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In this report we present a case of pseudo-gunpowder stippling caused by fragmentation of a plated bullet. Investigation of the incident revealed absence of an interposed target, no evidence of ricochet, and a normally functioning, undamaged weapon. Electroplated ("plated" or "coated") bullets are relatively uncommon. They look similar to jacketed bullets in that the lead core is covered by a copper-colored jacketlike material. However, the copper-colored plating material is thinner than the typical jacket material. In certain instances, the plating may strip away from the lead core during transit through the barrel of the weapon and can produce injuries that mimic gunpowder stippling. Forensic pathologists are advised to be aware of this phenomenon. Misinterpretation of such wounds could result in improper classification of range of fire or improper conclusions about the presence or absence of an interposed target or ricochet.  相似文献   

In the case of a thorax stab wound and an intrapulmonal position of the glass fragment (fall from a ladder into a glass door) an extrathoracic cardiac massage had been carried out. The result of which, an extremely unusual "reanimationtrauma" and the problems connected with it are discussed. In another case of a stab wound of the right iliacal vessels and the position of the glass fragment in the minor pelvis (jump through a thermopane glass of a door, followed by a fight) investigations were first conducted because of the suspicion of manslaughter. The autopsy, however, completely excluded death through fault of another. Further an unusual figured glass cut wound on the left side of the head (fall into a glass brick wall) led to death through gradual bleeding. The question arose whether death was caused by failure to give assistance.  相似文献   

The article describes the historical and legal basis, as well as the ballistic criteria of injuries caused by air-rifle shots to the head. Six of our own cases of craniocerebral air-gun pellet injuries are discussed and critically assessed, using the results communicated in other papers as the basis of the discussion. The different post-traumatic complications, including the histopathological reaction of the brain to lead-pellets, are considered. The literature is reviewed and the indications for stereotactic removal or craniotomy of intracranial air-gun pellets are discussed. Air rifles, while occasionally the cause of serious head injuries, are rarely thought of as lethal weapons. However, this article illustrates the potential penetrating power of the air-gun pellet, a fact not always appreciated by physicians.  相似文献   

Gunshot wounds caused by Fiocchi Anticrime cartridges (plastic bullets).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Fiocchi Anticrime cartridge (caliber 12/70) used for shotguns contains 15 plastic bullets that have a total weight (mass) of 15.2 g and feature a V4 of 302 m/s and an E4 of 694.7 J. Hence the bullets, which are claimed to be harmless, are able to penetrate the skin at close range. This article presents four cases of injuries. According to our tests, the Fiocchi Anticrime cartridge may well cause fatal injuries within firing distances of up to approximately 4-5 m.  相似文献   

It is widely known that inhalation of the solvent dichloromethane can lead to severe intoxication. We report on a fatal accident of a 29-year-old painter. He had to remove the old chlorocaoutchoucpaint of two overflow pools adjoining an empty swimming pool by sand-blasting. After obviously having finished his work in the first pool the painter was found dead, lying on the floor of the second pool. Later an almost empty 10-kg-canister of a paint stripper (macerating agent) the main component of which was dichloromethane was found in the car of the painter. Blood samples of the corpse measured by head space gas chromatography and electron capture detection showed dichloromethane levels in the range of 513-773 micrograms/ml.  相似文献   

唐泽光 《证据科学》2006,13(2):85-86
案情 原告母亲盛某因怀孕于2002年3月开始就诊于L医院,建立了门诊病历,遵医嘱进行了各项检查,并坚持随诊,L医院一直告知母子正常.2003年9月18日,原告母亲妊娠期满,于L医院产房待产,入院诊断为:妊娠高血压综合征(中度)、发热待查、胎儿窘迫,L医院决定行阴道试产.当夜7时出现胎儿呼吸窘迫,医生决定使用产钳助产,将孩子多处夹伤,头部拉出后又出现肩难产,反复牵拉,才将孩子拉出,结果造成原告头颈部多处皮肤牵拉伤、右肩关节脱位、右臂丛神经损伤、缺血缺氧性脑病、头和脸部变形.  相似文献   

王旭  王岩  李延阁 《证据科学》1998,5(2):86-87
脑损伤导致皮质盲在临床上并不多见,其临床体征、视觉皮层诱发电位(VEP)表现亦鲜见报告,今查1例,报告如下:  相似文献   

In the course of a scuffle, a youth of 18 years was struck a single blow across the chest with a golf club. He collapsed dead on the spot. At autopsy, a precisely located and highly distinctive patterned imprint abrasion of the precordial region was revealed providing an excellent match with the weapon. The heart showed multiple internal ruptures and there was a laceration of the lingula of the left lung. Injury to the chest wall was confined to the soft tissues, the rib cage and sternum being intact. We postulate a novel mechanism to explain the cardiac rupture.  相似文献   

