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It was discovered by change that lycode powders adhere to erasable ball point pen ink strokes. A study of this phenomenon was carried out to determine what type of inks reacts physically with lycode powders. A further evaluation was made to learn if this effect continued after the erasable ink became indelible. It was also found that obliterated erasable ball point pen ink can be read by applying lycode powders and that the powders react in a similar way with typewriting from a conventional inked typewriter ribbon. Treatment in this case is completely non-destructive since the lycode powder can be wiped off the paper surface.  相似文献   

Pearson correlation coefficients were applied for the objective comparison of 30 black gel pen inks analysed by laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS). The mass spectra were obtained for ink lines directly on paper using positive and negative ion modes at several laser intensities. This methodology has the advantage of taking into account the reproducibility of the results as well as the variability between spectra of different pens. A differentiation threshold could thus be selected in order to avoid the risk of false differentiation. Combining results from positive and negative mode yielded a discriminating power up to 85%, which was better than the one obtained previously with other optical comparison methodologies. The technique also allowed discriminating between pens from the same brand.  相似文献   

The relative chronological sequence of intersecting gel pen ink lines and laser printed marks has been determined using optical methods. The results were obtained by observing spectral reflection, relative sheen, skipping and gaps of gel pen ink strokes at the point of intersection. The intersections are observed under stereomicroscope and digital microscope. The effectiveness of both the optical instruments for sequence of the strokes has been compared. The sequence of intersecting lines (of same colour, different colours and where one of the strokes is darker) has been established.  相似文献   

利用傅立叶变换红外光谱技术快速检验静电复印纸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立一种利用傅立叶变换红外光谱技术快速检验静电复印纸的新方法。方法采用傅立叶红外光谱仪对近似静电复印纸进行了快速检验,同时分析了新方法的技术特点。结果采用本文所述的方法可以对近似静电复印纸进行准确的快速检验。结论利用红外光谱技术检验纸张是一种较新颖的,快速、灵敏、准确的纸张检测技术,能对纸张的品牌种类,甚至批次进行鉴别,对大量样本鉴别和碎小纸片鉴别尤其适用。  相似文献   

The writer considers how the ribbon copy of a typewritten document is affected by the preparation of a carbon copy. Factors of embossing, increase in line spacing, offsets on the back of the sheet and the presence of carbon paper ink mingled with the ribbon ink around points of paper fracture are evaluated. Dangers of misinterpretation of these factors are pointed out and proof that no carbon copy is discussed.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy has proved to be a promising technique in forensic examinations, where optical microscopy, micro‐infrared spectroscopy, and microspectrophotometry in the visible and UV range are used for identification and differentiation between paint traces. Often no organic pigments are detected using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, because their content in a trace is usually undetectable. Application of a micro‐Raman spectrometer equipped with several excitation lasers helps forensic experts in paint analysis enabling identification of main pigments. Three cases concerning comparative examination of car paint are discussed in detail. The comparison of Raman spectra of paint chips found on clothing of a victim or smears found on body of a damaged car to these of paint chips originated from the suspected car enabled us to identify the car involved in the accident. When no comparative material is available, the method can be useful in establishing the color and make of the car.  相似文献   

Utilizing a database of standards for forensic casework is a valuable resource. Undoubtedly, as more standards (and corresponding information about the specimens) are collected, there is a greater certainty of identification when a questioned and a known item cannot be distinguished after a series of analyses. The United States Secret Service and the Internal Revenue Service National Forensic Laboratory jointly maintain the largest known forensic collection of writing inks in the world, which is comprised of over 8500 ink standards collected worldwide, dating back to the 1920s. This study was conducted to evaluate the reliability of matching arbitrarily purchased pens with known inks from a database. One hundred pens were randomly obtained from a variety of sources and their respective ink compositions were compared with standards. Eighty-five of the inks were determined to be suitable for comparison utilizing optical examinations and thin-layer chromatography. Three of the inks did not match any of the specimens on record; one of these inks was similar to an ink from an identical brand of pen that was in the database, but had a modified formulation.  相似文献   

