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At present, Zhejiang merchants' political participation and enthusiasm have aroused wide attention both at home and abroad. Based on the data of the empirical survey in Zhejiang Province, this paper makes a quantitative analysis of various political participation motivation among different groups of Zhejiang merchants, and the method of statistical analysis is used to explore the external incentive factors affecting their political participation motivation. It is found that the political participation motivation of Zhejiang merchants is initially for their own enterprises' development, but later their political purpose, public welfare and social responsibility become strong and clear. Among the external incentive factors of the political participation motivation of Zhejiang merchants, the institutional encouragement affects most, followed by social encouragement and benefit encouragement. According to the characteristics of Zhejiang merchants' political participation, the following two suggestions for their orderly political participation are put forward: they should be guided to correctly treat the impacts of their gaining benefits on their political behavior and enterprise operation; the political participation mechanism of Zhejiang merchants should be improved, and the participation channel should be open with the institutional guarantee of the political participation.  相似文献   

Linguistic turn from epistemology to linguistic philosophy constitutes the most important philosophy thinking foundation in 20th century western Jurisprudence. Under the background of this kind of theory current of thought H.L.A. Hart, the master of western Jurisprudence, succeeded in applying the theory of language game advocated by Wittgenstein into the research of Jurisprudence and caused the pragmatic turn of 20th century western Jurisprudence. Hart’s methodology is one of the most precious resources in Chinese Jurisprudence research, so our Jurisprudence research should learn and benefit from it.  相似文献   

Embellish and vilify is a normal standard in the seventeen year's literature critic. Embellish often means mistakenly embellishing the figures of the bourgeoisie, petty bourgeois, the feudalism and the Kuomintang reactionaries and US imperialism in literary works. On the other hand, vilify indicates vilifying the figures of peasant mass, soldiers of PLA, the CPC members and the new society etc. Firstly, the distorted embellished and vilified criticism exerts important effect on literature itself and the certain scope of writing is disciplined; therefore literary narration becomes a type of “passive narration”. Although the embellished and vilified criticism is against the historical and art reality, from the logic of politics, its application has certain sense of inevitability and rationality. Secondly, there exists logic in aspect of national cultural psychology. Finally, there is logic of emotion. The criticism pattern of embellishing and vilifying still has real warning function in the existing literature criticism practices.  相似文献   

The coupling innovation development of new small town construction and special industrial agglomeration is the main mode of Zhejiang new small town innovation development. The paper summarizes the four major mechanisms of Zhejiang new small towns and industrial agglomeration coupling innovation: production, life and ecological space coupling innovation mechanism, geographical, network and social space coupling innovation mechanism, scale structure and system coupling innovation mechanism, and industrial culture and tour coupling innovation mechanisms. Finally, the paper puts forward management measures for Zhejiang new small towns and industrial agglomeration coupling innovation and development: proposing the dominance of the market mechanism, adhering to the multidimensional space development, emphasizing the industry as the foundation and keeping the human-oriented policy as the core.  相似文献   

As one of approaches to invest, the legal and effective trademark use contributes and collects goodwill of trademark, which has a positive correlation between the zone of goodwill and trademark investment. The institution of prior use depends on substantial influence and is a system which has an inner logical structure comprised by positive right and negative right. Besides, the right of prior use is confined by substantial influence and relevant persons. Prior to trademark registration, the determination of right of trademark use should be made according to the facts, such as the status of the parties concerned, the length of time of trademark use and substantial influence etc., rather than solely to the time of trademark use and registration when disputing parties used trademarks. Even though ambit of effect is restricted within the original area, the prior user can still expand its making place and change the form of business.  相似文献   

The population regulation policy of Shanghai, intervened by policy, guided by the government with the characteristics of market optimization, has made certain progress in aspects including urban development and migrant population management. However, it shows deficiency in limit and efficiency under the old household registration system. Therefore, the new household registration system urgently requires a clear analysis framework for population regulation and the government should be clear about game in the social, political and economic aspects as well as the population problem demanding solution. It is argued that in this paper the government should focus on the population regulation ways in different periods, space and social strata to rebuild the population regulation strategy of Shanghai with the guiding principle of respecting the connotation of new household registration system.  相似文献   

