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The degree of ethnic educational inequality varies across countries, as international educational surveys have shown. Previous studies suggest that institutional and societal characteristics of destination countries partly account for this variance. The article builds upon these recent findings and upon hypotheses with regard to the relationship between welfare states and immigration and integration processes. It is assumed that two different societal dimensions, namely egality and diversity of the destination countries structure educational decisions of immigrants. Thus, at least partly, the individual control has its educational success revoked. This is why this article speaks of a process of cognitive exclusion. With data from PISA 2003 and 2006 we examine the effects of welfare state institutions and diversity of host countries on individual educational success by applying multilevel regressions. The results show that strong welfare states reduce the individual risk of cognitive exclusion, contradicting common ??moral hazard?? assumptions.  相似文献   

Recently, a growing number of researchers claim that income is only one dimension of social inequality. Neglecting wealth as a more profound measure of an entity??s financial situation can lead to a misleading or even wrong understanding of social inequalities. This article examines the relationship between income and wealth among elderly people in 13 European countries and tries to answer the following two research questions: Are the income-rich also the asset-rich? And what is the composition of wealth within different income groups? The analyses show that higher wealth often goes along with higher income, whereas a high income does not necessarily correlate with high wealth. Instead, in relation to the amount of wealth they possess, the asset-rich do not dispose of a high income. This may be an indicator that income is not the most important mechanism for the accumulation of wealth in the upper part of the wealth distribution. In general the wealth portfolio of asset-rich households is much broader and therefore less ??crises-prone?? than of the asset-poor. Homeownership is the central component in the wealth portfolio of households. For the lowest income quartiles it is often the only meaningful asset. Summing up, the previous income-based definition of poverty and wealth proves to be inadequate. Analyzing wealth in addition to income, it may turn out that the often proclaimed problem of old-age poverty has been either under- or overestimated.  相似文献   

A new role has been ascribed to civil society within the EU-constitutional process. It is not only regarded as a partner in governance but also as a constituent of the emerging EU-polity. Civil society appears in this process primarily as the structure of voice that is articulated in relation to EU-governance and that claims to represent European citizens. The article proposes an analytical framework and a methodology of how to analyze civil society in its role as constituency. The research agenda is linked to the intermediary and the representative function of organised civil society as a transmission belt of legitimatory discourse on the EU. In order to reconstruct how potential interests, identities and normative ideas relating to the legitimacy of a EU constitutional order are contested within national politics, our research draws on a survey of German civil society organisations in three sectors: a) consumer interest organisations, b) churches and religious organisations, and c) women and gender equality groups.  相似文献   

黄祺 《新民周刊》2012,(16):37-39
一轮又一轮食品安全危机以后,消费者脑子里留下的,是对食品强烈的不信任感,如果要把这种不信任感具象到某一个目标身上,这个目标多半是"食品添加剂"。但若仔细分析,食品添加剂在中国食品安全危机的过程中,常常扮演"冤大头"的角色。  相似文献   

同化,融合,还是共存?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东南亚华人与当地民族的关系涉及政治、经济、社会、文化等多个方面。二战后东南亚国家如何处理华人的入籍问题 ,并附加了一些什么条件 ?与此相联系 ,在文化上 ,东南亚华人是完全同化于当地民族的文化 ,还是积极地与当地民族文化融合 ,或是基本上保持自己的文化并与当地民族文化和平共处 ?这些仍然是值得我们思考的问题。  相似文献   

陈冰 《新民周刊》2012,(6):24-25
旅游不挨宰?基本不可能!海南国际旅游岛几成"国际宰人岛"!发端于微博的三亚挨宰事件,终于以官方的"严打"姿态告一段落。然而,就在宰客黑店富林渔村被吊销营业执照的同一天,三亚的酒店、餐馆、景点依然人头攒动,生意兴隆,似乎宰客事件根本就没有发生过。这真是莫大的悲哀!  相似文献   

应琛 《新民周刊》2012,(35):80-83
"风水学"听起来很民间,"堪舆学"看上去很学术。这是穿了不同"马甲"的同一样东西吗?"风水学"听起来很民间,"堪舆学"看上去很学术。殊不知,在不同"马甲"间变换的同一样东西,竟会产生"迷信"与"科学"的大争辩,似乎一提及"风水"二字,社  相似文献   

旧债未偿,又添新债,此愁何计可消除?欧元区的生死存亡,恰似一部2012悬疑片。2012年1月1日,欧元迎来了十岁生日。然而,没有特别庆祝的焰火,没有专门定制的蛋糕,欧元区成员国的心情有点糟。过去一年多,"主权债务危机"像一条讨人厌的尾巴,缠着这个已经拥有17个成员的单一货币联盟,甩也甩不掉。  相似文献   

日本2011年"3·11"地震灾后一周年之际,由上海理工大学45名学生7位教师组成的"重建家园,福岛加油"慰问访问团踏上了这块曾经满目疮痍的土地。厚厚白雪覆盖下的福岛显得有些宁静,但所到之处无不感受得到灾难面前的福岛人民重建家园的热情和信心,以及坚强和乐观的精神。  相似文献   

后稷 《新民周刊》2012,(28):78-81
7月13日,国际足联在官方网站自揭家丑:国际足联前主席阿维兰热和巴西足协前主席特谢拉,受贿共达2200万瑞士法郎(约合人民币1.435亿元)。7月13日,国际足联(简称FIFA)前主席、96岁高龄的阿维兰热和往常一样在里约热内卢享受着宝贵的晚年时光。这位曾经的世界足坛呼风唤雨式的人物,近日并不"平静":前不久因心脏"...  相似文献   

