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在东南亚各国中新加坡是唯一华族人口占绝大多数的国家,华人经济在新加坡经济发展过程中一直占据重要的地位。本文以1997年东南亚金融危机以来新加坡华人中小企业变化发展为主线,对1997—2008年期间,新加坡华人中小企业变化和发展状况及特点进行分析。尽管1997年金融危机对新加坡华人中小企业冲击较大,但相对东南亚其他国家华人企业而言,新加坡华人中小企业在这十年中得到较快的恢复并迅速发展,尤其是新加坡华人中小企业国际化步伐的加快,对中国中小企业走出去具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

罗磊 《东南亚研究》2005,2(1):86-89
家族企业对世界各国经济的贡献以及重要性已经获得了普遍的承认,家族企业的发展成为学术界日益关注的话题.保证企业所有权和控制权的代际平稳过渡是家族企业可持续发展的关键因素之一,对此,美国学术界进行了大量的理论研究.而华人家族企业已经发展到了第二代或第三代,但学术界对华人家族企业传承问题的研究却相对缺乏.本文结合美国家族企业传承问题的相关研究成果,分析了美国家族企业传承规划的实施现状,然后对比了华人家族企业在代际传承中出现的问题,最后对华人家族企业如何建立和完善传承机制提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

泰国华人政治生活的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同东南亚其他国家相比 ,泰国华人同化较早且与当地融合得较为彻底 ,他们很早就参与了当地的政治生活。泰国华人政治生活也相对简单 ,远没有东南亚其他国家那么复杂 ,其参政历程虽经历了波折 ,但总体而言较为顺利。  相似文献   

东南亚华人经济的兴起使华人家族企业的治理模式成为学术界研究的热点问题之一。本文通过实地调研,选取已有110年历史的哥伦比亚集团作为研究对象,结合刘氏家族企业的成长史,全面分析企业发展过程中家族治理模式的历史演变,由此探讨华人企业集团家族治理模式演进的规律。  相似文献   

印尼华人经济遭受到亚洲金融风暴的严重冲击和破坏,华人企业集团首当其冲受到影响,许多企业负债累 累,资产大减,不少企业濒临破产。新政府成立后,政局趋于稳定,华人中小企业尽管在经济复苏中做出了贡献,但华人 企业集团仍困难重重。本文认为,华人经济应发挥自己的优势,在经济全球化和国家现代化中做出新贡献。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战结束后 ,日本进行了一系列的企业制度变革 ,逐渐实现了从以财阀控制为主导的传统企业制度向以经营者为主导的现代企业制度的转变 ,形成了独具特色的企业制度模式 ,并在战后日本经济迅速恢复和高速发展过程中起了关键作用。一、现代日本企业制度的特征及利弊分析现代日本绝大多数企业都采用股份公司这种形态。股份公司以所有权和经营权相分离为特征。所有权归众多的、分散的股东占有 ,经营权则由股东总会选出的董事会行使。1.法人企业相互持股。5 0年代后期 ,由于经营性的资金短缺和资本自由化的进展 ,战后曾一度被禁止的企业…  相似文献   

在经济全球化浪潮的推动下 ,中国经济持续增长 ,中国市场的巨大商机吸引着世界各地的投资者。无论是大型企业还是中小型企业都希望进入中国市场或与中国企业合作。不少海外华人企业或者外国企业希望通过华人华侨与中国的人缘、血缘及文化等的联系取得合作的机会。与此同时 ,国内不少民营、中小企业因应竞争及发展的需要 ,同样感到“走出去”的迫切性。从历史和传统联系 ,地缘、人缘、血缘的角度 ,语言、文化、营商理念 ,以及投资环境和商务服务等方面来说 ,澳门都有条件作为华人中小企业交流和合作的平台  相似文献   

联盟是一国通过外部方式增加权力,服务于自身战略目标的重要手段之一。主导国建构联盟体系旨在维持其主导地位。由于国际关系中的权力格局始终处于变动之中,当主导国战略目标不变,相对权力变化有利于主导国时,其对于盟友的战略依赖下降。此时,主导国推动联盟转型以强化对于盟友的控制,盟友的自主性更受制约,主导国或者是将盟友地位矮化、联盟功能简化,甚至解散联盟。当相对权力变化不利于主导国时,联盟对于主导国的价值提升,主导国对于盟友的战略依赖加深。此时,主导国更可能提升盟友地位、强化联盟承诺、扩大联盟的职能。冷战结束之后,美日联盟经历了可能瓦解的危机。文章以冷战后美日联盟转型为例,探讨了美日联盟经历的三次大的转型。在当前的美日联盟中,解禁集体自卫权是美国给予日本一定自主权的重要标志,联盟的安全与防卫合作在空间上扩大至全球范围,在时间上覆盖了和平与战时的全过程。但是,美日联盟转型弱化了美国对于日本的控制,增加了美国卷入地区冲突的风险。  相似文献   

