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A Job Crisis     
The financial crisis could cost millions of rural migrant workers their jobs. Both the central and local governments are taking measures to boost their employment  相似文献   

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu announced the government's decision to provide Mexico with humanitarian aid on April 29 in Beijing. The Chinese Government has offered $5 million in emergency humanitar  相似文献   

The economic woes from the global financial crisis may have been exactly what China neededThe U.S.economy is recovering,an indication that the source of the 2008global financial crisis is slowly on the up and the recovery of the world economy is accelerating.Many minds have begun to reflect on the crisis and its ensuing pains in order to understand how various countries coped with the crisis and how they plan to prepare for the next.Two days are particularly unforgettable in  相似文献   

If we label the sub-prime mortgage crisis that broke out in the United States in March 2007 and the financial meltdown triggered by Lehman Brothers'bankruptcy in August 2008 as the first two phases of the global financial crisis,then we're,without a doubt,entering a third phase.  相似文献   

国际人权法与中国刑法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1945年,<联合国宪章>第一次将"人权"规定在一个普遍性的国际组织的文件中,成为应遵守的最基本的国际准则.我国已签署、加入了一系列的国际人权公约,并且,宪法修正案在宪法第33条加入了"国家尊重和保障人权"这一内容.刑法作为国家的基本法律,具有社会保护和人权保障双重机能.国家承担的国际人权公约规定的义务,在修订后的刑法中得到了广泛的反映.  相似文献   

美国加州因其特殊的条件,高度重视危机管理,从其中可透视美国的危机管理特点,进而了解其不断完备的管理体系,以供我们在健全危机管理体系过程中借鉴.  相似文献   

正U.S.electric car maker Tesla faces blowback against its market expansion While it tops the list of global electric car brands in terms of sales,U.S.electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Tesla recently triggered quality concerns among consumers in China.  相似文献   

公共管理危机与危机管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革的深化和全球化的加速,中国社会正经历着广泛而深刻的转型,面临的问题日益复杂化:如以国家为单元的子系统的冲突,以自然灾害和社会灾害为主体的危机等等,突发的危机事件越来越频繁。如何成功地处理突发性事件和危机,从而使国家这一组织免于危难,决定于公共管理的危机管理体制的建立与健全。本文在分析了危机的三大类型和三大特点的基础上,提出了优化危机管理的三大对策。  相似文献   

公共危机处置及政府信息公开   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前已经进入了一个危机事件高频率发生期,且发生的公共危机在不断地显露出新的特征和发展趋势.当前我国政府和社会仍处在公共危机管理的探索阶段,缺乏有效的措施,尚未构建完善的体系.根据近几年公共危机处置的教训,借鉴国外危机管理的经验,我国政府不仅要明确危机中存在的问题,还要有针对性的制度和组织规划,建立一套科学有效的危机控制管理体系.同时更加稳健地推动信息公开,尤其是公共危机信息公开制度.  相似文献   

社会危机的社区治理机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社区在危机管理过程中起着基础性的作用.鉴于目前城市社区危机管理的现状,必须改革社区危机管理体制,建立多层次的社区危机防控体系;强化居民危机意识,健全防危信息网络:加大依法治危力度,厘清社区权限责任;完善社区应急机制,适时启动应急预案;妥善做好善后工作,严格奖惩激励机制.唯有此,才能大大提升社区防危治危的实际能力.  相似文献   

本文以众多研究数据为基础,对当代中国男孩面临的四大危机:学业危机、体质危机、心理危机和社会危机进行了全面的阐述.从小学到大学,男孩学业成绩全面落后于女孩;男孩体质持续下降,与日本男孩的差距在不断拉大;男孩有更高的心理问题发生率、成瘾行为发生率和常见心理疾病发生率;男孩的责任感欠缺,攻击性更高、问题行为更多,更容易违法犯罪.男孩危机对男孩、对整个社会的影响是广泛而深远的.  相似文献   

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown sees off U.S. President Barack Obama at 10 Downing Street on April 1,after they held talks preparing for the following day's  相似文献   

<正>I.Overview1.Development and Organization T h e H u m a n R i g h t s a n d Humanitarian Law Research Center,Peking University Law School,was originally called the Human Rights Research Center and was established on April 25,1997.The research center has developed into a university-wide research institution that is composed of teachers and researchers from the Law  相似文献   

公共危机管理机制建设的现实思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈玮 《公安学刊》2007,(5):56-60
经济发展不均衡、政府管理不完善、全球化的共振效应、自然资源短缺和生态环境恶化、竞争压力和道德失范等,是我国公共危机频发的主要原因。危机意识淡薄、缺乏风险管理战略规划、管理体系不合理、反应和处置能力弱、公众的危机教育与训练机制不健全、政府与媒体未形成良性沟通、法制建设滞后和社会公德缺失等,则是当前我国公共危机管理中存在的主要问题。加强公共危机管理机制建设,重点要加强情报研判机制、应急处置机制、专业救援机制、安全培训机制、舆情沟通机制、法律保障机制、利益诉求机制的建设。  相似文献   

陈华  董艾辉  刘其城 《前沿》2010,(14):61-63,70
金融危机使资本主义灰头土脸,重新认识资本主义是当今世界的当务之急。毫无疑问,金融危机的出现表明现行的资本主义确实有问题;金融危机是资本主义本性使然;同时,金融危机印证了马克思的"两个必然",加速了社会主义因素的增长。但金融危机后必然是资本主义体制的自我修正。  相似文献   

Despite COVID-19, China became the EU’s largest trading partner last year, overtaking the U.S., according to Eurostat data. They also concluded negotiations on a comprehensive agreement on investment that will cement their cooperation.Zhang Ming, head of the Chinese Mission to the EU, talked about the opportunities and challenges facing this partnership to Beijing Review reporter Wei Hongchen. The following is an edited excerpt。  相似文献   

THE moment he felt the tremble, Li Zeyuan knew it must be a devastating earthquake. On May 12 he was in Chongqing on a business trip, and soon learned a magnitude-eight quake had hit nearby Wenchuan. Li Zeyuan is a senior advisor with Shenzhen Airlines, but he used to be a soldier and participated in rescue operations following the devastating Tangshan earthquake of 1976. Experience told him that massive air rescue and relief efforts would be needed for the affected area, since land transport was likely to be seriously impeded by such a major temblor.  相似文献   

A series of extreme global weather events,like floods in Pakistan and droughts in Russia,should serve as a call to the world to take action against climate change.But worries have been mounting since global climate talks stalled,partly due to rifts between developed and developing countries.What efforts should be made to force progress in the negotiating process?What role has China played in combating climate change?Su Wei,China’s chief climate negotiator and Director-General of the Climate Change Department of the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC),sat down with Beijing Review reporter Hu Yue to answer these questions and more.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

Amid the escalating global financial crisis, books on the gloomy topic are flying off the shelves. Which Way Should China Turn - When the Sub-prime Crisis Changed the World gives one Chinese economist's take on the cause and effects of the current crisis - and how one of the world's few growing economies should respond.  相似文献   

探析生态危机中人的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔文娟  李建珊 《前沿》2011,(5):181-184
在对生态危机的反思中,人类逐渐意识到自身才是这场危机的真正主导者。主体性的过度膨胀,成为生态危机的诱因;传统价值观对自然的漠视,成为生态危机的内在因素;人的外化器官——科学技术的强势,成为生态危机的助力。只有树立合理的价值观念,确立自己的有限主体性,并恰当运用科学技术,寻求人的全面发展,追求人性的真、善、美,才能彻底解决当前所遇到的生态难题。  相似文献   

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