应琛 《新民周刊》2012,(35):72-74
早在8月11日就有人发帖称,通过卜卦得知抢劫杀人犯周克华会于8月14日7点前被击毙。目前,该帖点击量已蹿升至200多万,引来众人膜拜:"我信了!"如今,出门要看个"黄道吉日",建房要选个"风水宝地",交友要对一下"星座"、遇事不顺就去"塔罗占卜或者看个面相"……已成为相当一部分人的生活常态。  相似文献   

对准备或已经以投资移民身份前往美国的华人而言,在严格的纳税制度面前,美国梦似乎没有想象的那么美了。这几年,美国投资移民市场异常火爆。而最近一条美国税法实施细则的出台,让那些持有美国绿卡或有移民倾向的外国人猛然意识到:原来这卡也不是那么好拿的。2011年12月下旬,美国国税局公布了《海外账户纳税法案》(FATCA)部分...  相似文献   

大为 《新民周刊》2012,(27):78-81
朱骏曾说:"新赛季,中超后卫的课题是怎么防阿内尔卡。"如今这话已成笑谈。德罗巴也会重蹈覆辙吗?从今年的引援投入来看,疯狂的申花已经超过了财大气粗的恒大。然而,让人无法想通的是,申花本赛季的超高投入,得到的却是极低产出,目前拥有世界级教练和球星的申花居然在中超积分榜上垫底。"魔兽"的到来能改变这一切吗?  相似文献   

新冷战,怎么办?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新冷战与其"原型"存在本质区别."新时代"的主要内容是试图维护既得利益或是收复失地的西方展开反攻,力图阻止刚刚开始的对世界的重新分割.这一正在展开的对抗,其实质正是为了遏制对老西方不利的历史进程.俄用自己的行动和姿态"助长"了新冷战的开端.既然冷战即将揭幕,只能遵从其逻辑.但在面对种种挑拨离间时,俄应当时刻想着更长远的事情、更可怕的未来.  相似文献   

Research on autocracies has gained new momentum in the last decade. One element of this research is the observation that some autocracies are characterised by structural conditions that are normally conducive for democracy. These ‘anomalous autocracies’ have high levels of socioeconomic development and democratic neighbour countries. The study of these cases might expose factors that are decisive for autocratic stability and studying them might give us a better understanding of barriers towards democratisation. This paper contributes to the growing literature on autocracies by mapping anomalous autocracies during the third wave of democratisation, thereby paving the way for systematic case selection in future studies. A large-N analysis of 159 cases (1975–2008) identifies Belarus, Chile, China, Cuba, Morocco, North Korea, Peru, Singapore, Swaziland, Togo and Zimbabwe. In a second step, the paper lays out a theoretical framework that centres on actors and institutions. Rulers must establish elite–elite and elite–mass interaction, and this papers argues that they can do so through quasi-compliance of elites and the masses based on traditional institutions woven into a dominant party. The paper uses the framework to tentatively examine the resilience of authoritarian rule in Swaziland and Morocco, two most-different anomalous cases. In both cases, an elaborate traditional institution has co-opted government, business and rural elites and coordinated interaction within elite circles and with the masses, in turn enabling the remarkable regime resilience.  相似文献   

刘劲文  杨畅 《新民周刊》2012,(50):93-93
债券基金具有风险较低,不受或较小受股市影响,能为投资者带来相对稳定收益,且抗波动能力强等特点。身处繁重压力下的人们会选择听轻松欢快的style的音乐,同样经济低迷时投资者也会偏向收益稳健风险低的style的理财产品。在如今股市持续低迷的情形下,债券基金无疑是一个不错的产品。一般说来,债券基金具有风险较低,不受或较小受...  相似文献   

金姬 《新民周刊》2012,(22):46-47
在交易之前,不要问自己想赚多少钱,而是问自己能赔多少钱。前不久,当摩根大通首席执行官杰米·戴蒙(James Diamond)承认公司首席投资办公室(CIO)在合成债券头寸上出现20亿美元的交易亏损时,导致这次亏损的"伦敦鲸"布鲁诺·伊克希尔(Bruno Iksi)l一下子火了。在国际金融界,类似的"魔鬼交易员"还有很...  相似文献   

蒲琳 《新民周刊》2012,(39):48-50
每一种新药的问世,都需要在健康的人体上进行临床试验,这些人在医学界被称为"受试者"。除了印度,秘鲁、巴西、波兰、尼日利亚等发展中国家,都成了西方医药巨头发展新药的"试验场"。药物的人体临床试验一直受到广泛关注,日前有报道称,印度自2005年放宽药物试验限制后,多家欧美药厂在当地进行了至少1600项活人临床药物试验,涉及的"人体小白鼠"超过15万人,尤其是2007年至2010年间。  相似文献   

金姬 《新民周刊》2012,(35):48-49
"现在,甲级写字楼的需求者里面,已经没有民营企业了。"近日,SOHO中国董事长潘石屹宣布公司做出重大转型,告别散售,转而长期持有北京、上海有价值的物业。用潘石屹的话说,SOHO以后要做"包租婆",要把一单一单的生意变成"一只永远生蛋的鸡"。世邦魏理仕的报告显示,过去18个月中,北京、上海写字楼租金分别上涨了73%和1...  相似文献   

张襦心 《新民周刊》2012,(28):26-31
将话题引入"欧盟贸易壁垒之争",依然无法打消饱受"化学元素周期表"洗礼的国人疑虑。他们更希望得到以下问题的解答:茶叶是不是都会喷农药?农残超标是否真的很严重?喝什么样的茶才安全?今年的峨桥市场,铁观音连遭重创。国际环保组织对茶叶农药残留的持续发难还未过去,最近又曝出稀土超标。"铁观音的价格一塌糊涂。在产地,去年一斤1...  相似文献   

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