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知识产权从来就不是一个单纯的法律问题,她与技术和经济所特有的联系决定了她不可能是养在深闺的大家闺秀,而更应该是一位深入民间的实践者。知识产权是一种泊来品,当中国社会逐渐发展到“知识经济时代”,她才被人们所重视。中国人带着惯有的抽象思维去接触她,一头扎进了理论的  相似文献   

受贿罪是我国司法实践中的常见、多发罪,也一直是我国反腐败领域重点打击的对象。在本文研究的648例样本中,受贿罪的无罪判决率为0.62%,免予刑事处罚的判决率为2.78%,缓刑判决率为16.77%,事实上的自由刑(含拘役、有期徒刑、无期徒刑、死刑缓期两年执行)判决率为92.7%,死刑立即执行判决率为4.35%;648例全样本,平均受贿数额844167.70元,其中受贿金额5万元以上的占总样本数的73.6%,10万元以上的占56.5%,宣告刑平均刑期为8.79年,其中受贿数额5万元以上不满10万元的平均刑期仅5.32年,接近于法定最低刑5年有期徒刑;在548例大样本中,平均受贿次数为9.45次,平均每次受贿数额为65331.45元,被告人受贿次数在2-5次之间的占样本总数的40%左右;受贿罪的平均案发时间间隔为49.70个月(4.14年),其中案发时间间隔在5年以上的样本数达217例,占样本总数的34%左右。一把手犯罪较为严重,占样本数的40.54%,单位领导(包括正职、副职等)犯罪占样本数的63.43%。  相似文献   

众所周知,当事人与律师的委托关系是建立在相互信任的基础之上的。然而近年来,由于少数律师的不良行为,致使人们对律师的信任度有所下降,这在一定程度上制约了中国律师业的发展。“狼来了”,我们却还面临“诚实信用”——这一基本道德准则的考验。难怪一位法律界人士警告说:“中国律师业的发展需要有全社会的支持;毁,却只会毁在自己手里。”天豪所的发展经历为诚信是律师发展的基础提供  相似文献   

近些年来以漆多俊等教授为代表的老一辈经济法学家十分重视经济法再分配功能问题的研究,指出它对我国当前收入分配制度改革和构建和谐社会具有重大意义。这引起了经济法学界部分学者的注意。2007年一些青年学者和经济法学博士(生)在长沙、杭州等地举行多次研讨会,对这个问题进行深入探讨。本刊特别约请了几位与会学者以笔谈的形式,分别从不同角度来展示以上会议研讨取得的部分成果。  相似文献   

正侦查监督工作是人民检察院的一项重要任务,是人民检察院依法对侦查机关查办刑事案件的侦查活动是否合法实行监督,是检察机关依法行使法律监督的重要组成部分。修改后的刑事诉讼法使我国刑事诉讼制度更加科学化、民主化、法治化,涉及到侦查监督业务的条款非常多,各项修改对侦查监督工作产  相似文献   

法庭语言实证报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大法庭的审判要比小法庭的审判规范,有较多人旁听、有多种媒体报道的公开审判要比没人旁听、没有媒体报道的小型审判规范  相似文献   

缓刑适用实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刑法条文规定的缓刑条件比较原则、审判人员自由裁量空间过大、职务犯罪适用缓刑偏多、缓刑监督考察流于形式等问题,制约了缓刑效用的充分发挥。解决缓刑适用中存在的不足,完善相关法律制度,明确具体规定缓刑条件,调整不同类型犯罪缓刑适用比例失衡的现状,创制新的刑种以缓解缓刑适用压力等,应当是缓刑制度改革的方向。  相似文献   

本文对2010年载于中国法院网上的292件刑事案件的庭审进行了问卷和数据分析,在论证了该调查取样合理化的基础上,从控辩审三方的角度分析了这292起案件的刑事庭审中暴露出来的辩护率低、刑事辩护效果差、陪审员陪而不审以及侦查人员和证人普遍不出庭作证等基本问题。  相似文献   

刑事实证学派评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 通常认为,龙勃罗梭及其追随者菲利、加罗伐洛等在19世纪末叶的工作开创了刑事实证学派。因为他们利用或企图利用自然科学的观点和方法来研究刑法问题,并把犯罪作为一种自然现象来加以客观的描述和分析。这样,从方法沦上看,刑事实证学派就与刑事古典学派  相似文献   

<中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法>第60条规定:"对有证据证明有犯罪事实,可能判处徒刑以上刑罚的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,采取取保候审、监视居住等方法,尚不足以防止发生社会危险性,而有逮捕必要的,应当依法逮捕."从上述规定可以看出,我国逮捕条件表现为三个方面:证据条件、刑罚条件、必要性条件.  相似文献   

