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The experience of aversive interactions within the family of origin is believed to increase the probability of parental physical child abuse. To test this hypothesis, 375 subjects were given a Childhood History Questionnaire (CHQ) and the Child Abuse Potential (CAP) Inventory. The CHQ contained a series of questions about the presence and frequency of various abusive behaviors and associated sequelae that were received and/or observed before and/or after puberty. The CAP Inventory was used to measure adult physical child abuse potential. As expected, a childhood history of physical abuse was significantly related to adult physical child abuse potential; and, as chronicity increased, so did abuse potential. The experience of physical abuse prior to puberty produced higher abuse scores than the experience of physical abuse after puberty. The study provides preliminary data indicating the childhood experience of a caring adult and / or caring friend moderates adult child abuse potential.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is passed from one generation to the next, and it affects not only the victim but also the psychological states of the witnesses, and especially the psychosocial development of children. Studies have reported that those who have been the victim of or witnessing violence during their childhood will use violence to a greater extent as adults in their own families. This research examines the relationships between a history of childhood physical abuse, likelihood of psychiatric diagnoses, and potential for being a perpetrator of childhood physical abuse in adulthood among women who received psychiatric treatment and in the healthy population from Turkey. Estimates of the prevalence of childhood physical abuse vary depending on definition and setting. The frequency of witnessing and undergoing physical abuse within the family during childhood is much higher in the psychiatrically disordered group than the healthy controls. Childhood physical abuse history is one of the major risk factors for being an abuser in adulthood. The best indicator of physically abusing one's own children was found to be as physical abuse during the childhood period rather than psychiatric diagnosis. There is a large body of research indicating that adults who have been abused as children are more likely to abuse their own children than adults without this history. This is an important study from the point of view that consequences of violence can span generations. Further studies with different risk factor and populations will help to identify different dimensions of the problem.  相似文献   

Two extra-legal factors were examined for their influence on professionals' decisions to report child abuse: having been abused as a child oneself, and the gender of the child, the parent, and the professional. One hundred and one men and women who worked regularly with children in mental health settings rated a series of scenarios presented as cases from a protective service agency. Participants made several judgments regarding the case including the severity of the parent's behavior, the likely effect on the child, whether the situation was abusive, and whether the case should be reported to a social service agency. Despite some interpretive limitations, the results generally support the hypothesis that extra-legal factors influence the perceptions of professionals who are mandated to report a suspected incident of abuse.  相似文献   

运用气/质联用-选择离子(GC/MS-SIM)技术对吸食或注射海洛因嫌疑人的头发进行分段分析,根据各段头发中是否检出6-单乙酰吗啡和吗啡,并结合头发的生长速度对吸毒时间作出大致推断。该方法专一性较好,检出下限0.5ng/mg,能够推断出剪取吸毒嫌疑人头发前几个月或某一个时期内是否经常性服用海洛因。  相似文献   

Zhuo X  Wu M  Hong Z 《法医学杂志》1998,14(2):76-8, 123
The purpose of this study is to conclude the history of heroin abuse by assaying 6-monoacetylmorphine (MAM) and morphine (MOR) in human hair. The hair of heroin abuse was labeled and segmented, then washed and cut into fragments. After hydrolyses and extraction, 6-MAM and MOR in human hair were determined by GC/MS-SIM with selected ion monitoring. Results of the segmented hair were analyzed. It provided useful information about the history of heroin abuse (hair growth rate 1-1.5 cm/mon).  相似文献   

The author acknowledges the fact that the new system of managing alleged rape victims via the RTC is superior to the former method. The RTC has performed very well, giving aid and succor to rape victims. However, it appears that the unit has attracted some individuals who are not completely truthful and have given fraudulent accounts to investigators. Methods have been suggested to screen out these persons.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology which has been used to address two ubiquitous problems of practising digital forensics in law enforcement, the ever increasing data volume and staff exposure to disturbing material. It discusses how the New South Wales Police Force, State Electronic Evidence Branch (SEEB) has implemented a “Discovery Process”. Using random sampling of files and applying statistical estimation to the results, the branch has been able to reduce backlogs from three months to 24 h. The process has the added advantage of reducing staff exposure to child abuse material and providing the courts with an easily interpreted report. The software portion of the Discovery process is contained within the framework of Guidance software's forensic tool, EnCase©. This is then further customised for the Discovery process by using the EnCase EnScript© language.  相似文献   

The use of erection measurement studies is proliferating in the assessment and treatment of sexual deviants. Because of the nature of sexual offense, there are many inherent legal complications with the implementation of this technology, specifically its use as evidence. The authors present data from a study of 185 sex offenders in an attempt to illustrate the appropriate utility of erection measurements in treatment and its potential for abuse in the legal context.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):75-90

In a recent and provocative article entitled “Broken Windows,” James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling propose a new role orientation for the urban police in America. They argue that the police should replace their current preoccupation with crime control and concentrate instead on dealing with small order maintenance problems. Their argument is based upon a synthesis of recent police research and an analysis of police history.

