unresponsive in bed on an electric blanket. His wife shared the same bed with him and was found unconscious. The wife's axillary temperature was 40 degrees C (104 degrees C) when she was admitted to the hospital. She fully recovered after medical treatment. The husband was pronounced dead at scene, with rectal temperature at 41.2 degrees C (106.2 degrees C). The other was a 13-year-old girl who was found dead in bed on an electric blanket, with rectal temperature at 41 degrees C (105.8 degrees F). The literature is reviewed, and the pertinent findings, including scene investigations, postmortem examination, the risk and mechanism of fatal heat stroke caused by using electric blanket, are discussed.  相似文献   

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