The implementation of the EU Prospectus Directive (2003/71/EC)(the ‘Directive’) has resulted in significant changesand new opportunities for many issuers of securities in theEuropean Capital Markets. The Directive and its subordinatelegislation, Commission Regulation (EC) No 809/2004 (the ‘EURegulation’) requires, as did the previous EU legislation,that a prospectus, containing certain required disclosure, beapproved by an EEA competent authority and published beforesecurities are offered to the public or admitted to an EEA-regulatedmarket. But, in doing so, it introduces important changes thatwill, its architects hope, result in a more active cross-borderretail market in securities within the EEA. These changes includea common language regime, under which, in cross-border situations,an English language version of the prospectus will normallybe valid for admission to regulated markets or a public offeranywhere in the EEA, thus avoiding expensive and time-consumingmultiple translations. It also provides . . . [Full Text of this Article]   1. Introduction2. French highlightsApproval of the prospectusScopeContent of prospectusesRisk factorsLanguageResponsibility for prospectusesPublicationInformation to be provided within prospectuses3. Summary   1. Introduction2. Scope of application of the securities Prospectus Act3. ‘Frequent issuer exemption’4. Publication rules5. Prospectus supplement and investor withdrawal right6. Summary   1. Introduction2. Implementation3. Competent authorityListing rules/prospectus rulesUnregulated offers4. Responsibility/liability5. Summary   1. Introduction2. Implementation3. National variations from the Directive4. Practical impact5. Summary   1. Introduction2. Regulatory framework3. Luxembourg Prospectus Directive options4. Public offers of securities5. Summary   1. Introduction2. Definition of ‘security’3. Concept of ‘offer’4. Supplemental prospectus and withdrawal rights5. Published prospectus identical to approved prospectus6. Six days rule7. Language8. Public offer exemption9. Summary   1. Introduction2. The RDL 53. The CNMV notice4. The RD 13105. The order 35376. Summary   1. Introduction2. Standardized prospectus content requirements3. The Official List of the FSA (the ‘Official List’)4. Official List eligibility requirements5. The Alternative Investment Market (‘AIM’)6. Withdrawal rights7. Draft prospectuses8. Qualified investor exemption9. Summary  相似文献   

欧盟"版权指令"述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李明德 《环球法律评论》2002,24(4)
1996年 1 2月 ,世界知识产权组织主持的外交会议缔结了《世界知识产权组织版权条约》(WCT)和《世界知识产权组织表演和录音制品条约》(WPPT)。随后 ,欧共体即开始制定实施上述两个条约的指令。 1 997年 1 2月 1 0日 ,欧盟委员会 (也即欧共体委员会 )向欧盟议会和欧盟理事会提出了《关于协调信息社会中版权与相关权某些方面的指令建议》 ,简称“版权指令草案”。〔 1〕其中的“信息社会” ,在欧盟的相关词汇中就是指国际互联网。〔 2〕因此 ,这是一个有关网络环境中版权与相关权保护的指令草案。欧盟议会在详细审议了“版权指令草案”…  相似文献   

The new EU cybersecurity framework: The NIS Directive,ENISA's role and the General Data Protection Regulation     
《Computer Law & Security Report》2019,35(6):105336
The NIS Directive is the first horizontal legislation undertaken at EU level for the protection of network and information systems across the Union. During the last decades e-services, new technologies, information systems and networks have become embedded in our daily lives. It is by now common knowledge that deliberate incidents causing disruption of IT services and critical infrastructures constitute a serious threat to their operation and consequently to the functioning of the Internal Market and the Union. This paper first discusses the Directive's addressees particularly with regard to their compliance obligations as well as Member States’ obligations as regards their respective national strategies and cooperation at EU level. Subsequently, the critical role of ENISA in implementing the Directive, as reinforced by the proposal for a new Regulation on ENISA (the EU Cybersecurity Act), is brought forward, before elaborating upon the, inevitable, relationship of the NIS Directive with EU's General Data Protection Regulation.  相似文献   

