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春秋战国时代,儒、道两家都在研究解决农业文明时期的两大基本问题:一是影响社会稳定的伦理纲常,二是影响人和社会存在的天人关系。他们都提出了"天人合一"的观点,但儒家强调的是个体"合"于社会,以人合天,道家强调的是个体"和"于自然,以天合天;他们也有相同处:1、目的都是有所"为",2、都注意个体人格的自足完善和生命价值,3、都是为了"人人合一",终极目的都是"人";儒、道的"天人合一"观又是互补的,道家为儒家找到了退路,儒家为道家作了补充。  相似文献   

儒家学说关注的首要问题是社会,关注社会的核心是人,其对社会、对人的关注集中反映在对政治的倾斜上,它一直影响着社会的进步和发展。儒家学说由"仁"和"礼"两大部分组成,"仁"是精华,具有永恒的价值;"礼"是维护社会秩序的法则和工具,是任何社会都不可缺少的。儒家学说当今对于巩固和发展我国民族融洽和睦,建立和谐中国仍具有一定的进步意义。  相似文献   

宋律在田宅等不动产之买卖中,赋予亲族、邻人以及其典权人等特定身份的主体享有优先购买权。优先购买权制度的设立,是法律儒家化的产物,是封建时期统治者出于对于社会管理的创设的一项制度。同时,其对于构建一个稳定的社会结构,保证社会秩序也具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

李越 《法制与社会》2014,(32):202-203
荀子的人才思想是对先秦儒家孔子、孟子人才思想的继承和发展,可以说是先秦儒家人才思想的一个集中体现。他对选用人才的重要性、如何用人、用什么样的人以及用人原则和方式等问题作出了精辟的论述。荀子提出的人才思想不仅在当时有着重要的历史意义,为世卿世禄制的瓦解和新型封建官僚制度的确立提供了重要的理论依据,而且在现代社会,也为现代管理制度提供了很多有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

近代议会制度进入中国经历了域外之制的简单介绍期、君民一体下情上达的价值重构期、权利与议会结合的民权实现场域期,其表现出富强范式对议会的解构、民本思想对民主的置换以及儒家宗法政治文化对议会的诠释等特征,并贯穿于王权体制、三权体制和五权体制下的议会制度的建构和运行之中。近代中国议会制度起源与变迁历程中的经验与教训,对于同为代议民主实现形式的人民代表大会制度的发展与完善具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

传统儒家伦理一直致力于制度诉求,以求实现兴邦文礼的社会理想。孔孟开始为此提出以"仁"为核心的礼乐治理思想及"仁政"建议,荀子则进一步提出"礼制"主张,到董仲舒提出"三纲五常"后,传统儒家伦理在我国历史上的社会治理中产生了重大而深远的影响。传统儒家伦理的社会治理功用的实现,极大地得力于其制度化模式,昭示着"伦理道德的社会治理功用需要制度的保障和助推"的道理。  相似文献   

试论中国儒家"诚信"思想的理论、困境及完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尚琤 《政治与法律》2007,(5):174-179
中国传统儒家的诚信理论是中国古代诚信思想的核心。儒家诚信理论发生于中国传统宗法和农业社会的土壤中,它有着独特的追求内心至诚的道德价值,也受到了乡土熟人社会的强大支持和保障,但是由于其社会内部过多地强调父系的宗法关系、君主的权力等价值,其诚信理论必然有着低于其他价值系统的先天不足,特别是当脱离熟人社会的环境时,其局限就更为明显。在今天,要创造性地转化传统需要清醒地看到儒家诚信思想的优势和不足,改变传统的权力管理模式,建立保证诚信的法律体系和制度,加强道德建设,以及培养现代公民的权利意识,才能真正建立起现代公民诚信文化。  相似文献   

我国的调解制度及其实践深受儒家法律思想的影响,是我国特色传统法律文化的重要组成部分,本文试图以儒家法律思想传统为视角,探寻调解制度的思想根源及其在现代化社会中面临的难题,并在此基础上提出对调解制度的重构。  相似文献   

