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一 土地制度及土地法令 长期以来,土地问题成为马来西亚农业难以解决的重大问题。它的土地制度在十九世纪末形成。在英国侵入马来西亚以前,所有土地都归各州的苏丹所有。英国人在一七八六年侵占槟榔屿在佛兰西斯·菜特统治时期(一七八六至一七九四年)也没有制订土地制度。菜特慷慨地把土地拨给要求土地的申请者,他本人也占有大片土地,成为当时槟榔屿的大庄园主。雪兰莪州也有类似情况。十九世纪中叶,吉隆坡的开辟者叶亚来在吉隆坡拥有大片土地,但是  相似文献   

一 华文教育的发展 马来西亚是东南亚华文教育比较发达的国家之一。十九世纪大量华人移民的到来,也传进了中国的文化,较早在居留地建立了用方言讲授的华校,这就是今仍存在的私塾,只是形式有所改变罢了。远在一八五四年,海峡殖民地政府就鼓励私人办学校。可是,马来亚从英国殖民统治、成立自治邦到独立和马来西亚成立一直到今日,华文教育  相似文献   

从2007年到2015年,马来西亚净选盟运动一共发生了四次,参与人数逐渐增多,影响力越来越大,它直接导致执政党国民阵线在2008年和2013年的两次大选中成绩逐次下滑,并影响到了其执政地位。纵观历次净选盟运动,民族不平等是其发生的根本原因,威权统治是其发生的主要原因,而大选的"不公正"则是其发生的直接原因。它的发生促进了马来西亚的政治民主化进程,但也会造成民族隔阂的加深,因此净选盟运动的未来发展将会极大地考验组织者的智慧。  相似文献   

林梅 《当代亚太》2006,4(10):59-64
印尼劳工大量流入马来西亚,并构成亚洲劳工移民的重要组成部分。20世纪90年代,马来西亚取代沙特阿拉伯成为印尼劳工海外移民最多的国家。随着在马来西亚的印尼劳工数量的不断增加,特别是非法印尼劳工的增加,在马来西亚的印尼劳工问题越来越受到马来西亚政府、媒体和民众的关注,甚至影响到两国的外交关系,成为危及两国关系的非传统安全问题。本文将探讨在马来西亚的印尼劳工的基本状况、印尼劳工流入马来西亚的原因、非法印尼劳工进入马来西亚的途径以及印尼劳工问题对两国关系的影响。  相似文献   

随着马来亚联合邦(马来西亚前身)于1957年宣布独立,该国的城市化进程如火如荼地拉开了帷幕。近半个世纪以来,随着政府颁布一系列扶植马来人的政策,特别是1971年推行新经济政策,越来越多的马来人从乡村涌向城市,投身到国家的经济建设中去。以伊斯兰教为生活指引的马来家庭在城市化浪潮中受到巨大冲击,发生了诸多改变。本研究通过对马来西亚首都吉隆坡47家低收入马来家庭的采访和调研,解析了马来家庭功能在城市化进程中发生的变化以及这种变化造成的影响。  相似文献   

巫统一党独大是马来西亚长期以来政党政治的一大特点 ,但是 1999年末马来西亚第 10次大选却表明这种局面正在发生明显的变化 ,这必将对马来西亚的政局产生深远的影响。本文试从马来西亚政党政治变化入手 ,分析变化的成因 ,并对今后一个时期马来西亚政党政治和政局的发展趋势作一展望。  相似文献   

马来西亚的内外政策及其展望廖小健1995年4月25日马来西亚举行了第九届大选,执政党国民阵线获得192个国会议席中的161席,占总席位的83.85%,以绝对优势赢得大选胜利而继续执政,大选结果充分表明马来西亚九百万各族选民对执政党为建立一个先进、团结...  相似文献   

马来西亚当前的若干经济问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马来西亚当前的若干经济问题庄礼伟一、1995年马来西亚经济的总体回顾马来西亚过去一向是以其丰富的自然资源及其初级产品为其经济支柱,其中天然橡胶产量和出口量居世界第一,棕榈油、椰子、胡椒、锡矿、木材等产量也居世界前列。自80年代初马哈蒂尔执政以来,马来...  相似文献   

A number of fundamental labor-related problems to be addressed in perestroyka is outlined by the Director of the Economics Research Institute of Gosplan. The initial presentation covers worker apathy, lack of discipline, poor correspondence between wages and the importance and skill level of various occupations, and unemployment and retraining. As a participant in the first joint Soviet Economy roundtable, he then responds to questions by American participants, a distinguished economist and an eminent political scientist, on the role of cooperatives in absorbing surplus labor displaced by restructuring, and how responsibility for re-employment of dismissed employees will be delegated. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: 124, 800.  相似文献   

Official statistics seriously underestimate the number of Nepali migrant workers abroad and both the volume and value of remittances flowing back into Nepal from those workers. Original research by the authors suggests that many migrant workers abroad are working illegally and unofficially, and that the bulk of remittances also flow back into Nepal informally and illegally. The scale of remittances, consequently, is at least ten times greater than official estimates indicate (equal to 13 percent of GDP) and quite possibly twenty times greater (equal to 25 percent of GDP). This indicates the need for a thorough reconsideration of Nepal's balance of payments. The authors illustrate how remittances flow back into Nepal unevenly, contributing to growing inequalities, both between regions and between social classes.  相似文献   

In the last decade factory owners, in response to brand-name Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) parameters, have joined associations that verify (through a monitoring and audit system) that management does not exploit labour. There have been no reports of violations of codes of conduct concerning Malaysian workers but for foreign workers on contract there are certain areas that have been reported. These areas, including trade union membership, the withholding of workers' passports and unsuitable accommodation, generally escape notice because auditors who monitor factory compliance do not question the terms of contracts as long as they comply with national labour standards. This paper is based on research with foreign workers in Malaysia and argues that despite the success of the anti-sweatshop movement in a global context, the neo-liberal state in Malaysia continues to place certain restrictions on transnational labour migrants which breach garment industry codes of conduct. Available evidence does not support the assumption that CSR practices provide sufficient protection for both citizen and foreign workers on contract in the garment industry.  相似文献   

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