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张鸿巍 《河北法学》2011,29(1):58-70
作为普通逮捕之有益补充,扭送或公民逮捕在许多国家及地区为鼓励平民对违反公共利益等之人实施之强制性措施。有别于普通逮捕,扭送以其条件、程序、后果等情形呈现出独特特征。在其发展过程中,扭送亦面临颇多争议与风险。在总结目前扭送立法及司法中存在的问题及挑战后,提出完善我国扭送之若干立法建议。  相似文献   

李建明 《法学研究》2011,(4):148-168
不需要得到相对人自愿配合而直接实施的侦查措施为强制性侦查措施。强制性侦查措施具有正当性,同时也具有侵害公民基本权益的弊端。为避免或减轻强制性侦查措施对公民权利造成侵害,需要通过法律规范强制性侦查措施,同时需要加强对强制性侦查措施的法律监督。目前我国强制性侦查措施的法律规制严重不足,对于强制性侦查措施的法律监督局限于对逮捕等强制措施适用的监督,对搜查、扣押、冻结等大量强制性侦查措施尚未形成有效的监督机制。强化对于强制性侦查措施的法律监督,需要通过立法完善强制性侦查措施的规范体系,同时也有赖于检察机关改革、优化侦查监督的工作机制。  相似文献   

我国现行民法中的强制性规范存在着条文数量过多、强制程度较高、对权利自由的限制过度以及规范词使用不当等诸多问题.其原因在于民法根植之市民社会赢弱、立法理念偏颇及立法技术落后等.只有充分认识个体之于社会、市场之于政府、私法之于公法的优位性,才能切实更新立法理念,科学确定民法强制性规范的立法原则、立法模式、立法人像和立法方法.只有科学配置民法强制性规范,确保其合理性和可操作性,才能使我国编纂的民法典真正具有科学性、前瞻性和适用性.  相似文献   

论监听作为侦查手段的法律问题   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
刑事侦查中的监听虽然没有对犯罪嫌疑人的人权形成外在的、物理形式上的侵害 ,但却在实质上制约并妨害了当事人的隐私权和通讯自由权。监听属于一种强制性的侦查措施 ,应当在严格遵循法律程序并充分保障监听对象人权的情况下才允许实施。在我国目前尚缺乏监听专门立法的情况下 ,应慎重对待在侦查中大规模地开展监听活动。  相似文献   

彭勃 《犯罪研究》2002,(6):44-50
刑事侦查中的监听行为虽然没有对犯罪嫌疑人的人权形成外在的、物理形式上的侵害,但却在实质上制约并妨害了当事人的隐私权和通讯自由。监听行为属于一种强制性的侦查措施,应当在严格遵循法律程序并充分保障监听对象人权的情况下才允许实施。在我国目前尚缺乏监听专门立法的情况下,应谨慎对待在侦查中大规模地开展监听活动。  相似文献   

董万程 《行政与法》2013,(12):96-100
我国《合同法》第52条第5项的规定是合同无效的一般条款,《合同法司法解释(二)》将其解释为效力性强制性规定.《合同法》中的效力性强制性规定既包括公法中的强制性规范也包括民法上的强制性规范,同国外立法相比,我国立法缺少但书的规定.本文认为,认定违反效力性强制性规定,要以法律、行政法规的明确规定和损害社会公共利益为基准.  相似文献   

曲澜娟 《政府法制》2013,(35):46-47
自欧洲天主教国家马耳他于今年5月通过全民公投准许立法使离婚合法化之后,目前全球只有两个禁止离婚的国家,菲律宾和梵蒂冈。  相似文献   

杜曙光 《行政与法》2002,(11):63-66
行政强制措施是行政机关在实施行政管理中的一种具体行政行为,其行为具有强制性,极易对公民、法人及其他组织的合法权益造成损害。我国目前正在进行行政强制措施立法,基于此,作者认为行政强制措施设定权应该在法律,同时,应该在法律中明确规定行政强制措施实施时的程序;在行政强制执行制度模式中,继续坚持和完善现行的“以申请人民法院强制执行为主,行政机关自行强制执行为辅”的制度。  相似文献   