胡田野 《河北法学》2012,(12):151-156
2011年10月25日,欧盟颁布了编号为2011/83/EU的消费者权益保护的最新指令。该指令主要规定了经营者向消费者提供信息的义务,以及消费者撤销合同的权利,这些规定反映了欧盟消费者权益保护法上的信息透明、利益均衡和私权救济的立法精神。我国《消费者权益保护法》制定于1993年,到如今我国社会经济生活发生了很大变化,很多内容已经不能满足今天的消费者权益保护之需。欧盟最新的消费者权益保护指令对完善我国《消费者权益保护法》具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

杨红菊 《电子知识产权》2005,(2):25-26
自2004年5月18日欧盟理事会形成有关欧盟《计算机程序可专利性指令》(以下简称指令)的决议以来,人们一直关注该指令的进展,并把目光从欧盟理事会转向了欧洲议会,纷纷预测在欧洲议会的讨论中可能出现的结果。但事态的发展却大出人们的意料,指令尚未到达欧洲议会的"二读"程序,激烈的交锋与冲突便已经展开了。 本来,欧洲议会进行二读的时间应为2004年秋季,但由于种种原因,这一进程被一拖再拖。 实际上,2004年5月18日的决议只是理事会的内部决议,即所谓的"有关共同立场的政治决议",并不具有共同立场的效力。按照欧盟的立法规则,在欧洲贸  相似文献   

欧盟《计算机程序可专利性指令》的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨红菊 《电子知识产权》2004,(8):27-30
在美国通过一系列措施加强了对计算机程序的专利保护之后,欧洲、日本等也纷纷研究并出台了一系列的措施予以应对。 应当说,在计算机程序专利保护方面,欧洲的经验对我国具有重要的借鉴意义。这一方面取决于欧洲本身在世界经济技术领域举足轻重的作用,另一方面则是由于欧洲各国有不同的社会、文化和技术发展水平,因此  相似文献   

Research with minors in Greece and the EU Directive on clinical trials     
Canellopoulou-Bottis M 《European journal of health law》2008,15(2):163-168
This article describes the legal rules for research with minors in Greece in relation to the EU Directive on clinical trials and the Greek Code of Medical Ethics.  相似文献   

The implications for trustees of the possible EU Savings Directive reforms     
Michaels  Marnin; Yates  Marie-Therese; Price  Katherine 《Trusts & Trustees》2007,13(9):558-560
The EU is considering making the Savings Directive more effective.One measure could be redefining trustees for the purpose ofthe Savings Directive and adopting the definition used in theThird Eu Money Laundering Directive.  相似文献   

From Boundary Drawing to Transitions: the Creation of Normativity under the EU Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control     
Bettina Lange 《European Law Journal》2002,8(2):246-268
This article aims to make a contribution to debates about how to conceptualise normativity. It argues that normativity can not be just understood through defining it and in particular through identifying conceptual boundaries around the normative and the non-normative. Instead the article suggests that it is important to explore how transitions between the non-normative and the normative occur in practice. This argument is developed through a critical examination of literature on legal pluralism and an analysis of qualitative empirical data on the drafting of technical guidance documents under the European Union Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (96/61/EC).  相似文献   

Promoting the Information Society: The EU Directive on Electronic Commerce     
Graham Pearce  & Nicholas Platten 《European Law Journal》2000,6(4):363-378
On 8 June 2000, the EU adopted the landmark 'electronic commerce' directive, a legal framework for the development of information society services. This article examines the rationale and evolution of EU policy for e-commerce and the key features of the directive. These include establishing the responsibilities of service and intermediary service providers, procedures for concluding on-line contracts and redress and enforcement mechanisms. It also explores the extent to which the directive clarifies the national law applicable to cross-frontier transactions and the relationship between the directive and private international law. The directive makes an important contribution to encouraging trust in the new technologies by establishing an EU-wide model for e-commerce, but it is by no means clear that it goes far enough. The continuing divergence of consumer protection policies and uncertainties about jurisdiction, securing redress, the liabilities of service providers and the status of contracts based upon web-site advertisements may continue to discourage the development of e-commerce in the Community.  相似文献   

