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中国社会资本的重构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王华 《思想战线》2004,30(4):5-10
社会资本是联结经济与社会的中介物。在微观上 ,它是个体间传递信息 ,建立信任 ,交易合作的一种非正式制度 ;在宏观上 ,它是信用社会的基础。中国社会资本的重构在本质上是社会信用的重构。重构中国的社会资本 ,并由此推动信用社会的建立 ,实现“强社会”与“强经济”的协调和共同发展是当前中国宏观公共政策的价值选择  相似文献   

THE first China Overseas Investment Fair opened in Beijing on November 3, 2009, aiming to promote Chinese investment in overseas markets. Surprisingly for the host, representatives from developed countries that had previously been cautious toward Chinese investment were among those from the 100 plus participating countries. They were sincere and anxious to market their projects to Chinese investors. Does this signal a change in the Western attitude toward Chinese investment?  相似文献   

龚自力 《思想战线》2000,26(1):29-32
在社会主义现代化建设中,充分发挥广大劳动者的积极性是至关重要的,我们应认识到劳动力生产要素在社会生产活动中的主导作用,并承认其与物力资本对等的权力,才能发挥劳动者的主人翁作用,为企业摆脱生产经营困境、改善经营管理和实现国民经济的可持续发展发挥其根本性作用.  相似文献   

余子鹏  李明 《理论月刊》2005,(12):93-95
根据对资金供求状况和资金利率的分析,许多学者认为我国扩张性财政政策的实施,因经济增长快、产出速度不变,挤出效应很低。本文试图从财政政策运行的效率、运行环境及其对民营经济的影响等方面分析一些财政政策的广义效应,并提出了调整政策、净化环境的对策。  相似文献   

刘笑敏 《思想战线》2003,29(3):122-126
公司资本形成的法律保护制度对于公司、债权人以及股东的利益都具有重大意义,我国公司法律制度对此虽有规定,但存在疏漏,且缺乏可操作性。公司资本形成的法律保护制度的完善应从缴纳出资的原则和如何缴纳出资两方面进行研究。  相似文献   

我国农村劳动力流动中的人力资本趋势分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
任新民 《思想战线》2003,29(5):78-81
在市场经济条件下,农村劳动力的流动已逐步显示出其资本化的趋势。这集中表现在农村劳动力流动的广泛化,形成的多样化,使用的社会化及管理的法制化,适应农村劳动力流动中的人力资本趋势需要加强竞争中的平等权,流动的合法权,权益的保护权,社会保障中的享受权,政治的参与权的研究,增强农民工的维权意识、法制意识、信用意识和社保意识。  相似文献   

进城农民工在子女教育问题上出现的两难选择,在一定程度上减少了他们向上流动的动力,也不利于农民工子女的健康成长,对社会稳定可能造成一定的负面影响.了解进城农民工子女教育的困难,分析其原因并采取切实措施,对于促进社会稳定,制定有利于全社会发展的教育政策具有重要意义.  相似文献   

WHEN Xu Yongling firststepped off the trainfrom Henan at BeijingRailway Station in1992, she was a wide-eyed 18-year-old with a temporary resi-dence permit. The prospect of finding ajob in the capital seemed as electrifyingas the city lights."I was thrilled to be in Beijing, butbecause I was an outsider, work washard to find," she recalls. Today, 31-year-old Xu Yongling is a mother, andthe interior decor company she startedwith her husband is starting to prosper.She is amazed at how vastl…  相似文献   

转移定价存在于跨国公司的日常运营过程中,如何监控跨国公司利用转让定价在关联公司之间进行的收入转移是各国税务当局涉外税收的工作重点。本文归纳转移定价税法规制变迁的特点和我国在这方面的制度安排现状。并在此基础上,提出在我国转移定价税法规制制定中的可能思路。  相似文献   

<正>The recently issued guideline on further regulating outbound direct investment specifies sectors where outbound direct investment is encouraged and also tightens control of investment in the sectors of real estate,hotels,entertainment,sports and casinos.The sectors where outbound investment is tightened or banned are hot spots pursued by Chinese capital in recent years.Some Chinese  相似文献   