徐进 《当代亚太》2007,(3):26-31
本文在考察印度的文武关系及其对核指挥与控制体系的影响的基础上,认为,由于长期坚持"文官治军"原则,印度政治领导人将核事务的决策权牢牢地掌握在自己手中,同时将军事首脑排除在核心决策圈之外,从而基本消除了印度军方在核事务上的影响力.这有助于印度强化对核武器的管理,减少意外事件发生的概率,并有助于其最低限度核威慑战略的运作.  相似文献   

文章从中俄两国国有企业"内部人控制"的特点、成因和治理的角度,反思转轨国家的国有企业改革。由于转轨过程中国有企业的特殊性,如果仅仅把国有企业改革理解成在法律上把国有企业变成股份公司,而不改变企业的产权制度和公司治理,这样的改革既不能促进市场经济发展,也不会提高经济效益。因此,对于现阶段的中俄两国国有企业改革,完善企业产权制度,强化利益相关者的利益,增强企业的外部监督机制,形成具有本国特色的公司治理模式,这是推动中俄两国国有企业改革向纵深方向发展的重要突破口。  相似文献   


While much research has been undertaken on firms’ internationalisation, much less has been written on internationalisation’s other side, localisation. Yet with the rise of emerging economies, especially Chinese transnational corporations, localisation has become an increasingly significant. This article examines the localisation experience of two Chinese telecommunications enterprises – Huawei and ZTE – in Malaysia. By holding these factors constant (the ceteris paribus assumption), several dimensions of localisation are revealed. They are product, workforce, technology, organisation and management. Firm-specific factors matter both in accounting for inter-firm similarities and differences in the manner they localised. Enterprise ownership is also important in explaining firm performance and host countries’ perception of these firms. Leadership styles of these enterprises’ founders also matter. Together, these factors affect the differential pace of firms’ internationalisation and localisation.  相似文献   

随着韩国企业在中国东部沿海发达地区的布局趋于完善和成熟以及中国西部大开发战略的逐步深入,全球经济格局调整和产业转移,大规模进入新疆等中国西部地区已成为必然。但目前韩国企业在新疆直接投资的整体规模上一直徘徊不前,相较东西部其他地区的投资额也有明显差距。因此,为了释放新疆与韩国的经济合作潜力,建议通过加强文化交流促进经济合作和改善投资环境加强直接投资的吸引力;通过吸引更多韩国跨国公司,扩大投资规模。  相似文献   

The Department of Trade and Industry's 2003 strategy identifies ‘Black Economic Empowerment’ (BEE) as being broad-based, inclusive, and part of a sustainable long-term growth and development strategy. In this, it is consistent with the 2001 Black Economic Empowerment Commission report, the ANC 2002 conference resolution and ultimately the ANC's Reconstruction and Development Programme of 1994. We use firm-level information in the metals and engineering industries to examine the actual nature and extent of BEE across the dimensions of ownership, procurement, employment equity and training. Its aim is to examine the relationships between BEE concepts and provisions and the responses that firms took in practice. Direct pressure for BEE in metals and engineering firms arises from legislation and regulatory provisions governing employment equity, skills development and procurement. It also follows from procurement provisions applying to large companies that buy from metals and engineering firms, as well as to mining firms and State-Owned Enterprises such as Eskom and Transnet.  相似文献   

This article compares two transition economies that have diverged in their progress on important economic reform areas and then seeks to link these differences to their resulting levels of investment and business. For this study, interviews were conducted with firm representatives that had invested or conducted business in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in order to determine the areas of reform that were the most important for their investment and business decisions. The analysis indicates a relationship between Kazakhstan's advanced economic reforms in such areas as foreign investment legislation, tax legislation, banking system reform, and higher levels of investment and business. Uzbekistan's lack of progress in these reform areas has affected the level of investment in the country, but not the number of firms conducting business. This was primarily because firms could secure financing for the business through the US Export–Import Bank.  相似文献   

