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阿碧 《检察风云》2013,(2):44-46
2004年11月11日,巴勒斯坦前总统阿垃法特在巴黎逝世。阿拉法特的遗体安葬在位于约旦河以西、巴勒斯坦城市拉姆安拉的总统府内。一些巴勒斯坦人一直怀疑阿拉法特遭以色列人投毒杀害,以方否认。2012年年初,阿拉法特的遗孀苏哈将他的衣物交给卡塔尔半岛电视台。随后,半岛电视台又将这些衣物交给瑞士洛桑大学放射物理学研究所化验。  相似文献   

长期以来,许多人都无视身体的认知功能和价值,只把认知归功于大脑,对认知能力的探索、研究、测试、训练和保养也是聚焦于大脑的结构和机制;没有认识到我、自我或主体等能指、主词或概念所指谓的就是我的身体。其实,正是人的整体性身体结构、以及由此形成的身体场、知觉场、实践场、身体的意向性、认知冲动、尝试性的探索行为、身体的感知能力、认知的超越功能、概念化和范畴化作用、发明创造活动、以及诸如此类的身体智能、身体思维等要素和属性,一起构成认知和才智的源泉。因此身体才是人类从事社会实践、获得知识、成就事业、创造历史、完善人性的根本。人们只有把人的本质性存在身体放在一切认知和社会实践的最高位置,才更加有利于推动人的智力和自身的全面发展。  相似文献   

谢灵运不少描写山水的诗歌,向被称作山水诗;因为在他的这些诗歌中,山水成为了审美的主要对象.然而,除了山水之外,谢灵运对自己身体的描述,也是其诗审美的重要对象.尤其他喜欢在山水之间流连,其诗除了写山水景色之外,也涉及作者行旅与游览的姿态和动作.甚至在有些诗作中,谢灵运对自己寓目身观的行姿描写,比对山水自然的描写,更有过之而无不及.  相似文献   

Although the problem of handwriting variability due to lying body position has practical significance, particularly for last will cases, it has not been sufficiently studied. The presented experiment aimed to recognize how such posture may influence handwriting features. Samples of text and signatures were collected from 50 healthy individuals, aged 23–58, produced in three postures: typical sitting position (SP) and two different lying positions (LP1 & LP2). Using the SP sample of each individual as a specimen, eleven characteristics in LP1 and LP2 samples were evaluated as similar or different. Nine other features were measured with a specialized software, and their conformity was tested with Student's t‐test. Although none of the characteristics differed significantly in most cases, variation occurred in pen pressure, margins, baselines, and heights of letters. Additionally, a series of blind tests revealed that lying position of the individuals did not hinder the possibility to identify their writings.  相似文献   

人体克隆的法律政策与制度建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的生物克隆技术和干细胞研究居于世界前列,但由于我国没有任何人体克隆技术相关立法,也没有颂布相应伦理守则,加之舆论上对人体克隆技术的认识也存在偏差和误导,致使我国生物界在这项生物技术的关键性领城处于进退两难的尴尬境地,严重阻碍我国生物产业的发展。 文章对当前人体克隆技术的法律政策进行了梳理,检讨有关人体克隆技术伦理争议中的误区,指出我国应当制定人体克隆技术法律政策,在严格监管的基础上谨慎推进人体克隆技术的研究,引导我国生物产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

我国海外投资保险制度法律关系主体的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴智 《时代法学》2003,1(1):77-82
本文从解析海外投资保险机构设置的立法体例入手,论述了我国海外投资保险机构的设置问题。认为我国应采取“德国式”的立法模式,即海外投资保险审批机构与执行业务机构相分离的立法模式。并对中国人民保险公司是否可作为我国海外投资保险业务的承保机构以及我国自然人及私营企业是否可成为合格投资者进行了论述。  相似文献   

Sometimes courts and commentators disavow a proprietary approach to excised body parts in the belief that non-proprietary remedies are adequate to the task. A belief of this sort, this type of conceptual resistance to the application of property law to body parts, is allegedly captured in the compendious expression known as the liability rule. Moore v Regents of the University of California clearly illustrates this type of opposition. Some recent scholarship has also tried to ground this sort of exclusive non-proprietary approach to body parts in the liability rule component of the analytical framework developed by Calabresi and Melamed. This piece interrogates the idea that nonproprietary causes of action should exclusively furnish the applicable theory of liability in relation to body parts; it suggests an understanding of the theoretical framework of Calabresi and Melamed which facilitates a proprietary approach to body parts along with current non-proprietary approaches. I argue that property, liability and inalienability rules basically serve the same purpose (protection of an entitlement in the nature of a property interest) and that the difference amongst them is one of degree rather than nature; also, none of the triad applies separately and independently of one another. Thus, I suggest that the liability rule is not essentially non-proprietary and could be used to protect a proprietary entitlement. I tested my understanding of Calabresi and Melamed’s framework against a case that involved damaged kidney in order to show the difference the framework, as conceived by me, could make to the remedial fortunes of a claimant in body parts’ litigation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cremains have become increasingly frequent in forensic contexts, while higher body mass in the general population has simultaneously made cremation a more cost‐effective mortuary practice. This study analyzed the relationship between body mass and bone mass, as reflected through cremation weight. Antemortem data were recorded for samples used in the multi‐regional data set. Each was rendered through commercial crematoriums and reweighed postincineration. Pearson’s correlation demonstrates clear association between body mass and cremation weight (r = 0.56; p < 0.0001). However, multiple linear regression revealed sex and age variables also have a significant relationship (t = 7.198; t = ?2.5, respectively). Regressed in conjunction, body mass, sex, and age contribute approximately 67% of all variation observed in cremation weight (r = 0.668). Analysis of covariance indicates significant regional variation in body and cremation weight. Explanations include bone modification resulting from increased loading stress, as well as glucose intolerance and altered metabolic pathways related to obesity.  相似文献   

