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This study explored the prevalence and severity of own violence, violence in the family, the school, and the neighborhoods of high school students from three distinguished provinces in Thailand and consisted of 1305 youths. The southern Muslim province has the highest rates of violence; and males were found to be more violent than females. Own violence among Thai youth is lower than the ones in western societies. As in the west, the highest violent rates were indicated in the schools, followed by violence in the community and the family. The results were interpreted in light of the social/demographic and cultural characteristics of Thailand.  相似文献   

证券民事责任赔偿机制涉及证券欺诈行为的界定,责任主体与责任形式的确立、因果关系与过错的认定、赔偿金额的确定等诸多因素,最高人民法院最近出台的有关司法解释对证券虚假陈述民事赔偿机制的运用作了具体规定。应结合有关规定对虚假陈述行为进行合理界定,明确责任主体范围与责任形式,并采取因果关系的推定性和多元化的归责原则,合理确定赔偿金额。  相似文献   

By virtue of conceptual abstraction, the notion of nationality plays a pivotal role in liberal democracies, governing distinctions in the allocation of 'absolute' and 'relative' rights, and determining that while national citizens, as full member of a sovereign political community, enjoy both human and political/social rights, resident aliens are excluded from the scope of these latter, community-related, rights. Further, The European Convention upon Human Rights appears to countenance this dichotomy, allowing sovereign states to restrict the political activity of aliens. This paper nonetheless argues that such a distinction undermines the democratic imperative upon which liberal constitutional states are founded. A 'social integration thesis,' holding that individuals should enjoy, as a fundamental right, the possibility fully to develop their personalities though establishing and pursuing secure social contacts, as well as interpreting those contacts in the light of prevailing cultural perceptions, not only raises the right of stable residence to one of most fundamental attaching to the human condition, but also indicates that political rights—a mere extension of self‐expression and self-fulfilment within civil society—should be recast as a universal entitlement. Article Three of the First Protocol ECHR may be construed in line with the social integration thesis, and consequently, in the matter of the definition of the members of the national community, the political sovereignty of the Nation State must be limited.  相似文献   

随着商标功能的丰富和发展,商标淡化行为对驰名商标所造成的危害越来越大。对驰名商标给予反淡化保护不仅已经成为国内外多数学者的主张,而且在国外的立法和我国的司法实践中已经积累了大量的经验。目前,我国应当在《商标法》的第三次修改中,适应现代商标制度的发展,摆脱传统商标混淆理论的束缚,增加商标反淡化保护的规定,从而更好地保护商标权人的权利。  相似文献   

熊静波 《现代法学》2007,29(4):15-22
表达自由与其他宪法权利的规范语句只是作为一种预设存在,它们在水平效力的延展上都是有限度的,彼此之间也是有界限的,所谓的界限主要通过对于权利范围的限制来体现,而在对权利作限制时,其核心部分不应受到憾动。在个案情形下,任何一方的胜出,都会对另一方构成限制,而任何一清晰的主张完全可能会被确认,也完全有可能会被驳倒,指望在两个权利之间划定一条什么固定不变的界限好方便断案是不现实的,权利之间的界限有赖于法益衡量。  相似文献   

外国法适用中的人权保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在适用外国法的过程中,如果外国法的适用明显侵犯普遍性人权,一国可以利用公共秩序保留、法律规避及反致制度排除外国法的适用,也可以直接以侵犯人权为由排除外国法的适用,以实现人权的国际保护。  相似文献   

传统文化对任何一个国家或群体都意义重大。我国传统文化保护的现状堪忧,特别是现行知识产权制度在传统文化法律保护方面存在诸多不足,所以有必要创设新的制度对传统文化进行保护,即传统文化产权制度。该制度则建立在劳动财产论、劳动价值论和文化资本论的基础之上,其具体的制度构建主要包括主体应采用双重主体说,权利主体是其所在社区的群体,管理主体是国家,即由国家设立专门的机构来统筹传统文化产权的运行;客体即传统文化,但应排除公有领域、宗教领域、合理使用状态下的传统文化;内容大致包括署名权、文化尊严权、文化发展权、使用权、获得收益权。  相似文献   

The author examines the sources and premises of the idea that free expression has value in part because of the function it performs in checking the abuse of official power (the "checking value") and explores how this checking value difyers from those values that have dominated First Amendment analysis since 1919. In addition, the author traces in some detail the uneven influence the checking value has had recently in three areas of First Amendment adjudication: civil actions f o r defamution; disputes arising from efforts by journalists to protect or establish relationships with news sources; and claims b y nonjournalists to a constitutional or statutory right to communicate directly to the public over major print or broadcast outlets. The author argues that the checking value must receive open, systematic consideration if it is to play a consistent part in adjudication and speculates on how such consideration of the checking value might help one think about a wide range of additional First Amendment questions.  相似文献   