Tooth-colored restorative materials are increasingly being placed in the practice of modern dentistry, replacing traditional materials such as amalgam. Many restorative resins have distinct elemental compositions that allow identification of brand. Not only are resins classifiable by elemental content, but they also survive extreme conditions such as cremation. This is of significance to the forensic odontologist because resin uniqueness adds another level of certainty in victim identification, especially when traditional means are exhausted. In this three-part study, unique combinations of resins were placed in six human cadavers (total 70 restorations). Simulated ante-mortem dental records were created. In a blind experiment, a portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) unit was used to locate and identify the resin brands placed in the dentition. The technique was successful in location and brand identification of 53 of the restorations, which was sufficient to enable positive victim identification among the study group. This part of the experiment demonstrated the utility of portable XRF in detection and analysis of restorative materials for victim identification in field or morgue settings. Identification of individuals after cremation is a more difficult task, as the dentition is altered by shrinkage and fragmentation, and may not be comparable with a dental chart. Identification of processed cremains is a much greater challenge, as comminution obliterates all structural relationships. Under both circumstances, it is the nonbiological artifacts that aid in identification. Restorative resin fillings can survive these conditions, and can still be named by brand utilizing elemental analysis. In a continuation of the study, the cadavers were cremated in a cremation retort under standard mortuary conditions. XRF was again used to analyze retrieved resins and to identify the individuals based on restorative materials known to exist from dental records. The cremains were then processed and the analysis was repeated to determine whether restorative resins could be found under this extreme condition. Under both circumstances, sufficient surviving resin material was found to distinguish positively each individual in the study group. This study showed the utility of XRF as an analytical tool for forensic odontology and also the significance of the role of restorative resins in victim identification, even after cremation.  相似文献   

A classification system and identification key for .177 caliber air gun pellets was developed based on a five-class characteristic criterion. Sixty-eight pellet types from 15 companies were examined and compared. A classification system was developed based on the pellets' head shapes, skirt types, lengths, weights, and other markings or observations. In some cases, when a pellet is recovered from a crime scene, product brand identification may aid the investigation. Even though all product brands cannot be identified, various brands of pellets can be eliminated based on a pellet's class characteristics. The pellet producers in this study were located in the following countries: China, Czech Republic, England, Korea, Spain, and the United States. An identification key can be used for possible pellet identification or elimination.  相似文献   

目的 探讨签字笔笔痕是否天然地适用圆珠笔笔痕检验条件而能够进行同一认定.方法 运用比较分析方法,在不同纸张条件下,以签字笔和圆珠笔为研究对象,收集288份有效实验样本,分别观察、记录、分析实验样本中的所产生的笔痕特征.结果 签字笔笔痕主要出现在大笔画的划痕特征;签字笔笔痕的稳定性和特定性要比圆珠笔弱.结论 签字笔笔痕同一认定需要考虑签字笔本身的特性,不可盲目鉴定.  相似文献   

A study to investigate the evidential value of blue gel pen inks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this project was to investigate the evidential value of blue gel pen inks in Europe. For this purpose, 33 blue gel pen inks, of different brands and models, representative of those available on the European market at the time of the study, were analyzed using three techniques: filtered light examination (FLE), Raman Spectroscopy (RS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). First, after visual examination (naked eye and stereo microscope), it was possible to classify the 33 inks into three groups described as: milky, metallic, and normal. This paper describes in detail the results obtained for the normal gel pen group. The ability of the techniques to discriminate gel inks between and within brands varied. The results indicated that RS and SEM were more discriminating than FLE. The greatest degree of differentiation was achieved when using a combination of RS and SEM techniques (discriminating power = 0.91). This study also highlights some problems concerning the identification of the brand of a gel pen from a written text.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze the incentives of manufacturers to deal exclusively with retailers in bilaterally duopolistic industries with brand differentiation by manufacturers. In contrast with the previous literature, exclusive contracts are shown to generate higher profits for manufacturers and retailers selling highly differentiated products, who thus have an incentive to insist on exclusive contracting. However, if the products are close substitutes no exclusivity will emerge in equilibrium. Furthermore, we show that exclusive contracts decrease both consumer and social welfare.  相似文献   

This paper reports a statistical study on the sequence of strokes of 61 commonly encountered Chinese radicals and characters written by 372 invited subjects. The distribution of different writing sequence of these Chinese radicals and characters was examined. Comparison of the sequence of strokes executed by the subjects with the standard rule of writing these Chinese radicals and characters revealed that around 60% of the subjects wrote in the correct sequence. Pair comparison of sequences of strokes in Chinese handwriting among the 372 subjects was also performed. The results demonstrated that no two individuals wrote all the 61 radicals and characters with the same sequence of strokes. The findings indicate that, despite some basic rules governing the writing sequence of Chinese characters, writers tend to develop their own habits. The findings also support the hypothesis that the handwriting of experienced writers is individual.  相似文献   

书写方向对笔顺和笔径的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申泽波 《政法学刊》2014,(3):117-119
以反犬旁、山字为目标字,收集了1178份有效笔迹样本,其中反犬旁常见笔顺样本954份,当用常见笔顺书写反犬旁时,第一个撇笔有正反2种笔径,分性别检验山字笔顺与反犬旁第一撇的笔径的相关性,用似然比测定其相关程度。字的书写方向因子可以解释山字笔顺与反犬旁笔顺、笔径相关的结果,研究结果支持了书写能力结构的因子假说。  相似文献   