Compared to the rest of Canada, Quebec has an ambitious and redistributive social model, which includes an elaborate set of Active Labour Market Policies (ALMP), with higher expenditures as a percentage of GDP, an encompassing coverage, and collaborative, multipartite governance arrangements. Since the 2008 recession, however, most OECD countries have implemented retrenchment measures, market enforcement, and individual action plans to their ALMP. Using provincial, federal, and OECD data and reports, this article maps the recent evolution of Quebec’s ALMP in light of these trends. Quebec’s model appears largely resilient, despite declining expenditures and modest concessions to conditionality in social assistance.  相似文献   

This paper considers a multi-sector NK-DSGE model, then differentiates and compares the effects of news shocks and surprise shocks of non-productive government expenditure and productive government expenditure. The result shows that: (1) the effects of news shocks on employment altered with sector changes; (2) compared to surprise shocks, the effects of news shocks of government expenditure is much bigger; (3) compared to non-productive government expenditure, the effect of news shocks and surprise shocks related to productive government expenditure is much bigger. Then, this paper suggests that, the government should lead the public to form correct expectation, and construct expenditure rule based on the reality, then adjust the expenditure by following the rule. These may be helpful for labor market stabilization by using the positive effect of news shocks related to the government expenditure.  相似文献   

There has been a debate about whether the Punishing Payment to Damage should be put into the Civil Law Code of China in the future, for the characteristic of the Punishing Payment to Damage conflicts to the Compensation Principles. From the angle of origin of the Compensation Principles, this paper demonstrate that it should be restricted in the field of private law. Thus we should break the monopoly of public law to punishment, and reserve the space to it in the field of private law. By increasing the amount of the Punishing Payment to Damage, the civil responsibility should be full of diversity and manifold, and the happen of damage could be decreased. Putting the Punishing Payment to Damage into the Civil Law Code of China in the future is not only legitimate but also significant.  相似文献   

The modern political philosophy hasn’t recognized the limit of politics; it always easily falls into the trap of political romanticism and political nihilism. In contrast, Strauss adhering to the wisdom of classical political philosophy, tells us that the political life has some limits which human reason can’t exceed: the highest upper limit of political life is the rule of philosophy’s king, which is desirable, but not impossible; the lowest limit of political life is natural right principle, which is indispensable root of any political society. On the basis of this vision, the key of actual political practice is the balance of wisdom and agreement, and this is the fundamental spirit of classical political conservatism.  相似文献   

This paper uses a simplified theoretical model to analyze how the credit rationing affects the firms' R&D investment, and empirically tests the spatial heterogeneity in which the credit rationing affects R&D investment based on the large sample data of industrial firms in China. The empirical research shows that, the firms that suffer the more serious the degree of credit rationing, spend less R&D investment in terms of the overall situation. Other conditions remaining unchanged, the effect of credit rationing to R&D investment has obvious spatial heterogeneity in the area, and the inhibitory effect of credit rationing is not established in all regions, which depends on the regional financial development and the regional institutional quality. All kinds of robustness tests show that this hypothesis has better robustness.  相似文献   

Taking as a case the community services of F community where the biggest number of migrant people congregate in Kunming , this paper explores how to improve migrant teenagers' resilience to improve their positive growth, active social inclusion into city life and reduce the risks of delinquency. Within the action research, this study finds out that migrant juveniles suffer the shortage of public community service, poor quality of school education, insufficient family supports, adverse parenthood and interpersonal relationships, deficient peer supports and low self esteem and confidence. Fortunately, through conducting a series of life educations, career counseling and community services including school social work, family social work and cultural construction activities, with the core of resilience construction, can effectively improve the cognition and behavior of migrant teenagers can be improved and the risks of their delinquency can be reduced effectively. Moreover, this study believes that the social work station established in the migrant population's community can provide professional services to facilitate the positive interactions between juveniles and the environment which are regarded as the premise of delinquency prevention, to activate teenagers' subjectivity and initiative which is the emphasis, and to arouse the feelings of shame of teenagers with deviation behaviors that is the key point of crime prevention.  相似文献   