欧盟利息税指令及其对我国的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔晓静 《现代法学》2007,29(2):142-148
利息税是影响资本流动的一个重要因素,欧盟长期以来致力于协调成员国间的利息税制度。欧盟利息税指令的出台历经坎坷。利息支付情况的信息交换制度是该指令的核心,同时指令还在过渡期内规定了可选择的预提税制度,从而有效地协调了支付地国、税收居民国和受益人之间的利益。指令在对利息支付的定义、预提税的计算以及祖父条款的适用方面存在一定的问题,还需进一步完善。指令对我国利息税制度的健全完善尤其是利息税协调制度的建立有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Illegal access to information systems and the Directive 2013/40/EU     
Pedro Miguel F. Freitas  Nuno Gonçalves 《International Review of Law, Computers & Technology》2015,29(1):50-62
Directive 2013/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 August 2013, on attacks against information systems, came into force on 3 September 2013, replacing Council Framework Decision 2005/222/JHA. It maintains existing offences and criminalizes new activities such as illegal interception and the usage of certain tools for committing offences. The offence that is the focus of this article – illegal access to information systems – is set out in Article 3. It represents a change from the wording of Art 2 (2) of the Framework Decision 2005/222/JHA in that under Art 3 of the Directive the incrimination of illegal access to information systems now depends upon whether such access infringes a security measure. This paper provides an overview of the impetus for the introduction of cybercrime laws and analysis of the key provisions of the Directive before exploring whether the wording of Art 3 is a sensible legislative approach.  相似文献   

Beyond European Labour Law? Reflections on the EU Racial Equality Directive     
Mark Bell 《European Law Journal》2002,8(3):384-399
In June 2000, the Council adopted a directive forbidding discrimination on grounds of racial or ethnic origin in the areas of employment, social protection, education, goods and services, and housing. This is the first time the European Union has adopted binding legislation to combat racism. In this article, the Directive is placed within the context of European labour law, and its implications for the development of this area of law are considered. Specifically, it is proposed that a new category of European 'social law' is emerging, broader in scope than European 'labour law'. The Directive also reveals a new emphasis on effective enforcement of social law. Finally, this article considers the position of the Social Partners and non-governmental organisations in relation to the Directive. The prominence of NGOs is linked to wider trends in the wake of globalisation.  相似文献   

Taking a sledgehammer to crack the nut: The EU Enforcement Directive     
Sylvia Mercado 《Computer Law & Security Report》2005,21(6):488-495
In April 2004 the EU passed the Directive on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights amidst charges of “conflicting interest” and heavy-handed influence of the American entertainment industry. The Directive has received widespread condemnation from various sectors of the society for supporting private interest at the expense of public interest through the impositions of Mareva injunctions and Anton Piller Orders, even in instances of accidental and non-commercial infringements of the intellectual property right [Meller P. EU backs deal on copyright piracy. International Herald Tribune, NY; 2004]. This paper will examine the provisions of the Directive and determine its implications, in particular, as to whether they balance or not the rights of the right holders and public interest.  相似文献   

曾俊 《电子知识产权》2020,(1):23-32
短视频产业的规模化导致与短视频分享有关的纠纷有所增长。较之传统视频平台之经营模式,短视频平台所提供内容更为碎片化。这些微小内容的版权问题基于其快销的商业模式,以现有的通知移除规则管理,似乎力有不逮。恰逢欧盟2019年4月通过《数字单一市场版权改革指令》(CDDSM),其中第17条被称之为过滤责任条款,矫正了平台注意义务范围,这对短视频平台的侵权乱象或可有效规制。中国应谨慎分析过滤责任,考虑试验性采用《指令》第17条提出的尽力而为+通知移除规制的两级制义务模式,因应时代需求,改善救济渠道。  相似文献   

'Piracy' provisions under the Enforcement Directive and patent infringement     
Orlando  Laura 《Jnl of Intellectual Property Law & Pract》2007,2(10):642-643
The Court of Genoa has issued its first decision on the applicationto patent infringement of the remedies introduced by Directive2004/48 on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights,dismissing the appeal filed by Princo against a precautionaryseizure order over its movable and immovable property issuedby a judge of the Genoa IP Chamber on the grounds that the patentinfringement was committed intentionally and on a commercialscale.  相似文献   

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Dr. Axel Gehringer HengelerMueller David Byers McCann FitzGerald, Solicitors, Dublin, Ireland Stefano Cuccia Head of Regulation, TLX, Milan Henri Wagner Allen and Overy, Luxembourg Petra Zijp NautaDutilh, Amsterdam José Manuel Cuenca and Yolanda Azanza Clifford Chance Daniel Bushner and Jonathan Parry Ashurst, London The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.
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