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An electrophoretic method of feces determination in stains was developed. Method is based on detection of acid phosphatase only in feces since it is not detectable in human blood and other secretions by this method.  相似文献   

The article deals with experimental data on design of the method used for detection of sperm, blood and vaginal secretions according to isoelectric points of acid phosphatases, differential diagnosis of ABO group antigens in "mixed" stains as well as detection of phenotype of red cell acid phosphatase by isoelectric focusing method.  相似文献   

Although elevated acid phosphatase (AP) activity in vaginal fluid is a consistent indicator for semen, differentiation between vaginal AP and seminal AP provides a more meaningful result. Detection of seminal AP in mixtures of vaginal AP, feces, and blood is accomplished by starch gel electrophoresis, employing the substrate thymolphthalein monophosphate as a selective visualization agent. Genetic phosphoglucomutase isoenzymes are simultaneously separated by this method and allow differentiation in some semen/vaginal fluid mixtures.  相似文献   

Comparative investigation of seminal stains and other secretions from human body and blood as well as objects of plant origin by gel electrophoresis using alkaline values of pH buffer solutions and subsequent enzymography for acid phosphatase made it possible to develop optimal conditions for detection of seminal presence in stains. Good preservation of seminal acid phosphatase in stains during several years is shown.  相似文献   

The determination of blood groups from blood stains is extremely important in medicolegal practice, but there is the possibility of an error in the determination of MN phenotypes by the absorption-elution test. We investigated a new method applying electrophoresis and immunoblotting. As a consequence of various experiments, the most appropriate pretreatment of blood stains was as follows. Blood stains were immersed in physiological saline for 0.5 to 1 h and centrifuged. The supernatant was discarded. The sediment was dissolved in sample buffer (TRIS-buffered physiological saline containing 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate) and followed by thermodegradation. It was subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). After transfer to a nitrocellulose membrane by Western blotting, MN phenotypes could be determined accurately from blood stains by an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) using commercially available polyclonal anti-M and anti-N sera. For blood stains more than 1 month old it was not easy to determine the MN phenotypes.  相似文献   

SPE/UPLC法检测血中吗啡、苯丙胺类及氯胺酮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立SPE/UPLC方法在同一条件下同时检测血中吗啡、苯丙胺类及氯胺酮。方法采用SCX 3cc(60mg)固相萃取柱萃取血中吗啡、MA、MDMA、MDA及氯胺酮,用超高效液相色谱(UPLC)-二极管阵列检测器(PDA)检测,结合保留时间和紫外光谱进行定性、定量分析,对实验各环节进行优化,并进行实际案例检测。结果吗啡、MA、MDMA、MDA、氯胺酮的固相萃取提取回收率分别为81.4%±2.51%、88.2%±2.48%、91.8%±2.03%、93.8%±1.46%、74.8%±2.27%,峰面积和质量浓度的线性关系良好(r〉0.999),线性范围分别为0.08~100μg/mL、0.4~100μg/mL、0.2~75μg/mL、0.3~75μg/mL、0.4~100μg/mL,检出限分别为30pg、200pg、80pg、100pg、200pg。结论本文所建方法适用于血中吗啡、苯丙胺类、氯胺酮常见毒品的筛选及定量分析。  相似文献   

A nonequilibrium isoelectric focusing method incorporating the chemical spacers MOPS and HEPES was developed and subsequently evaluated for its ability to reliably discriminate common and rare phenotypes in the esterase D (EsD), red cell acid phosphatase (AcP1), phosphoglucomutase (PGM1), adenylate kinase (AK), and adenosine deaminase (ADA) isoenzyme systems. The validation procedures used were blind testing, comparison of results to conventional methods, and evaluation of known rare variant phenotypes. This method proved to be a quick and reliable method for typing all five isoenzyme systems, while providing an excellent probability of discrimination (PD = 0.96).  相似文献   

A quantitative modification of immunofluorescent test (IFT) is described. It was used for species identification of blood stains on material evidence objects. This modification is 1000 times more sensitive than electrophoretic methods traditionally used for this purpose in forensic medicine. Computer processing of the results helps objectively and persuasively determine the species appurtenance of blood and other biological objects. Results of the test represented as histograms should be attached to forensic medical conclusions as proofs for the court.  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(167):52016-52018
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the biologics regulations by removing, revising, or updating specific regulations applicable to blood derivative products to be more consistent with current practices and to remove unnecessary or outdated requirements. FDA is taking this action as part of the agency's "Blood Initiative" in which FDA is reviewing and revising, when appropriate, its regulations, policies, guidance, and procedures related to blood products, including blood derivatives.  相似文献   

PGM1, ESD, and ACP were determined in bloodstain extracts by isoelectric focusing (IEF) with carrier ampholytes (CA) and HIEF. HIEF yields superior results in PGM typing from bloodstain extracts, whereas for ESD and ACP typing isoelectric focusing with carrier ampholytes seems to be the method of choice.  相似文献   

和谐社会是法治社会,法治政府在构建和谐社会中起主导和保障作用。建设法治政府是时代赋予的历史使命,法治政府依法管理社会,维护社会秩序,把冲突控制在秩序范围内,是构建和谐社会的基础;法治政府依法规范自己的权力,各级政府都要对自己作为或不作为的行为负责,打造负责任的法治政府是构建和谐社会的关键;完善立法,调适政府与公民的关系,解决人民内部矛盾纠纷是法治政府的职责,也是构建和谐社会的保障。  相似文献   

Presents forensic medical characteristics of the specific features of stabbed and cut injuries of human skin and jersey. Suggests a complex of signs that will help determine some structural parameters of a knife blade and the conditions of its interaction with the injured site of human body.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1999,64(93):26282-26287
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the biologics regulations by removing, revising, or updating specific regulations applicable to blood derivative products to be more consistent with current practices and to remove unnecessary or outdated requirements. FDA is issuing these amendments directly as a final rule because the agency believes they are noncontroversial and that there is little likelihood that there will be comments opposing the rule. Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, FDA is publishing a proposed rule under FDA's usual procedures for notice and comment in the event the agency receives any significant adverse comments. If any significant adverse comment is received sufficient to terminate the direct final rule within 30 days after the comment period ends, FDA will consider such comments on the proposed rule in developing the final rule. FDA is issuing this rule as part of the agency's "blood initiative" in which FDA is reviewing and revising, when appropriate, its regulations, policies, guidance, and procedures related to blood products, including plasma derivatives.  相似文献   

A method for simultaneous detection and identification of the blood in stains on material evidence has been tried. Previously these two procedures were carried out in succession and took 2 days, while the new method takes 2-10 min. The method is highly sensitive and specific. Positive results were obtained only with human blood. The method is recommended for practice, specifically, for investigation of complex blood traces (washed and old) on material evidence.  相似文献   

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