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Within the criminal justice system, confessions are an extremely powerful form of evidence. Unfortunately, innocent people sometimes falsely confess to crimes they did not actually commit. Such travesties of justice have sparked a significant degree of academic research into the false confession phenomenon. Within the existing literature, there exists a conceptual framework that the interrogative methods and actions of law enforcement officers are a key cause of false confessions with some researchers going so far as to suggest that law enforcement interrogators act as confidence men who trick criminal subjects into confessing. However, few researchers have actually questioned law enforcement officers about false confessions and even fewer have consulted with officers who specialize in interrogation. This study is a subset of a larger qualitative case study designed to explore the experiences of 13 federal law enforcement polygraph examiners who specialize in interrogation regarding their approach to criminal interrogation and their experiences with both true and false confessions. This study focused on the personal processes federal law enforcement polygraph examiners use in reviewing Miranda rights and documenting confessions. NVivo software was used to organize the data. Common themes in interview responses were then identified and revealed that participants employ an open, detailed, and straightforward approach in reviewing Miranda rights and documenting the confessions of criminal subjects. These findings contradict the premise that law enforcement interrogators inherently operate as confidence men by tricking and manipulating criminal subjects.  相似文献   

专利阻滞的负效应及其法律规制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阳东辉 《知识产权》2008,18(4):79-83
专利阻滞具有巨大的负面效应,而我国现行的专利强制许可制度并不能有效防止专利阻滞的弊端.因此,应参照国外的先进立法例,采取有效措施解决专利阻滞问题:一是建立专利集中许可制度;二是采用下降型专利使用费计算规则;三是完善专利强制实施许可制度.  相似文献   

Recent federal court decisions appear to limit the ability of cities to mitigate the ambient crime risks associated with adult entertainment businesses. In one instance, a court has assumed that criminological theories do not apply to "off-site" adult businesses. After developing the legal doctrine of secondary effects, we demonstrate that the prevailing criminological theory applies to all adult business models. To corroborate the theory, we report the results of a before/after quasi-experiment for an off-site adult business. When an off-site adult business opens, ambient crime risk doubles compared to a control area. As theory predicts, moreover, ambient victimization risk is most acute in night-time hours. The theoretical development and empirical results have obvious implications for the evolving legal doctrine of secondary effects.  相似文献   

近几年来,由于食品安全事故频发,引起整个社会包括法学界的普遍关注。政府是食品安全领域中的监管者,在食品安全监管中负有不可替代的责任,但现行法律中对政府的监管责任的规定却十分不到位,存在重食品生产者、销售者的法律责任,轻政府监管部门的法律责任;相关法律对政府监管责任规定概括、缺乏可操作性、不全面以及无相关责任追究程序等问题。为此,必须完善食品安全中的政府监管法律责任,从归责原则到具体法条的设定,都应做到科学、具体、行之有效,使政府的监管责任落到实处。  相似文献   

王裕根 《河北法学》2021,39(1):2-14
通过法律规制平台经济的过程,其实质是在治理平台经济发展带来的负面性问题。借助法律多元主义理论视角分析平台经济发展的制度供给,会发现国家法律与平台规则共同构成平台经济发展的制度约束与保障,同时也是平台治理的重要制度资源。任何一项制度资源的投入会随着制度实施的环境条件以及制度执行者的价值观念变化而产生制度成本与效益的边际效应,这就为国家法律与平台规则的功能范围设定了制度边界,因而需要优化配置制度资源的投入和组合。而国家法律和平台规则的互嵌性,以及国家法律与平台规则在服务于平台经济创新发展的目标耦合性,也就决定了国家法律和平台规则之间存在制度合作的空间。因此在平台经济治理中,通过审慎评估国家法律在平台经济领域的实施效果,有效吸纳平台规则的治理优势,优化政府监管执法资源投入,可以有效形成合作治理的平台经济秩序。  相似文献   

