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The year of 2000 is at the turn of the century as well as of the millennium. Themankind waves farewell to the 20th century as well as the second millenniumand welcomes the 21st century and the third millennium. At this special juncture,looking closely at the future based on understanding which was obtained from re-viewing and summarizing the past and present world politics from historical andphilosophical standpoints, we can find that it has become an unavoidable subject onhow to regard the trend of the world pattern toward multi-polarization and respon-sibility adjustment arising from it.  相似文献   

It is common knowledge that the focus of the China-Japan dispute over the Diaoyu Islands1 is the question of sovereignty. Some scholars from both home and abroad have defined the issue as one between China and Japan. However, the basis for the Japanese government's territory claim2 over the Diaoyu Islands lies in U.S.-Japan backroom deals, and this has meant that the U.S. is also closely connected to the China-Japan dispute over the sovereignty of the Islands. When the U.S. transferred the Diaoyu Islands to Japan, it stated its neutral position over the issue. To date, all the previous U.S. administrations have basically followed this policy, and they often reiterated this policy at moments of intensification in the Diaoyu Islands issue. This means that that even though there is the close alliance between the U.S. and Japan, the U.S. has maintained its neutral position with regard to the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands, and never taken the view that the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands belongs to Japan. The repeatedly reiterated U.S. position of neutrality could be taken as holding no position on the issue of sovereignty, but of having a clear-cut position alongside Japan on the issue of security. Scholars have produced numerous works on the issue of the U.S. position on the China-Japan dispute over the Diaoyu Islands. By reviewing the historical evolvement of the U.S. position in relation to the Diaoyu Islands, this article will systematically investigate the origins of the U.S. neutrality policy, using documentary materials from China, Japan and the U.S..  相似文献   

正Those who visit China with some frequency usually exclaim,in a mixture of surprise and admiration,that it is a country that changes with each passing year.Modernity and development have lightening speed here,and it is a phenomenon that exceeds the observation or simple perception of the visitor.From one of the planet’s poorest and most backward countries,in  相似文献   

In his Report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) , Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC, pointed out that, "All Party members must fully understand the content and grasp the essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development, be more conscious and determined in applying it, change notions that are not in line with it, work hard to solve major problems that affect or constrain scientific development, direct the whole society's enthusiasm for development to scientific development, and apply this outlook to every aspect of economic and social development." That means that the scientific outlook on Development is of universally great significance. It is scientific Outlook on Development when we are making a study on the question equally important to carry out of peaceful development  相似文献   

正As 2015,a year of great importance to both China and the world,is drawing to an end,it is time for me to review the progress made in China’s diplomacy.The year 2015 is a crucial one in the advance of human history.Seventy years ago,the United Nations was established following the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War.Countries around the world have held commemorations on that part of history which reshaped the future  相似文献   

Immediately after humanity entered the new century,the worldseems somewhat a bit turbulent because of the following events.First are the September 11 events,which were followed by U.S.militaryattacks against Afghanistan.Last year witnessed the continuity of Arab-Israel conflicts in the Middle East,and at the very beginning of the newyear,the United States dispatched warships to the Persian Gulf for a“war to topple the Saddam regime”.The Democratic People's Republicof Korea(DPRK)suddenly declared that it has decided to withdraw fromthe Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty just after Iraq stated that it wasdetermined to resist the United States.Whither the world in the new year?This is a question that all of the academic circles on international relationsare trying to answer.To this end,on January 9,2002,we speciallyinvited Lu Zhongwei,Research Professor and President of China Instituteof Contemporary International Relations and some other experts oninternational relations from the institute to hold a symposium with the theme“Prospect on World Trend 2003.”Now we present their discussions as anew-year gift to our readers who are always in support of our journal.Wehope this would do a bit for their mastery of international situation.  相似文献   

There is a Chinese saying that goes like this, when stormy weather comes, a giant dragon will rise. It is the feature of the present era. When China begins to rise, it will advance at an enormous inertial force. It has become the important factor that influences world future trend. In the meanwhile, changes in international situation also exerted increasing influence on China. Therefore it is of special significance to discuss and assess the international environment that China faces. It is  相似文献   

YU Li 《国际安全研究》2015,1(1):102-128
The Internet expands the field for international politics. It unveils its inner operational logic by exerting its influence on international politics. The Internet, by either guiding or negating the conducts of actors through its own unique innate quality, forces these actors to obey its inherent laws so as to better maintain their own interests. Firstly, this paper attempts to reveal, through level analysis, how the Internet made an impact on international politics, namely by the route of the individual, state and international system. Secondly, taking state interest, power and security as the core of Internet’s action on international politics, it demonstrates that there is no absolute Internet freedom and that the interests and security of the state come before all. The third part of the paper illustrates the catalytical, synchronical and constructional role of the Internet in promoting the transition of international structure. As an information medium, the Internet helps promote changes in international politics. As an advanced technology, it helps international politics constantly identify itself with the development of the times. The all-inclusive interactive communication following the advent of microblogs and Social Networking Services (SNS) helps provide conditions in which international society is evolving itself into a world society in the world of Internet.  相似文献   