This article critiques the analysis of police history offered by Wilson and Kelling. It disputes their argument that American police officers enjoyed a high degree of legitimacy in the eyes of urban neighborhood residents in the years before the advent of the patrol car. It also offers a different interpretation of the impact of technological innovation upon patterns of police-citizen contacts during the past fifty years.  相似文献   


This study examines the effect of victim age, victim attractiveness, the victim's abuse history and respondent gender have on attributions of blame and credibility towards a female victim in a hypothetical child sexual abuse case. A total of 397 respondents from a community sample read a hypothetical child sexual abuse (CSA) scenario in which victim age, victim attractiveness and the victim's abuse history were manipulated. Respondents then completed a 16-item blame attribution questionnaire. Several predictions were made. First, a 10-year-old victim would be deemed less blameworthy and more credible than a 15-year-old victim. Secondly, an attractive victim would be viewed more positively, and attributed less blame, than an unattractive victim. Thirdly, a victim with previous history of being sexual abused—either by the same or different perpetrators—would be deemed more culpable for their own CSA than a first time victims. Finally, female respondents were expected to take a more pro-victim and anti-perpetrator stance than males. Whilst comparatively few differences were found across victim attractiveness and abuse history. Overall findings were broadly in line with predictions. It was concluded that victim age and respondent gender play particularly important roles in the attribution of blame towards victims and perpetrators of child sexual abuse.  相似文献   


This study tested the hypothesis that a history of chronic alcohol abuse is the key variable underlying the previously reported association between criminal recidivism, impulsivity and differentiation of the Go/NoGo contingent negative variation (CNV). Forty male Singaporean prison inmates were assessed for presence of antisocial personality disorder (APD), a history of alcohol and other substance abuse, and psychopathy. CNV was recorded in the Go/NoGo paradigm in groups comprising inmates with (ALC+: N = 29) and without (ALC?: N = 11) a history of alcohol abuse. As predicted, the ALC+ group showed significantly degraded Go/NoGo CNVs (poor differentiation). This suggests that the “high risk” group of mentally disordered found to recidivate in studies by Howard and Lumsden (1996; 1997) may have shared a history of alcohol abuse. Results are discussed in the context of a developmental biopsychosocial model of risk for engaging in criminal behaviour.  相似文献   

Blood, urine, oral fluid (by spitting or with a Salivette), and sweat samples (by wiping the forehead with a fleece moistened with isopropanol) were obtained from 180 drivers who failed the field sobriety tests at police roadblocks. With quantitative GC-MS, the positive predictive value of oral fluid was 98, 92, and 90% for amphetamines, cocaine, and cannabis respectively. The prevalence of opiate positives was low. The proposed SAMHSA cut-off values for oral fluid testing at the workplace, proved their usefulness in this study. The positive predictive value of sweat wipe analysis with GC-MS was over 90% for cocaine and amphetamines and 80% for cannabis. The accuracy of Drugwipe was assessed by comparing the electronic read-out values obtained on-site after wiping the tongue and the forehead, with the corresponding GC-MS results in plasma, oral fluid, and sweat. The accuracy was always less than 90% except for the amphetamine-group in sweat.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The study included 411 deaths selected from 14,647 medicolegal deaths autopsied in the Morgue Department of Forensic Medicine Institute Directorate, affiliated with the Ministry of Justice, between 1998 and 2002. Data were collected from court documents, coroner's investigation reports, and autopsy reports. The parameters of age, gender, nationality and origin, cause and place of death in foreigners dying in Istanbul were evaluated in the study. Out of 14,647 medicolegal deaths, 3.5% were foreigners from 34 different nationalities. The nationality with the highest rate of foreigner deaths (34%) was Romanian. Out of 411 deaths, 74.3% were male and 25.7% were female. Of all cases, 64.4% were tourists visiting Istanbul and 35.6% had a job in Istanbul. Of 146 foreigners employed in Istanbul, 94.5% did not have a work permit, while only 5.5% had a work permit.  相似文献   

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