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正At the invitation of CAFIU,a 15-member delegation headed by Mr.Rodrigo Penailillo,former interior minister of Chile and consisting of representatives from the political circle,think tanks,NGOs and media in Argentina,Mexico,Chile and Costa Rica visited Beijing,Jilin and Shanghai from Sep.4-13,2016.  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of CAFIU,a 20-member delegation headed by Mr.Gustavo Pacheco,former deputy speaker of the Peruvian Parliament consisting of representatives from the political circle,think tanks,NGOs and media in Argentina,Cuba,Mexico and Peru visited Beijing,Henan and Chongqing from Nov.3-15,2015.  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a17-member delegation of friendly people from the political circle,NGOs,think tanks and media of Bangladesh,Nepal,Indonesia,the Philippines and Brunei visited China during July 19 and28.The members of the delegation were either old friends or new acquaintances of China,and therefore all boasted a lot of close links with  相似文献   

正At the invitation of CAFIU,a 13-member neighboring NGO delegation composed of representatives from media and think tanks from Nepal and the Philippines visited China from October 25 to November 5.During its stay in China,CAFIU Vice-President Ai Ping met with the delegation.CAFIU Secretary-General Ni Jian,Deputy SecretaryGeneral Liu Kaiyang had working talks  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of CAFIU,a 14-member neighboring NGO delegation composed of representatives from Bangladesh,India,Indonesia and the Philippines visited China’s Beijing and Chengdu from July 7 to 16,2015.CAFIU Deputy Secretary-General Liu Kaiyang accompanied the delegation to Chengdu.As a CAFIU staff member,I had the honor to accompany the delegation  相似文献   

正At the invitation of CAFIU,a 19-member joint NGO delegation composed of prominent politicians,NGO leaders,think tank researchers,media representatives and businesspeople from CEEC(Central and East European Countries),namely,Estonia,Latvia,Lithuania and Romania headed by Mme.Urve Tiidus,Member of Parliament and former Minister of Culture of Estonia visited Beijing and Fujian from May 9 to18,2016.  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a 24-member delegation consisting of NGO leaders from four neighboring countries visited China from May 13 to 26. The four NGOs are Bangladesh-China People’s Friendship Association (BCPFA), Delhi Study Group (DSG)of India, Nepal Council of  相似文献   

正At the invitation of CAFIU,a 5-member ROK NGO delegation composed of representatives from two well-known think tanks,Asan Institute for Policy Studies and Chinese Studies Institute of Korea JoongAng Daily,visited China from March 7 to 11.In Beijing,CAFIU Vice-President Ai Ping met with the delegation.CAFIU Deputy  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a 15-member African NGO delegation composed of representatives from Namibia,Nigeria and Tanzania visited China from July 7 to July 18.Coming from nine influential NGOs of the three above-mentioned African countries,members of the delegation are engaged in different causes  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a 13-member African NGO delegation composed of representatives from South Africa,Tanzania and Namibia visited Beijing and Guizhou from November 10 to November 19.Members of the  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding,a 12-member African friendly people delegation visited China from March 21 to 30.The delegation was headed by Puso Gaborone,Chairman of the House of Chiefs of Botswana and composed of NGO leaders,traditional leaders,university presidents and media professionals from Botswana,Kenya  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a 10-member NGO delegation composed of representatives from media,think tanks and NGOs from Bangladesh,India and Sri Lanka visited China from April 9 to 18.On the second day of arrival,the delegation visited Xicheng District Administrative Service Center.The center provides such services as  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU),an18-member NGO Delegation from CEE Countries headed by Patryk Angelard,Vice President of the Board of the Civil AssociationPolish House,visited Beijing and Jiangxi from March 19 to 28.  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a 22-memberdelegation from the Compostela Valley Province of the Philippines headed by Governor Arturo T. Uyvisited China from the 12th to 18th of November. The members of the delegation include two congresspersons from the Province, 6 mayors fromdifferent cities and towns as well as entrepreneursfrom the Province.  相似文献   

At the invitation of CAFIU, a 15-member delegation composed of representatives from Civil Association Polish House, Amicus Europe (Friends of Europe) Foundation of Poland, World Bridge Foundation of Hungary, Czech-China  相似文献   

Pakistan-China relations are linked in four areas: political relations; military cooperation; trade and economic relations;  相似文献   

东北地区与周边国家经贸合作   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
东北地区与周边国家经贸合作在东北三省进出口贸易合作中占有重要地位,日韩一直是东北地区外资的主要来源国,而黑龙江省在东北地区对周边国家投资中地位比较突出.但同时,也存在着东北地区与周边国家贸易合作对该地区GDP拉动作用不明显、东北三省与周边国经贸合作发展不均衡、东北地区的对外投资水平较低的问题.在东北振兴、俄罗斯东部开发战略、中日韩自由贸易区步伐有所加快的背景下,东北地区与周边国家经贸合作将得到深化.  相似文献   

正Preface One question frequently raised in discussions with colleagues from neighboring countries,and with European and American scholars who follow closely China’s neighboring relations is,how does China define its relations with neighboring countries?Although as early as sixty years ago,the Chinese government already provided the answer of five principles of peaceful coexistence  相似文献   

鸿鸣 《西亚非洲》2004,(2):69-71
应摩洛哥皇家科学院 (Acad啨mieRoyaleduMaroc)、利比亚最高研究院 (AcademyofGraduateStud ies)和突尼斯国家战略研究所 (InstitutTunisiendesEtudesStrat啨giques)的邀请 ,2 0 0 3年 1 1月 30日至1 2月 1 1日 ,中国社会科学院代表团一行 5人 (西亚非洲研究所所长杨光、国际合作局副局长李葳、西亚非洲研究所副所长张宏明、国际合作局局长助理王镭、国际合作局亚非处处长解莉莉 )对上述 3国进行了为期 1 2天的工作访问。摩洛哥皇家科学院、利比亚最高研究院和突尼斯国家战略研究所是上述 3国著名的研究或教学机…  相似文献   

中国与周边国家关系的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来中国同周边邻国关系的发展进入快车道,处于历史上最好时期。尽管在相互关系中还存在这样那样的问题,但随着中国和周边国家不断发展壮大和区域合作的不断深化,相互关系的前景将更加广阔和光明。  相似文献   

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