强制医疗制度是国家医疗保健制度的有机组成部分,强制医疗有广义与狭义之分.狭义的强制医疗,如实施危害行为的精神病患者、甲类传染病患者等;广义的强制医疗,包括预防接种、指定医保单位就医等.强制医疗程序启动的决定主体必须是国家赋予相应权力的机关,其他任何单位不具有这样的权力,因而无权决定强制医疗程序启动.强制医疗主体的确定取决于强制医疗对象的危害程度、广度及时间等因素.  相似文献   

强制医疗制度是国家医疗保健制度的有机组成部分,强制医疗有广义与狭义之分。狭义的强制医疗,如实施危害行为的精神病患者、甲类传染病患者等;广义的强制医疗,包括预防接种、指定医保单位就医等。强制医疗程序启动的决定主体必须是国家赋予相应权力的机关,其他任何单位不具有这样的权力,因而无权决定强制医疗程序启动。强制医疗主体的确定取决于强制医疗对象的危害程度、广度及时间等因素。  相似文献   

Forensic taphonomy explores factors impacting human decomposition. This study investigated the effect of body mass on the rate and pattern of adult human decomposition. Nine males and three females aged 49–95 years ranging in mass from 73 to 159 kg who were donated to the Complex for Forensic Anthropology Research between December 2012 and September 2015 were included in this study. Kelvin accumulated degree days (KADD) were used to assess the thermal energy required for subjects to reach several total body score (TBS) thresholds: early decomposition (TBS ≥6.0), TBS ≥12.5, advanced decomposition (TBS ≥19.0), TBS ≥23.0, and skeletonization (TBS ≥27.0). Results indicate no significant correlation between body mass and KADD at any TBS threshold. Body mass accounted for up to 24.0% of variation in decomposition rate depending on stage, and minor differences in decomposition pattern were observed. Body mass likely has a minimal impact on postmortem interval estimation.  相似文献   

We offer a theory regarding the symbolism of the human body in legal discourse. The theory blends legal theory, the neuroscience of empathy, and biosemiotics, a branch of semiotics that combines semiotics with theoretical biology. Our theory posits that this symbolism of the body is not solely a metaphor or semiotic sign of how law is cognitively structured in the mind. We propose that it also signifies neurobiological mechanisms of social emotion in the brain that are involved in the social and moral decision-making and behavior that law generally seeks to govern. Specifically, we hypothesize that the symbol of a collective human body in the language of law signifies neural mechanisms of pain empathy which generate a virtual, neurally simulated, emotional sense of sharing the feelings or pain of others and of thereby being one-in-body with or virtually equal to them. We speculate that this may be the neural basis of what is signified in legal and political theory as the “body politic” or “sense of equality,” because neuroscience and psychiatry further suggest that such pain empathy may provide the natural, emotional motivation to think and act in a rights-based manner. We conclude that misunderstanding of these neural mechanisms of pain empathy and related misinterpretation of this corporeal symbolism for the same may have long resulted in legal discourse that misinterprets the function of “pain” in the law and misinterprets the associated positive law, specifically the law regarding individual, equality-based rights and criminal justice, in particular, punishment theory.  相似文献   

常林 《证据科学》2013,(6):701-708
《人体损伤程度鉴定标准》明确了损伤程度鉴定的标准和原则。等级分明的鉴定标准和充分考虑人体损伤程度鉴定的法律属性、与-瞄床诊疗的关系及实践经验的鉴定原则为司法鉴定活动提供了新的技术类法律规范。  相似文献   

An intriguing question, which until recently had not been directly explored by the courts, is the extent to which English law recognises body parts and products of the human body as property capable of ownership. Although the common law currently recognises no general property in a dead body (and only limited possessory rights in respect of it), this apparent “no-property rule” provides no justification, it is submitted, for denying proprietary status to parts or products of a living human body. The recent decision of the Court of Appeal in Yearworth v. North Bristol NHS Trust ([2009] EWCA Civ 37) lends strong support to the view that genetic material (as the product of a living human body) is capable of ownership, at least in the context of a claim in the tort of negligence and bailment. This article examines the various issues by reference to both English and Commonwealth authority.
Mark PawlowskiEmail:

根据《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》和有关法律法规规定,结合我国司法鉴定改革和司法实践,对司法技术鉴定文书的主体资格、鉴定人资格、司法鉴定文书的形式、内容及其客观性、公正性、法律标准适用提出审查内容和方法,供侦察、检察、审判人员及司法工作者在办理人身伤害案件中,正确审查和采信司法鉴定结论,提高办案质量,提供规范性参考资料。  相似文献   

余华  吴新原 《政法学刊》2000,17(1):71-72
本文就数字图像处理技术在尸体面貌辨认照相中对尸体面部肤色的调整,伤痕、残缺部位的修复和在尸体面貌辨认相片拼接中的应用以及处理后的尸体面貌辨认相片在公安刑侦系统内部局域网上的应用作了阐述。  相似文献   

刘健  刘璋 《时代法学》2009,7(5):87-91
近年来,WTO体系下贸易与环境的冲突频繁,成为国际社会广泛关注的热点。对于DSB是否能适用MEAs这一问题,无论在理论界还是实践中都存在极大争议。WTO并非独立封闭的法律体系,将MEAs引入贸易与环境争端解决程序不失为一条新的解决思路。且DSB报告在WTO体系内具有事实上的先例作用,因此MEAs的适用有着充足的法理基础和实践支持。  相似文献   

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