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分析医疗损害责任纳入《侵权责任法》积极和消极意义的基础上,阐述了医疗纠纷的法律适用,并从解构医患法律关系入手,提出了坚持医疗纠纷中对医方宽容与对患者救济并行。构建医患法律关系的立法趋势。  相似文献   

李明辉 《河北法学》2005,23(4):33-35
对于注册会计师的过失责任应适用连带责任还是比例责任,目前理论界存在争议,而这一问题对于注册会计师的法律风险具有相当大的影响。从西方来看,更多地采用连带责任,但近年来,以美国为代表,正表现出逐渐从连带责任向比例责任的转变的趋势。我国目前有关法律亦采用连带责任,但从我国注册会计师的执业环境来看,连带责任将使注册会计师承担过高的法律风险,因此,对于注册会计师的过失责任采用比例责任可能更为合适。  相似文献   

In Lister v Hesley Hall [2002] 1 AC 215 the House of Lords reformedthe law on vicarious liability, in the context of a claim arisingover the intentional infliction of harm, by introducing the‘close connection’ test. The immediate catalystwas the desire to facilitate recovery of damages on the partof victims of child abuse. The precise form the revision assumedwas derived from two Canadian Supreme Court cases: Bazley vCurry [1999] 174 DLR (4th) 45 and Jacobi v Griffiths [1999]174 DLR (4th) 7. The Canadian jurisprudence contains a detailedreview of the policy factors underpinning the law of vicariousliability and expresses the view that the most significant ofthese is ‘enterprise liability’. This article attemptsto establish whether enterprise liability holds the same significancein the UK. And, on the assumption that it does, the articlegoes on to consider any difficulties that may ensue and anyfurther common law reforms that may result. In particular itconsiders whether the law on vicarious liability for independentcontractors is likely to change.  相似文献   

折喜芳 《河北法学》2001,19(4):145-146
保证责任的性质在我国《担保法》中没有述及,很多人将保证责任理解为一种民事责任,这从起始便把保证人放于不平衡的位置,有损害保证人权益之虞。从民事责任、义务的关系以及保证责任的自身特征角度来思考,普通意义上所说的保证责任只能是一种特殊的“一般债务”。  相似文献   

杨立新 《河北法学》2012,(12):26-32
《侵权责任法》规定医疗损害责任的归责原则采体系化方法,规定过错责任原则为基本归责原则,辅之以过错推定原则和无过错责任原则。过错责任原则适用于医疗技术损害责任和医疗管理损害责任,过错推定原则适用于医疗伦理损害责任,无过错责任原则适用于医疗产品损害责任。三种归责原则分别调整四种不同的医疗损害责任类型,并决定了这些不同的医疗损害责任的法律适用规则。  相似文献   

Deaths that occur during the course of desensitization treatment are regularly analyzed in penal or civil investigations. Abnormal activity of an allergenic extract may also be the cause of the incident, but it is difficult to prove. Today the burden of proof is being reversing in favor of the patient because the legal requirements for drug producers are more specific. Liability to injury and liability of the product are discussed with regard to the legal situation in the Federal Republic of Germany and in Austria. In any case, there is a considerable gray area regarding liability for incidents during desensitization treatment. Because safer medicines are required today, the author is proposing that the duty to notify be intensified by the requirement that mild systemic reactions also be reported to a central registry.  相似文献   

论违约责任和侵权责任的竞合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
但小红 《政法学刊》2003,20(4):19-21
违约责任与侵权责任的竞合是因为行为人实施的一个违法行为具备违约行为和侵权行为的双重性质,从而引发了两种责任的共同产生。各国对违约责任与侵权责任的竞合有不同处理原则,我国合同法明确规定了该两种责任的竞合,受害人有选择的权利。  相似文献   

韩长印 《中国法学》2015,(2):266-281
当责任保险中的被保险人与共同致害人一起对受害第三人承担连带责任时,保险合同格式条款能否将该连带责任从保险责任中加以排除,这是司法实践中存在较大争议的问题。争议的焦点在于,机动车商业三责险等一般责任保险中的按责赔付条款能否在司法判决中得到承认并加以适用。通过对责任保险的责任内涵及责任保险独特的摆脱不利等保障功能的分析,从责任保险格式条款内容控制的角度,主张连带责任的免除条款构成格式条款的意外免责条款,其免责效力不应得到承认而应受到限制。  相似文献   

【裁判要旨】过失责任认定、海事赔偿责任限制和赔偿损失认定,是船舶碰撞损害责任纠纷案件的三大核心要点。船舶碰撞的过失责任认定,应当依照侵权责任和海上避碰相关法律规定,采用一般侵权责任理论与碰撞责任特别规定结合适用的方式,对当事方的过失责任予以综合认定。  相似文献   

教唆人、帮助人责任与监护人责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教唆人、帮助人教唆、帮助无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人实施侵权行为,其责任与教唆、帮助完全民事行为能力人实施侵权行为不同,原因在于多数教唆人或者帮助人与监护人的未尽监护责任行为构成共同侵权行为,其责任形态为单向连带责任。在法律适用中,规定教唆人、帮助人责任与监护人责任的《侵权责任法》第9条第2款和该法第32条是特殊规则与一般规则的关系。  相似文献   

许多国家的船舶保险条款中碰撞责任条款规定:当碰撞两船没有船舶援引责任限制时,保险人与被保险人之间碰撞责任的确定适用交叉责任原则.但海上保险理论界和实务界对于援引责任限制的情形下是否适用单一责任制却存在误解.本文通过具体案例中保险人责任的演算,论证了单一责任制适用的不合理性,并提出了"不完全交叉责任制"的理论.  相似文献   

我国版权法中明确将作品的众多利用方式,例如复制、传播和改编等等,列举为版权人的专有权利范围,任何人未经版权人授权且没有法律豁免,对版权作品实施了专有权利范围内的行为,就会构成直接侵犯版权。但是,版权的保护范围并不仅限于此。有些当事人虽然没有亲自从事复制、传播或改编等直接侵权行为,但是由于他们与直接侵权行为或者直接侵权人的关系,也应当对直接侵权行为承担一定法律责任,这就是侵犯版权的间接责任或者称为问接侵权。根据国际版权界主流观点,间接责任主要包括辅助侵权和转承责任两种形式:辅助侵权是指当事人在知道或有理由知道直  相似文献   

The goal of this final rule is to increase immunization rates in Medicare and Medicaid participating long term care (LTC) facilities by requiring LTC facilities to offer each resident immunization against influenza annually, as well as lifetime immunization against pneumococcal disease. LTC facilities will be required to ensure that before offering the immunization, each resident or the resident's legal representative receives education regarding the benefits and potential side effects of immunization. The facilities will be required to offer immunization against influenza annually and immunization against pneumococcal disease once, unless medically contraindicated or the resident or the resident's legal representative refuses immunization. Increasing the use of Medicare-funded preventive services is a goal of both CMS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This final rule is intended to increase the number of elderly receiving influenza and pneumococcal immunization and decrease the morbidity and mortality rate from influenza and pneumococcal diseases.  相似文献   

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