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欧福永  刘星 《河北法学》2007,25(2):163-165
在泰国,对不涉及不动产或与此相关的权利和利益的诉讼,由被告住所地或诉因发生地能行使地域管辖权的法院管辖;有关不动产或其他与不动产有关的权利的诉讼,由有地域管辖权的被告住所地法院或不动产所在地法院管辖.外国国家不能成为泰国法院的当事人;当事人不能自主地选择管辖法院;在外国法院待审的案件还可向有管辖权的泰国法院提交;泰国法律制度中没有不方便法院这一概念.  相似文献   

预防型民事责任   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
预防型民事责任,是指权利相对人的行为对权利人的权利已经造成损害并且还在继续侵害时,或者虽没有造成现实损害却存在造成侵害的危险时承担的一种民事责任。其目的是预防损害的继续或者是损害的发生。此种民事责任的承担,只需要证明权利人享有该权利,相对人的行为(作为或不作为)已经或者即将对权利人的权利造成侵害即可。责任人承担此种责任,采取的是无过错责任原则,不需要考虑责任人的过错。预防型民事责任不是不适用消灭时效,而是消灭时效在预防型民事责任中无法成就而无从适用。  相似文献   

不能犯的认定过程就是危险的破译过程 ,而危险说之主观的未遂论和客观的未遂论 ,分别只就某个片面来看待危险 ,客观的未遂论又从片面之片面展开分析 ,把行为的危险和作为结果的危险之一个问题的两个方面对立起来 ,未能统一地、总体地对待各部分的危险性 ,以至于各说均不同程度地面临顾此失彼的选择困境 ,因而不能得出共识的结论。本文紧紧围绕行为的性质这个核心问题 ,归纳了不能犯认定上的“八字法” ,即“质量、有无、是否、真假”。对于手段不能的情况 ,采取“质量判断法” ,即看行为人所采用的手段与未能达成的危害结果之间 ,是属性不妥还是数量不够 ,前者是不能犯 ,后者则为未遂犯 ;对于客体不能的情况 ,采取“有无判断法” ,即看行为人所指向的客体是否存在 ,不存在是不能犯 ,存在则是未遂犯 ;对于主体不能的情况 ,采取“是否判断法” ,即看行为人是否具备刑法所规定的意图之罪的主体资格 ,不具备的是不能犯 ,具备的则是未遂犯 ;对于状况不能的情况 ,采取“真假判断法” ,即看行为人实施行为时 ,刑法所规定的构成该罪的特定情景状态是否真实 ,不真实的是不能犯 ,真实的则是未遂犯。  相似文献   

财产性利益是诈骗罪的对象   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张明楷 《法律科学》2005,23(3):72-82
主张财产性利益是诈骗罪的对象,具有合目的性与具体的妥当性,并不违反罪刑法定原则(不属于类推解释);但是,只有当某种利益内容属于财产权,具有管理可能性与转移可能性,客观上具有经济价值,被害人丧失该利益必然同时导致财产损害时,该利益才能成为诈骗罪对象的财产性利益;至于债权凭证、财物的返还请求权、货款请求权、财物的交付"请求权"、债务的延缓履行是否刑法上的财产性利益,则需要具体分析。  相似文献   

Confrontational interrogation techniques seek to produce a confession, while investigative interviews focus on information gathering and/or catching suspects in lies. Confessions obtained during interrogations are potent for securing a defendant’s conviction. However, the goal of investigative interviews is not to produce a confession, yet it is unknown if their outcome (e.g. exposed lies) is as effective in court as that of an interrogation (i.e. a confession). In two studies, mock jurors read case summaries wherein a defendant was accused of murder and terrorist activities. In both cases, the statement a defendant made during a police interview was manipulated: The defendant either lied or not and either confessed or not. Participants then rendered a verdict and were asked about the probative value of several pieces of supporting evidence. Results were similar across both studies with more convictions when the defendant lied, confessed, or did both relative to when the defendant produced a statement without lies and without a confession. Furthermore, we found that perceptions of supporting evidence mediated the effect of exposed lies on culpability, but this was not the case for confessions. These findings illustrate the positive qualities of presenting exposed lies in court, diminishing the need for a confession.  相似文献   

