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公共惩罚与私人惩罚既相互排斥又相互补充,公共惩罚与私人惩罚的互动可以作为一个解读法律制度的视角。国家为维持法律实施的垄断,通常会对私人惩罚手段(尤其是私人暴力)进行限制,但为节省公共惩罚资源的支出,法律又必须在某些场合容忍甚至利用私人之间的监控与惩罚,公共惩罚资源的有限性迫使国家把私人之间的监控和惩罚视为一项重要的社会控制资源。法律制度的设计应当充分发挥公共惩罚和私人惩罚的比较优势,合理划分公共控制区域和私人控制区域,并努力追求社会控制总成本(即公共控制成本和私人控制成本之和)的最小化。西方近代政治的古典自由主义、中国古代政治的消极无为主义以及公法与私法的区分都在一定程度上体现了这一原则。  相似文献   

网络环境下的著作权合理使用制度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
合理使用制度作为一项传统意义上的著作权平衡机制能够在模拟环境下较好地平衡著作权人私人利益与社会公益,但是面对网络环境的挑战,"合理使用"出现了很多的问题和危机。网络环境下的合理使用制度是否有其存在的必要?合理使用制度能够通过适度修正而更好地适应社会发展?这就是一个有待探讨的问题。  相似文献   

危机如何与法律制度发生关系?人类每遇到一次危机。总会伴有科技和制度的创新。要控制、克减风险,人类首先想到的是制度创新。以环境监管为例,目前中国的环境监管体制是以公权力控制为主,这个体制如果不改变,环境污染就难以遏制。从上世纪70年代开始,西方的环境观念在哲学上首先发生了变化。这就涉及社会哲学的转变,从过去的人类中心主义,  相似文献   

土地发展权的域外考察及其带来的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英国的土地发展权具有公有性质,其与土地中属于地主原来已依法取得的私有产权合成土地财产权的全部。美国实行土地发展权私有化,形成了私人间买卖发展权制度和国家购买私人土地发展权制度。美国实行土地发展权移转的目的有四个:保存古迹、保存开放空间、实行土地使用规划管制及鼓励兴建中低收入者住宅。美国实行国家购买土地发展权的目的是为了保护农地、环境敏感地带和历史古迹。我国应当结合国情实行土地发展权移转和国家购买土地发展权相结合的制度。  相似文献   

关于构建矿业保证金制度的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矿业保证金制度不仅是当前许多国家按照环境责任原则确立的一项矿产资源开发利用的重要监管制度,同时也对"诊治"我国当前愈演愈烈的环境资源危机具有重大的现实意义.经济学环境资源成本内在化的需要为矿业保证金制度的确立提供了合理化的内核;对环境权社会价值属性的追求为矿业保证金的规制提供了法律制度化的要求;而发展循环经济,建立节约型社会的时代要求以及国家环境管理权的公权属性使得矿业保证金制度的实现成为可能.因此,在我国矿产资源勘探开发问题日益严峻的现实情况下,应尽快构建矿业保证金制度.  相似文献   

企业的社会责任再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟声 《法治研究》2009,(2):97-100
21世纪发生的大量自然灾害和社会危机对我们的启示是多方面的.其中实施可持续发展战略和重视人文关怀与人类福祉关涉到企业的社会责任。现代企业概念所指的社会责任是法律责任和道德责任的统一体,包括对员工、消费者、社区、环境的责任,以及科技创新和协同国家应对危机的责任等。现有的企业社会责任制度需要完善,包括建立企业社会责任的治理结构,对企业承担社会责任的激励,以及加强企业承担社会责任的监督等。  相似文献   

田恬 《法制与社会》2010,(26):28-29
面对严峻的环境危机,环境保护日益成为社会关注的焦点,现有诉讼体制在环境保护方面的局限性需要我们寻找一种更加有效的环境诉讼模式,即环境公益诉讼。环境公益诉讼制度能够在排除环境侵害、保护环境公共利益的同时,更好地维护公民的生命、健康、财产以及良好的生活环境等合法权益,是符合现代社会发展需要的一种新型环境诉讼形式。本文即从环境公益诉讼的概念、意义出发,借鉴国外的制度设计,从而提出我国制度构建的具体设想。  相似文献   

