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New institutions generally face many challenges that can inhibit their ability to succeed. The institutionalist literature can serve as a guide, informing important actors of the challenges they are likely to face when founding a new institution. We examine the Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) in Pakistan to assess the extent to which the challenges posited by the various streams of institutionalism surfaced as real problems that leaders in Punjab Province had to deal with when establishing the PRA. We found that rational choice institutionalism, historical institutionalism, and sociological institutionalism all identified problems that the PRA had to address. We conclude that the PRA's early successes are a function of its ability to navigate these challenges effectively.  相似文献   

This article aims to inform the long‐standing and unresolved debate between voluntary corporate social responsibility and initiatives to impose binding legal obligations on multinational enterprises. The two approaches share a common feature: neither can fully specify its own scope conditions, that is, how much of the people and planet agenda either can expect to deliver. The reason they share this feature is also the same: neither is based on a foundational political analysis of the multinational enterprise in the context of global governance. Such an analysis is essential for providing background to and perspective on what either approach can hope to achieve, and how. This article begins to bridge the gap by illustrating aspects of the political power, authority, and relative autonomy of the contemporary multinational enterprise. The conclusion spells out some implications for the debate itself, and for further research.  相似文献   

This article builds on a Transparency International (TI)‐sponsored research study funded by the Dutch Government into the National Integrity System (NIS) in practice. The NIS is a framework approach developed by TI that proposes assessing corruption and reform holistically. The NIS not only looks at separate institutions or separate areas of activity or separate rules and practices, but also bases its perspective on institutional and other inter‐relationships, inter‐dependence and combined effectiveness. The study involved 18 countries, using in‐country researchers and an overview report. This article assesses the findings of the study to consider how the approach can work in practice, and what the approach can reveal about the causes and nature of corruption as well as the implications for reform. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Australia is sometimes regarded as having well‐developed systems for protecting and promoting public integrity. Nevertheless the functioning of modern integrity systems is not particularly well understood, in Australia or internationally, and to be complacent about their state of health is obviously to court danger. In this introduction Frank Costigan, who as a royal commissioner in the 1980s pioneered new strategies for exposing institutional corruption and organized crime, introduces the results of the Australian National Integrity System Assessment — a collaborative Australian Research Council project seeking better ways of mapping and evaluating the institutions and processes dedicated nationally to ensuring integrity and accountability. The result is a new blueprint for key reforms and continual improvement in Australia's integrity systems over coming years.  相似文献   

This article examines the current debate in Australia about public sector integrity and the idea of a standing anticorruption commission. From this debate the article outlines a specific type of ‘public sector integrity commission’ that in principle should have the necessary powers and techniques at its disposal to minimise corruption while ensuring efficiency and fairness. The debate has been most active in jurisdictions that have not had an anticorruption commission – mainly in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania – but debate about integrity commissions has occurred in all jurisdictions. The authors argue that anticorruption commissions are essential to ensure the integrity of the public sector and that a model commission should: cover all elements of the public sector; independently investigate serious and mid‐level complaints; have own motion powers to investigate any matter; have summary authority to apply administrative sanctions; make use of a range of investigative tools; not be tasked with combating major and organised crime; and be held accountable to citizens through a parliamentary committee and a parliamentary inspector.  相似文献   

童中贤 《理论探讨》2006,(3):155-158
构建和谐社会,是一项系统工程,需要我们的领导方式发生转型,向以人为本转变。人本思想古已有之,但那时却更多地烙上了工具性标记。以人为本作为人本思想的本质,是人的目的与手段的统一。从“政本”(或“邦本”)到“人本”的转变,是统治演化为领导的根本标志。人本领导在其价值观、权力观与服务观的假设上,与传统领导理论有根本性区别。人本领导是领导理论创新、积累并推动和谐社会实践变革的结果。  相似文献   

Electronic publishing, which is the production of a book or an e‐book electronically, encompasses all processes involved in the production such as electronic communication, production, authoring, submission, reviewing, transfer and output. This study examines a radical transformation process to turn a conventional sector into an electronic sector. Studies were carried out in a government run publishing house in Malaysia, where the course of the public sectors and the interests of the private sectors meet. Factors that hindered progress, such as data management issues and transparencies are identified, and suggestions made to overcome them. Some concerns over disruption, such as creative destruction, often viewed as negative and destructive were identified with the introduction of technology. As disruption is also considered as one of the main hindrances in innovation, the study focuses on determining other effects of disruption on transformation. Business and management strategies are combined and a system that could increase performance and efficiency in the sector is proposed. However, the main concern in e‐government efforts will have to be looked into from the root issues expanding from top level management to users and an innovative platform furnished with knowledge and skills at all levels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