A review of a series of eleven persons who committed suicide in a city long distances from home is presented, and the concept of transjurisdictional suicide is introduced. Those eleven cases suggest a high likelihood that the victim will be found in a hotel or motel bed by a hotel/motel employee within a day of check-in; the victim will be a white male who drove to the city and who lived in a hometown closely associated with an urban center which is within a day's drive and on an interstate route connecting the hometown to the city selected; the victim will be older than twenty-one years, married or never married but not divorced or widowed, and will not have been born in the state where death occurred; a suicide message will be found, and a specific reason for selecting a given city will not be apparent.  相似文献   

目前刑法理论界对于强奸罪中轮奸的成立要件及其是否存在着既遂、未遂问题的观点不一。笔者试图通过一个案例来引出自己的观点,即轮奸作为强奸罪的一种加重处罚的情形,其本身不是单独罪名,故不存在既、未遂的提法,而是应以其轮奸行为是否实际发生作为该款项成立的依据。同时,传统的刑法理论通说认为,共同犯罪中的犯罪完成形态只能是整体既遂或整体未遂,即既遂後不存在部分未遂或中止的可能。笔者认为,在特殊共同犯罪中,基于某种实行犯的行为的不可替代性,故仍应存在部分个体未遂或中止的可能,这是对普通共同犯罪中“部分行为全体负责”这一原则的必要例外与补充。  相似文献   

王钢 《法学研究》2012,(4):154-174
刑法中认定自杀有主客观两方面要求。在主观方面,被害人不仅应当认识到并且意欲死亡结果发生,而且必须自愿地、也即自主决定地选择了死亡。对于自愿性的判断应当以有效承诺的主观要件为标准。重大的动机错误同样导致不能成立自杀。此外,被害人还必须客观上事实性地支配着直接导致死亡的行为,在将不可逆转地造成死亡结果的最后关键时刻自己控制着事态的发展。自杀本身并非刑事不法行为,教唆或帮助自杀、对自杀者不予救助或者过失导致他人自杀等自杀相关行为也不应受到刑事处罚。  相似文献   

One argument in support of a public policy of not subjecting persons with psychopathic disorders to civil or criminal commitment is that these disorders do not improve with treatment. This article examines the relationship between the assumption of untreatability of psychopathic disorders and outpatient civil commitment, inpatient civil commitment, and insanity acquittee commitment. Research on the treatability of psychopathy is reviewed and the treatment of conditions co-morbid with psychopathy is considered. Research evidence is insufficient to support the conclusion that psychopathy is improved, worsened or not affected by treatment. Evidence does support effective treatments for conditions that can be co-morbid with psychopathic disorders including impulsive aggression which can be interpreted as a manifestation of psychopathic disorder.The absence of evidence based treatment efficacy for psychopathic disorders is a logical reason for not subjecting individuals with only a psychopathic disorder to involuntary hospitalization. This assumption should not becloud the possibility of treatable co-morbid conditions which may or may not qualify for involuntary hospitalization. Where the primary mental disorder, for which an individual is involuntarily hospitalized, results in behavioral improvement, the continued presence of a psychopathic disorder itself, should not be sufficient reason to continue coerced confinement. Even so, where the primary disorder is incompletely treated, psychopathy can be considered a risk factor when deciding upon the appropriate time for discharge and when formulating a safe and effective after care plan.  相似文献   

暴力犯罪的内涵与外延   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
林亚刚 《现代法学》2001,23(6):138-142
本文认为我国理论上对于暴力犯罪的界定存在值得商榷之处 ,对暴力犯罪的界定 ,重要的并不在于刑法分则条文本身是否明文规定以暴力为犯罪构成要件 ,而在于行为人在实施犯罪时所采取的是否为暴力行为。并根据我国刑法的规定对“暴力犯罪”的范围以及“暴力”的内涵予以分析 ,在此基础上进一步论述了几种法律明文规定的暴力行为。  相似文献   

