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最近,省交通厅党组成员、纪检组长在一次会议上谈到工会工作时,谈了他的思路。他说当前,工会工作存在不少问题。一方面由于少数党政领导对工会工作重要性认识不到位,带来对工会工作的支持不到位,造成工会干部人选安排上的错位;另一方面有些工会干部未能认识新时期工会工作的特殊地位,带来工作上的无所作为;对工会工作定位不准,带来缺乏工作荣誉感;对新时期工会工作的有利因素认识不足,带来工作上的畏难情绪,等  相似文献   

党的十八大对党和国家各项工作做出新的战略部署,对工会工作也提出了新的任务和要求,这既体现了对党的群团工作前所未有的重视,也为我们做好新形势下党的工会工作指明了方向。新形势下加强党对工会工作的领导是工会工作的重大原则,是实现工会工作新目标、开创工会工作新局面的重要前提,是工会组织发挥作用的客观要求。  相似文献   

工会工作的落脚点在基层,薄弱环节也在基层。基层工会是工会工作的基础和关键,其工作重点和难点又主要突出在非公经济单位的工会工作方面。本文结合对近年来各级工会组织加强基层工会工作改革创新实践进行的跟踪研究,对来自基层的创新经验、改革成果进行系统的梳理总结,对进一步加强基层工会各项工作,特别是做好非公单位工会工作提供了具体的建议。  相似文献   

新形势下,工会工作贵在创新.大连开发区工会工作在不断的创新中得到加强,职工权益在工会工作创新中得到维护.只有紧密结合实际不断创新,才能把握工作的主动,这是大连开发区工会工作的重要经验之一.  相似文献   

劳动关系的变化使现阶段的工会工作与以往有很大的不同 ,要做好新形势下的工会工作 ,就必须树立市场经济条件下的新的工会工作观念 ,改变工作方法 ,转变工作作风。  相似文献   

工会工作坚持与时俱进,是适应新形势、实现新任务、探索新模式以及党对工会工作的新要求.工会工作坚持与时俱进,是把握工运规律的客观要求,必须正确认识和处理好几个关系.工会工作坚持与时俱进,必须在思维方式、工会理论、工作内容、工作制度、工会干部知识结构等方面坚持创新.  相似文献   

今年1月18日召开的全总十五届五次执委会议,深刻阐述了职工群众工作的性质、特点,与工会工作的关系,提出了做好新形势下职工群众工作的新要求。明确指出",职工群众是工会工作的动力和源泉,职工群众工作是工会组织的优良传统和独特优势,是工会工作的生命线。  相似文献   

工会财务工作是工会建设的一个重要组成部分,是工会工作的基础和保证。要做好学校工会财务工作,必须围绕学校工会工作中心,从服务和服从工会工作的大局出发,提高认识,规范管理,收好、管好、用好工会经费,努力提高学校工会财务管理水平,为学校工会工作提供良好的物质保证。  相似文献   

在全面深化改革的新形势下,传统工会工作方法不能适应多元化的职工需求,增强职工凝聚力成为工会工作的重点。引入专业社会工作服务有利于改变传统工会工作单一的工作方式,有利于开展多层次的工会社会工作服务,推动工会工作创新。  相似文献   

现代社会,舆论宣传显示出越来越重要的作用。任何工作抓住了舆论宣传,努力做到宣传造势在先、舆论引导在先、组织发动在先,就抓住了工作的主动权。工会工作也是如此。工会工作是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及社会方方面面,只靠工会组织单兵作战难以完成,必须通过舆论宣传,扩大工会组织的社会影响,让全社会都听到工会的声音和主张,使各级党政关心重视工会工作、社会各界全力支持工会工作、全体职工更加关注工会工作,从而为工会组织卓有成效地开展工作营造良好的氛围和环境。强化工会工作宣传的积极作用显而易见,遗憾的是一些工会组织对此不是十分…  相似文献   

