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不废除死刑,但要尽量减少使用死刑,是我们党的一贯主张,也是制定我国第一部刑法的指导思想。我国刑法第43条规定,死刑只适用于罪大恶极的犯罪分子。  相似文献   

何进 《江淮法治》2008,(24):35-35
死刑,是最为残忍的一种刑罚,曾在中外各国刑事法律中长期占有主导地位。后随着社会的发展和文明的进步,在一些先进的资产阶级国家废除死刑并且没有出现犯罪率上升等后果后,死刑的主导地位开始受到了动摇,限制、慎用死刑成为了发展主流。目前几乎有一半的国家废除了死刑,而在保留死刑的国家,“少用、慎用、少杀、严禁错杀”也无一例外地成为了司法实践的原则,我国现阶段的刑事法律关于死刑的认识和政策正是如此。  相似文献   

迄今为止,在中国证券界没有任何一个案件能够像杨彦明贪污案这样历经4次审判才最终作出判决,持续5年的审判,让杨彦明在鬼门关前来回走了几遭后,才最终站到了地狱的入口处。  相似文献   

杨丛瑜 《法制与社会》2012,(10):280-281
死刑到底有没有存在和适用的价值,废除死刑一方和存置死刑一方各自提出理由进行论证,这些理由是我们进一步研究死刑问题的基础.本文试从死刑概论、死刑存废之争和我的死刑改革观三部分入手,分析研究死刑问题,从而提出自己关于死刑的看法,以期对死刑问题的研究有所发展.  相似文献   

死刑,是用剥夺犯罪分子生命的方法来达到统治阶级预期的政治目的的一种刑种。它是阶级专政中最重要也是最严酷的手段。历代剥削统治阶级,在运用法律这个武器来镇压被统治阶级时,总是把法律中的极刑看成是加强或挽救其统治的有效良方。尤其是当着这种统治秩序受到严重威胁的时  相似文献   

故意杀人罪是刑法中最为严重的犯罪之一.当今世界上所有保留死刑的国家均将故意杀人罪适用于死刑.但在废除死刑的国际大环境下,世界上保留死刑的国家也都通过刑事立法和司法实践只将死刑适用于极少数罪行极其严重的犯罪分子,故意杀人罪的死刑最终适用率并不高.这些国家的立法和实践经验对于中国推进司法改革,有效保护人权有着积极的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

死刑是所有刑罚中最严酷也是历史最悠久的,它是对犯罪人生命的剥夺。然而从文艺复兴时起,人道主义便得到了普遍的关注。人道主义的核心是对人权尤其是人的生命权的尊重,这一价值原则被引入刑罚,甚至被用来考量刑罚,世界上大多数国家基于这一思考废除了死刑。  相似文献   

河北省原对外贸易经济合作厅副厅长李友灿在2001年8月至2003年4月间,接受北京森华创业汽车贸易有限公司法人代表丁宁的请托,利用职务便利,为森华公司提供1249个汽车配额,并收受丁宁给予的现金4723万元;2002年4月,李友灿还向唐山冀东机电设备公司索要价值19万元的大众高尔夫轿车  相似文献   

谈死刑          下载免费PDF全文
死刑是中华人民共和国刑法规定的刑罚种类之一。我国政策和法律关于死刑问题的基本精神是:一、目前不废除死刑,二、尽量减少使用死刑。自从人类进入阶级社会、作为阶级斗争的一种尖锐表现的犯罪产生以来,死刑这种最严历的刑罚方法,也就随之出现。  相似文献   

<正> 徐益初在《法律学习与研究》1989年第1期撰文认为,死刑核准权是对死刑审判权的监督。为了便于实行监督,死刑审判权和死刑核准权的主体应相对分离。如果有死刑审判权的法院,又行使死刑核准权,它既是监督者。又是被监督者,就会削弱监督的作用。死刑核准权属最高人民法院,由最高人民法院对中级人民法院和高级人民法院的死刑判决和裁定进行复核,基本上可以避免死刑审判权与死刑复核权重合的现象。但是,按照《人民法院组织法》和最高人民法院《通知》的规定,将死刑核准权下放给高级人民法院,如  相似文献   

死刑、犯罪人与敌人   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
冯军 《中外法学》2005,(5):608-615

中国死刑的当代命运   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈兴良 《中外法学》2005,(5):513-533

死刑问题上学者与法官的距离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张明楷 《中外法学》2005,(5):543-556

This study uses the Barnett scale of homicide severity to analyze the capital sentencing process in Kentucky. In his analysis of Georgia cases, Barnett found that whites were disproportionately the victims of homicides that the scale considered as most serious. This conclusion was cited as an explanation for racial disparity in capital sentencing. When the scale is applied to Kentucky data and the level of seriousness of the murder is controlled, however, we Jind that prosecutors were more likely to seek the death penalty in cases in which blacks killed whites and that juries were more likely to sentence to death blacks who killed whites.  相似文献   

A replication and extension of a weekly ARZMA analysis (1989–1991) by Cochran et al. (1994), which appeared in Criminology, confirms that Oklahoma's return to capital punishment in 1990, after a 25-year moratorium, was followed by a significant increase in killings involving strangers. Moreover, a multivariate autoregressive analysis, which includes measures of the frequency of executions, the level of print media attention devoted to executions, and selected sociodemographic variables, produced results consistent with the brutalization hypothesis for total homicides, as well as a variety of different types of killing involving both strangers and nonstrangers. No prior study has shown such strong support for the capital punishment and brutalization argument. However, there is also a suggestion of a possible lagged deterrent effect for the level of media coverage of executions for nonfelony murders involving strangers. The analysis indicates that the impact of capital punishment in Oklahoma during the 1989–1991 period was much more extensive than suggested by the earlier study. Recommendations are made for further research examining additional jurisdictions and time periods to determine the generalizability of the patterns found for Oklahoma.  相似文献   

In this article, we further the understanding of both changes in public opinion on capital punishment in the United States and changes in the factors associated with public opinion on the death penalty. Support for the death penalty may be motivated by events happening during specific time periods, and it can vary across birth cohorts as a result of cohort‐specific socialization processes, demographic changes, and formative events that are specific to each generation. An explication of the sources of and variation in death penalty attitudes over time would benefit from the accounting for the age of the respondent, the year of the survey response, and the birth cohort of the respondent. We improve on previous research by using multiple approaches including hierarchical age–period–cohort models and data from the General Social Survey (N = 41,474) to examine changes in death penalty attitudes over time and across birth cohorts. The results showed curvilinear age effects, strong period effects, and weak cohort effects on death penalty support. The violent crime rate explained much of the variation in support for the death penalty across periods. The examination of subgroup differences suggests that support for the death penalty is becoming concentrated among Whites, Protestants, and Republicans.  相似文献   

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