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The authors report the case of an unusual reason for an "exhumation." A young person "exhumed" a child's body involved in a road accident because he wanted to test methods for preventing or slowing down the process of postmortem decay.  相似文献   

This paper examines the place that forensic archaeologists should hold at scenes of crime where a body has been buried. The forensic archaeologist is rapidly becoming a key player whose specialty should be explained, and role defined. A high level of interaction between the forensic archaeologist and other personnel implies good communications skills as well as a precarious mix of receiving orders, assistance and advice as well as giving directions to other staff. The extent to which each of these should be applied will be discussed as well as underlying the absolute need for forensic archaeologist to attend these types of scenes.  相似文献   

A 28-year-old male methamphetamine abuser, who had been buried for 5 years after being killed by strangulation, was found skeletonized. Methamphetamine and amphetamine in the significantly denatured fatty material of the bone marrow were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The confirmation of the chemicals was carried out by chemical ionization (CI) mass chromatography, CI mass spectrometry and CI mass fragmentography. The concentrations of methamphetamine and amphetamine determined by CI mass fragmentography were 1.0 mumol/100 g and 0.1 mumol/100 g, respectively. The method used would seem to be very useful for determination of methamphetamine and amphetamine in marked putrefied biological materials.  相似文献   

孙耀东  李健 《证据科学》2006,13(1):55-56
在日常检案中,DNA检验人员通常根据尸体的腐败程度来决定提取那种检材以及采取何种方法得到足够的遗传信息。据高俊薇等报道。当检验腐败尸体的心血、肌肉等组织无法得到STR分型结果时,拔取其指甲进行STR分型往往能得到满意的效果。指甲检验成功率与保存环境有关.土埋1个月以上尸体的指甲DNA经有机法提取成功率不高。本例在处理一起土埋2年半、完全白骨化的尸体时,以指甲作为检验对象,分别以有机法、硅珠法和磁珠法对经Chelex-100提取后的模板DNA进行纯化浓缩。并对其效果进行比较。  相似文献   

在日常检案中,DNA检验人员通常根据尸体的腐败程度来决定提取那种检材以及采取何种方法得到足够的遗传信息。据高俊薇等[1]报道,当检验腐败尸体的心血、肌肉等组织无法得到STR分型结果时,拔取其指甲进行STR分型往往能得到满意的效果。指甲检验成功率与保存环境有关,土埋1个月以上尸体的指甲DNA经有机法提取成功率不高。本例在处理一起土埋2年半、完全白骨化的尸体时,以指甲作为检验对象,分别以有机法、硅珠法和磁珠法对经Chelex-100提取后的模板DNA进行纯化浓缩,并对其效果进行比较。一、样本来源2005年7月中旬,在距本市某内陆河入海…  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of fibre type, hair style, time and fibre persistence on the secondary transfer of mask fibres to pillowcases via head hair were studied. Volunteers with a range of hair styles, and masks consisting of different fibre compositions were used in the study. Fibres from the masks were found to transfer from donor subjects to the pillowcases up to 14 nights after the mask had been worn. On average, the number of secondarily transferred fibres found decreased with time; however, this decrease appeared to be more 'linear' in nature, rather than an exponential decay. The greatest degree of secondary transfer occurred with cotton, then acrylic, then wool. In a primary transfer/persistence experiment with a 50% acrylic/50% wool mask, wool was found to persist in the hair more readily than acrylic. The results also showed that the greatest degree of secondary transfer occurred via short straight and long straight hair, with no clear pattern emerging between medium length hair (both straight and curly) and with long curly hair. The implications of these findings for the assessment and interpretation of casework are considered along with data obtained from related studies.  相似文献   

Sampling of hair has proved to be a useful non-invasive method for detecting illicit drugs. This study examined the viability of hair as a surface from which explosive traces can be recovered and showed that as little as one-hour vapour exposure can result in measurable traces of explosives. Contamination of the hair may result from direct contact with explosive particles or from secondary contact by hand. Also the paper demonstrates that hair can concentrate explosive from the ambient vapour of a variety of military explosives. It was found that the amount of TNT picked up by the hair increased with time of vapour exposure. The data also suggested that unwashed hair may pick up more TNT than washed hair.  相似文献   