We describe an autopsy case of a 61-year-old woman with von Recklinghausen's disease, who died suddenly following intraperitoneal hemorrhage due to the rupture of a giant splenic artery aneurysm. The aneurysm measured 16 x 13 x 5.5 cm--much larger than those in most previous reports. The pancreatic body, which was pressed by the aneurysm, was widely atrophic. In general, splenic artery aneurysms are more frequent in pregnant women or patients with portal hypertension. The pathogenesis of this aneurysm is presumed to be arterial dysplasia, focal arterial inflammation, or portal hypertension, unlike other aneurysms due to arteriosclerosis or syphilis. Since the patient had not been pregnant and had not had liver cirrhosis or arteriosclerosis, the pathogenic factor could not be determined in this case. The relationship between the genesis of the aneurysm and von Recklinghausen's disease was not clear either.  相似文献   

TTB is amending the regulations to prohibit the appearance on labels or in advertisements of any health-related statement, including a specific health claim, that is untrue in any particular or tends to create a misleading impression. A specific health claim on a label or in an advertisement is considered misleading unless the claim is truthful and adequately substantiated by scientific evidence; properly detailed and qualified with respect to the categories of individuals to whom the claim applies; adequately discloses the health risks associated with both moderate and heavier levels of alcohol consumption; and outlines the categories of individuals for whom any levels of alcohol consumption may cause health risks. In addition, TTB will consult with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as needed, on the use of specific health claims on labels. If FDA determines that a specific health claim is a drug claim that is not in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, TTB will not approve the use of such statement on a label. Health-related statements that are not specific health claims or health-related directional statements will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if they tend to mislead consumers. The final rule provides that health-related directional statements (statements that direct or refer consumers to a third party or other source for information regarding the effects on health of alcohol consumption) will be presumed misleading unless those statements include a brief disclaimer advising consumers that the statement should not encourage consumption of alcohol for health reasons, or some other appropriate disclaimer to avoid misleading consumers. TTB believes that the final regulations will ensure that labels and advertisements do not contain statements or claims that would tend to mislead the consumer about the significant health consequences of alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

在美国产品严格责任制度中,药品具有缺陷是药品侵权责任成立的前提条件。在涉及药品责任的诉讼中,对药品缺陷的证明是决定诉讼胜败的关键。美国第三次侵权法重述把药品缺陷分为设计缺陷、制造缺陷、使用说明或警示缺陷。其各自不同的判断标准,既能帮助原告理解抽象的缺陷概念,也为原告通过具体的证据去证明缺陷指明了方向。探讨美国药品缺陷判断与证明的法律理论以及判例经验,以期能对我国相关法律的建设与司法实践提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

陈学权 《证据科学》2012,20(1):40-45
山木集团前总裁宋山木强奸案向我们提出了被追诉人有无权利要求测谎的问题。只要在刑事诉讼中允许使用测谎技术,无论是允许其作为证据使用还是仅仅将其作为审查判断证据的手段,被追诉人单方面向法院申请测谎,实质上均是一种试图向法院澄清事实真相的诉讼证明行为。被追诉人的测谎权是一种相对权,而非绝对权。鉴于我国目前的现实情况,测谎只能作为审查判断言词证据的方法,尚不能作为独立的证据适用,因此法院是否批准被追诉人的测谎申请,应以有测谎之必要为前提。  相似文献   

雾里看花:自然人破产之争   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曹兴权 《河北法学》2006,24(4):43-47
是否规定自然人破产,是破产立法过程中争论的一个焦点问题.支持论的各种观点缺乏社会性关注,带有很大程度的臆断性;批判论的分析思路值得肯定但缺乏充分性.自然人具有破产能力属于一个自然法则,但这并不意味着我国现阶段有必要选择自然人制度.是否引进,是一个社会政策性的而不是一个法律技术性的问题.就目前社会经济文化法制条件看,我国还不适宜规定自然人破产特别是消费者破产制度.  相似文献   

