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In the current background of a new economy normal, this paper studies modern entrepreneurship determinants from the perspective of the historical origins, which not only helps explain regional differences of the Chinese entrepreneurial activities in theory, but also provides new clues for the current economic growth. The paper conducts an empirical study about the impact mechanism of cultural traditions of the business as historical factors on the entrepreneurship based on the Chinese provincial-level unbalanced panel data. Empirical research shows that, in areas with richer business cultural traditions, it is more conducive to cultivate and propagate the modern entrepreneurship of innovation or venture, namely the inheritance and nurture of modern entrepreneurship has a clear path-dependent characteristic. In order to weaken the endogenous problem that may affect the estimation results, this paper uses commercial loans and the literacy rate as instrumental variables of cultural traditions of the business, and the estimation results once again confirm the above conclusion.  相似文献   

This paper uses a simplified theoretical model to analyze how the credit rationing affects the firms' R&D investment, and empirically tests the spatial heterogeneity in which the credit rationing affects R&D investment based on the large sample data of industrial firms in China. The empirical research shows that, the firms that suffer the more serious the degree of credit rationing, spend less R&D investment in terms of the overall situation. Other conditions remaining unchanged, the effect of credit rationing to R&D investment has obvious spatial heterogeneity in the area, and the inhibitory effect of credit rationing is not established in all regions, which depends on the regional financial development and the regional institutional quality. All kinds of robustness tests show that this hypothesis has better robustness.  相似文献   

As one of approaches to invest, the legal and effective trademark use contributes and collects goodwill of trademark, which has a positive correlation between the zone of goodwill and trademark investment. The institution of prior use depends on substantial influence and is a system which has an inner logical structure comprised by positive right and negative right. Besides, the right of prior use is confined by substantial influence and relevant persons. Prior to trademark registration, the determination of right of trademark use should be made according to the facts, such as the status of the parties concerned, the length of time of trademark use and substantial influence etc., rather than solely to the time of trademark use and registration when disputing parties used trademarks. Even though ambit of effect is restricted within the original area, the prior user can still expand its making place and change the form of business.  相似文献   

At present, Zhejiang merchants' political participation and enthusiasm have aroused wide attention both at home and abroad. Based on the data of the empirical survey in Zhejiang Province, this paper makes a quantitative analysis of various political participation motivation among different groups of Zhejiang merchants, and the method of statistical analysis is used to explore the external incentive factors affecting their political participation motivation. It is found that the political participation motivation of Zhejiang merchants is initially for their own enterprises' development, but later their political purpose, public welfare and social responsibility become strong and clear. Among the external incentive factors of the political participation motivation of Zhejiang merchants, the institutional encouragement affects most, followed by social encouragement and benefit encouragement. According to the characteristics of Zhejiang merchants' political participation, the following two suggestions for their orderly political participation are put forward: they should be guided to correctly treat the impacts of their gaining benefits on their political behavior and enterprise operation; the political participation mechanism of Zhejiang merchants should be improved, and the participation channel should be open with the institutional guarantee of the political participation.  相似文献   

Generational poverty transmission is one of the most critical challenges in the anti-poverty policy practice and intervention by strengthening and innovation of the children development policy plays a positive role in poverty alleviation. Based on the questionnaire data of the survey in Baishui county of Shaanxi province, this paper analyzes the family asset, characteristics of financial capability and the effect of children self-development perceiving from the perspective of asset-based social policy. Meanwhile, with the project of children development accounts as the main policy intervention form, the paper discusses the feasibility of assets policy for children. The results show that currently anti-poverty practice in the rural area is in urgent need of more positive intervention policy to integrate the family and children development.  相似文献   

Financing constraints and exchange rate risk of host country are domestic and foreign factors which will hinder the stability and sustainable development of China’s enterprises foreign direct investment, so the interaction influence of these two factors on location choice of foreign direct investment is also crucial. Based on this, in this paper we study the foreign direct investment choice of host countries’ exchange rate risk during financing constraints. Through modeling the negative influence of revenue losing and the positive influence of financing cost reducing, our model finds that foreign direct investment enterprises with higher financing constraints tend to go for host countries with higher exchange rate risk in location choice. In empirical study, we match multiple database to construct the micro level data, and use two international data sources to measure exchange rate risks of host countries. Our empirical study finds that foreign direct investment enterprises with higher financing constraints tend to choose higher exchange rate risk countries through binary choice model and sorting model. The result of bivariate binary choice model ensures the robustness of our empirical research. Based on the comprehensive theoretical and empirical research results, we find the existence of financing constrains improves the risk preference in the foreign direct investment location choice.  相似文献   

