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在中国“传统内”的释评系统中,法家的“法治”思想这个“故物”,没有得到新的阐述与发展。到了近代,西方法治思想这个“洋货”成为重新解读“故物”的利器。但梁启超与萧公权同样用“洋货”观照“故物”,却得出了法家“法治”思想之“真”与“伪”的不同结论。用“洋货”观照“故物”,已成为具有重大影响与意义的思想学术路向,但也应克服其 “强为比附”的结习。  相似文献   

当今中国,全面建设社会主义法治国家已经成为一个永恒的话题.我们在研究完善当代中国法治理论的同时,不禁会想到借鉴传统的中国法治文化.而对于古代中国是否存在法治思想这一问题,学界众说纷纭.作为古代法治思想的代表,法家的“法治”思想毫无疑问的成为此次研究的重点.本文将系统地概括出法治及法家的“法治”思想的涵义,阐述对法家“法治”思想的评价,及其对当代中国法治建设的借鉴价值.  相似文献   

晚清“新法家”的“新法治主义”   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在晚清的特定时势与学术背景之下,出现了章太炎、梁启超、沈家本等"新法家",他们反对传统上对法家的不合理批评与抨击,大力为法家平反正名,称赞法家的历史功绩,用"法治"或"法治主义"来认知和解读法家思想,并在此基础上开出"新法治主义"。这一开新,具有重要的思想、学术意义。  相似文献   

从贵族法治到帝制法治传统中国法治论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李贵连 《中外法学》2011,(3):459-483
法治转型是围绕社会转型进行的,中国第一次社会转型发生在春秋战国时期,与此相应,法治转型则是由贵族法治转为帝制法治。贵族法治的特质是别亲疏、殊贵贱、断于礼,也就是西周以降的礼治。"废井田,开阡陌;废分封,立郡县"是春秋战国社会转型的全部内容。这种转型用今天的语言来表述,就是经济转型和政治转型。为适应社会的这种转型,先秦法家提出了"法治"理论。这种"法治",与传统的礼治相对立,其特征是"不别亲疏、不殊贵贱,一断于法",重心是治吏治官。这是秦汉以后中国法律制度的思想基础。秦汉以后的中华帝国法治主要是这种观念制度化的结果,因此,在这个意义上,用"儒家思想法律化"来概括帝制中国的法治特征较"法律儒家化"为妥。  相似文献   

韩非是法家思想的集大成者,人们对其提出的"法治"思想历来褒贬不一。韩非"法治"思想建立在其人性论基础之上。文章拟通过法的制定、法的内容、法的执行和法制教育四个方面分析韩非"法治"思想的基本特点,得出韩非"法治"思想的现代启示即现代法治视角下韩非"法治"思想的缺陷与其"法治"思想对当今法治建设的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

法家主张的法治思想在春秋战国时期具有极大的历史进步性。秦国由一个弱小的偏远小国发展成为当时最强大的诸侯国,并完成统一中国的伟业,拉开了中国封建社会的序幕。其间法家法治思想在秦国的有效贯彻起到了至关重要的作用。但秦王朝统治中国仅15年后便二世而亡了,究其原因还是在于太笃信法家法治思想了。法家法治思想可谓利弊参半。做好当前深化司法体制改革工作的关键在于立足实际、博采众长,掌握好运用的"度"。  相似文献   

在近代,为了追求救时和富国强兵的目标,中国的思想家们发现以商鞅和韩非为代表的先秦法家思想与西方先进的法治思想有许多相通之处,他们认为法家法治思想的复兴是中国起死回生之道。先秦法家法治思想在近代的再生不是复古,而是新生,是返本开新,是以西释中,是在未瓦解原始法家以法治国的学术根基,传承或部分保留了原始法家的思想源泉,借鉴西方近代先进法治理念的基础上,将先秦法家思想融入到现代法治思想体系中,并努力使其具有现代理论形态,以及现代化的表达方式。  相似文献   