Testing for anabolic steroids in hair from two bodybuilders.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two male bodybuilders were recently arrested by the French customs in Strasbourg (France) in possession of 2050 tablets and 251 ampoules of various anabolic steroids. It was claimed that the steroids were for personal use and not for trafficing as suggested by the police. Urine and hair specimens were collected from both suspects to clarify the claims. Nandrolone, stanozolol, testosterone and their corresponding metabolites were identified in the urine of both subjects. After decontamination, the hair was hydrolyzed by sodium hydroxide in presence of deuterated internal standards. After extraction with ethyl acetate and silylation, the drugs were identified by GC-MS in the electron impact mode. Hair from both males were positive for nandrolone (196 and 260 pg/mg), testosterone (46 and 71 pg/mg) and stanozolol (135 and 156 pg/mg), clearly indicating steroids abuse. Although not yet recognized by the International Olympic Committee, hair analysis may be a useful adjunct to conventional drug testing in urine from athletes.  相似文献   

Fungal cerebritis from intravenous drug abuse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three intravenous drug abusers (predominantly cocaine) developed a fulminant fungal cerebritis without any other identifiable predisposing factor. Two died and one survived with a severe neurologic deficit. Zygomycetes (nonseptated fungi) were identified in the brain tissue of two victims and Acremonium alabamensis was cultured from the brain tissue of the third. Fulminant fungal cerebritis in intravenous drug abusers (in the absence of any predisposing illness) may represent a unique variant of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Future surviving patients should be evaluated for the possibility of a cellular immune deficiency state in order to confirm this impression.  相似文献   

The analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a useful tool in forensic cases when sample contents too little or degraded nuclear DNA to genotype by autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci, but it is especially useful when the only forensic evidence is a hair shaft. Several authors have related differences in mtDNA from different tissues within the same individual, with high frequency of heteroplasmic variants in hair, as also in some other tissues. Is still a matter of debate how the differences influence the interpretation forensic protocols. One difference between two samples supposed to be originated from the same individual are related to an inconclusive result, but depending on the tissue and the position of the difference it should have a different interpretation, based on mutation-rate heterogeneity of mtDNA. In order to investigate it differences in the mtDNA control region from hair shafts and blood in our population, sequences from the hypervariable regions 1 and 2 (HV1 and HV2) from 100 Brazilian unrelated individuals were compared. The frequency of point heteroplasmy observed in hair was 10.5% by sequencing. Our study confirms the results related by other authors that concluded that small differences within tissues should be interpreted with caution especially when analyzing hair samples.  相似文献   

Despite an increasing literature on the decomposition of human remains, whether buried or exposed, it is important to recognise the role of specific microenvironments which can either trigger or delay the rate of decomposition. Recent casework in Northern England involving buried and partially buried human remains has demonstrated a need for a more detailed understanding of the effect of contrasting site conditions on cadaver decomposition and on the microenvironment created within the grave itself. Pigs (Sus scrofa) were used as body analogues in three inter-related taphonomy experiments to examine differential decomposition of buried human remains. They were buried at three contrasting field sites (pasture, moorland, and deciduous woodland) within a 15 km radius of the University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK. Changes to the buried body and the effect of these changes on hair and associated death-scene textile materials were monitored as was the microenvironment of the grave. At recovery, 6, 12 and 24 months post-burial, the extent of soft tissue decomposition was recorded and samples of fat and soil were collected for gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis. The results of these studies demonstrated that (1) soil conditions at these three burial sites has a marked effect on the condition of the buried body but even within a single site variation can occur; (2) the process of soft tissue decomposition modifies the localised burial microenvironment in terms of microbiological load, pH, moisture and changes in redox status. These observations have widespread application for the investigation of clandestine burial and time since deposition, and in understanding changes within the burial microenvironment that may impact on biomaterials such as hair and other associated death scene materials.  相似文献   

Immunoaffinity extraction units (LSD ImmunElute) are commercially available for the analysis of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in urine. The ImmunElute resin contains immobilized monoclonal antibodies to LSD. We applied the ImmunElute procedure to serum and also to human hair samples. For hair analysis the samples were first extracted with methanol under sonication. The extracts were then purified using the ImmunElute resin. LSD analysis was carried out with HPLC and fluorescence detection. The immunoaffinity extraction provides highly purified extracts for chromatographic analysis. The limit of detection (signal-to-noise ratio = 3) has been determined to be < 50 pg regardless of which sample material was used. The procedure was applied to authentic hair samples from drug abusers (n = 11). One of these samples tested positive with an amount of 110 pg LSD in 112 mg extracted hair corresponding to a concentration of 1 pg/mg.  相似文献   