案情原告母亲盛某因怀孕于2002年3月开始就诊于L医院,建立了门诊病历,遵医嘱进行了各项检查,并坚持随诊,L医院一直告知母子正常。2003年9月18日,原告母亲妊娠期满,于L医院产房待产,入院诊断为:妊娠高血压综合征(中度)、发热待查、胎儿窘迫,L医院决定行阴道试产。当夜7时出现胎儿呼吸窘迫,医生决定使用产钳助产,将孩子多处夹伤,头部拉出后又出现肩难产,反复牵拉,才将孩子拉出,结果造成原告头颈部多处皮肤牵拉伤、右肩关节脱位、右臂丛神经损伤、缺血缺氧性脑病、头和脸部变形。2003年12月22日原告家属以L医院产后不顾母婴安全,不积极抢救患…  相似文献   

Forensic science uses substitutes to reconstruct injury patterns in order to answer questions regarding the dynamic formation of unusual injuries.Using a case study, an experimental simulation of a finger was designed, for the first time with a combination of hard wood and glycerin soap. With this model as an intermediate target simulation, it was possible not only to demonstrate the "bullet-body (finger) interaction", but also to recreate the wound pattern found in the victim.This case demonstrates that by using ballistic models and body-part substitutes, gunshot cases can be reproduced simply and economically, without coming into conflict with ethical guidelines.  相似文献   

Inlet damage to clothes material caused by point-blank shots from a special submachine guns Val, 9-A-91, sniper complex BCK-4 furnished with a soundless non-flame shooting devices (SNSD) was studied in experiment. Specific features of the affection and shot products distribution (shape, size, topography, accumulation of soot metals, etc.) were specified which allow judgement about guns and range of shot. How SNSD construction and shot range influence the above characteristics is shown. A relevant case is reported.  相似文献   

In a case of shotgun-injury of the heart with complete rupture of both ventricles and lesion of the aorta the victim was able to move a few metres in approximately six seconds. Despite other opinions ability to move or act can be maintained in cases of severest injuries of the heart caused by missiles with high energy.  相似文献   

In cases of lethal firearm injuries computer enhanced anatomical feasibility studies can provide unambiguous clues concerning self-versus extraneous infliction. To this end individualized digital 3-dimensional geometrical models of the victim and the weapon are generated true to scale with the help of the CAD software (POSER Version 4, egi.sys AG). All anatomical data relevant to the motion apparatus and the range of movement as well as the injuries of the individual victim are carefully documented and serve as input parameters for the digital geometrical model. The bullet path is visualized as a cylinder between entrance and exit wound. A series of simulation sequences then can be carried out by the variation of anatomically possible shot positions and the virtual grasp of the weapon. An exact alignment of the firearm's barrel and the bullet path is a reliable statement for the feasibility of self-infliction. In addition to circumstantial evidence the digital reconstruction of the firearm shot admits of unambiguous conclusions about the course of the traumatic event.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty-eight Burmese refugees in Thailand were interviewed. One hundred and five of those interviewed had knowledge of a total of 313 persons who had been exposed to land mine explosions. Twenty-three of the interviewed were land mine survivors. They were all male, aged between eight and 68 years, and all except one had been injured between 1986 and 1997. Fifteen of the 23 were civilians, eight were guerilla soldiers who were injured either in battle or while deploying or disarming land mines. Those who had stepped on land mines were all crus or femur amputated and had several scars on the lower limbs, abdomen and some also on the forearms. Those who had handled a land mine had lost either fingers or hands and one also lost both eyes. This study shows that the frequency of land mine accidents in Burma has been underestimated and that the mortality is high. The study also supports the general impression that many victims are civilians.  相似文献   

The nature and extent of the use of blank pistols in Hamburg (according to the Hamburg crime statistics about 300 to 400 such cases per year; 34 cases involving head and neck wounds from 1989 to 1999 were investigated at our institute; among these 8 suicides, no homicide) as well as patterns of injuries caused by close distance blank pistol shots were analysed. 7 of these cases are described in detail. The results of our studies corroborate the warning statements made by many criminological and medico-legal experts regarding the danger inherent in these allegedly harmless weapons. Blank cartridge pistols can, when shot from a close distance, cause most severe injuries involving penetration into body cavities and bodily organs (especially in the head and neck), and even perforation of the skull. Therefore, we call for a much stricter control of weapons of this kind.  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外颅脑损伤致精神障碍的相关法医学现状,特别是对于鉴定中的常见问题进行了简要的综述。  相似文献   

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