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GAO XINMAN 《人权》2012,(1):30-32
From an academic point of view,human dignity is the source of human rights,and has a profound academic his-tory.Since the end of World War ii,the issue of human rights has received great attention from the international  相似文献   

The protection of rural women's land rights and interests is one of the hot issues in China. From the perspective of human rights, the protection of rural women's land rights in China reflects the initial orientation of legalizing land system, an increasing awareness of treating rural women as independent individuals in rural society, and the evolving characteristics in the development of human rights. For the further protection of rural women's land rights and interests, it is suggested to consider the following aspects, such as focusing on the fundamental rights, taking more considerations on gender equality during legislation, formulating the bottom line thinking, and properly narrowing down regulatory effects of rural regulations and agreements.  相似文献   

范国真  肖明 《人权》2008,(5):24-28
International human rights instru- ments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the InternationalCovenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR),  相似文献   

劳动权与人们的生存和发展有关,属于基本人权的范畴,已经得到绝大多数国家宪法的确认。对于受拘禁的罪犯来说,劳动是对其实施矫正的基本手段,但劳动同样也应是罪犯享有的基本权利,应当得到平等的保障,而人权的视角无疑将会为罪犯劳动权的保障提供最充分的理由、最大化的内容和最完善的保障措施。因此,如何从人权视角对罪犯劳动权进行保障尤其重要。  相似文献   

正The rights of women and children are an important part of human rights.China consistently adheres to the basic national policy of equality between men and women and the principle of priority for children,and keeps improving the legal system,policy system,work system and organizational system for promoting the development of women and protecting the rights and interests of women and children.The third round  相似文献   

People pay more and more attention to human rights protection today. The human rights protection in the system of criminal procedure distinctly emphasizes the principle of presumption  相似文献   

LIU HUAWEN 《人权》2011,(2):12-15
In his government work report to the 3rd Session of the 11th National People’s Congress (NPC) on March 5, 2010, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said: Everything we do is to make the people live happier and more dignified,make the society more just and more harmonious. This is held up by the media as the  相似文献   

As environmental issues are attracting domestic and international attention, protection of environmental rights is becoming increasingly  相似文献   

The relation between Anti-terrorism and human rights Protection is rather complicated. Based on the practices in Africa, this article analyses the conflicts and contradictions between the two. While countering terrorism, governments have to take the duty of human rights protection as well. Rights are of key importance in preventing and countering terrorism. Integrating human rights construction into antiterrorism mechanism is rather helpful in eliminating various moods of dissatisfaction which are easy to breed terrorism.  相似文献   

上世纪80年代以来,中国婴儿母乳喂养率的持续下降对人口健康发展提出严峻挑战。文章通过全面梳理中国现行的与母乳喂养权益保障相关的法律法规,分析其积极方面和存在的问题。研究发现,相对于其他层面而言,法律保障的缺失对母乳喂养率的下降具有更为突出的影响。进一步推动相关法律法规的完善,同时注重影响女职工母乳喂养权益保障问题的其他因素,对于提高母乳喂养率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The significance of including development in the spectrum of human rights lies in the fact that the notion of human rights is thus expanded to include the independence and economic and social development of the third world, instead of being limited to Western philosophical exploration and political experiments. Moreover, in practice, the right to development, as a newly added element of human rights, may correct the traditional idea in some states that the only version of human rights is political freedom, and those states failing to perform well in such freedoms should be criticized or even punished. When the human rights concept and system are examined from the perspective of development, more tolerance and cooperation may be expected in international politics, thus promoting the enrichment and improvement of the whole human rights system.  相似文献   

侦查权是与人权有着极大关联性的权力。以人权保障为价值取向,控制侦查权大体诉诸立法控制、分权制约、权利对抗和程序控制。本文梳理了西方法治国家在立法控制、分权制约和权利对抗方面控制侦查权的一些有益经验,并在比较的视野下从这三个方面对中国的相关制度安排进行了考量,指出其成就及存在的不足,最后就如何强化对侦查权的控制以保障人权提出了大致的思路。  相似文献   

In order to build a harmonious society, the basic human rights of citizens must be fully ensured. In the field of human rights protection, China has got considerable achievements. With continuous development in China's prison system reform,  相似文献   

XIN JIE 《人权》2011,(2):32-33
Overview of Some Basic Issues of China It is important to note China’s human rights enlightenment dating back to the 1970s is not the product of external driving forces as some scholars believe.  相似文献   

GU SHENGKAI 《人权》2007,6(1):36-39
In a statement issued on the 2004 World Human Rights Day, Ms. Louse Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, described human rights education as a strategy for attainment of "human rights for all," as a basic means for developing a universal culture of human rights, as an instrument for promoting equality and involvement of the people in decision-mak-ing under democratic mechanisms, and as an investment to prevent infringements upon human rights and to ward off conflicts of violence. It should be noted that so much importance attached by UN human rights organ to human rights education epitomizes the empowering characters of human rights education and the functions it performs in the global human rights system.  相似文献   

<正>Human rights is one of themajor issues of commonconcern to contemporaryinternational society,andis also one of the basic values indis-pensable to China’s cause of rulingby law."The Communist Party ofChina leads the people in undertak-ing revolution,construction andreform in order to achieve a widerange of freedom,democracy andhuman rights for all Chinese people...China focuses on economic de-velopment,promotes comprehensivesocial progress,adheres to the devel-opment of socialist democracy,andis building a socialist country underthe rule of law.All of this is to pro-mote the human rights cause of theChinese people."More and more at-  相似文献   

ZENG YU 《人权》2009,(6):6-9
China has made steady progress in putting into practice the concept of gender mainstreaming, the public policy concept adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in 1995 in Beijing, which calls for assessing the different implications for women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programs, in all areas and at all levels. Meanwhile, there are still shortfalls in China's mainstreaming effort, which indeed merit our attention. This article attempts to analyze, in light of gender mainstreaming, the various aspects of China's endeavor to ensure labor protection for women.  相似文献   

中国共产党的人权思想 ,是在半殖民地半封建社会的条件下产生的 ,是在中国革命、建设和改革实践的基础上形成和发展起来的 ,是中国共产党领导中国人民争取人权斗争、保障和改善人权事业的经验总结。由于中国特殊的经济、政治和文化背景 ,中国共产党的人权思想具有凸显人民主权和集体人权、强调生存权和发展权以及与时俱进的特征 ,并且对中国人权立法具有巨大影响。  相似文献   

LIU XI 《人权》2009,(6):9-14
Human right is the most fashionable political rhetoric in the contemporary social sciences. Although there is not a unified understanding, it has aroused growing concern in the legal sciences, social sciences and political sciences. This paper tries to use the legal anthropology, a hybrid discipline of legal sciences and social, cultural and anthropological sciences to probe into the basic problems of human rights.  相似文献   

<正>According to China’s Constitution and laws,the duty of procuratorate departments is not simply prosecuting criminals and procura-torates are not simply departments for public prosecution.Essentially,they are the legal supervision de-partments of the state.In order to implement the constitutional prin-ciple of"respecting and protecting human rights,"procuratorate de-partments fulfill their duty of legal supervision in various sectors such as investigation,arrest ratification and prosecution to protect citizens’legal rights and interests.In recent years,procuratorate departments na-  相似文献   

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