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What is the relationship between ownership type and environmental performance in Chinese firms? Using a survey of over 1,000 industrial firms in 12 Chinese cities in 2006, this article tests a number of competing hypotheses linking ownership type to environmental performance. The results show that small and medium state-owned enterprises (SOEs) on average spend less on pollution abatement technologies and are less likely to meet national emissions standards, compared to privately owned enterprises (POEs) and foreign invested enterprises (FIEs). However, the environmental performance of the largest SOEs matches that of their private and foreign counterparts. These findings are complemented by qualitative interviews and archival research conducted in 2012.  相似文献   

Q. Edward Wang 《当代中国》2010,19(64):273-289
Ever since it was first broadcasted in 2006, the Rise of the Great Powers, a popular Chinese TV mini-series of 12 episodes, has received great attention both at home and abroad. Some have suggested that the showing of this series marked a new orientation in China's foreign policy and a new perception of its position in the world. Using oral interviews and written works by the historians who masterminded the project, this article analyzes the view of the Chinese historian, and of current Chinese leadership, about the globalizing world today and China's position in and relation to it. Using the documentary as a starting point, it discusses the status quo of world-history study in China today and argues that though receptive to the incentive for globalizing history writing, historical scholarship in China remains grounded in a Eurocentric understanding of modern world history. China's recent economic expansion has paradoxically reinforced this tradition, as the country is bracing for its own world power status.  相似文献   

正CHINA has a strong relationship with Kuwait,characterized by continuous improvements and mutual respect.To shed more light on these relations,China Today sat down with Kuwait’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China Mohammed Saleh Ahmed Al-Thuwaikh.  相似文献   

LIU JIE 《人权》2010,(2):13-17
China started to participate in the world's Human Rights (HR) development from the time when it began to reform and open up. The efforts over the past 30 years have made China one of the countries that are the best in respecting and protecting HR in the world. Not only has China made tremendous achievements in HR development but also attained a deeper understanding of HR that transcending ideology and the universal values for the mankind.  相似文献   

In 1999,the Chinese government decided to launch an annual high-tech trade show.China Hi-Tech Fair(CHTF)-in Shenzhen.So far,The CHTF has been held successfully for eight years.  相似文献   

正MOST debates on the concept of the"Chinese Dream"raise the issue of what Chinese people dream of,and how their dreams could be fulfilled through a new era of reforms decided at the latest plenum of the CPC Central Committee.Yet thought should be given as well to the"Dream of China,"meaning the way the world perceives China and its rise today,and how the country could evoke a Dream of China similar to that so many people around the world have dreamed about the United States,despite all its mistakes and shortcomings.Over past centuries all major  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Chi-nese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC),all-member Politicaland Trade Delegation of Alaska,U.S., led by Ms. Ramora Barnes,former speaker of the Congress ofAlaska State and current memberof the Congress, paid a visit toShanghai, Beijing and Harbinfrom June 7 to June 19, 1995.Alaska and Heilongjiang Province  相似文献   

During the course of2004,theChinese trade unionsearnestly implemented theirstrategy of"Organizing forBetter Protection,"steppedup efforts to regulate industrial relations,effectively defended the legitimate rightsand interests of workers.I.Safeguarding th…  相似文献   

正The core of the message to the outside world lay in President Xi Jinping’s assertion that the international community expects to hear China’s voice and be aware of China’s plans and China will not be absent from the world’s debate.This is not new,of course.For some time now,the world has recognized China as a force to be reckoned with.But in order to understand what the world can expect from China in 2016,it is useful to analyze the carefully considered content of the president’s  相似文献   