Database is built according to the collection of the data from criminal cases which were reported on Legal Daily from 1996 to 2014. The analyses of those 974 samples show that from 1996 the number of the vests appears in the courts increases and that the identity, the crime committed as well as the education background of the defendant influence whether he wears a vest in the court. It can be seen that the judicial system does not follow the requirements of procedural justice, does not treat the suspects with dignity and does not treat the suspects equally. The vest in the court will be terminated after the new measure which is called Supreme People’s Court 4th 5 Year Court Reform Plan. However, it takes time to drive out the bias behind the vest.  相似文献   

The population regulation policy of Shanghai, intervened by policy, guided by the government with the characteristics of market optimization, has made certain progress in aspects including urban development and migrant population management. However, it shows deficiency in limit and efficiency under the old household registration system. Therefore, the new household registration system urgently requires a clear analysis framework for population regulation and the government should be clear about game in the social, political and economic aspects as well as the population problem demanding solution. It is argued that in this paper the government should focus on the population regulation ways in different periods, space and social strata to rebuild the population regulation strategy of Shanghai with the guiding principle of respecting the connotation of new household registration system.  相似文献   

Informal financing risk not only affects the development of the real economy, but also endangers the stability of the society. It is urgent to study the causes and risk management mode of informal financing. In Williamson's discriminating alignment hypothesis, this paper constructed an informal financing discriminating alignment model to assess Chinese informal financing governance reason and mode. We perform a Wenzhou case study and conclude that the governance model and transaction characteristics do not match, which is the governance reason for financing risk. Establish the third-party governance is the best solvency for this problem. Conclusion of this article provided a policy reference for controlling the risk of informal financing so as to provide financial support for entity and achieve steady economic development.  相似文献   

Recently, the academia popularly advocates the multi-component model of community culture construction. However, in this mode, the dominant role of residents is not prioritized. There still exist a series of problems such as low rate of residential participation. This paper provides well-reasoned solutions to these problems according to the practical experience of the community culture construction in Community C. Besides, this thesis proposes that the dominant role of residents should be brought into play in the community culture construction and help residents to achieve “culture governance”.  相似文献   

Taking as a case the community services of F community where the biggest number of migrant people congregate in Kunming , this paper explores how to improve migrant teenagers' resilience to improve their positive growth, active social inclusion into city life and reduce the risks of delinquency. Within the action research, this study finds out that migrant juveniles suffer the shortage of public community service, poor quality of school education, insufficient family supports, adverse parenthood and interpersonal relationships, deficient peer supports and low self esteem and confidence. Fortunately, through conducting a series of life educations, career counseling and community services including school social work, family social work and cultural construction activities, with the core of resilience construction, can effectively improve the cognition and behavior of migrant teenagers can be improved and the risks of their delinquency can be reduced effectively. Moreover, this study believes that the social work station established in the migrant population's community can provide professional services to facilitate the positive interactions between juveniles and the environment which are regarded as the premise of delinquency prevention, to activate teenagers' subjectivity and initiative which is the emphasis, and to arouse the feelings of shame of teenagers with deviation behaviors that is the key point of crime prevention.  相似文献   

Public housing policies focus on the needs of low-income households. The level of residential satisfaction plays a key role in the assessment of government performance. This paper reviews researches on the residential satisfaction of inhabitants living in public houses and introduces relevant national practices. Based on data from Zhejiang, we found that the average residential satisfaction level is “relatively satisfactory” on the part of the inhabitants. They seem to be satisfied with the supply quantity but a little dissatisfied with the distribution fairness. The factor analysis suggests key factors that significantly affect the residential satisfaction. The study also shows that most inhabitants expect house quality improvement with big developers and are ready to accept the rising price for better quality.  相似文献   

The coupling innovation development of new small town construction and special industrial agglomeration is the main mode of Zhejiang new small town innovation development. The paper summarizes the four major mechanisms of Zhejiang new small towns and industrial agglomeration coupling innovation: production, life and ecological space coupling innovation mechanism, geographical, network and social space coupling innovation mechanism, scale structure and system coupling innovation mechanism, and industrial culture and tour coupling innovation mechanisms. Finally, the paper puts forward management measures for Zhejiang new small towns and industrial agglomeration coupling innovation and development: proposing the dominance of the market mechanism, adhering to the multidimensional space development, emphasizing the industry as the foundation and keeping the human-oriented policy as the core.  相似文献   