This article promotes the idea that multinational corporations have independent agency in the process of economic reform in Latin American host countries. Through a number of pooled cross-sectional time series analyses, it shows that accumulated foreign direct investment can affect policy reform in ways unanticipated by earlier theories predicated on the obsolescence of firms' influence after initial investment. The influence of firms varies across different reform areas, and competitive pressures lead firms to press alternately for liberal and illiberal reform measures. The study also considers sectoral issues, and argues that a preponderance of natural resource–oriented FDI can alter the impact of multinational investment on policy reform. Indexes of economic reform are measured against stocks of FDI and a number of political and economic control variables. Evidence shows that the dramatic increase in FDI in the region in recent years has bolstered firms' bargaining power and concomitant policy leverage.  相似文献   

This article provides empirical light on the debate concerning whether manufacturing firms in China are becoming major innovators. Based on an innovation survey carried out in Jiangsu Province, the article finds that most firms engage in innovative activities but these are mainly of an incremental nature. Radical innovation, as a proportion of sales, is relatively low if compared internationally. Innovation in China is mainly to catch-up and is novel relative to the firm and the domestic market. A small proportion of innovation is new to the world. Intensity and productivity indicators suggest that small, foreign and textile firms are leading innovative efforts. Firms innovate to improve their general competitiveness, including improving product quality and extending market share, obtain income from technology and defend themselves from research and development expenditure by competitors. Innovators value significantly more than non-innovators the range of innovative objectives they seek to achieve. The main obstacles to innovation arise from technical and marketing weaknesses; the perception of these obstacles varies widely between radical innovators and non-innovators. The article concludes that while innovative activities are emerging it will still take some time for China to have a major role in the international division of innovative labour.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of China’s economy and its opening to the outside world have attracted a large volume of trade and investment from Hong Kong and Taiwan, creating an economic grouping with a total foreign trade in 1992 almost equal to that of Japan. The economic linkage of this “Greater China” with Southeast Asia’s overseas Chinese communities is steadily growing and will continue to do so for the rest of the decade, barring a sharp drop in the PRC’s growth rate, which seems unlikely.  相似文献   

韩国与台湾地区的发展道路有重要不同。韩国是“指导的资本主义”道路,倾向于追求增长效率与市场经济的规范化,培育出了私营大企业群体,从而为进一步的发展提供了动力;台湾地区则在“民生主义”意识形态指导下走的是倾向于“均富”的道路,对市场经济和私营大企业的发展持谨慎态度,结果形成以中小企业为主的“草根经济”局面,造成工业升级和技术创新的瓶颈。韩国与台湾地区在20世纪80年代后发生经济地位的转换,与它们在高增长时期所奠定的不同基础密切相关。  相似文献   

胡安琪 《东南亚研究》2012,(2):58-62,69
2011年,新加坡顺利举行国会大选和总统大选,完成新老领导班子交接,但是大选结果也凸显了民众对政府的不满,赢回民心是新一届政府的首要任务。在经济方面,新加坡经济增长步伐整体放缓,政府逐步出台系列措施进行经济重整,给长期依赖外来劳动力的行业带来阵痛。在外交上,新加坡继续加强与周边国家的良好关系,加深与中美的双边经贸、安全防务等领域的合作,积极推动中美在亚洲地区良性合作的关系。最后,本文对2011年境内外出版的关于新加坡的中文学术研究成果进行简要回顾与介绍。  相似文献   

E-Commerce and Industrial Upgrading in the Chinese Apparel Value Chain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The economic and social gains from electronic commerce (e-commerce) that promote innovation, industry upgrading and economic growth have been widely discussed. China’s successful experience with e-commerce has had a positive effect in transforming consumer-goods sectors of the economy and motivating economic reform. This article looks at how e-commerce reduces barriers to entry and enables firms to move up the value chain by using the global value chain framework to analyse the impact of e-commerce on the upgrading trajectories and governance structures of China’s apparel industry. For large Chinese brands, e-commerce has enabled end-market diversification. For small- and medium-sized enterprises, e-commerce has facilitated entry with functional upgrading as well as end-market upgrading. In the “two-sided markets” created by platform companies, the “engaged consumers” are the demand side of this market, and “e-commerce focused apparel firms” are the supply side of the new market. Consumers and platforms are more directly involved in value creation within this emerging internet-based structure.  相似文献   

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