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Renal hematoma is one of the most severe complications of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). ESWL is used in the noninvasive treatment of urinary calculosis. The shock waves can lead to capillary damage, renal parenchymal or subcapsular hemorrhage. We present a case with fatal complication and the result of the medico-legal evaluation. A 71-year-old woman was treated by ESWL, renal hematoma was detected during the clinical observation, and the patient died. The death occurred despite close clinical observation as a consequence of a rare complication of ESWL. The mechanism of death was hemorrhagic hypovolemic shock due to renal hemorrhage complications due to ESWL for treatment of renal calculi. This therapeutic complication is a known complication of appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

The most effective resuscitative procedure in choking by foreign bodies is the Heimlich maneuver, described for the first time by Henry Heimlich (1974) and recognized by the US Surgeon General (1985) as the "only method that should be used for the treatment of choking from foreign body airway obstruction." If performed correctly, this lifesaving maneuver is associated with rare complications, of which the most frequent are rib fractures and gastric or esophagus perforations. Other rare traumatic injuries such as pneumomediastinum, aortic valve cusp rupture, diaphragmatic herniation, jejunum perforation, hepatic rupture, or mesenteric laceration have been described.However, we are unaware of previous reports of splenic rupture after Heimlich maneuver. We present an interesting case of fatal hemoperitoneum due to a hilar laceration of the spleen following a correctly performed Heimlich maneuver.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the manner of death in most hospital autopsy cases is natural, in which death is due to the natural course of disease or reasonably anticipated outcomes of medical interventions. Some cases fall into a potential gray zone between natural and accident, including rare or unanticipated outcomes of medical interventions. We present a case of a patient postcoronary artery bypass graft. Autopsy revealed the proximal anastomosis of the aorta‐to‐first‐diagonal‐coronary‐artery‐to‐second‐obtuse‐marginal‐artery graft was detached from the aorta. A broken suture was present at the disconnected anastomosis, with intact knots but was broken along its length. In‐hospital mortality rates of CABG range from 1% to 3%, with several autopsy studies identifying surgical complications as the cause of death in one‐third of perioperative deaths. No publications were found that described suture rupture as directly relating to the cause of death. This case report describes a previously unreported complication of coronary artery bypass grafting.  相似文献   

Disseminated granulomatosis is a well-documented complication of intravenous narcotism. We present here an interesting case in which this complication was caused by a right-to-left shunt (following intravenous injection of medicinal tablets intended for oral use) through a patent foramen ovale resulting from pulmonary hypertension due to angiothrombosis.  相似文献   

A 64‐year‐old woman was found dead at home after undergoing a screening colonoscopy. At autopsy, 1.9 L of blood was discovered within her abdominal cavity. The only major abnormality was nontraumatic avulsion of the splenic capsule. This was the only identifiable abnormality capable of causing the severe hemoperitoneum and demise of the patient. Although rare, splenic capsule avulsion is a recognized complication of colonoscopy. Many have theorized that it results from excessive traction on the splenocolic ligament resulting in a tear of the splenic capsule. Most patients present within the first 24 hours after the procedure with nonspecific symptoms, and many patients may not seek medical attention. The paucity of the literature in the area of splenic capsular avulsion after colonoscopy reinforces the importance of reporting known cases, and by doing so raise awareness of this rare but devastating complication of an otherwise beneficial screening procedure.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Severe external bleeding due to varicose vein rupture is a rare complication of this frequent venous pathology. Venous bleeding can be very intensive and can be mistaken for arterial hemorrhage. A rare case of fatal varicose vein rupture with an example of an incorrect and ineffective first-aid technique in a 43-year-old man is reported here with a review of the recent literature. The victim was found on a sand stack, not far from his domicile in a large pool of blood. The external examination revealed a flat ulcer on the internal surface of the right shank. On dissection, the lesion contained a perforation that was continuous with superficial veins arising from a varicosed saphenous vein. The man tried to give himself first aid, due to the massive bleeding that he probably predicted arterial bleeding and applied the ligature closer to the heart above the bleeding defect, thereby not stopping the venous bleeding but exacerbating it. Death was caused by a hypovolemic shock because of external hemorrhage from a varicose vein.  相似文献   

Amphetamines are popular drugs of abuse, particularly among youngsters and at dance scenes. Cardiotoxicity (manifested as cardiomyopathy, acute myocardial infarction/necrosis, heart failure, or arrhythmia) after the recreational (mis)use of amphetamine and its synthetic derivatives has been documented but is rather rare. Amphetamine-related cardiac fatalities are even more rare. We present 6 cases of young persons who died unexpected after the chronic abuse of amphetamines. Death was not attributed to a lethal intoxication but to an acute myocardial necrosis, a right ventricle rupture, a cardiomyopathy, or an arrhythmia. Two of the deceased persons presented prior to their death to the emergency department, but their complaints were not considered (probably due to their young age) to be of cardiac origin. One case was a sport-related fatality where medical screening failed to identify the underlying cardiac pathology or the amphetamine abuse, and 1 case was a so-called idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy where substance abuse was not considered by the treating physician. We think that amphetamine-associated cardiotoxicity is a rare but probably genuine entity that should be considered both in forensic and clinical/emergency medicine because of its potential medicolegal implications.  相似文献   