法治转型是围绕社会转型进行的,中国第一次社会转型发生在春秋战国时期,与此相应,法治转型则是由贵族法治转为帝制法治。贵族法治的特质是别亲疏、殊贵贱、断于礼,也就是西周以降的礼治。“废井田,开阡陌;废分封,立郡县”是春秋战国社会转型的全部内容。这种转型用今天的语言来表述,就是经济转型和政治转型。为适应社会的这种转型,先秦法家提出了“法治”理论。这种“法治”,与传统的礼治相对立,其特征是“不别亲疏、不殊贵贱,一断于法”,重心是治吏治官。这是秦汉以后中国法律制度的思想基础。秦汉以后的中华帝国法治主要是这种观念制度化的结果,因此,在这个意义上,用“儒家思想法律化”来概括帝制中国的法治特征较“法律儒家化”为妥。  相似文献   

<正> 先秦法家管仲、慎到、申不害、尹文子、商鞅、韩非等人,只说过“唯治为法”、“以法治国”等话,并没有用过“法治”这个概念。他们有时虽然也把“法”和“治”连在一起用,但表达的只是用“法”来“治”理国家的意思,而不具有“法治”概念的涵义。首倡法家“法治”说的,是梁启超先生。后来有些学者也讲过法家是搞“法治”的,但寻根溯源,都源于梁启超先生。  相似文献   

众所周知法家是先秦诸子中对法律最为重视的一派,他们以主张"以法治国"的"法治"而闻名,在其思想理论的指导下,秦始皇"奋六世之余列,挥长策而驭宇内,吞二周而亡诸侯",缔造了秦王朝的辉煌。但重刑伤民,"刑罚积而民怨背",人民终因不堪忍受暴政而掀起了大规模的农民起义,昔日强盛的秦王朝顷刻间灰飞烟灭。从这一历史事实中,我们不难看出法家思想本身也存在着不可掩饰的弊端。本文从正反两方面简要分析了先秦时期的法家思想。  相似文献   

Recently, politicians stressed the relevance of an old international policy to raise the provision of international or global public goods: foreign aid. Among such international or global public goods is the provision of climate policy, protection of the ozone layer and international waters. In this paper, we analyze the effect of foreign aid on international climate policy. We take account of cost differentials among countries in producing the public good, ancillary benefits of climate policy, alternative technologies independently generating ancillary benefits and non-zero conjectures.JEL classification:H41, Q28  相似文献   

我国行政诉讼应确立合理性审查原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在现代行政诉讼中 ,法院从偏重对行政行为的形式合法性审查 ,发展到对形式合法性与实质合理性的审查相融合 ,合理性审查原则得以逐步确立。为履行加入WTO后所承担的法律义务、有效控制行政自由裁量权、实现实质法治 ,我国行政诉讼制度应当从目前的合法性审查原则向兼顾合法性与合理性的审查原则转变。确定合理性审查原则的范围 ,除需确立合理的实体标准外 ,还需要完善司法制度。  相似文献   

The last decade has seen increasing demands for greater accountability in digital governance. What, however, does accountability require and what normative goods does it serve? This article develops a general framework for assessing digital accountability focused on four normative goods: openness, non-arbitrariness, effectiveness and publicness. As the article will evidence, claims for digital accountability often refer to deficits relating to one or more of these goods. While scholarly attention has deservedly focused on tying powerful digital actors to rule of law guarantees, the article argues that accountability offers an important normative yardstick to allow citizens to contest digital decisions beyond strict legality. The framework therefore provides a basis for both conceptually disaggregating and normatively forwarding accountability claims in the digital sphere.  相似文献   