This paper starts from the different types of corruption in SOE, constructs the internal mechanisms of five kinds of agency-cost dissimilation that influence the SOEs performance, and based on the data of Chinese state-owned listed companies from 2008 to 2015, classifies and measures these agency costs. This study shows that the major problems of power renting, on-the-job consumption and related transactions for private benefits bring significant negative effect to the enterprise performance. Social responsibility is likely to damage the short-term interests of the internal stakeholders, but will increase the media exposure that may improve the enterprise performance via external supervision and constraint. Furthermore, the CEO duality in SOEs and the increasingly close political associations will enlarge the effect of agency cost on business performance, but the influence mechanisms are different in the measurement of classified SOEs. This research offers a new theoretical perspective to the SOE reform and classified governance.  相似文献   

From the history of economic development and the theory of economic growth perspective, exploring economic inclusive growth need to rely on natural resources, to exist appropriate regional differences, to allow residents to share fruits and harmonious and stable security environment. On the basis of traditional economic growth model, inclusive growth dynamic panel model is built. The empirical results show that: natural resources have a positive effect on promoting economic growth; urban-rural gap exists “inverted U” shaped relationship on economic growth mechanism; two elements of traditional economic growth, employment and physical capital, also promote economic growth; economic growth exists a great inertia. Early total economy has played an important role in promoting economic growth.  相似文献   

Along with the enactment of Interim Procedures about Service and Management of Car-hailing via Internet,the local governments begin to issue rules for the implementation and the regulation of Car-hailing via Internet has been in the age of post-legislation. The key of the regulation about Car-hailing via Internet is to distinguish Car-hailing via Internet from traditional taxi by setting up market access threshold. As a result,the distinguishing system could be seen as a kind of power system,which includes the central system and local systems and its function mainly reflects the current situation of vehicles, drivers and the way of operation. On the whole, this system regulates the taxi markets; however, it also brings negative effects on passengers, car-hailing apps and the owner of Car-hailing via Internet. Also, this system tends to change for the sake of the pressures from the internal factors, environment and other systems. To optimize this system, measures should be taken to change the mode of thinking and the pattern of regulation.  相似文献   

Based on three years’telephone interview data during 2014-2016, this paper made a study on the evaluation of the public in Zhejiang on the development of basic social security from perspectives of family income, health care and elderly care, and found that during the period the public’s evaluation on the basic social security continues to rise, the gap of the evaluation results between different groups is narrowed obviously, and the government grassroots organizations become the preferred channel of social assistance of vulnerable groups. But it also found that the development gaps among structures of basic social security and among different social groups still required attention. From the perspective of the theory of welfare governance, this paper argued that we should give full play to the unique function of the government, non-government, market, and informal organizations, and collaborate with those organizations to achieve the goal of equal share of the economic and social development results among various social groups.  相似文献   

With regard to China’s economic and financial characteristics in new era, this paper constructs the China’s Financial Stress Index with financial market leading indicators to measure China’s financial risk during January 2002 and June 2016. Besides, this paper utilizes SVAR model to study the dynamic effect between financial stress and macro-economy. The results show that China is in the phase of high financial risk now, and it is likely to face higher long-term financial stress. The financial risk itself is inertial and has a significant negative influence on the confidence of economic players and the real estate market. The confidence of economic players and the fluctuation in the real estate market obviously reflect the financial stress. Such reflection will last for a long time and the influence of financial stress goes stronger with the lapse of time and has an obvious lagged effect.  相似文献   

Linguistic turn from epistemology to linguistic philosophy constitutes the most important philosophy thinking foundation in 20th century western Jurisprudence. Under the background of this kind of theory current of thought H.L.A. Hart, the master of western Jurisprudence, succeeded in applying the theory of language game advocated by Wittgenstein into the research of Jurisprudence and caused the pragmatic turn of 20th century western Jurisprudence. Hart’s methodology is one of the most precious resources in Chinese Jurisprudence research, so our Jurisprudence research should learn and benefit from it.  相似文献   

The rapid increase of migrant population provides sufficient labor resources to the economic and social development. At the same time, it brings the social management with a new topic. Zhejiang Yuyao city conducted an analysis on the path of service management of the floating population from the perspective of social integration, and formed some basic experience. These experiences can be summarized as: the construction of system security system, improve public services, strengthen the positive publicity, and establish the multiple social organizations. The experience of Yuyao and some institutional innovation not only has the enlightenment significance to the service management of the floating population, also produces beneficial enlightenment on the building of a harmonious society: take the specific work, adhere to the principle of justice concept, promote the construction management system, and strengthen the multiple governance subjects cooperation. It is the way to construct active governments.  相似文献   

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