国土执法人员渎职犯罪往往会给国家造成百万、千万甚至上亿资产的损失,造成国土管理失序、公信力危机以及土地资源的破坏和大量耕地资源的流失,最终影响到经济、社会、资源、环境等领域的可持续发展战略以及人与自然的和谐共处。因此,有针对性地分析国土系统渎职犯罪类型、特征及其制度成因具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

刘水林 《法学研究》2014,36(3):109-129
风险社会是人类利用科技从事创造活动而产生的人为风险成为影响人类生活乃至生存和发展的主要因素的社会,如何缓解与分配风险损害成为风险社会的核心问题。风险社会的大规模损害以事故型和累积型大规模公害为主导。侵权法解决的损害问题是私人对私人利益的侵害,其主要功能在于补偿受害者,其制度运行有赖于损害的确定性、有限性、可计量性、可预期和可控制性、私人性。风险损害所具有的不确定性、无限性、不可计量性、不可预期性、不可控制性和社会公共性颠覆了这些条件,对风险损害主要以规制法予以事前防范。规制法防治私人对公共利益的侵害,其主要通过事前预防责任的分担降低风险损害,事后责任作为补充。规制法责任的实质是对风险成本的分担。分担应遵循社会分担、有效分担、平衡分担以及预防为主、救济为辅的原则。规制法的责任制度包括预防责任和补救责任。  相似文献   

环境的可持续保护和资源的可持续利用是关系到人类社会能否可持续发展的两大重要问题。为了保护环境和有效利用资源,各国对排污权交易制度进行了多方面的探索、研究和实践。本文通过对我国现有的排污权管理体制中存在的问题出发,认为,排污权交易制度在经济、环境和社会效益上均有积极作用,较之现有排污权管理体制更有益于治理环境污染,在我国具有可行性。  相似文献   

孟勤国 《北方法学》2010,4(1):155-160
当前土地私有化的论调声势浩大,其中大部分来自经济学和社会学领域。土地制度是一个国家社会制度和法律制度的基础,作为法学尤其是民法学者应当作出自己独立的判断。土地私有化论者从未对现行土地制度作过理性的研究,所谓中国土地私有化的好处全部来自于想象和虚构,中国土地私有化是一个对中华民族极不负责的闹剧。  相似文献   

Water resources have the functions as domestic water, resource water and environmental water, on the basis of which the legislative framework of water resource regulations shall be studied. Firstly, domestic water shall be deemed as property right and the legislation shall protect the realization of the fundamental human rights for use of domestic water. Secondly, with respect to resource water, an independent water resource regulatory agency shall be established; and meanwhile, the legislation shall promote the construction of water right market based on property rights and improve the utility of water resources. Thirdly, since environmental water is one of the public goods, the legislation shall create a path of privatization in implementing mechanism for realizing the use of environmental water and the franchising system provides a practical solution to privatization of environmental water. Xu Jinhai, Ph.D in Law, is a vice director of the Public Utilities Law Institute of Hohai University. Since 2001, he has released nearly twenty articles in Nanjing University Law Review and Jiangsu Social Science Journal and other academic journals.  相似文献   

The legacy of severe environmental degradation inherited by the new Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies requires liability reform to aid the cleanup of existing pollution sources and create incentives for future environmental risk reduction. The paper analyzes a host of liability approaches to meet these goals, given economic and institutional characteristics specific to the CEE nations, and explores the impact of environmental liability rules on privatization and foreign investment. A principal conclusion of the analysis is that, for a host of efficiency-based reasons, liability should not be retroactively applied to the new owners of privatized firms. Also, the paper advocates the use of national liability funds to finance the cost of existing liabilities, while highlighting dangers associated with their use. In addition to the desirability of alternative privatization mechanisms, the paper also analyzes altemative liability rules to govern prospective environmental hazards.  相似文献   