文本·实践·语境:公诉证据标准的现代性诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公诉证据标准与其他配套制度机制一同维护着公诉权的合法性与有效性。一方面,在理论上,公诉证据标准并非一个独立的论题;另一方面,在比较法上,当今中外刑诉制度中的公诉证据标准也没有高下之分,均必须遵从公诉权的合法性与有效性之逻辑。西方法治国家的公诉证据标准辅证了这一制度逻辑。反观我国,当前承担公诉权合法性功能的配套制度机制尚不健全,导致公诉权的合法性只能依赖于较高程度的公诉证据标准和较强程度的犯罪控制能力。在此意义上,理论界对我国现行公诉证据标准过高的批评,似乎未中要害,急于降低我国当前的公诉证据标准,不仅缺乏程序制度基础,而且会挫动公诉权的有效性,并最终损及公诉权的合法性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the legal consciousness of same-sex couples with respect to marriage. Data from an interview-based study of 71 members of same-sex couples reveal strong consensus on the desirability of having samesex relationships legally recognized, and considerable variation in couples'attempts to enact marriage culturally through various practices, including the use of marriage-related terminology and public commitment rituals. I argue that some of these efforts to enact marriage culturally should also be read as attempts to enact legality in the absence of official law. The findings from this study challenge the idea that marginalized social actors will tend toward a resistant legal consciousness: Rather than seeking to avoid and evade legality in their everyday lives, most same-sex couples seem to embrace legality for its practical and symbolic resources, even as they stand "against the law" in their opposition to the exclusion of same-sex couples from the institution of legal marriage. Approaching marriage from the perspective of same-sex couples, this research demonstrates that the legal and cultural aspects of marriage are deeply intertwined. Cultural enactments of marriage enact legality even in the absence of official law, and many actors ascribe to law a cultural power that transcends its specific benefits and protections, the power to produce social and cultural equality.  相似文献   

对外开放三十年来我国外经贸法治建设基本经验和展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1978年以来,我国利用对外贸易成就巨大,其经验主要有:良好的投资环境是有效利用外资的关键;健全的法治建设是引进外资得以成功的有效保障。经验告诉我们,在制定利用外资的法律和政策时,要把外国经验和本国的实际相结合,在立法、执法和司法过程中既要注意保护外资的合法利益,又要有助于本国经济的发展,即,要正确把握充分利用外资与注意国家经济安全的"度"。  相似文献   

Advances in technology brought about new popular gambling activities such as online gambling (sometimes called trans-border e-gaming) in South Africa and abroad, demand new regulatory structures since the current laws on gambling do not have provisions for online gambling. This article addresses the legality of engaging in online gambling within the South African borders by casino operators who are licensed in a foreign jurisdiction, giving rise to the issue of determining the place where the act of gambling takes place between a player who is in South Africa while engaging on the Internet with a server in another country. Although this article deals with the South African perspective, realizing that South Africa is a developing country and the law relating to the Internet might be behind, a reference to the online gambling law of United States (US) is made to showcase a need for attention to regulate online gambling in both developing and developed countries.  相似文献   

我国《刑法》秉承从旧兼从轻的溯及力原则,其中"从旧"是对罪刑法定原则内容的反映,"从轻"是对罪刑法定原则根本精神的体现。最高人民法院相关司法解释对禁止令、限制减刑问题的相关规定,没有严格遵循从旧兼从轻的溯及力原则,存在一定的不合理性。但是,有关自首、坦白、减刑、假释以及特殊累犯与数罪并罚的"跨法"适用的规定均符合现行《刑法》的溯及力规定。  相似文献   

In Latin American cities, around a third of the urban population lives in tenure situations that can be designated as informal, yet variation in the ways and extent to which these arrangements do not comply with law is extensive. Furthermore, informal dwellers often employ a variety of strategies to legitimize and ultimately legalize their tenure, implying a dynamic rather than a static relationship between illegality and legality. Conceiving of land tenure in dichotomous terms, as simply being either legal or illegal, therefore, fails to reflect this diversity, nor does it capture the evolving nature of the relationship between informal settlements and the state system. Drawing from the development of squatter settlements in Buenos Aires, this article proposes an alternative perspective and shows how settlements alternate strategies of noncompliance with adaptation to the state legal system to gradually increase their legality.  相似文献   

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