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正REFORMS to China’s state-owned enterprise(SOE)have gone through three stages.The first was that leading up to the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee in 1993,when power was decentralized and interests compromised.The second stage was from the  相似文献   

正The 13th National People’s Congress (NPC),China’s national legislature, opened its second session on March 5 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Premier Li Keqiang delivered the Report on the Work of the Government on behalf of the State Council to NPC deputies and members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee.  相似文献   

A Crucial Year     
China is counting down to the epoch deadline for the campaign to eliminate absolute poverty by 2020.In a recent meeting held in Beijing,the significance of this campaign was further emphasized and more work was outlined for this critical year.Hu Chunhua,member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and head of the State Council Leading Group on Poverty Alleviation and Development,said at the meeting of the leading group held in Beijing that the poverty alleviation campaign has entered a crucial stage.  相似文献   

<正>Price mechanism lies at the core of the market economy.The economy’s two major functions—effectively allocating scarce resources and forming compatible incentive mechanisms—are both realized through this mechanism.In the move to reform the economic system initiated in 1984,the Central Committee of the Communist Party of  相似文献   

China's capital market is likely to see a historic chanse in the issuance mechanism with the launch of a science and technology innovation board and the pilot program of the initial public offering (IPO) registration system.In the secondary market, stock prices are likely to recover because of the consolidation of market foundations.  相似文献   

正EU recognizes China's role in fixing global issues The beginning of the German presidency of the EU in July constitutes good news for Europe-China relations. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has always employed a pragmatic approach vis-à-vis China, which is how ties between  相似文献   

The U.S.-led global financial turmoil is weighing down China's real economy, which has relied heavily on exports of labor-intensive products for growth. China's employment suffers when the world economy succumbs to a recession. A large number of migrant workers in southeastern coastal areas are returning home because of factory closures and production suspension. Du Yang, a labor expert at the Institute of Population and Labor Economics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, published an article in C...  相似文献   

<正>Hopes for the Japanese economy remain high despite the severe blow it has suffered The tragic impact of the massive March 11 earth-quake on the northeast coast of Japan has filled the newswires across the world.Those  相似文献   

TEN years are like a blink of an eye in China’s 5,000-year-long history. But in the past 10 years huge and unprecedented changes have taken place in China that have impressed the entire world and will determine the country’s future.  相似文献   

A Bigger Stage     
After being away from his home country for 18 years, a financial expert backs to Beijing to pursue his dream career  相似文献   

A Critical Stage     
正With U.S.-Taliban talks scuttled, more challenges lie ahead for the Afghan peace process Soon after coming to power in 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his new strategy in Afghanistan and South Asia, hoping to change the passive U.S.  相似文献   

正The soul of a product is in its design.As the Chinese economy grows and Chinese people become more welcoming to new things,China has turned itself into a stage for designers to give full play to their creativity.China has built landmark buildings ranging from the National Stadium in Beijing,whose structural form is popularly described as a bird's nest, to some of the world' s longest bridges and most livable urban communities.It has also produced leading fashion trends on catwalks as well as state-of-the-art high-speed trains.Design can be found,touched and enjoyed everywhere.  相似文献   

20世纪中国共产党创造了有中国特色的新民主主义文化和有中国特色的社会主义文化,取得了文化创新的两次历史性飞跃,推动了中国社会的巨大发展和历史性进步。中国共产党的成功经验,对我们今后的先进文化创造有着十分重要的历史启示:与时俱进地创造先进文化是社会发展进步的导引;先进文化的创造必须始终坚持为最广大人民群众服务的根本价值取向;吸纳古今中外的一切优秀文化成果是先进文化创造的基本途径  相似文献   

正As a multilateral financial institution proposed by China,the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB),inaugurated in Beijing on January16,represents an important contribution the country has made to the development of the world.Its inauguration also indicates that China is playing an increasingly prominent role in international governance.The AIIB will bring benefits on three fronts:  相似文献   

Although the world economy is showing signs of recovery, many developing countries are still dealing with economic difficulties brought on by the financial crisis. As a result, global poverty reduc-tion is facing major challenges, and promoting the development of these countries has become a pressing issue, wrote Yang Jiemian, President of the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, in a recent article in People's Daily.  相似文献   

High-quality development has become a clear orientation for China’s economicgrowth.Itwilldetermine the future of the internationalization of the Chinese currency, while high-level financial opening up is conducive to high-quality economic development.  相似文献   

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was officially launched on July 7. According to the African Union (AU), with 55 members, the AfCFTA is the world's largest free trade area (FTA) in terms of membership since the founding of the World Trade Organization, with a huge market covering 1.2 billion people and a collective GDP of $2.5 trillion.  相似文献   

正Since Xiamen is located at the front of coastal defenses, its infrastructure was outdated. Therefore, the SEZ tried to improve its investment environment, innovate its investment and financing mechanisms, actively attract capital from various sources and accelerate urban construction with infrastructure as the framework, such as transportation networks, information networks, and power, gas and water supply systems. From  相似文献   

正An all-star roster of high-level government offcials descended on Beijing for a meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on July 18. Senior officials from the State Council (China’s cabinet), provincial-level government heads and leaders of ministries and departments gathered for a sole purpose: to study how to promote the sound development of private investment.  相似文献   

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