Divorce mediators, attorneys, judges, and psychologists approach the issues in marriage dissolution from disparate vantage points. Legal niceties, actuarial acrobatics, and egosaving mechanisms tend to dominate the proceedings. Too often, however, some of the professionals have neither the training nor the experience to recognize the potential impact of such decisions on the children of divorce. The children rarely have an advocate whose sole task it is to make certain that their "best interests" are truly served. Questions are raised and suggestions for research are offered in an effort to reduce children's victimization and enable them to emerge as winners.  相似文献   

李建明 《中外法学》2007,(2):129-140
<正> 由于辩护人在审判阶段特别是法庭审判中的出色辩护,从而避免了法院对于案件的错判,及时纠正了已经发生的刑事错案,这样的例子并不鲜见。于是,人们把审判阶段被告人辩护权的弱化作为错案的原因之一,同时把被告人的辩护权保障看作是预防刑事错案的重要的有效措施。如此理解被告人的辩护权保障与刑事错案预防之间的因果联系肯定没错。然而,预防刑  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) recognises that future development largely depends on its ability to advance the digital economy. Copyright 'fuels" the knowledge based sector and the digital economy, making it a fundamental component in any strategy to create sustainable economic growth. EU copyright legislation acknowledges the exclusive rights of authors to reproduce or authorise the reproduction of the work he or she has created, make available or communicate it to the pub#c, and distribute it. It also establishes one mandatory and 20 optional exceptions or limitations to those exclusive rights. The acknowledgement of the importance of the creative sectors in the digital economy has resulted in several EC initiatives, such as stakeholder platforms aiming at developing practical solutions for user access to copyright works based on current legal and other frameworks, and proposals for new EU legislation, including a draft directive on collective rights management, which focuses on governance of collective management organisations (CMO) and cross- border and multi-territorial licensing of musical works. It has also led to requests, including from within the European Commission (EC), that it be considered whether a review of the current EU system of limitations to the exclusive rights is still appropriate; does it address adequately challenges posed by the digital economy? The system of exceptions and limitations to the exclusive rights is a crucial element in the EU copyright framework. This paper argues that the fundamental principles of copyright, which grants excusive rights to copyright holders, combined with the possibilities of introducing exceptions and limitations to those exclusive rights in national legislation based on the internationally acknowledged principles of "the three-step'" test, are still valid tools and the most appropriate approach to the establishment of a legal framework for user access to copyright materials.  相似文献   

陈灵海 《中外法学》2006,(4):494-507
<正>1906年12月6日,时任剑桥大学唐宁英国法教授的弗里德里克·威廉·梅特兰(Fredrick William Maitland,1850-1906)最后一次离开剑桥,踏上赴加纳利岛(Canaries)过冬的瑟瑟行程。途中,他被流感和肺炎病毒击倒,于20日清晨在岛上的拉斯帕尔马斯市(Las Palmas)的一家旅馆中逝世,次日被安葬在那里的英国公墓。有感于梅特兰对英国法史学所作出的无以伦比的贡献,笔者撰写了这篇文章,简要介绍梅特兰的生平、主要成就与历史观,并谨致纪念。  相似文献   

Goldstein's (1985) concept of systemic violence has contributed substantially to criminological thought and research, but its power can be enhanced by connecting it to a broader typology of social life: the resource exchange—social control typology. That typology connects systemic violence logically with two important yet neglected forms of drug market behavior: peaceful resource exchange and peaceful social control. This article, which is based on 50 in‐depth interviews with individuals involved actively or recently in drug selling, describes the various forms of violent and nonviolent resource exchange and social control in illicit drug markets, stating them in quantitative terms that are conceptually distinct and empirically observable. We conclude by discussing 1) the implications of peaceful behavior for a fuller understanding of violence and 2) the relevance of the resource exchange‐social control typology to criminological theory and research.  相似文献   

凌斌 《中外法学》2007,(1):1-20
<正> 要做到十亿人口的国家人人注意遵守法律,依法办事,……根本的问题是……将法律交给广大人民掌握,使人民群众和干部知法、守法……我们最终说了算并不是因为我们一贯正确,而我们一贯正确仅仅是因为我们最终说了算。  相似文献   

陈仪 《刑事技术》2002,(1):36-38
通过对日本多田氏法计算颅内血肿体积公式的理论来源论证,揭示了多田氏认识颅内血肿问题和解决颅内血肿体积问题的思维方式,明确界定了多田氏法计算颅内血肿体积公式的适用范围;并针对该体积公式适用范围以外的颅内血肿,首次提出了模拟血肿形体,然后计算其体积的简便方法。  相似文献   

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