Peritonitis secondary to spontaneous rupture/perforation of the gall bladder is a rare condition overall and is even less common in the forensic population. We report the case of a middle‐aged man who died from generalized peritonitis from gall bladder perforation due to acute acalculous cholecystitis. This condition usually occurs in critical patients with systemic illness, and although the exact pathogenesis remains unclear, the development of acalculous cholecystitis appears to be multifactorial. Antemortem diagnosis is reliant upon clinical presentation, laboratory data, and radiologic studies. Surgery and appropriate antibiotics are mainstays of treatment; however, there is an emerging role for minimally invasive procedures. Histopathologic features show significant overlap with the calculous type. Although increasing numbers of acalculous cholecystitis have been diagnosed in the critically ill, the fatal presentation of a perforated gall bladder following an undiagnosed case of acute acalculous cholecystitis is unusual in a nonhospitalized and ambulatory man.  相似文献   

A case of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is reported. A methodical postmortem examination failed to disclose cirrhosis or other liver pathology; nor, was any anatomic alteration of the immune system noted. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was likewise discounted. A discussion ensues concerning recognition of this entity.  相似文献   

Ventral perforation is a rare complication of lumbar diskectomy. Injury to retroperitoneal vessels is the most common serious complication to such perforation. Ventral perforation with damage to the bowel is rarely reported. The authors present the first case report of injury to the small bowel during a microsurgical lumbar diskectomy. The case illustrates the importance of awareness of bowel injury as a possible complication of diskectomy. Possible pre- and postoperative considerations are also discussed. A brief review of the literature on bowel injuries after this common surgical procedure is also given.  相似文献   

Traumatic cardiac ventricular ruptures in children are rare. Only a single case of left ventricular rupture due to child abuse has been reported. We report a child who sustained a fatal left ventricular apical rupture. It appeared to have resulted from hydrostatic forces resulting from abusive blunt thoracic injury. That he was being abused was previously missed when he was presented to the emergency department with facial pyoderma. It was not noted that he also had lip and oral mucosal injury, sites not affected by staph toxins. As a result, his underlying, abusive and secondarily infected, facial flow type scald burn was not appreciated. Within a week thereafter his fatal injury occurred, accompanied by extensive and obvious associated abusive injuries. Postmortem high‐detail whole body computed tomography scanning aided the autopsy. Although rare, ventricular rupture from abusive blunt thoracic injury can occur.  相似文献   

Sudden death due to undiagnosed central nervous system tumors is an uncommon, but well-described occurrence. Most of the tumors in these circumstances are supratentorial and occur in a wide spectrum of ages. Brainstem tumors are more rare and occur predominantly in the pediatric and adolescent populations. We present the case of a 48-year-old man who died suddenly and unexpectedly of a brainstem glioma. This case is unusual because of his age and the paucity of antecedent symptoms.  相似文献   

We present a case of peritonitis and death due to the misplacement of a laparoscopic adjustable band inserted through, instead of around, the stomach. This represents the first case in the published literature where a LAP-BAND perforated the stomach, followed by peritonitis and death. The morbidly obese female patient with a history of hypertension and arthritis was 47 years old, 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighed 361 pounds, and had a body mass index of 58.3. She underwent a 2-hour, elective, LAP-band insertion operation to achieve weight loss; 27 hours after band insertion, following the conduction of all FDA-mandated Lap-Band postoperative protocol (including a radiologic Gastrogrografin swallow), the patient was discharged with "no evidence of esophageal stasis or obstruction." She remained out of hospital care and in her residence until she called for and was taken by an ambulance to an alternate, local hospital (57 hours after band insertion), when gastric perforation was confirmed via x-ray and CT scans. No open surgery was attempted to repair the damage, and cardiac arrest ensued 7 hours after admission to the second hospital. The patient was pronounced dead 64 hours after LAP-band insertion. This unique case is significant, given that there were no deaths of this kind reported in The LAP-BAND(R) Adjustable Gastric Banding System Summary of Safety and Effectiveness Data by the United States Center for Devices and Radiologic Health, of the Food and Drug Administration, or in searches of the published literature.  相似文献   

Small intestinal injury following blunt abdominal trauma has been widely reported. Isolated jejunal tear which is caused by blunt abdominal trauma is rare and is most often seen in road traffic accidents. Here, we report a case of isolated jejunal tear in a 24‐year‐old male truck driver. He was admitted to a tertiary care hospital in a South Indian Metropolitan city with complaints of acute abdominal pain and tiredness following alleged accidental blunt trauma sustained to abdomen due to steering wheel impact. An isolated jejunal tear and adjacent mesenteric contusion and tear were missed by the treating physician even after preliminary investigations, and thus, the conservative management was instituted. The condition deteriorated gradually, and he succumbed to death. The autopsy revealed transverse tear of jejunum almost involving whole of its circumference on the antimesenteric border and peritonitis. Proper use of radio‐diagnostic techniques and timely undertaken explorative laparotomy would have saved the life.  相似文献   