徐银波 《法学研究》2015,(4):164-183
社团决议行为并非法律行为,无法直接适用法律行为规则.物权法、公司法虽设有特别规则,但二者关于决议行为效力类型及瑕疵事由的规定均不周延且相互冲突,无法满足司法需求.非公司法人等的决议行为更面临法律规制漏洞.未来民法典总则亟需增设决议行为规则.规制决议行为的伦理基础并非程序正义,而系社团自治,应围绕社团自治建构规则.应区分决议成立认定与效力判断,经有召集权者召集会议作出多数决,方形成决议.已成立的决议需满足有决议权限、真实性、合法性、合理性要件,方具有法律效力.与之对应,无决议权限、程序瑕疵、表决瑕疵、内容违法、违反规约及侵害成员合法权益将导致决议效力待定、可撤销或无效.  相似文献   

Denying food and water to profoundly impaired people who may not be conscious, or may only be "minimally" conscious, raises challenging ethical issues. While there is growing support for withdrawing/withholding food and water (assisted nutrition and hydration, or "AHN") from people described as being in a "persistent vegetative state" ("PVS") and people with other profound neurological impairments, such as advanced dementia, the issue remains controversial, and for many, unresolved. In this article, the author argues that if a profoundly impaired person is not imminently dying from a disease process, denying food and water causes him or her to die of dehydration and starvation. When provision of food and water does not create excessive burdens (such as extreme pain and discomfort), and if the food and water can be digested and absorbed, denying such nourishment is immoral and unethical. Under these circumstances, this denial (by commission or omission) is motivated by a real intention to cause death, whether or not that intention is explicitly recognized.  相似文献   

公法上的让与禁止属《合同法》第52条第5项规定的"法律、行政法规的强制性规定",因而须在区分管理性强制性规定和效力性强制性规定的基础上判断违反让与禁止的法律后果。私法上的让与禁止旨在保护特定主体的利益而限制权利人的处分权,故属相对的让与禁止而非绝对的让与禁止。违反相对的让与禁止与违反国家机关发布的让与禁令一样,其后果都是行为相对于所保护的特定主体无效,但受让人可获善意取得制度的保护。违反约定的让与禁止应区分物权和债权而异其效力。《房地产管理法》第38条和《担保法》第37条既不属"法律、行政法规的强制性规定",也不能理解为关于让与禁止或处分禁止的规定,它们在性质上都属警示性规范,因而仅仅是行为规范,不能作为裁判的依据。  相似文献   

个体与公共是公共经济关系的基本哲学范畴。就个体与公共的应然关系而言,组成公共体是个体的需要,是个体合作与沟通的桥梁。公共是为广大个体的权利服务的,公共是具体的、历史的,公共离不开个体,但又不为某一具体的个体而存在。公共并不必然优先于个体,个体是公共的逻辑起点,公共是个体间满足共同需要的合意,是个体间的联结,是一种社会机制和社会建构方法。个体并非绝对利己,是利己与利他的辩证统一;公共并非绝对利他,至少不必然普遍利他。在公共体内产生矛盾的时候,需要以宪政来控制公共体向社会和个体发恶的可能性。公共可能是一种福利,也可能是一种危险,公共经济行动必须接受宪政约束,公共的形成必须满足基本的宪政条件,必须支付必要的宪政成本。  相似文献   

黄爱学 《时代法学》2009,7(4):43-51
从形式意义上而言,董事是由公司选任产生的经营决策者或管理者;从实质意义上来说,董事是处于董事职位上的任何人。但形式意义上的界定具有明显不足。董事不仅是一种身份或职位,更是一个功能性概念。在公司实践中,某些主体并不具有董事职位或身份,却行使着董事的职权,或者对公司施加经营决策上的影响,成为公司自主经营的一种外在的异己力量。另外,一些董事的职责和功能被侵蚀或扭曲,成为了一种异己力量或者变异的身份。各国立法对这些现象的规制有一定的差异。我国立法上对上述问题的规定急需完善。  相似文献   

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