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北京时间2008年8月8日晚上8时整,第29届奥林匹克运动会在北京国家体育馆开启大幕,80多个国家的首脑,与204个国家和地区的体育代表团一起参与了这一盛会。  相似文献   

IT was the morning of June 24 when a special group of visi- tors arrived in Wuhu City, on the southern bank of the Yang- tze River in Anhui Province. At first glace, they seemed like any other Western tour group of moth- ers, fathers and excited kids. However, upon closer inspection, it became ap- parent that most of the young children had Chinese faces. They might have spoken with a strong American ac- cent, and played weird foreign games, but they had a distinctly Oriental look about th…  相似文献   

BUDDHISM dates back 2,500 years. It is a belief system that has 300 million adherents around the globe, one third of them in China. Last April, the first World Buddhism Forum opened in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province in eastern China. More than 1,000 Buddhist masters, scholars and statesmen from 34 nations and regions gathered at the forum, its theme "A harmonious world begins in the mind," to discuss Buddhism's  相似文献   

王蒙 《北京观察》2007,(4):24-25
同一个世界同一个梦想,One World One Dream,2008年北京奥运会口号,提得是何等好啊!以这样的奥运精神、这样的中国人民的胸怀来主办万国客至、四海瞩目的奥运会,以这样的共产主义、社会主义、爱国主义与国际主义的思想境界来展示中国形象,以建设和谐社  相似文献   

LI Demin is a resident ofShuitang Village, Gui-yang, Guizhou Province.Since he built a methanepit in 2003, he has addedfive more pigs to his previous three,and planted 10 mu(1 mu=1/15 hect-are) of peaches and5 mu of red pep-pers. The methanepit has saved theLi household ex-penditure on coaland fertilizer, andenabled it to buildan additional three-story dwelling torent out to urbanites at weekends.Li Demin's household consists ofthree people, and he is convinced that:"One pig provides enoug…  相似文献   

正Clarifying the misunderstanding surrounding the Belt and Road Initiative German newspaper Handelsblatt reported in April that the ambassadors to China of 27 European Union(EU)member states had compiled a report criticizing the Belt and Road Initiative for unfairly advantaging Chinese companies,dividing the EU and hampering free  相似文献   

发展经济学经历了由盛而衰、由衰再兴的过程,从某种意义上讲经历了一次革命与再革命的过程.本文认为:发展理论的兴与衰的原因,在于能否把握发展的机制,制定适宜的发展战略和政策.发展经济学在经历了结构主义的正统理论建立、新古典主义革命之后,迎来了新型发展经济学的探索与新制度主义发展理论的再革命.但未来还有待进一步发展演进和理论创新.  相似文献   

THE earth had no roads to begin with,but when many men pass one way,a road is made."This quote from Lu Xun,a leading figure of modern Chinese literature,describes the legendary history of the ancient Silk Road from one angle.For the Chinese,historical figures such as Zhang Qian and Ban Chao who served as envoys to the Western Regions are household names.But the Chinese are also very familiar with an envoy from the West,Marco Polo,who set  相似文献   

<正>Buy-one-get-one-free promotion only at Matrix of Crowne Plaza Beijing Lido Hotel Our chef signature dishes made to order will definitely help you open your taste buds,BBQ ribs,lamb chops,roasted chicken breast and pan-fried salmon,don’t miss out!It is also worth mentioning that various Cantonese sausages,seafood and different kinds of soups are great choices as well!Besides unlimited delightful feast,we have prepared a variety of gourmet desserts,fruits and ice cream to delight your day.  相似文献   

Ready Player One     
正Virtual idols walk out of the virtual world and come to real lives On June 3, a newly opened account on Weibo, China's Twitter-like social media platform, attracted close to 2,000 followers in just nine hours. In the Weibo account's first post, a student named Hua Zhibing, greeted netizens and told them that she would soon begin as a student at the computer laboratory of Tsinghua University.  相似文献   

One Year On     
正A year after taking office,the Trump presidency is struggling to operate at home and abroad ‘Our new administration had already taken swift action.A new tide of optimism was already sweeping across our land,"U.S.President Donald Trump announced  相似文献   

正Non--Communist political parties make constant progress in multiparty cooperation and political consultation Wu Weihua,a biologist at China Agricultural University and director of the National Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,was elected as chairman of the Central Committee of the Jiu San Society,one of the Chinese mainland’s eight non-Communist political parties,on December 7,2017.  相似文献   

One Year Later     
It has now been one year since the catastrophic 8.0-magnitude earthquake slammed Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008. At 2:28 p.m. on that terrible day, the most destructive calamity to hit China in 60 years struck  相似文献   

Only One?     
China debates whether to relax its current family-planning policy For China,the most populous countryin the world,the policies that  相似文献   

There are times when you want to celebrate, hold a formal business meeting or simply gather together with a few friends to eat and have a good time. One Table Restaurant offers you and your guests the perfect setting for every occasion,  相似文献   

One Big Family     
The Ran-Rsarl River Delta is strivingto build the area into a strong engine of China's development If one compares China's territory to a rooster,then the Pan-Pearl River Delta would be the bird's belly.The Pan-Pearl River Delta covers  相似文献   

Fighting as One     
Global collaboration urged to battle COVID-19 and its socioeconomic fallout In 1992,after the Cold War ended,28individuals established a think tank to suggest new ways for the international community to work collectively for global security.The Commission on Global Governance presented its report,titled Our Global Neighborhood,at the UN for discussion.  相似文献   

There are times when you want to celebrate, hold a formal business meeting or simply gather together with a few friends to eat and have a good time. One Table Restaurant offers you and your guests the perfect setting for every occasion. Our menu suits all preferences by giving guests the freedom to build their own meal from several small helpings of our chef‘s carefully selected Chinese cuisine. In addition to personal, professional service, we offer conference equipment,  相似文献   

<钱学森的情感世界>是一本结构新颖、内涵丰厚、感人至深的传记性著作.这本书从骨肉亲情、崇高的民族感情、高尚真诚的师生战友情三个方面展现了著名科学家钱学森院士的感情世界,以丰富、翔实的资料和具体生动的记叙,再现了这位科学家90年生涯中的辉煌业绩和崇高的精神品格.这是一本值得向广大读者,特别是青年读者推荐的好书.  相似文献   

We are beginning our trip on the Silk Road near Urumqi, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. If you picture the map of China, you will see a rooster with the beak. We are touring the rooster’s tail area. Our Uygur guide Kalim, says, "Today we’ll visit a Kazakyurtifwecanfindone." There are no yurts-round-like and portable dwellings-in sight here, just small stucco  相似文献   

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