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<正>On the roof of the world reside Tibetans and people of 40 other ethnic groups.Together,they have promoted the social and economic development of southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region.At the Sixth Forum on Work of Tibet in Beijing on August 24-25,President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of strengthening the solidarity of people of all ethnic groups in Tibet and promoting understanding,help,appreciation and learning between them.  相似文献   

正In an interview with Beijing Review,Alvaro Rodriguez,International Secretary of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA),shared his thoughts on the need for development and social justice.This is an edited version of the interview:  相似文献   

正中铁十七局集团有限公司援巴基斯坦国道N35修复项目是中国商务部最大的对外援助项目,修复里程143公里,新建桥梁5座,为灾后修复工程。项目于2013年9月15日开工,现已完成贝沙姆、齐拉斯段100公里的修复任务。援巴基斯坦国道N35修复项目的实施在巴基斯坦产生了良好的社会影响。以此为契机,中铁十七局集团积极参与巴基斯坦基础设施援建事业,成功中标中国商务部援建的巴基斯坦国民议会  相似文献   

WE MADE IT!     
<正>Chinese skipper Guo Chuan (first right) celebrates with his multinational crew after crossing the finish line on September 15 on the Bering Strait following a 13-day voyage on the treacherous waters of the Northeast Passage for 3,240 nautical miles.It is the first time in history that a racing trimaran has successfully sailed non-stop through the Arctic shipping route from Murmansk in northwest Russia to the Bering Strait.  相似文献   

正The Chinese delegation parades its flag during the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Summer Games Tokyo 2020 on August 24. A record number of 4,403 athletes from 162 delegations have been confirmed to take part in the Tokyo Paralympics, which will run until September 5. China, participating in the Summer Paralympics for the 10 th consecutive time, has sent 251 athletes with 16-year-old swimmer Jiang Yuyan being the youngest and 56-year-old table tennis player Zhao Ping the oldest. They will compete in 20 of the 22 sports.  相似文献   

正Military and civilians join hands to combat deluge along the Yangtze River In a muddy field close to Poyang Lake,China’s largest freshwater lake in the eastern province of Jiangxi, a squad of armed police officers were digging a drainage ditch under the scorching sun on July 18. Among them was Luo Jie, member of an armed police detachment in Fuzhou, Jiangxi, wearing  相似文献   

A natural history is reported for an agency-supported self-help group for sexually abusive families. Four developmental stages of the group are identified as a) development of the idea, b) operationalization of the group, C) promotion of community recognition, and d) achievement of organizational goals and group consolidation. Experiences drawn from the natural history are discussed in terms of the guidelines tbey suggest for the development of other agency-supported self-help groups.  相似文献   

奘房门前搭戏台, 大青树下演傣剧 10月,傣族迎来"出洼"节,德宏的干季到来.每年的干季(10月至次年3月)德宏州傣剧团都到村村寨寨演出. "出洼"节,在每年公历的10月上旬,汉语通俗叫"开门"节.  相似文献   

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