我国小农经济改造的创新之路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨宗祥 《思想战线》2002,28(4):37-40
小农经济是封建地主制经济下的主要经济运作方式、经营手段。对于其与我国近现代化的关系 ,人们还较少关注。我国的工业化、近现代化脱离了农村经济的发展 ,忽视了小农经济的存在 ,更忽视了对它的改造。小农经济具有适应商品经济的潜能 ,只有注重工业化与小农经济、小生产体系的改造相结合 ,摒弃其糟粕 ,挖掘其潜能 ,中国才能实现农业经济近现代化 ,进而实现全面的近现代化。“红塔模式”的成功实践 ,无疑走出了一条具有中国特色的现代化与小农经济、小生产体系“契合”的创新之路  相似文献   

<正>China’s production is banking on innovation and the Internet for success By Hou Weili Jack Ma was the undisputed star of the show at this year’s China International Fair for Investment and Trade(CIFIT)held in Xiamen from September 8-11.A Chinese icon of entrepreneurship,Ma has  相似文献   

Iknow that there is a great dealof interest in China in this veryimportant area (the pipelineindustry) and I hope that thiswill lead to mutually beneficialpartnerships between UK andChinese companies," said RichardCaborn, UK Minister for Trade, athis opening speech at the UKChina Pipeline Workshop held onFebruary 5, 2001 at the WorldTrade Hotel in Beijing, sponsoredby the International Oil and GasDirectorate of British TradeInternational, the China-BritainBusiness Council, and the …  相似文献   

近年来,我国经济领域出现的资本外逃现象,已给我国的经济秩序和经济发展造成一定的不利影响.我国即将加入世贸组织,如不严加防范和制止,这种现象有可能加剧,对此有关部门应予以重视,更重要的是建立以"说得清、管得住、服务好"为基本特征的科学、高效、灵活的新型外汇管理体制.  相似文献   

<正>Beset with troubles in both domestic and international markets,the People’s Bank of China(PBC),the country’s central bank,finally cut the reserve requirement ratio(RRR)for all financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points on February 5.An additional targeted RRR cut of 0.5percentage points also took effect for city and rural commercial banks with sufficient exposure to small and medium-sized enterprises.The  相似文献   

经济建设、改革开放、党的建设是新时期我国社会主义现代化建设不断取得成功的三大法宝。三个方面是相互联系、相互促进的 ,是统一的整体。正确理解了这三个方面及其相互关系 ,也就等于正确领导了全部中国现代化建设。  相似文献   

加入WTO与我国劳动力就业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入WTO对我国就业的影响是双重的,我们面临的是有进有退的较量,即融入型和竞争型的结构调整。对此应采取积极的应对措施,化不利条件为有利条件,深化改革,改善我国的就业状况。  相似文献   

The U.S. hosted the virtual "Summit for Democracy" on December 9-10. It is a striking irony that it occurred shortly after the U.S. chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, which it invaded basically to establish "democracy" and eliminate terrorism.  相似文献   

SCOTT WILSON 《当代中国》2008,17(54):25-51
Since 1978, China has opened itself to foreign direct investment and has undertaken significant legal reform, especially in the area of international commercial arbitration. I analyze the roles that foreign actors and state officials have played in changing Chinese legal institutions such as the Chinese International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and personal relations, or guanxi. 1 1. La guanxi is a Chinese expression, meaning ‘to pull strings (to get things done)’. View all notes Foreign investors, attorneys, and non-governmental organizations are helping China to adopt formal commercial arbitral institutions that follow international norms. In that sense, foreign actors are contributing to rule of law in China. Yet, foreign investors also attempt to use guanxi to get around central regulations, thereby contributing to informal legal institutions. The combination of guanxi and formal legal institutions follows a model of path dependent institutional change. I use the terms, ‘layering’ and ‘bricolage’ to elucidate the ways that actors combine existing institutions with new legal forms introduced by foreign investors, attorneys, and NGOs.  相似文献   

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