依法行政与公民权利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
燕善敏 《行政与法》2005,23(5):54-56
依法行政应该是行政权力对于社会需求的回应,而非单纯行政机关的问题。公民权利作为国家公共权力的本源,天然地具有推动依法行政的内在动力。但是由于当前公民权利缺乏具体制度的保障,也就很难形成对于行政权力的外部制约力量,进而使依法行政很大程度上缺乏宪政的基础。因此,推动依法行政的一个基础工作就是必须强化公民权利。  相似文献   

“亲亲相隐”的历史渊源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国法制史上,“亲亲相隐”是一项源远流长,影响深刻的法律制度。它是指法律允许亲属间相互容隐犯罪而不负刑事责任。在漫长的封建社会里,随着儒家学说对封建政治的影响,这一原则几乎贯彻在历代的刑事立法之中,在中国历经二千多年而不衰。因此,认真对其历史根源和社会原因进行反思,对于深入认识中国古代法的传统和特色有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

A substantial scholarship has studied the extent to which states across the political and geographic spectrums rely on legal, bureaucratic, and judicial institutions to govern religion. However, a deeper inquiry into the mechanisms through which regulation occurs has yet been achieved. This article foregrounds conversion, understood as mobility between social groups in which belief and sincerity may figure but is not reducible to either, to observe these dynamics. Through an analysis of Egyptian jurisprudence on the right to change religion as well as interviews with complainants and litigators, the article challenges widespread assumptions about who and what constitute the regulatory field. It also shows how religious difference is produced in the legal‐bureaucratic encounter. By accounting for institutions that are not typically considered part of the regulatory field nor thought to be bound by the strictures of legal positivism, this article further occasions a rethinking of the public–private distinction within critiques of secularism.  相似文献   

This article presents a stylized account of legal work involved in doing a corporate deal transnationally, drawing inspiration from the work of American legal realist, Robert Hale. In so doing, it seeks to show that legal institutions on which transnational corporate power depends are far more plastic, discordant, and irresolute than commonly recorded. By tethering global legal order to the decisive interiority of the transnational corporation, while taking that interior for granted, recent accounts (such as those of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri or A. Claire Cutler) may do more to fortify than query the contemporary 'rule' of global capital.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the current debate about why people follow the law even when they are not subject to legal sanctions, as when there are no police and little danger of a lawsuit. Most recent scholarship in this area takes the form of norms theories, suggesting that social norms rather than laws shape behavior and that deviations from the norm are punished by either social or internal sanctions. Robert Sugden, however, proposes that order may develop "spontaneously" in the many areas of life where abiding by the rules minimizes the risk of costly confrontations with others and is thus in the interest of all parties. When this is true, the threat of little or no sanctions plays no role in regulating behavior. This article tests Sugden's theory against a simple property system, that of the California gold mines, in which individual miners held small claims subject to strict work requirements. The evidence of eyewitnesses shows that the stability of the regime did not depend on norms, but on the reasonable prediction that other claim holders would themselves stand up for their rights under the local mining code. Disputes about the rules and their application were submitted to arbitrators, whose decisions were accepted by the parties and did not need to be enforced. The California experience thus provides an example of a stable property regime for which game theory has a more satisfying explanation than do any of the norms theories.  相似文献   

How can we make sense of the use of legal claims and tactics under conditions of internal displacement and armed conflict? This article argues that in violent contexts mobilization frames are unstable and constantly shifting, resources tend to vanish, and political opportunities often imply considerable physical danger. It is grounded on a three‐year, multimethod study that followed internally displaced women's organizations as they demanded government assistance and protection in Colombia. Through detailed examples of specific cases, this article illustrates the constraints of legal mobilization in violent contexts, as well as different social movement strategies of resistance. It, thus, contributes to decentering theories of social movement uses of law that tend to be based on the legal cultures and institutions of industrialized liberal democracies, rather than on those of the Global South, and hence, tend to exclude violence.  相似文献   