Since its initial proposal in the 1990s, ‘green criminology’ has focused on environmental crimes and harms affecting non-human and human life, ecosystems, and the planet as a whole. Describing global trends toward privatization of water supply systems and the criminalization of several water conservation activities and tactics, this paper employs theoretical perspectives offered by green, cultural, and critical criminologies, focusing on overt resistance to water privatization and oppressive regulations governing rainwater storage and residential water recycling. Taking a critical theoretical perspective, this paper examines water access and autonomy, individuals and groups openly resisting the criminalization of household water reuse and storage, and the cultural significance of water. This paper concludes with an exploration of the potential benefits of a green cultural criminology.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades in the United States, mainstream environmental organizations have reduced, rather than increased, democratic participation by citizens in environmental problem-solving. The environmental justice movement, on the other hand, has served to enlarge the constituency of the environmental movement by incorporating poorer communities and oppressed people of color into environmental decision making process; build community capacity by developing campaigns and projects that address the common links between various social and environmental problems; and facilitate community empowerment by emphasizing grassroots organizing over advocacy. This paper outlines the different components in the environmental justice movement. It is our contention that if researchers and policymakers continue to conceive of the ecological crisis as a collection of unrelated problems, then it is possible that some combination of regulations, incentives, and technical innovations can keep pollution and resource destruction at tolerable levels for more affluent socioeconomic populations. However, poor working class communities and people of color which lack the political–economic resources to defend themselves will continue to suffer the worst abuses. However, if the interdependency of issues is emphasized as advocated by the environmental justice movement, then a transformative environmental politics can be invented.  相似文献   

The increasing use of incarceration during the 1980s has resulted in substantial enlargement of the American prison population. In addition, the costs of providing correctional services to this enlarged population has grown dramatically. One solution proposed to address the issue of escalating correctional costs is privatization. Through an examination of the early nineteenth-century New York experience with private-sector prison industrial programs, this article considers the value of privatization as a remedy to unacceptable correctional costs. Nineteenth-century problems are identified, and the implications of these problems for current privatization initiatives, both related and unrelated to prison industries, are discussed.  相似文献   

What has been happening as regards the organization of Russia's agrarian sector in recent years? Agronomists have expressed the most diverse, often diametrically opposed views on this topic. Some say that the reforms are "incomplete" (referring, in particular, to such aspects as the transformation of agricultural enterprises and the privatization of landownership). Others blame the reforms, coupled with various macroeconomic regulations, for the "collapse" of large-scale farming and the severity of the agricultural crisis. Still others say that the real reforms have not yet begun, and that what we see in agriculture is the "stabilization" and stagnation of economic forms.  相似文献   

以权利为核心的自由主义正义鼓励人们对自然环境的瓜分与争夺,其结果必然导致全球环境资源的枯竭。既存的环境正义理论只不过是自由主义正义向环境领域的延伸,在本质上是自由主义正义的一部分。产生于现代环境危机背景下的环境正义应该为克服自由主义正义对自然环境的破坏做出自己的贡献,这才是环境正义的存在价值和历史使命所在。  相似文献   

Potential of the state to control privatized firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The privatization strategy in many transition economies involved the creation of a special government agency that administered state property during privatization programs as well as after the privatization was declared complete. The National Property Fund (NPF) was the agency in the Czech Republic. In many firms the state kept property long after the privatization was completed. We analyze the control potential of the state exercised through the NPF via the control rights associated with capital stakes in firms along with special voting rights provided by law. Based on a complete data set on assets as well as the means of control in privatized firms we conclude that for most of the 1994–2005 period, the state control potential was extensive and certainly larger than has been found by earlier research.
Evžen Kočenda (Corresponding author)Email:

The privatization in Macedonia is considered to be the finally found form of establishment of the interrupted evolution of the ownership. Of course, this is from the aspect of introduction and functioning of the state ownership in the socialistic system which denied the title of ownership. From the chosen model of paid privatization, it was expected that the privatization will be carried out lawfully, fairly, justly, relatively fast and transparently. This paper analyses the process of privatization from the aspect of its lawful performance and its fairness as consequential effect. The analysis specifically refers to one of the five segments of the privatization process—the privatization of socially-owned enterprises. Subject to this analysis are the views and opinions of employees and managers, as well as those of the government officials on issues whether the privatization is implemented as a political process and whether privatization is realized as a robbery. The results of the analysis can be summarized twofold: the employees and the politicians see the privatization as a political process and robbery, while the managers deny any connection with politicians and do not consider themselves oligarchs. In the analysis, these results are compared with some objective parameters of privatization: (i) the funds raised from the sale of social capital and (ii) proceedings initiated in front of state and judicial authorities based on suspicions of crime in the privatization process.  相似文献   

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