The theoretical core of all religions, including Eastern Orthodox, is human being. No matter what changes occurred in history, paradigm, method and vocabulary on Dostoyevsky’s research in the last one hundred years, the Russian Eastern orthodox influenced and disseminated Dostoyevsky through religious doctrine and religious atmosphere, his thinking on human being was completed in the context of Eastern orthodox culture. What Dostoyevsky concerned about was sin and salvation in his whole life. God/man should keep a harmonious binary relationship. Human being has free will, but evil and sin are caused by irrational use of free will. In order to obtain the re-harmonious binary relationship, human being must envisage sin and suffering, and give themselves inner self punishment. The Man of god, Jesus Christ, is the perfect one who could save human beings. Dostoevsky responded original sin and redemption in the orthodox view.  相似文献   

The “General Principles of Civil Law” of our country (article 110 and article 111) protects the privacy and information separately, the problem in theory and practice is that, in this two yuan protection mode, privacy and information can be clearly distinguished from or not? From the perspective of foreign legislation, majority legislation take the “one system” protection, which does not distinguish between information and privacy, which the reason is the privacy and the personal information are difficult to distinguish. I agree that the “General Principles of Civil Law” of China's “dual system” protection for privacy and information, and consider that the privacy and information can be distinguished, and we should apply the “Rule of Thirds” to distinguish between privacy and information, which is divided into purely personal privacy, privacy information, purely personal information.On the basis of the claim basis for the protection of privacy and information, the claim basis whose privacyand information is infringed exists in the eighth chapter of the “General Principles of Civil Law”, and several special laws such as “Tort Liability Law” and “Network Security Act”. Although the “General Principles of Civil Law”‘s Article 109-111 stipulated the provisions for the protection of right of privacy and information, but there is no effect of independent norms, because in these three articles, there is no protective measures to solve the problem that what is the civil juristic consequences when the privacy and information are violated.  相似文献   

A construct is a phenomenon of theoretical interest, and is divided into reflective construct and formative construct. Public service motivation is a constructive or reflective construct, and there is some consensus among the academic circles that the first order of public service motivation is reflective.But there is a debate about the nature of the two order construction. It is found that the predictive ability and the degree of fit of the "first order reflective and second order reflective" conception of public service motivation in structural equation model are higher than the "first order reflective and second order formative".The direction of the relationship between public service motivation and its first-order potential variables in the context of grassroots public administration in China is from public service motivation to first-order potential variables, and public service motivation should be defined as a "first-order reflective second-order reflective" construct. In the future, researchers in public administration should carefully consider the nature of the constructs of public management and the effect of the nature of the constructs on the model.  相似文献   

The use of external policy and management consultants in government has been receiving increasing attention in many countries, including Canada. We explore new data on management consulting compiled from information released since the creation of the Federal Accountability Act to address the supply side of contracting. We find several large multi‐year contracts have taken up a larger percentage of contracting activity while the number of smaller contracts has declined. The data suggest a pattern of oligopsonic demand concentrated mostly in a handful of very heavy users and an increasingly oligopolistic supply pattern where less than 5% of companies accounted for 80% of total contract values and where repeat contracts are the norm. Measures of accountability and transparency need to extend to the “invisible” public service of contract consultants.  相似文献   

Based on three years’telephone interview data during 2014-2016, this paper made a study on the evaluation of the public in Zhejiang on the development of basic social security from perspectives of family income, health care and elderly care, and found that during the period the public’s evaluation on the basic social security continues to rise, the gap of the evaluation results between different groups is narrowed obviously, and the government grassroots organizations become the preferred channel of social assistance of vulnerable groups. But it also found that the development gaps among structures of basic social security and among different social groups still required attention. From the perspective of the theory of welfare governance, this paper argued that we should give full play to the unique function of the government, non-government, market, and informal organizations, and collaborate with those organizations to achieve the goal of equal share of the economic and social development results among various social groups.  相似文献   

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