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Seize the Day     
正A golden opportunity now exists for Sino-European strategic relationsIn 2003,China and the European Union(EU)established a comprehensive strategic partnership based on their consensus on a multipolar world.A window of opportunity that accords with this vision has recently emerged.With Donald Trump becoming U.S.president,many nations are concerned about the direction the world seems to be taking,while China  相似文献   

Seize the Moment     
Abig fish jumped out of the crystal clear water in a mountain creek.In a split second a bear splashed into the water charging at the fish.The exciting moment was captured by a Rollei camera and displayed  相似文献   

Major powers favor reconciliation over confrontation at the 45th Munich Security Conference The annual Munich Security Conference opened on February 6.Although the conference was infor-mal,it still became a focus of the  相似文献   

经常有朋友问:平常平常的日子,过得挺没劲的,你怎么就过得有滋有味?我把禅宗《无门关》中的一首诗偈,送给他们:春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。春花,秋月,夏风,冬雪。寻常事物,普通句子。这些人人熟悉的自然现象,被禅师拈在一起,竟有了说不出的感动。感动  相似文献   

During the Second Session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) that concluded on March 12, a total of 5,571 motions were put forward, offering comments and suggestions on the country's major economic and social issues. Of the motions that were classified during the conference, about half focused on economic matters; more than 20 percent were about education, scientific research, culture, health care and sports; and more than 20 percent were about p...  相似文献   

ASChina's50thanniversarydrawsnear,Beijingisundergoingabutterfly-liketransformation.Roadsarebeingrepayed,oldbuildingsarebeingreplacedbynewones,high-techtelephoneboothsarebeinginstalledonmajorroads,andrun-downhomesarebeingreplacedbytreesandlawns.Thesepreparations,combinedwiththeanniversarycelebrationactivities,areintendedtoshowChinaandtheworldthefullextentofthePRC'spoliticalstability,impressiveeconomicdevelopment,nationalunity,andunparalleledsocialprogress.Tian'anmenSquareRebornTian'anmenSqu…  相似文献   

The long queue wound its way for ward like a python.It was hot Umbrellas provided a continuous cover of shade against the blazing Shanghai sun.Ahead lay the entrance to the hand-weaved wicker basket-shaped Spain  相似文献   

WITH increasing exchanges between China and the West, many Western ideas and customs are modifying Chinese lifestyles, and Valentine’s Day is one of them.  相似文献   

学界对普通侵占罪的行为特征向来有不同的理解,本文在辨析相关学说差异的基础上,认为刑法中的普通侵占行为可从三个方面把握:一是非因违法行为而持有(占有)他人财物。二是排斥、拒绝所有权人收回财物。三是无正当理由不归还他人的财物。与盗窃罪、诈骗罪等侵犯财产犯罪不同,侵占行为的本质特征是侵害了财产所有权中财产复归权。  相似文献   

Just after 7 in the morning, I embark on a typical routine for the day. My work place, which is a vocational school located along a hutong, (traditional alleyways in Beijing) is a 10-minuteleisure ride on my time-tested bicycle from my dormitory in another hutong. The 10-minute journey captures the essence of hutongs as Beijingers go about their daily business.  相似文献   

正The rise of emerging economies like Russia, Brazil and South Africa challenged the post-Cold War unipolar world order. As China's capacity and influence grow, many promising areas for cooperation are opening up, from trade to infrastructure, environment and development aid. The development of China creates opportunities for partnerships in delivering public goods and sharing the burden of maintaining the global economic and security order. This in turn poses challenges to the traditional U.S. supremacy and leadership, especially if in the U.S. calculation such leadership cannot be shared.  相似文献   

People sing praise for autumn, for it is the sea-son of harvest. This autumn we will greetthe 50th anniversary of the birth of our great Peo-ple's Republic, adding magnificence and splendourto the golden autumn at the end of the century.  相似文献   

<正>Government crackdowns may put the dairy industry back on the right track,but more action will be necessary to ensure dairy safety Nearly half of China’s dairy enter-p rises will be forced to suspend operations or close their facilities following a watchdog ins pectiont hat found many dairy producers have been operating below quality safety standards.  相似文献   

THE debate on whether to observe Valentine’s Day on February 14 heats up every year with as much intensity as a new romance. On the Internet both supporters and opposers are many. On the evening of February 12, 2009, two men in Changsha  相似文献   

Bazaar Day!     
正The集市(jíshì),bazaar,is a customary weekly event in rural China,when locals go to buy蔬菜(sh cài),vegetables,水果(shu gu),fruits,肉(ròu),meat,and household equipment.The term热闹(rènao),loud and lively,best describes this heaving scenario where vendors叫卖(jiào mài),shout their wares amid throngs of  相似文献   

薄茹 《北京观察》2005,(11):4-6
<中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议>中重点强调全面贯彻落实科学发展观,建设社会主义新农村,推进产业结构优化升级,促进区域协调发展,建设资源节约型,环境友好型社会,深化体制改革和提高对外开放水平,深入实施科教兴国和人才强国战略,推进社会主义和谐社会建设等几个方面,委员们的讨论也紧紧围绕这几方面展开.  相似文献   

Baby's Day Out     
正An antelope calf at the Shanghai Zoo on January 31. The animal is listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List as a critically endangered species.  相似文献   

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