Recent Supreme Court decisions have signaled the need for sound empirical studies of the secondary effects of adult businesses on the surrounding areas for use in conjunction with local zoning restrictions. This study seeks to determine whether a relationship exists between adult erotic dance clubs and negative secondary effects in the form of increased numbers of crimes reported in the areas surrounding the adult businesses, in Charlotte, North Carolina. For each of 20 businesses, a control site (matched on the basis of demographic characteristics related to crime risk) is compared for crime events over the period of three years (1998–2000) using data on crime incidents reported to the police. We find that the presence of an adult nightclub does not increase the number of crime incidents reported in localized areas surrounding the club (defined by circular areas of 500- and 1,000-foot radii) as compared to the number of crime incidents reported in comparable localized areas that do not contain such an adult business. Indeed, the analyses imply the opposite, namely, that the nearby areas surrounding the adult business sites have smaller numbers of reported crime incidents than do corresponding areas surrounding the three control sites studied. These findings are interpreted in terms of the business mandates of profitability and continuity of existence of the businesses.  相似文献   

问:去年,国务院颁布实施了《法律援助条例》(以下简称《条例》)。《条例》第一次对法律援助作了全面的规范,为解决困难群众请律师难和打官司难问题提供了重要的法律依据,受到了社会各界的高度关注。一年时间过去了,请您介绍一下《条例》的贯彻实施情况。答:今年是《法律援助条例》颁布实施一周年,《条例》的贯彻实施进展顺利,法律援助工作呈现出良好的发展势头,突出表现在以下几个方面:一是党中央、国务院十分重视法律援助工作,地方各级党委、政府也高度重视《条例》的贯彻落实工作。二是法律援助的政府责任逐步落实。三是有效组织办案,社会…  相似文献   

周阳 《法学评论》2020,(1):94-105
“区块链+”已经开始延伸到政府监管的应用场景,其有利于提升监管的整体效能。鉴于区块链技术在政府监管中的定位及法律规制问题的复杂性,海关监管是合适的样本。区块链背景下我国海关监管存在交易主体虚拟化、交易过程无纸化以及交易信息中心化的问题。为此,需要客观冷静看待区块链技术在海关监管中的定位,它不仅仅是海关监管过程中的技术增量,也是优化海关监管流程的重要推手,更能够孵化实现海关监管核心目标的创新措施,但也存在着双刃剑的负面效应,应通过确定多维宽容的规制理念、拓展行业协会与企业为规制主体以及鼓励适用柔性规制方法来构建我国区块链海关监管的法律规制体系。同时,我国必须秉承国际视野,把向国际社会提供一个完整的、带有普适性的区块链技术政府监管方案作为远期的重要目标。  相似文献   

《法律援助条例》贯彻实施中存在的问题及对策建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在《法律援助条例》(下称《条例》)实施不到一年的时间里,全国法律援助工作有了较大的变化,取得了实实在在的成绩,也反映出一些亟待解决的问题。为了进一步推进《条例》的贯彻落实,加快法律援助工作的发展,一段时间以来,我们先后对25个省(市、区)的法律援助工作进行了实地调研,  相似文献   

本文从分析波斯纳所理解的法律实用主义与法律经济学的关系、法官的职业活动、法律与道德的关系等范畴入手,探析了构成波斯纳法学理论支柱之一的实用主义的结构与演进。  相似文献   

“税源联动”的建立,能从一定程度上克服我国当前税收征管中存在的痼疾,既节约信息收集成本,简化征管程序,又通过不同部门信息资源共享,使资源利用最大化,阻塞税款流失漏洞。然而,在追求税收征管现代化和税款征收高效率过程中,尚有一系列法律问题需要探讨。因此,在税收程序正义视角下审视“税源联动”,并坚持在税收程序法定、公开等基础上推进“税源联动”,对于“税源联动”规则制度逐步完善,以及实践中得以充分发挥作用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《法律援助条例》(下称《条例》)颁布实施之后,司法部就贯彻落实《条例》、加快法律援助工作发展作了全面部署,先后下发了《关于贯彻落实〈法律援助条例〉促进和规范法律援助工作的意见》、《关于进一步贯彻〈法律援助条例〉加快法律援助工作发展的通知》。几个月来,各级司法行政机关积极工作,采取有效措施,法律援助工作取得了显著成效。当前,从中央到地方各级党政领导非常重视和关心困难群众的生产生活问题,其中特别强调要重视解决困难群众打官司难问题,对法律援助提出了明确要求。可以说,法律援助工作的机遇与挑战并  相似文献   

