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论法治的整体性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卓泽渊 《现代法学》2003,25(2):11-17
法治的整体性是法治发展和法治研究中都必须关注而又被有所忽略的重要问题。尤其在具体法治的理论被提出以后 ,强调法治的整体性或整体法治 ,对于完善法治理论与全面进行法治建设都具有重要的意义。法治具有内在结构、对外联系和发展过程上的整体性质 ,强调法治整体性的重要目的在于实现法治的整体优化 ,全面推进和建立法治。  相似文献   

三种法治观辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国先秦法家所倡行的“任法而治” ,古希腊思想家亚里士多德所阐述的“法治优于一人之治” ,以及资本主义国家所实行的“法治原则”、“法治国家”、“法治政府”等 ,是讨论法治时经常提到的三种法治观。虽然这三种法治观都被称作“法治” ,但在治国目的、政治基础、人性假设、制度保障等方面存在着重大差异。  相似文献   

从法理上讲,治理国家是要人治还是要法治,不能以人们主观意志为转移,而应该是以人治与法治在其由来发展中对国家管理的作用,人治与法治的实质含义,并结合掌权者的意志、利益和要求,以及国家建设管理实践来思考、鉴别和选择取舍。  相似文献   

宪政问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宪政是指依据宪法的民主设计而形成的社会政治治理状态。是民治和宪治的结合和统一。宪政要素包括宪治要素和民治要素。宪治要素是指实现宪治的必要条件,包括宪法、违宪审查、宪法诉讼和法治。民治要素是指实现民治的必要条件,包括限权、分权和人权,这是宪政状态的内在规定性。一般说来,宪政体制包括政治权力配置机制、公民参政机制(即选举机制)和政党执政机制。  相似文献   

遗嘱解释的三个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
遗嘱解释以探求遗嘱人内心的主观意思为目的 ,遗嘱生效的形式要求与遗嘱解释活动相区分 ,从而一方面满足了遗嘱是要式法律行为的要求 ,另一方面也达到了遗嘱解释的目的。遗嘱解释的方法包括文义解释、整体解释、目的解释、历史解释、习惯解释、诚信解释等。补充遗嘱漏洞的常见方法是类推补充与法律推定补充。  相似文献   

宣誓决诉、水审、火审、决斗审都是欧洲中世纪神示裁判的方式。这些裁判方式都属于“单方证明”模式,与现代意义上的证明模式有天壤之别。为了考察神示裁判程序中被告人的诉讼地位,有必要借用现代证明责任理论来分析神示裁判制度中被告人的证明责任。通过分析可以看出,神示裁判制度实行有罪推定,被告人在诉讼中要承当证明自己无罪的责任。  相似文献   

论国际海上货物运输中承运人的识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从国际海上货物运输实践中有关提单签发的各种具体情况出发,结合海事司法实践中的相关案例,剖析了目前有关承运人识别中的一些难点问题,并结合相关的法律规定,通过缜密细致的法律解释和推理,归纳总结了正确识别和判定承运人的途径和方法。  相似文献   

从总干事的选任看WTO的决策机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界贸易组织协定规定了共识决策和表决决策两种方式,但实践中无论出现怎样的困难和僵局遵循的都是共识决策方式。前三次总干事的选任过程突出了共识决策在世界贸易组织中的地位和问题。共识决策式是关税与贸易总协定历史发展中逐渐演变形成的,为世界贸易组织所继承。共识决策式是一种比较现实的决策方式,能够比较好维护各成员的利益,但需要牺牲一定的效率为代价。  相似文献   

In the last few decades, proponents of critical race theory have uncovered everyday forms of injustice that continue to affect the lives of men and women of color by exposing the subtle forms of racism that exist in the stock stories told by the dominant group as well as the counterstories told by subaltern groups. However, rarely have we examined the stock stories articulated by subaltern groups to marginalize other subaltern groups. In this paper, I consider the stock stories told by gay White men and the counterstories expressed by gay Asian men to examine subtle forms of racism within the gay community. I argue that we need not only to reveal how the stories narrated by the dominant group continue to maintain social inequality, but that we also need to consider how subaltern groups help to maintain social inequality by adapting the language of the dominant group to use against other subaltern groups.  相似文献   

表见代理的基本价值取向是效率,即以最小的预防成本预防表见代理纠纷的发生,从而促进交易并降低社会成本.表见代理是否成立,应当取决于相对人预防成本是否比本人的更大.相对人的善意无过失,可界定为相对人投入了不低于最佳预防的预防成本.经济分析表明,表见代理的适用不以本人过失为要件.  相似文献   

依法律行政,旨在藉由法律的合理性控制行政的恣意,并获得法的安定性和民主性,它是近代形式法治国家的产物,是自由主义与民主主义的结合。德国依法律行政原理经由奥托·迈耶的提炼基本定型,经由美浓部达吉等人传至日本,并影响了我国早期的行政法学。在新中国,依法行政逐渐得到强调。这种转变既有行政立法高涨的现实影响,也有方法论上的原因,但更多缘于全国人大—行政机关—司法机关的权力格局。从全国人大与国务院的宪法关系来看,应当重新确立依法律行政原理,并从行政诉讼上为依法律行政提供保障机制,同时摒弃依法行政中的某些错误观念,以确保法治国家的真正实现。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to differentiate between homicides committed by multiple offenders and homicides committed by lone offenders. Using data on homicide incidents that occurred in South Korea between 1985 and 2008, we compared 134 homicides committed by multiple offenders, with 369 homicides committed by lone offenders. A greater proportion of homicides committed by multiple offenders involved injuries to the victim's head compared to homicides by lone offenders. Homicides committed by multiple offenders were more likely to involve blunt instruments and ligatures, whereas homicides by lone offenders were more likely to involve sharp instruments. In addition, a majority of the homicides committed by multiple offenders were planned. The results of this study have practical implications for homicide investigations, as well as theoretical implications for homicide research on the difference in offense behaviors based on the number of offenders.  相似文献   