A female body was recovered after approximately 5.5 h in a river with slow-moving current. On the victim's right breast, a patterned injury was discovered and determined to be from human adult teeth. Evidence was collected according to established techniques including recovery of saliva from the bite mark area despite the body being found submerged in water. DNA analysis by PCR using polymorphic STR markers revealed a DNA profile of mixed origin. In addition to the victim's DNA profile, a genotype contribution from the perpetrator was identified as a minor component. The DNA typing results from the bite mark correlated with the DNA typing results obtained from other biological trace evidence identified from the victim's genital samples. The bite mark and the DNA evidence were used to screen suspects and played an important role in obtaining resolution of this case. Consequently, it is advisable that investigators routinely swab for salivary DNA in bite mark cases, even when the amount is thought to be minimal.  相似文献   

The structure of hairs from the head, chest, armpits, and pubis of residents of Latin America (Bolivia, Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, Chile, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Brasil, and Mexico) has been studied. New data on macro- and microscopic characteristics of hairs of the population of the above countries were obtained (color, shape, length, thickness of hair; number of cuticle lines; characteristics of hair layers, shapes of transverse sections, etc.).  相似文献   

We review eight different data sets in this paper for the purposes of assessing the possibility that reported color of hair can produce a systematic bias in the interpretation of hair assays. We review studies or data sets that include heroin and its metabolites, cocaine and its metabolites, MDMA and its analogs, and amphetamine and methamphetamine. The studies have utilized a variety of different degrees of color categorization, ranging from the simple dichotomy of brown and black, to a high of 12 categories. The mean number of categories reported approaches 6 (mean = 5.875). There are a total of 2791 data points in this analysis. We utilize two major statistical techniques for assessing significance; one-way analysis of variance, and Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference procedure. In circumstances were only dichotomous contrasts are possible, one-way analysis of variance is used. In contrasts involving three or more categorical groups, Tukey's procedure is used. In circumstances where the homogeneity of group variances is not sustained by the Levene statistic, we use the Tamahane procedure, allowing an assessment that assumes unequal variances. The analysis of this data fails to discern a significant color effect. We speculate that it may be that variance is large in many domains affecting analyte recovery from hair. In large groups these variations tend to regress towards a typical or mean value. Thus the data here show that while there are group or aggregate differences in these 'typical' values, they are not great when considered in relation to the within-group variations which exist for those values. It is our view that color may play a role in the accumulation of drugs in hair, however it is likely to account for only a very small part of the complex process of drug accumulation.  相似文献   

Sufficient phosphoglucomutase activity was found to be present in plucked hair noses bearing either fragmentary or complete outer root sheaths to enable typing of individual roots by starch-gel electrophoresis. Hair roots collected by brushing were found to contain very little PGM activity. Other isoenzyme systems were detected in hair roots but in insufficient quantities to make typing feasible.  相似文献   

In this work the study of the disappearance of cocaine in hair is reported. The subject of the study is a woman who stopped the consumption of cocaine after a period of drug abuse of over 1 year. Hair samples were collected over a period of 10 months. During this time the absence of cocaine intake was monitored by the toxicological analysis of urine, performed every 2 days. After decontamination with methanol, the hair sample, cut in two segments (0-1.5 and 1.5-3 cm from the hair root) was added with cocaine-D(3) (internal standard), hydrolyzed and extracted with chloroform/isopropanol (9:1). The extract was evaporated to dryness, reconstituted in 25 microl of ethyl acetate and analyzed by GC-MS in SIM mode. The obtained results show that the incorporation of cocaine in hair decreased during the first 3 months after the last consumption and after this period of time no cocaine was found in the hair sections closest to the root.  相似文献   

Anagen hairs are in the active growth phase, and when forcefully removed, may contain an intact root or sheathing. The hair root or sheathing is a source of nucleic DNA and can be amplified using direct PCR. Human identification STR kits are optimised to a small range of input DNA for PCR. Anagen hairs are unable to be quantified prior to amplification and can exhibit characteristics of an over-loaded DNA sample when analysed. The aim of this study was to optimise direct PCR for anagen hair sampling. Two separate modifications to the downstream processes were carried out in order to determine the most effective method at minimising PCR artefacts. Decreasing the cycle number from the standard 29 cycles to 27 cycles when using the NGM™ kit displayed the best results for this method. However, decreasing the cycle number may increase allelic drop-out and would be costly for laboratories to perform an in-house validation. Diluting the PCR product during electrophoresis analysis minimises the effects of PCR artefacts in the same way decreasing the cycle number does. Diluting the PCR product is the most cost-effective method and does not increase the chance of allelic drop-out.  相似文献   

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