海鸥 《中国司法》2004,(10):8-10
8月29日,司法部在京举行“纪念法律援助制度建立十周年,《法律援助条例》实施一周年座谈会”。全国人大常委会副委员长顾秀莲、司法部部长张福森出席会议并作了讲话。中央国家机关、社会团体、院校、科研机构专家、律师、受援人等各界人士出席了会议,就法律援助制度建立十周年和《法律援助条例》颁布实施一年以来法律援助工作的发展变化,法律援助制度建设和《法律援助条例》贯彻中存在的困难和问题,如何进一步完善法律援助制度和贯彻实施《法律援助条例》等方面各抒己见。顾秀莲副委员长在讲话中说:10年来中国法律援助制度从无到有、从小到…  相似文献   

PAUL ALMOND 《Law & policy》2007,29(3):285-310
This article identifies a new direction for discussion of the proposed "corporate manslaughter" offense. Considering work-related fatality cases with reference to the concept of legitimacy allows us to obtain a fuller understanding of their importance and the potential benefits associated with reform of the law. Work-related fatality cases have inherent power as "signal offenses." A failure to resolve these cases in a manner that satisfies the interests of the "publics" that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) faces, may lead to a crisis of legitimacy for the agency. Reforming the law so as to facilitate such a response may offer important legitimatory benefits to regulators.  相似文献   

于晓艺 《法律科学》2007,25(1):165-168
作为美国法律现实主义的重要代表人物之一的杰罗姆·弗兰克,在《法与现代心智》一书中阐释了他对法律确定性问题的解答,主张"法律在很大程度上曾经是,现在是,而且将永远是含混的和有变化的".也正是因为他这一激进的观点以及探寻问题的方式,《法与现代心智》在学术界引起广泛关注,进而促进了学者对司法实践的研究.然而,从弗兰克的整体学术关怀来看,法不确定性并不是弗兰克的最终追求,更多的是为了突破人们对法律的旧有理解框架,追寻一种"看得见"的正义,进而达至一个个人潜能可以最大化,每个人都有幸福的一生的社会.  相似文献   

Translating (and so construinga specialized source text) means producing afunctional text in a linguaculture target textthat is needed for specific communicativepurposes by processing the information given ina previous text in a different linguaculturesource text. Consequently, the comparison oflegal texts and terms from English to Frenchinevitably involves a theory of equivalence –if ever possible. The aim of this article is toreview the various hindrances or pitfalls inlegal translation and also a possible theory ofhow to avoid misunderstandings between thesource and the target texts.  相似文献   

李媛 《现代法学》2022,(1):62-78
当下“饭圈”呈现出频繁投诉与举报、非理性消费、数据造假以及组织性的行为失范现象。“饭圈”负面行为的产生与资方控制及平台打榜的主导、艺人与“饭圈”组织者的推动、粉丝的参与及沉浸密切相关。“饭圈”的负面行为违背公序良俗,须进行综合治理。应合理设置平台的内容管理义务、调整刑法对巨额逃税的处罚规则、完善网络举报制度、明确艺人及经纪公司或工作室对粉丝的引导义务。此外,应区分“饭圈”组织者雇主责任、教唆及帮助侵权规则的适用、赋予粉丝组织民事主体身份、家庭内部弘扬优良家风。  相似文献   

部门货币是指非银行部门通过各类储值卡的销售获得的资金。部门货币在我国经济生活中已经广泛存在,在促进经济发展的同时也造成了一些问题。《非金融机构支付服务管理办法》及其细则和《关于规范商业预付卡管理的意见》虽然对其进行了部分规范,但还很不完善,我们应当重视部门货币可能引起的金融风险问题。  相似文献   

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