完善合理的刑事强制性措施具有惩罚犯罪和保障人权的双重意义。而我国现行刑事强制性措施在实践中尚有许多立法不足和制度缺陷,应立足我国保障权利的时代呼声和刑诉法修改的现实需求,分析我国刑事强制性措施存在的问题,积极借鉴国外有益的司法实践成果,创新性的引入完善刑事强制性措施理应坚持的原则,从构建合理的强制性措施体系、救济制度、优化配置各措施间的立法规定及着力强化检察监督等方面以期完善其司法控制。  相似文献   

中国最低工资劳动基准立法以模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申天恩 《行政与法》2009,(12):113-116
劳动基准是指国家以强制性规范规定的关于工资、工时、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、女职工和未成年工特殊保护等方面的最低劳动标准。我国的劳动基准目前还存在着制定依据不合理、部分劳动基准偏高以及劳动标准体系不健全等问题。本文以最低工资为例探讨劳动基准的立法选择以及在此基础之上提出我国应然的劳动基准立法模式。  相似文献   

States, administrative agencies, hospitals, and physicians have placed significant limitations on the availability of elective sterilization (absolute prohibitions, requirements of spousal consent, age-parity requirements, and marital requirements). These limitations have presented obstacles for individuals seeking sterilization as a means of contraception. Analysis reveals that an individual should have a right to sterilization. However, to obtain a sterilization the individual must either comply with statutory requirements where they exist or challenge their constitutionality. If the restriction is the product of "state action," it may be challenged in the courts. Only hospitals of a "public" character, however, are subject to the constitutional mandates. If the individual is limited geographically, financially or otherwise, to a "private" hospital, he will not be able effectively to exercise his right to be sterilized.  相似文献   

In re Browning.     
HELD: Prior judicial approval is not required for a surrogate to exercise the state constitutional right of self-determination of a patient who has become incompetent and who, while competent, specifically expressed her wishes regarding medical treatment decisions orally or in writing. The surrogate, in so exercising that right, must satisfy herself that certain requirements are met.  相似文献   

Through an examination of cases of non-consensual sterilization for learning disabled persons in Canada and England, this article considers the role that law plays in framing the thoughts, beliefs, and norms that fashion the ways we think about bodies, sex, gender, and sexuality. The author asks how it is that Canadian and English law, while both claiming to protect bodily integrity, have reached opposing conclusions about whether non-therapeutic sterilization can be in a person's best interests. She hypothesizes that the answer could lie in the manner in which courts have constructed the bodies of learning disabled men and women in the sphere of sexuality and reproduction. Where the overriding concern in the sterilization cases is the containment of the sexuality of a learning disabled person perceived as "out of control" or "vulnerable to seduction", sterilization is cast as a just and humane solution that will advance the welfare of the individual concerned. Conversely, where the overriding concern is the preservation of the integrity of a law committed to the principle of equality, sterilization is thought to be a violation of the bodily integrity of the person. The author shows that these two views engender very different legal and cultural discourses about best interests and bodily integrity. The debate highlighted by the sterilization cases and the commentary surrounding them reflect larger tension within legal discourse between the commitment to liberal values and the maintenance of a particular social order.  相似文献   

Medicinal products are associated with risks as well as potential therapeutic benefits. This is reflected by the legal requirements for patient information on drug therapy which can be differentiated into general product information, regulated by pharmaceutical (i. e. product safety) law, and individual patient information on the treatment with the product, which is subject to medical malpractice law. The physician's duty to inform the patient comprises therapeutic information as well as information required for informed consent. Therapeutic information intends to empower the patient to comply with the requirements of treatment and to protect him/her against preventable danger and risk; it is part of the medical treatment, aimed at the individual patient and his/her personal situation. Information required for informed consent enables the patient to a self-determined decision on the treatment offered; it can be divided into information on the course of treatment and risk information. Product information and treatment information complement each other; the former should be the basis of individual information on the concrete treatment, provided by the physician in a mandatory oral conversation with the patient. Product information cannot replace the physician's individual information about the treatment.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(45):8194-8204
This interim final rule amends the Medicare and Medicaid regulations governing provider agreements and contracts to establish requirements for States, hospitals, nursing facilities, skilled nursing facilities, providers of home health care or personal care services, hospice programs and prepaid health plans concerning advance directives. An advance directive is a written instruction, such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under State law, relating to the provision of health care when an individual's condition makes him or her unable to express his or her wishes. The intent of these provisions is to enhance an individual's control over medical treatment decisions. This rule implements sections 4206 and 4751 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA '90), Public Law 101-508.  相似文献   

