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上世纪七八十年代在西方学术界进行了一场有关马克思与正义(伦理)问题的大争论,争论的焦点包括三个问题:马克思是否把资本主义剥削看作一种分配的不正义;马克思如何看待分配正义;马克思所设想的按需分配是否是分配正义原则。马克思的分配正义思想可以分为两个层面。第一个层面是运用马克思历史唯物主义对分配和评价分配的解释;第二个层面则是马克思站在无产阶级的立场上对资本主义分配正义的内在批判和外在批判。当代著名的马克思主义者G.A.科恩在马克思给后人留下的两大理论空间进行了卓有成效的学术研究,丰富了马克思分配正义思想。  相似文献   

率领A.S.A.K.U.R.A的朝仓博美于英国伦敦学成世界顶尖美容技术,其顺应时代,引领世界潮流的设计赢得高度好评,在欧洲,日本均享有相当的口碑。被邀请出席世界级权威发型展示会多达20余次。其设计的发型多次刊登于意大利的业界杂志封面;在米兰著名杂  相似文献   

Mr. Mirza Gholam Hafiz, a prominentBangladesh statesman and social activist,is an old friend of the Chinese people. Fordecades he has made unremitting efforts to pro-mote the friendship between the Bangladesh andthe Chinese peoples.  相似文献   

G.O.指的是一份新鲜热辣的职业——是法语GentilOrganisateur("和善的组织者"或"亲切的东道主")的缩写。他们是每个度假村的灵魂人物、是为游客服务的接待人员,他们通常来自世界各地且多才多艺,他们教你体验各项惊险的活动,甚至与你共进早餐,是你的朋友或者玩伴。  相似文献   

MY mom was born in 1943, and I in 1975, but we began our English lessons at almost the same time. We didn't have much choice. During the 1980s our whole family shared a compact room with an area of only nine square meters. Every evening my mom would listen to English radio broadcasts,  相似文献   

The year 2020 was a turning point in many ways. A pandemic tested our capacity for international cooperation. Our impact on the changing environment became more urgent.  相似文献   

The year of 2011 is the 150th anniversary of the birth,and the 70th of the death,of the great Indian poet Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore.He was a literary giant whose 80-year life spanned two centuries.Although he wrote mostly in Bengali,many of his great masterpieces have been translated into different languages  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birth of American Brigadier General Evans F.Carlson,an old friend of the Chinese people,at the invitation of Furman University in Greenville,S.C.,University of South Carolina,Columbia,and family members of Evans Carlson,a delegation of the Chinese Society for People's Friendship Studies went to the U.S.to attend the commemorative activities and visited the above two universities from October 23 to 24,2006.  相似文献   

DURING World War Ⅱ, aU.S. air force commanded byMajor General C.L. Chennaultwas stationed in Chongqing,China. Its high-flying and long-range planes were the most ad-vanced in the world. Carrying outits anti-Japanese missions, it oftenbombed Japan and fought theJapanese army in cooperationwith the Chinese expeditionaryforce in Burma, making an ex-traordinary contribution to theanti-fascist war. Its outstandingcrew of well-trained airmen ex-erted painstaking efforts for themissions.  相似文献   

On the afternoon of May 4, 1994, the Chinese People'sAssociation for Friendship with Foreign Countries and theChina-Bangladesh Friendship Association held a ceremony atthe CPAFFC for conferring the title of "Friendship Am-bassador" upon Mr. Mirza Gholam Hafiz, minister of justice,law and parliamentary affairs of the People's Republic ofBangladesh and president of the Bangladesh-China FriendshipAssociation.  相似文献   

China should be cautious when buying U.S. Treasury bonds, experts say Despite the global credit crunch,China increased its U.S.Treasury bonds holdings to$541 billion by the end of  相似文献   

数字网络通信技术的发展开启了数字化生存的3G网络时代,为借助网络崛起的各类青年自组织的社会动员提供了全新的平台,也带来了社会动员方式和渠道的根本性转变.本文在对传统青年组织动员方式进行回顾的基础上,探讨了3G时代青年自组织网络化社会动员方式的内涵、特性及其优势,提出了共青团组织如何借助网络开展新形势下的青年社会动员工作的相关对策建议,以期为3G时代青年社会动员工作的有效开展提供参考.  相似文献   

A.赫胥黎具有鲜明的自由主义倾向,他紧扣自由主义的核心理念:"有限政府"和"公民自由权利"以及"分权制"、"去集权化"、"去组织化",在其文论和小说中对自由主义观作了直白表述和文学演绎,充分表现了一个自由主义文学思想家的政治观,使其代表作<美丽新世界>除了预言唯科学主义和科技统治论的危害之外,具有浓厚的政治意识和自由主义式的社会批判意义.  相似文献   

对自制F形组合工具破坏防盗网与撬压保险柜的留痕进行了分析研究 ,总结出其特点规律及与其他工具留痕的区别 ,以便正确运用工具痕迹的检验方法及时发现和确定作案工具 ,从而有效地打击此类犯罪。  相似文献   

AOne-WingedSwanTakesFlightAgain.ByDENGDAIHUAandLIXIAOSONGAninspringstoryofabravegirlandthepeoplewhohelpedher.WHATIShardship,i...  相似文献   

On October 17, 1995,CPAFFC Vice PresidentChen Haosu met with and gavea banquet in honour of Mr.Andreas Potamianos, presidentof the Greece-China Friendship  相似文献   

IN November 2o14, the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting will be held in Beijing. Since the first APEC summit in Seattle in 1993, the annual Economic Leaders' Meeting has been an important platform for members to promote political communication and deepen regional cooperation as it gathers leaders from almost all important economies in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

对性取向、女性的自由与权利、男性的性别困境与焦虑以及两性之间关系的探讨是拜厄特小说中非常值得研究的一部分。在关注每个个体在不同历史时期所面临的性别问题的同时,拜厄特实现了对英国社会历史变迁的忠实记载。  相似文献   

Chinese President Jiang Zemin met with Alex- ander M.Haig,Jr., former secretary of stateand senior consultant of the United TechnologiesCorporation (UTC) of the United States; GeorgeDavid, chairman and chief executive officer of theUTC and other UTC executives at ZhongnanhaiOn May 16.They were on a visit to China at theinvitation of the CPAFFC.  相似文献   

To commemorate the centenary of the birth of Aleksei Petrovich Rogachev, renownedRussian sinologist and translator, the CPAFFC andthe China-Russia Fiendship Association(CRFA)held a reception on February 15, 2000 in the  相似文献   

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