本文探讨了德国古典哲学家康德在其名著《法的形而上学原理》一书中的私权哲学思想。首先在康稳的整体哲学的背景下来考察其法哲学的地位,指出法哲学是康德的“人学”思想的重要组成部分,法哲学就是关于权利的科学,是研究调整人们外在行为自由的科学。权利的科学的核心是私权与文明社会的问题,本文主体部分就这一问题展开研究,指出作为一个积极的启蒙思想家康德的私权哲学反映了启蒙时代普遍关注的私人权利如何能够并存的问题,康德关于私法与私权的阐述时刻围绕这个核心。  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(八)》彻底贯彻了宽严相济刑事政策,重在完善刑事处罚体系。其最大亮点之一就是取消了13种罪名的死刑以及调整了死缓的相关执行规定;其次是对自由刑的重要调整,使得“生刑”和死刑之间差距更加合理、管制刑更加完善,假释和缓刑规定更加明确和丰富;其三是财产刑得到重视,有所增加;其四是量刑情节相关规定更加完善。总之,本次务实、协调的刑法修订具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

就目前我国的司法实践而言,侦查人员为了查找犯罪线索、搜集犯罪证据,侵犯犯罪嫌疑人近亲属合法权利的现象在刑事侦查中较为普遍,逐渐引起了法学界和执法机关的高度重视。本文从当前司法实践入手,就犯罪嫌疑人近亲属合法权益受侵害的表现、侦查人员和犯罪嫌疑人近亲属面临的法律困境进行讨论,认为犯罪嫌疑人近亲属权力的设定和保护,是当前我国推进法治化进程、实施社会主义法治理念无法回避的问题,需要明确侦查权的范围与程序,确立犯罪嫌疑人近亲属一定范围的拒绝作证权,充分考虑法律的可执行性,尽可能体现道德和法律的统一。  相似文献   

航空器抵押权的立法反映了航运融资的需要。航空器抵押权的性质是动产抵押还是不动产抵押,主要取决于立法选择。航空器抵押权的标的物具有合成性,包括航空器构架、发动机、螺旋桨、无线电设备和其他一切为了在航空器上使用的无论安装于其上或暂时拆离的物品,其中某些物品可单独设定抵押权,因而不能完全适用主物与从物的附加和分割原则。各国航空器抵押权的公示方法有登记、明认打刻、备案的差异,但各有利弊,立法的选择应以最大化地减少权力机关的服务和干预为理念,因为多一点服务就会造成交易的负担。航空器抵押权的公示效力以登记对抗力为特征,实行航空器抵押权的基础关系(协议)与物权变动的效力的区分有利于促进融资的发展。  相似文献   

社会福利权益法制化中的政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统法治理论中,政策应当从自足的法律系统中被排除出去。但在当代社会,法律必须依靠政策的支持才能承担起促进公民各项福利权益的重任。在立法领域,不同利益主体间的政策博弈为福利立法的正当性提供了基础,而国家政策的政治抉择则奠定了福利立法的基本方向。在行政领域,合理的政策规范有利于建构有效的福利权益实现机制。在司法领域,科学的政策能够不断完善保障公民福利权益的法律机制。  相似文献   

2008年12月27日第十一届全国人大常委会第六次会议通过了<关于修改(中华人民共和国专利法)的决定>(即<专利法>第三次修改),自2009年10月1日起施行.这是我国专利制度发展历程中又一个重要的里程碑.  相似文献   

This essay reviews the debate over what constitutes hate speech and whether or not such speech is protected by the American First Amendment. First, the concept of white racialism and white supremacy is defined and illustrated. Then after a brief discussion of the legal debate, the nature and problematic definition(s) of hate speech is presented. The unique speech environment of the internet is reviewed alongside attempts to limit and censor topics available on the internet. The arguments for and against restricting first amendment protection are discussed, with a focus on Michael Israel's five criteria for withdrawing first amendment protections. The work concludes with a discussion of the difficulty in constraining discourse on the internet.  相似文献   

刘凯 《法学杂志》2007,28(4):127-129
区分所有状态下共有部分的权属归属素存争议,实践中也多生纠纷,尤其是会所、绿地、停车位等特殊共有部分争议尤甚.《物权法》的制定为解决上述问题提供了历史机遇,但具体规定在内容上仍显空洞,需要司法解释予以明晰化.  相似文献   

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