单位在民事诉讼中提供证据不应当定位为“证人作证”的行为,但单位有提供证据的资格,其所提供的证明文书是书证的证据来源之一。如此定位,有助于解决单位提供证据与证人概念的冲突问题,同时能够发挥单位作为提供证据者扩大证据来源的现实作用。对待单位提供的证明文书证据,应当区别情况分为公文书与私文书,并在认证规则上予以区别对待。  相似文献   

我国刑事实体法与程序法均严格禁止刑讯逼供,但在刑事诉讼中刑讯逼供却禁而难止,因刑讯逼供受到查处者为数不多,以致刑法第247条几近虚置。究其原因,一是刑讯逼供合法性的顽固观念妨碍了对刑讯逼供、暴力取证行为的查处;二是对刑讯逼供、暴力取证行为发现不及时;三是对刑讯逼供、暴力取证行为的监督尚有缺位。解决这一问题,首先需要转变司法理念,改善检察监督执法环境;其次,建立顺畅、有效的检察监督机制;再次,对刑讯逼供、暴力取证罪的刑事责任进行立法重构。  相似文献   

《纲要》作为我国第一部全面规划建设法治政府蓝图的纲领性文件,在推进依法行政的历史进程中具有里程碑意义。坚持法治规律与中国国情的创造性结合,是《纲要》的核心精神,也是《纲要》的最大特色。《纲要》的理论精髓体现在:(1)《纲要》贯穿的内在主线:监督、规范行政权与保护、扩展公民权相结合;(2)《纲要》规定的基本内容:依法行政理念与依法行政制度相结合;(3)《纲要》确立的法治目标:建设法治政府与形成法治社会相结合;(4)《纲要》选择的法治道路:自上而下政府推进与自下而上全民参与相结合。  相似文献   

数额加重犯基本问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王志祥 《法律科学》2007,25(4):132-140
数额加重犯的概念具有正当性.加重数额体现了数额加重犯的既遂形态对行为侵犯法益程度的要求.数额加重犯的未遂行为原则上具有刑事可罚性.对于数额加重犯的未遂形态,应当以数额加重犯的法定刑幅度作为量刑基础.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the morphological characteristics of the injury caused by ox horn on human body and its injury mechanism, and to discuss the rules and characteristics of injury by ox horn and provide forensic evidences for identification of such cases. Methods: The comparative analysis of position and morphological characteristics were performed by summarizing the data of 100 victims gored by ox accepted by Heilongjiang agricultural areas public security bureau during 2004-2014. Results: The specific injuries only could be found at the contact positions such as thorax and abdomen, lower back and limbs of the victims gored by ox horn. Most of the skin wounds had the characteristics of sharp injuries, the bar-type injury by club which called "rail way bruise" was an obvious characteristic appeared on the soft tissue. Conclusion: Ox horn can cause non-specific injuries on thorax and abdomen, lower back and limbs of human body, which are similar with the characteristics of sharp injury and injury by club. Careful analyzation and identification should be performed on such injury in daily work. © 2017 by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.  相似文献   

关于建设法治政府的几点思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》确立了建设法治政府的目标 ,要实现这一目标 ,必须转变政府职能 ,改变行政管理体制。只有科学界定和依法规范职能 ,才能真正建设“有限”和“有为”政府 ;只有改变行政管理体制 ,才能为依法行政提供制度保障  相似文献   

The effects of anger feelings (rated by the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory) and witnessing family violence on anxiety and depression (rated by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) were examined in 457 junior high school students. Anxiety and depression scores were correlated with frequencies of witnessing family violence. In a regression analysis, however, after controlling for the demographic variables and depression score, the anxiety score was predicted by State Anger, Anger-Out, and Anger-Control; the depression score was predicted, after controlling for the demographic and anxiety score, by State Anger, Anger-In positively, and by Anger-Out and Anger-Control negatively. Witnessing family violence failed to add significant contribution in predicting anxiety or depression. These results were generally supported by structural equation modeling. The effects of witnessing family violence on dysphoric mood may be mediated by anger feelings. The style of dysphoric mood may be predicted by the style of anger expression.  相似文献   

提高公务员依法行政能力刍议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提高依法行政能力是公务员队伍建设的重要课题,直接关系到整个国家依法治国能否有效进行。目前公务员依法行政能力与形势的要求相比,还存在着一定的差距,这在相当程度上影响着我国依法行政水平的提高。为了实现法治政府建设的目标,必须通过加强对公务员的培训,建立和完善对公务员评价考核制度,实行行政执法责任制,使公务员真正树立行政法治观念,不断提高依法行政能力。  相似文献   

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