This article evaluates how the social structure of American legal institutions influenced the diffusion of wrongful‐discharge laws over the period 1978–1999, and it assesses whether economic or political variables influenced the diffusion process. The results are surprising and quite striking. Precedents by other courts within the same federal circuit region were generally more influential in the diffusion process than precedents by courts in neighboring states or by courts within the same census or West legal reporting region, even though the precedents were on matters of state law rather than federal law and the decisions were usually made by state courts rather than federal courts. There is some limited evidence that political variables may also have been a factor, but economic variables were not statistically significant, even though the new employment laws may have had important economic consequences.  相似文献   

Crime, Prison, and Female Labor Supply   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces the vector autoregressive (VAR) methodology into themainstream of applied criminological research as an alternative to theestimation of structural models of crime. The paper presents cointegrationtest statistics for a second-order VAR of crime, prison population, femalelabor force participation, and durable consumption. Our results for theimpact of imprisonment on the crime rate are similar to Levitt's (1996)and substantially larger than previous estimates (e.g., Marvell and Moody,1994). We find that the short-run response of the crime rate to increasedlabor force participation of women is larger than the long-run effect. Theimplication is that major social changes, like the increased labor supply ofwomen, may have surprising impacts and that social institutions may takesome substantial period of time to adjust to such major changes.  相似文献   

Japan's reputation for unusually strong emphasis on the avoidance of public conflict and therefore for deemphasis of legal institutions suggests an arid, hostile environment for litigators, especially those who lack substantial resources. In a study of a quasi-class action lawsuit by Japanese air pollution victims, we find that litigation can be developed as a tool in the pursuit of a social movement's wider objectives despite the paucity of resources within the Japanese legal system. Our research documents the many ways in which the delays, obstacles, and costs that characterize the litigation environment in Japan have been either neutralized or turned to the advantage of a social movement because of its commitment to longer-term political objectives rather than short-term victories. The special role of professions in general, and the legal profession in particular, in such litigation combines with class-oriented social movements to produce a political/legal pattern that is neither traditionally harmonious nor a conflict "difficult to contain."  相似文献   

大量农业转移人口如何融入城市社会,是中国城市化、现代化所面临的重大挑战.当前的农业转移人口"市民化"战略,更侧重于阶层定位而非法律定位、策略性选择而非制度性安排,是一种分列式方案而非一体化布局,存在诸多局限和问题.从国家治理现代化和法治建设的宏观背景出发,城市化中农业转移人口应从市民化转向公民化,着力于公民角色、参政空间、文化兼容和一体格局的建设和拓展."公民化"有利于促进制度认同、公共参与和自律秩序的形成,从而形成多元治理秩序.只有实现了农业转移人口的公民化,才能真正建立起有效的城市治理秩序,从而推进民主与法治建设.  相似文献   

According to critical literature, psychiatrization is a central feature of gendered social control. It operates in a twofold process: by orienting women to medical institutions rather than the penal system, and, for those women who do enter the criminal justice system, by favoring an interpretation of their behavior in terms of mental health problems. However, the production of gendered social control cannot be reduced to institutional decision-making; it also leaves its traces in various discursive forms. One such form is forensic psychiatrists' discourse on the offenders they evaluate. Our study analyzes these forensic reports as units of a computerized database. Our goal is to gain insight into the text by means of systematic quantitative and qualitative procedures. Even though the expert discourse is shaped by specifications requested by the court, the discourse examined here constructs two very distinct identities that do not correspond to stereotyped conceptions about femininity and masculinity.  相似文献   

Industry Self-Regulation: An Institutional Perspective   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Throughout the advanced countries of the world self-regulatory regimes are being introduced. This article suggests that, at least in some contexts, industry self-regulation can be an effective and efficient means of social control that has been largely ignored by economics (which has a focus on individual rather than group behavior) and prematurely discounted by mainstream regulatory theory. The article examines the strengths and to a lesser extent the weaknesses of industry self-regulation from five closely related yet distinct vantage points: mediating institutions; industrial morality; institutionalizing responsibility; institutions responding to external pressure; and the roles of the state and third parties.  相似文献   

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