This article seeks to identify and address the normative void that resides at the heart of postmodernist-feminist theory, and to propose a philosophical framework – beyond postmodernism, but incorporating its central insights – for thinking through the normative questions with which feminists are inevitably confronted in their engagements with positive law. Two varieties of postmodernist-feminism are identified and critically analysed: the ‘corporeal feminism’ of Elizabeth Grosz and Judith Butler, which seeks to ground feminist critical practice in the irruptive capacities of the material body considered as an arte fact of social construction; and the deconstructionist feminism of Drucilla Cornell, for whom ‘the feminine’ is an indeterminate but disruptive force beyond its construction in law and in other social sites. The first component of the argument elaborated here is that each of these approaches ultimately reduces to a form of aestheticism which is incapable of generating a worthwhile and workable feminist approach to the restructuring of politics and law. The second component of the argument involves a return to aesthetics, in particular to the philosophical aesthetics of Kant’s Critique of Judgement. Kant’s aesthetic philosophy, it will be suggested, yields a framework of concepts which, duly re-manipulated, could speak to the very concerns that have inspired postmodernist-feminism: how to attend to (bodily) particularity while avoiding the dangers associated with ‘essentialism’; and how to theorise the propensity of the unrepresentable power of the feminine to exceed both embodied human capacities and the confining rein of socially privileged rationalities. Crucially, however it also responds to a set of preoccupations – those of the feminist lawyer – that cannot be accommodated by postmodernism: how to translate embodied experience into (legal) norms; generalise from the particular; seek consensus; and codify an endless potentiality in the form of law. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Solutions to world hunger continue to be impeded by a frame – a set of assumptions – that keeps much of humanity focusing narrowly on quantitative growth. The result is greater food production and greater hunger. Yet, across the world another way of seeing, one grounded in the relational insights of ecology, is transforming food systems in ways that both enhance flora and fauna and strengthen human relationships, enabling farmers to gain a greater voice in food production and fairer access to the food produced.  相似文献   

The concept of impersonality as a writer's strategy has been exposed to misinterpretations that either fail to exhaust its full meaning and deposit an unequal amount of attention on all components of the term or, in the worst case, tend to distort its true elements. In relation to Virginia Woolf's criticism, in particular, it is a critical commonplace that the author employed an impersonal position in order not to fully materialise her feminist vision, but to shy away from explicitly expressing her feminist convictions and openly supporting women's rights. Indicative of this is the criticism that suggests disapproval of Woolf's reluctance to side with her own gender and declare the power of female personality.

The aim here is to challenge such critical views, separate the discussion of impersonality from its association with that of androgyny, and re-visit the issue of Woolf's employment of the impersonal strategy. I examine two of Woolf's essays on nineteenth-century women writers included in her first volume of The Common Reader and offer an analysis from both a gender-oriented and a genderless angle. Woolf's strong affinity with female conditions of oppression, her modernist convictions, her need to compromise with the male-dominated context of the time and her concurrent urge to co-operate with the common reader of an unspecified sex for the sake of artistic creation reveal more complex reasons behind her intentions than those examined by critics so far.  相似文献   

劳动者的价值能否得以实现,它是社会主义经济发展中一个极为重要的问题。确立正确的劳动者价值观念,充分调动劳动者的积极性和创造性,提高劳动者的主体地位,就能把劳动者吸引到社会主义现代化事业中来。劳动者的价值包括个人的社会价值与个人的自我价值。只有确立劳动者的地位,实现社会的公正、公平,才能实现劳动者社会价值与自我价值的统一。  相似文献   