Lu: When we discuss the main course of world development andbig power relations, we should and must pay attention to changes ingeopolitical changes. We have discussed much on the above topic. Nextlet us transfer the topic to world economic issues. For the moment letus leave aside the feature of the interaction of economy and politics, asfar is today's world economy itself is concerned, it has a core theme,viz. , development issue. The basic prediction of the world economy inthis year is that …  相似文献   

President-elect Barack Obama once said that to the United States, China is neither an enemy nor a friend, it is a competitor. I think after Obama takes office as the president, the new American administration will deepen and elevate Sino-American relations on the basis of such an understanding.  相似文献   

Fifty years is but a twinkle of the eye in the long stream ofhuman history,but each 50 year period is one of the links in thechain that connects the past to the present,and each link has itown significance.At the turn of the century it is fit for us to re-view cool-headly the changes in world politics in the last 50 yearsso as to be able to explore on the world of the 21st century.  相似文献   

There were both good times and bad times in the history of SinoJapanese relations.And the single most important lesson we could draw from it is that cooperation 1eads to a in-win situation,while conflict lose-lose.The purpose of reviewing and contemplating on this part of history is to look forward to the future.  相似文献   

The debate on the involvement of China in Africa remains active; here in Beijing and in other fields, specialists of different areas analyze, discuss, and they look for hidden intentions regarding the new economical relationships that China has established with the African continent. From the point of view of an African it is fair to recognize that China has brought Africa to the center of the interest of the great countries of the western world.  相似文献   

japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine has escalated tensions between China and Japan that were triggered by the Diaoyu Islands dispute. Changes in the balance of power between China and Japan have caused concerns and strategic restlessness in Japan. Because of public opinion and his party's control of the House of Representatives and Senate, Abe is now eager to further his aims both domestically and overseas. That is why he said: "Now is the time for Japan to take the big step in building a new state." The U.S. supports a stronger Japan because it is looking to maintain the strategic balance in the Asia-Pacific region. Its Asia-Pacific Rebalancing strategy is bound to inflame Japan's ambitions. In fact, Japan has been actively pursuing stronger ties with the U.S. and became more aggressive over the Diaoyu Islands issue.  相似文献   

The East China Sea which covers a total area of 750,000 square kilometers is a semi-closed sea lying between the eastern coast of China's mainland and the Pacific Ocean, bounded on the west by China, on the east by the Kyushu and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, and on the north by Jichu Island of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the Yellow Sea, and connected with the South China Sea by the Taiwan Strait on  相似文献   

Due to the fact that energy safety concerns not only China's economic safety but also influence the so-cial development and national security,it is there-fore both an economic issue and a political issue,being the core of the overall national security, as well as political, economic and military security.This is because a country cannot survive and de-velop without energy resources.The key to energy safety is a steady supply of energy.The safe trans-port of energy in particular is an important…  相似文献   

In the South China Sea disputes,China has ample proof to claim sovereignty over the Xisha Islands(the Paracel Islands)and Nansha Islands(the Spratly Islands)while the claims of certain southeast Asian countries do not hold any water.The South China Sea disputes have their origins in the San Francisco Peace Treaty signed in 1951,the result of intervention by the United States and Great Britain in regional affairs.Even today,the United States has not discarded its Cold War mentality and continues to intervene in the South China Sea disputes.The only change in the United States’ attitude is that it has changed its pretext for intervention from "containing Communist expansion" in the past to "preserving freedom of navigation in the South China Sea" in the present.  相似文献   

Despite the repeated urging of senior American officials, the Abe government unleashed global concern and tension when it disavowed the "shelving" policy consensus that had formerly existed on the Diaoyu Islands dispute. "There has never been consensus achieved on shelving disputes", said Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Kan Yi-wei. "As far as our country's diplomatic records show, there is no such fact", said Japan Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida. These comments demonstrate the unprecedentedly hawkish diplomatic stance of Japan. Was there ever a consensus on shelving territorial disputes? If so, how did each LDP government respond and why would Abe's cabinet try everything possible to change this policy?  相似文献   

It is now one year since the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan of China. An exhibition of children’s paintings and photographs on the topic of post-earthquake reconstruction has been held jointly by the Chinese Association for International Understanding,  相似文献   

The Beijing Olympics has focused unprecedented worm attention on China this year. Many people hail the Games as an occasion that showcases China's growing contribution to world development and harmony. But intent on politicizing this global event, a few modern Cassandras still cling to the flawed China Threat theory. In this paper, the author traces the origins of this fallacious theory. He sees it as a product of Western empiricism viewed through an historical and philosophical prism. He argues that the assertion of threat arises from a generalization of historical facts. The assertion links China's growing clout with declining Western dominance in international affairs. Starting with the myth that peace is possible only among democracies, the theory predicts the inevitability of conflict between the West and China, a country with an alleged expansionist tradition and under an authoritarian system.  相似文献   

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