Lesions of the brain stem and cerebellum due to nutritional deficiencies are mostly seen in chronic alcohol abuse and more rarely in severe malnutrition. We report the case of a 27-year-old woman, found dead in the family flat. She presented cachexia (167 cm, 25 kg) and multiple hematomas of the limbs. Postmortem examination revealed lesions due to peritonitis. Neuropathological examination showed severe atrophy of the corpus callosum and central neuronal chromatolysis, which are observed in pellagra. Inflammatory colitis or celiac disease was not found. Toxicological analysis was negative, in particular no alcohol absorption. Pellagra, which is due to nicotinamide deficiency, is a disease rarely seen in this country. In this case, nutritional deficiency was the consequence of failure to eat in a context of abuse. The woman was born of an incestuous relationship and presented intellectual retardation due to poor affective relations with her mother.  相似文献   

Gunshot wounds in the heart are frequent suicidal injuries, especially in men. Most of them are lethal, but some cases of survival due to immediate and proper surgical treatment are reported. However, survival without specific treatment is extremely rare.In our case, a 44-year man attempted suicide by home-made shooting device. A special 12 cm long and 2.5 mm wide needle-like missile entered his body at the left anterior part of his chest, passed through the heart and lower lobe of right lung and exited at the right side of his back. The patient was able to move normally and he also looked for medical help immediately after attempting suicide. We found large atypical-shaped entrance wound on the anterior part of the chest, which was surgically treated, and tiny pointed exit wound under the right scapula. The patient was stable from cardio-circulatory and respiratory aspects from the time of admission to discharge from the hospital. We found only minimal pericardial bleeding (up to 10 mm thick) and there was no need for surgical intervention. In the next 2 weeks the haematoma absorbed spontaneously. The gunshot injury healed without any complication. Paranoid psychosis was diagnosed by psychiatrist and this probably had been the cause of attempting suicide.We think that the favorable outcome of the proved heart gunshot injury in our patient was due to the needle-shaped low-energy missile, which caused only tiny gunshot (stab) hole in the heart. Such a heart injury caused only minimal bleeding into the pericardial sac without heart tamponade.  相似文献   

We present a unique case of death due to the assault and bites of a donkey on a 65-year-old man. The farmer, found dead in his farmyard, had a very deep wound in the anterior region of the neck, with a sharp transection of the trachea and severe bleeding by several minor vessels wall disruptions. The cause of death was established to be massive bleeding combined with asphyxia due to aspiration of the blood. Moreover, multiple contusions with associated skin abrasions and perforations were present. The general impression of the injuries was consistent with an animal's bite marks. Herbivorous or omnivorous bite attacks on humans are rare; instead, these animals attack by kicking, trampling, and kneeling, resulting in secondary blunt injuries. The donkey is usually a docile animal, but its behavior can be aggressive during the mating season, and the possibility of biting should not be underestimated, as illustrated by the 2 cases published previously as well as by the case presented here.  相似文献   

Death from heroin body packing has been well described in the forensic literature. Most fatalities are due to drug leakage and consequent acute heroin toxicity. Recently, drug traffickers have become more sophisticated in their packaging, and the risk of rupture of drug packets is more remote. Though intestinal obstruction is a recognized risk of body packing, rarely has this resulted in death. We describe four cases of heroin body packing presenting to the Regional Medical Examiner Office in New Jersey. Death in three of these cases was due to intestinal obstruction, with resultant intestinal rupture and peritonitis. Toxicologic evaluation in these three cases was negative for opiates or other drugs of abuse. In one case, death was due to acute heroin toxicity, validated by toxicologic analysis. We briefly discuss the differing drug packaging found in these four cases and the ramifications of packaging as it relates to intestinal obstruction.  相似文献   

Coronary artery vasculitis is a well-recognized complication of polyarteritis nodosa and is occasionally seen in other forms of systemic vasculitis. However, involvement of the major epicardial coronary arteries leading to myocardial infarction and death is uncommon. Isolated coronary arteritis is even more rare. We report three cases of sudden death due to myocardial ischemia associated with arteritis of the major coronary arteries. All three decedents were previously healthy young to middle-aged men who had died suddenly after complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath. The autopsy findings and differential diagnoses are presented. Such cases are of particular interest to the medical examiner because of the sudden, unexpected nature of the deaths. An approach to the correct diagnosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hematoma of the umbilical cord represents a rare cause of fetal morbidity and mortality and the outcome is poor in half of the cases. There are many risk factors, such as infections, morphologic anomalies, alterations of the vessel walls, prolapses, twisting and traction of the cord, but in many cases the causes remain unknown. We present 3 cases of umbilical cord hematoma which took place at the end of the pregnancy and were followed by perinatal death of the fetus. In the 3 cases, which were autopsied including macroscopical and histopathologic examination of the placenta and the umbilical cord, a cordonal pathology was present; in all cases, there were alterations of the vascular wall, and in the third case inflammatory vasculopathy was found. In all 3 cases, the cause of death was attributed to acute anoxia due to the cordonal hematoma.  相似文献   

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