Laser printers and writing instruments are being exploited by the forgers to produce fabricated documents. They often produce such documents by appending genuine signature on a blank sheet and later printing on it. Often these fabricated documents do not contain intersection of strokes and may pose a difficulty to forensic document examiners in analyzing cases related to such documents. Keeping in mind the limited research work done on nonintersecting strokes, the present study has been conducted with an aim to determine the sequence of nonintersecting strokes of gel pens and laser printers. Three hundred samples of nonintersecting strokes of gel pen ink and laser printing were prepared. Of these 300, 150 had laser-printed text below the gel pen strokes and the remaining 150 were prepared with gel pen stokes below the laser-printed text. The samples have been analyzed using Nikon SMZ 800N stereomicroscope. Three micro-conformation features, that is, pattern of toner distribution, ink distribution, and fiber distribution have been observed in the samples. The results demonstrate the successful establishment of sequence of nonintersecting strokes in case of gel pen and laser-printed documents by the determination of micro-conformation features.  相似文献   

A serious problem in questioned document examination is to establish the age of written lines. With respect to paper dating, in the past, Max Frei theory (based only on microscope analysis) claimed that strokes are time-dependent. Therefore, according to this theory, it has been asserted that from the analysis of the strokes depth changes it is possible to try to date the handwritten document (to find out that the document is older than ...). In the present work, we investigate the strokes depth change by a laser profilometer considering not only the time but also microclimatic variations. First, we analyze the stability of stroke characteristics along the time. In particular, we demonstrate that if the document is preserved without change of temperature and humidity, the depth of the strokes has not appreciable changes. In this way, we have the purpose to verify the real possibility of documents dating by means of Max Frei theory. Subsequently, we test how the 3D profile of strokes changes in connection with the microclimatic variations. In particular, we test humidity variations. With this experiment, we show that humidity variations reduce the strokes depth. Moreover, this effect shows a non-linear trend, leaving a hysteresis on the depth. Finally, we show that the analysis of 3D stroke profile is unable to determine the age of documents.  相似文献   

目的考察圆珠笔字迹油墨厚度对溶剂挥发速率的影响。方法采用GC/HPLC联用技术对不同时间、不同字迹油墨厚度在同种纸张上的圆珠笔油墨字迹中的溶剂、染料成分的定量分析。结果字迹油墨较厚的苯甲醇、苯氧基乙醇的含量随时间的变化比字迹油墨较薄的慢。结论字迹油墨的厚度对溶剂的挥发速率影响较大。  相似文献   

The sequence of intersecting strokes of laser printers (black, blue, red and green) and typewriter ink (black) with the strokes of gel pen ink, ballpoint pen ink and fountain pen ink (black, blue, red and green) has been determined by studying their absorption spectra. The absorption spectra have been generated for each of the two pure inks (i.e. A and B) and points of their intersections (i.e. A over B and B over A) by using Video Spectral Comparator (VSC-2000-HR). The study was carried out with an assumption that the peak characteristics of spectra from the point of intersection should correspond to the peak characteristics of pure ink which was executed later. It was observed that the absorption spectrum of intersection corresponds with either the laser printer or the typewriter ink stroke, whether these strokes were executed earlier or later than the writing instrument strokes. As the results obtained from the study were negative, the FDEs are advised against the practice of this technique in the examination of the sequence of intersecting strokes for these specified inks.  相似文献   

Frequently in forensic cases, unknown substances must be identified. Automated databases can ease the burden of comparison as materials may be compared against many known standards in a relatively short period of time. It has been shown that dental resins can be named according to brand or brand group even in conditions as harsh as cremation. Databases are already in use for many materials, but no such database exists for dental resins. Thus, two databases were generated. One utilized a laboratory-based method, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), in conjunction with the Spectral Library Identification and Classification Explorer (SLICE) software. The other was based on portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The ability to perform database comparison with portable instrumentation can thus be brought directly to the field. Both the SLICE and XRF databases were evaluated by testing unknown resins. EDS is a well-established technique and the SLICE program was demonstrated to be a good tool for unknown resin identification. Portable XRF is a relatively new instrument in this regard and its databases have been constructed mostly for metal alloy comparison and environmental soil testing. However, by creation of a custom spectral library, it was possible to distinguish resin brand and bone and tooth from other substances.  相似文献   

Examining the sequences of printing and writing is a significant method of determining the authenticity and validity of documents. Forensic document examiners have extensively studied crossing lines, which has produced useful information. However, the sequence for laser printing and rollerball pen writing without crossing strokes has not been studied. To solve this problem, volunteers were invited to write characters on A4 paper with different rollerball pens using two sequences. Four laser printers applied print to these sheets, and the materials were examined using an Optem A-Zoom2 video tomography microscope. Consequently, distinguishing features were noted between the materials produced in both sequences. These features might provide a scientific basis for accurately determining the sequence between laser printing and rollerball pen writing in the absence of intersecting strokes.  相似文献   

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