This article uses Liquid Sky to consider the possibilities of feminist reorientations outside of formal and political orthodoxies and suggests that such disengagements from the dominant are alienated from the utopian rather than re-imagined as transgressive modes of utopian resistance. These disengagements are theorized as a postpunk feminist dystopia: that is, a de-emancipatory system of gendered and aesthetic practices that spatio-sonically shapes queer female sexuality as extrinsic to social and sexual ideals. This dystopia specifically frames the lesbian subject as a bodily terrain of self-estrangement, and names the film's network of alienated corporeal, subcultural, and sonic space. Feminist dystopia ultimately describes female empowerment's precarious position in a sexual and sonic landscape of non-normativity and offers a way to visualize oppositional practices that do not readily correspond to liberation.  相似文献   

Queer (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning, two-spirited) youth are greatly overrepresented in the homeless youth population. The present review critically analyzes the literature on queer youth homelessness, with a particular focus on (a) methodological issues; (b) entries into homelessness; (c) programming needs; (d) targeted programming; and (e) exits out of homelessness. Results from this review demonstrate that homeless queer youth are a unique population who require specialized services, implemented by sensitive and knowledgeable staff. Recommendations focus on practical implications, policy implications, and ideas for future research.  相似文献   

This paper reassesses aspects of the scholarship of David Mitrany, who first in the 1920s and then in the late 1940s approached the ‘agrarian question’ – whether and if so how socialism is possible in a state where there is only a small manufacturing sector and therefore no significant industrial proletariat – from the perspective of countries in Central and Eastern Europe where, between the two World Wars, political parties representing small-scale agricultural producers won large numbers of votes in democratic elections. His 1951 book Marx against the peasant was his response to the failure of those parties to hold on to power, and their crushing by the Communist governments that took control from 1948 on. Mitrany showed that the populist tradition, the ideology of independent small farmers, came from similar roots to Marxism, and that Marx himself late in his life came close to endorsing it. Whether increased agricultural productivity is feasible without large-scale farming was the subject of intense debate among socialists in Europe from the 1850s onwards. It is on the agenda today in many underdeveloped countries where there are strong disagreements about the role of agriculture and rural development in development strategy.  相似文献   

Segal addresses feminism's future at a time when political energies are apparently in decline. She explores the contradictory models of feminism operating in political and media representations: the dominance of gender questions and gender anxieties, including the marked concern with models of 'proper' masculinity, inevitably implicates feminists in the political arena. The decline in political engagement among feminists is in any case disturbing, because women without power have been made the central targets of neo-conservative social policies in the United States, Britain and elsewhere, with the female 'welfare dependent' becoming particularly demonized. The failure of feminists to address such issues results from the decline of socialist feminisms, and a general failure within feminism to make class and race differences, and the inequalities that result from them, the central plank of its theories and politics. Segal calls attention to the divorce between feminist theory and feminist activism, and argues that the politics of the academy have largely contributed to a disciplinary specialization which militates against feminism's productive interdisciplinarity. While the literary paradigms that now dominate feminist thought have produced rich models for subjectivity and identity, the decrease in social science contributions to the field has led to a lessening of attention to existing social relations. Segal insists upon the necessity of a continuing engagement with cultural questions, but argues that these need to be combined with a commitment to radical social transformation if feminisms, in all their complexity and multifariousness, are to have a future.  相似文献   

During the 1940s–1970s, Latino labor experiences could not be confined to either urban and industrial or rural and agricultural settings. Unlike large metropolises, Grand Rapids, Michigan is a mid-sized, Midwest city wherein the urban center and industrial labor opportunities are located within thirty miles of agricultural areas. I argue that Latinos in West Michigan used both rural and urban areas for labor to meet their economic and social needs. Due to the gendered realities of labor from the 1940s to the 1970s, women played an instrumental role in planning and executing the movement of their families between spaces. In turn, this community’s activism was not limited to the boundaries of urban or rural space. This research shows how Latinos etched out an economic and social survival in places wherein they are not the majority or have a plethora of resources. As the Latino diaspora spreads into areas in the southern United States, we can look to how Latinos in Grand Rapids and the Midwest lived and worked to better understand the lived experiences of twenty-first century Latinos.  相似文献   

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