While many historians refer to the legal presumption of marital coercion when discussing patterns of lenient judicial treatment of women in eighteenth-and nineteenth-century English criminal trials, few have analyzed the presumption in enough detail to ascertain the impact it genuinely had. This article undertakes close legal analysis of marital coercion. It argues that the presumption was not frequently referred to in nineteenth-century Old Bailey criminal trials for receiving stolen goods because of increasing judicial strictness as to the application of the presumption. A defendant had to prove her marriage, her husband’s presence at the crime scene, and, by the nineteenth century, evidence of her husband’s actual control. The presumption may have shifted from an irrebuttable presumption to one rebuttable upon proof that any of these requirements were absent. Therefore, women’s lenient court treatment during the modern period cannot be straightforwardly attributed to frequent successful recourse to marital coercion.  相似文献   

犯罪故意成立:违法性认识还是社会危害性认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪故意的成立究竟要求违法性认识还是社会危害性认识备受争论。中国刑法语境下的违法性认识指的是刑事违法性认识,社会危害性认识指的是行为人对自己实施的行为是否符合社会主文化群体利益、需要的主观认知。普通老百姓几乎不懂法是一个不容争辩的客观事实,行为人在行为时不可能准确判断行为的违法性;违法性认识作为故意的内容不利于实现刑法保护包括犯罪人在内的全体公民基本人权的目的,违法性不是故意的认识内容,社会危害性认识才是故意成立的必备要素。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(123):33262-33294
This final rule responds to public comments on the March 6, 1992 interim final rule with comment period that amended the Medicare and Medicaid regulations governing provider agreements and contracts to establish requirements for States, hospitals, nursing facilities, skilled nursing facilities, providers of home health care or personal care services, hospice programs and managed care plans concerning advance directives. An advance directive is a written instruction, such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care, recognized under State law, relating to the provision of health care when an individual's condition makes him or her unable to express his or her wishes. The intent of the advance directives provisions is to enhance an adult individual's control over medical treatment decisions. This rule confirms the interim final rule with several minor changes based on our review and consideration of public comments.  相似文献   

审查逮捕程序改革的进路——以提高逮捕案件质量为核心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李昌林 《现代法学》2011,33(1):114-122
我国审查逮捕程序存在的最突出的问题是错捕和不当逮捕比例过高,这主要是由于侦查机关没有对逮捕的全部条件承担证明责任和犯罪嫌疑人诉讼地位客体化造成的。调整批捕权的职权配置,将其交给法院行使,并不能达成以审查逮捕的正当程序控制逮捕的目标。我们应当以树立检察官在审查逮捕程序中的裁判者角色为核心,维系审查逮捕程序的诉讼构造,强化对逮捕全部条件的审查,改进检察机关审查逮捕的工作机制,创造犯罪嫌疑人及其律师在审查逮捕程序中发挥作用的条件,推行不捕理由双重说明机制,进而强化侦查机关对逮捕条件的证明责任,以实现审查逮捕程序的正当化,达到防止错捕、减少不当逮捕,并为公诉程序、审判程序纵深改革创造条件的目的。  相似文献   

预防型民事责任   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
预防型民事责任,是指权利相对人的行为对权利人的权利已经造成损害并且还在继续侵害时,或者虽没有造成现实损害却存在造成侵害的危险时承担的一种民事责任。其目的是预防损害的继续或者是损害的发生。此种民事责任的承担,只需要证明权利人享有该权利,相对人的行为(作为或不作为)已经或者即将对权利人的权利造成侵害即可。责任人承担此种责任,采取的是无过错责任原则,不需要考虑责任人的过错。预防型民事责任不是不适用消灭时效,而是消灭时效在预防型民事责任中无法成就而无从适用。  相似文献   

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