The 10th China International Fair for Invest- ment and Trade (CIFIT) sponsored by the Min- istry of Commerce and organized by the Fujian Pro- vincial People’s Government and the Xiamen Mu- nicipal People’s Government was held from Septem- ber 8 to 11, 2…  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) has recently published Blue Paper on the Role of Chinese Trade Unions in Safeguarding the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Workers (2005), which consist of 11 parts: preserve the correct orientation of Chinese trade unions as a protector of workers' legitimate rights and interests; protect workers' right to join and form trade union; organize and represent workers to exercise the right to equal consultation; protect workers' labor and economic rights; guarantee workers' democratic and political rights; fulfill workers' spiritual and cultural needs; actively participate in adjusting labor relations and handling labor disputes; protect migrant workers' legitimate rights and interests; promote gender equality and protect women workers' special rights and interests; take innovations in the way trade unions protect workers; and mobilize and organize workers to play the role of the working class as the main force in economic construction, and the following is an abstracted edition of it  相似文献   

This paper aggregates the state of India–China economic relations with a specific focus on trade at the borders. It explicates the potential for economic activity at the border regions to generate self-sustaining and/or externally linked local development for both countries. By an examination of the existing trade and investment policies and practices, it shows how geographical contiguity is yet to be transformed into opportunity along the India–China border, a practice consistent both with the history of these regions as well as with the blueprints being drawn up for the future of these regions. Informed by the Liberal school of IR theory, the paper studies border trade through the paradigmatic optic of being an important, yet underutilized, avenue of dyadic interaction, and makes a case for upgrading the status of border trade in the overall schema of bilateral trade relations between India and China.  相似文献   

Worldwide translation of the Bible began in the 3rd century B.C., but records of the Chinese version of the Bible go back to around the 7th-8th century. According to Gu Changsheng, a researcher of the history of Christianity in China, the earliest translation of the Bible in China can be found at the time of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In 635, foreign  相似文献   

AS a 5,000-year-old civilization,China developed its own politicalideology, which had great influence on its diplomacy. Among themost deep-rooted concepts were"no land under heaven that is notthe emperor's, and no men within the four seas thatare not his subjects" and the "country of the mandateof heaven."These concepts were closely related.Throughout the dynasties, Chinese emperors sawthemselves as the sons of heaven, having the mandate of heaven to rule the world. Theoretically, allthe lan…  相似文献   

A ‘dual-power structure’ governs the Chinese countryside. Branch committees of the Chinese Communist Party, traditionally the centers of power in the villages, increasingly share their authority with elected villagers' committees. Seeking to illuminate the factors contributing to the division of authority between these ‘two committees’, we view Party branch secretaries and the chairs of villagers' committees as the agents of two distinct principals. Party branch secretaries tend to derive their authority from township authorities, while villagers' committee chairs derive theirs from their village electorates. We predict that the division of authority between the two committees varies with (a) the relative levels of activism exhibited by the principals; and (b) the perceived legitimacy of the agents, as determined by their method of s/election. Through analysis of a unique dataset, we test four hypotheses derived from this framework. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the ‘exercise of power’ in rural China and shed light on the dynamics of China's political evolution.  相似文献   

TANGIBLE disparity existsbetween standards of life inChina’s rural and urbanareas,and in their levels ofgender equality.This adds com-plexity to China’s overall maritaland famitial situation.The urbaneconomy and culture are movingin the direction of those of devel—oped countries,as the rural econo—my shifts from being agriculture-dominated to one co—buttressed by  相似文献   

On November 17, 2002, the 2002 Economic and Trade Talks Between Chinese and French Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises cosponsored by the China Service Center for Friendship and Cooperation with Foreign Countries (CSCFCFC), the Beijing Degaohua Scientific and  相似文献   

ON accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO),China promised further economic reform and opening-up, establishing a trade policy system in line with international rules and advancing the healthy development of its national economy and foreign trade. In the 10 years since then China has honored those promises andseen momentous change.Growing at an annual rate of 10.5 percent, the Chinese  相似文献   

1. Introduction The role of law and human rights in Chinese traditional culture seem to be a real conundrum with misunderstanding and controversies. Some Western politicians and scholars who did not probably delve into and equip with related knowledge were apt to take an adverse stand. For example, Chris Pat-  相似文献   

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