政府执行力是政府组织的核心要素之一,是政府组织生存和发展的决定性因素。政府执行力的强弱,关系到政府职能的实现、政府自身存在合法性、执政效率的高低。当前我国政府缺乏诚信,执行不力对我国社会秩序的正常运转产生了巨大的负面影响。由此拟从政府诚信角度,通过对我国政府执行力现状的阐述,分析了我国政府执行力低的原因,并提出提升我国政府执行力的对策。  相似文献   

Increasing concern about political 'sleaze' prompted the establishment, in 1995, of the Standing Committee of Standards in Public Life and the announcement, in 1999, of proposals to reform political party finance in the UK. A 'public choice' analysis predicts 'opportunism' by representatives at the expense of 'rationally ignorant' voters. It commends constitutional constraints to restrict the range of policy options open to representatives. By contrast, a 'transactions costs' approach suggests that electoral competition can offer protection when voters rely on 'party signal' as a low cost information source. If voters reduce transactions costs by relying on party signal, politicians have an incentive to maintain party reputation. Representatives are more willing than might otherwise be anticipated to accept the need for regulation if this serves to protect reputation.  相似文献   

“廉洁城市”本质上是对城市反腐倡廉建设的战略定位。建设“廉洁城市”有助于破解当前的反腐败困局.实现反腐倡廉实践路径的新突破。作为一项系统工程,“廉洁城市”建设包含廉洁政府、廉洁市民、廉洁市场、廉洁社会等重要要素,各要素间相互关联,构成权力监督体系、市场诚信体系、社会道德体系等基本框架。建设“廉洁城市”,既要汲取中国革命、建设和改革历程中积累的核心智慧,走中国特色的反腐倡廉之路.又要学习国际社会的成功经验,少走弯路、错路;既要完善以各项反腐倡廉制度为重点的城市惩治和预防腐败体系,提高科学反腐、防腐的成效,又要激发广大市民积极参与城市廉政建设的热情,充分发挥人民群众反腐倡廉的主体性作用。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a good deal of discussion in Australia about public service integrity. This article seeks to consider the Australian public service's standards of integrity by analysing the ethical framework under which the public service operates and the particular ethical issues and tensions that this involves; testing and benchmarking the ethical performance of the public service; and providing some suggestions as to the next steps in ethics considerations in the Australian public service.  相似文献   


This article analyzes Korean public enterprises that have integrated integrity information within their performance evaluations. Performance and integrity often tend to be separately managed because they are regarded as mutually exclusive. In the Korean case, some public enterprises had expected that the integration of performance and integrity management would not produce significant changes, mainly because of the lack of direct incentives and the light weight (3%) given to integrity in performance evaluation. However, this article shows a positive correlation between performance and integrity. Moreover, we can observe an improvement in integrity following the integration of integrity information into performance evaluation. Such a change was possible not only because of financial incentives, but also because of the increasing attention CEOs placed on integrity management, which made it easier for public enterprises to institutionalize their own ethical management policies. At the same time, competition amongst public enterprises over performance scores expedited the diffusion of innovative integrity policies.  相似文献   

毛泽东廉政思想是毛泽东在领导党的廉政建设的长期实践中,把马克思列宁主义廉政理论与中国共产党的廉政建设实际相结合,并吸收借鉴中华民族优秀传统廉政文化和历史经验基础上逐渐形成和发展起来的。毛泽东廉政思想经历了早期萌芽、井冈山和中央苏区时期初步形成、延安时期走向成熟、新中国成立前后继续发展、毛泽东晚年的曲折探索等阶段,且在不同阶段有不同的侧重点。站在实现"两个一百年"奋斗目标的历史交汇点上,梳理毛泽东廉政思想的历史脉络并揭示其特征与意义,有助于为新时代推进反腐败斗争提供历史借鉴和现实启示。  相似文献   

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