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Eat your germs     
Gupta S 《Time》2008,171(14):58

Stein J 《Time》2005,166(7):78

Roosevelt M 《Time》2005,165(24):45-47

The outcome of Turkey's June 2011 elections temporarily quelled – though by no means entirely put to rest – growing concern over the creeping autocratic tendencies of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). To ensure that democracy remains durable, the AKP must now clearly demonstrate that it is willing to shun heavy-handed tactics and instead engage the opposition in a genuine dialog regarding important matters of constitutional change, especially those related to individual rights and identity issues. A slide toward autocracy has been an all-too-common pitfall in Turkish politics over the years. Should it so choose, the AKP is well poised to break the cycle at this critical juncture in Turkish politics.  相似文献   

The Transnational Corporation and Uneven Development: The Internationalisation of Capital and the Third World. By Rhys Jenkins. London: Methuen, 1987. Pp.229. £28 (hardback); £8.95 (paperback). ISBN 0 416 733409 and 73350 6.

Developing With Foreign Investment. Edited by Vincent Cable and Bishnodat Persaud. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1987. Pp.viii + 327. £25. ISBN 0 7099 4825 5.

International Industry and Business: Structural Change, Industrial Policy and Industry Strategies. By Robert H. Ballance. London: Allen & Unwin, 1987. Pp.xxi + 357. ISBN 0 04 339037 4 and 339038 2.

Trade Among Multinationals: Intra‐Industry Trade and National Competitiveness. By Donald C. MacCharles. London: Croom Helm, 1987. Pp. xiv + 207. £30. ISBN 07099 4618 X.

Myths and Reality of External Constraints on Development. By James Riedel. Alder‐shot: Gower for the Trade Policy Research Centre, London, 1987. Pp.xvi + 111. ISBN 0566 05336 5.

International Economic Restructuring and the Regional Community. Edited by Herman Muegge and Walter Stohr. Aldershot: Gower, 1987. Pp.x + 404. £28.50. ISBN 0566 05478 1.  相似文献   

The functioning of the international monetary system is analyzed from the perspective of the less developed countries. They are shown to be significant beneficiaries of the introduction of special drawing rights in the International Monetary Fund, despite the unfavourable distribution formula, but to be confronted with exceptional difficulties in reserve management and exchange rate decision‐making in the period of currency turmoil since 1971. The currency realignments of these countries are summarized in terms of their decisions as to which major currencies to follow both in 1971 and 1973. Their interests in international monetary reform, particularly in the alternative SDR‐aid link proposals, are assessed. It is concluded that if the first‐best reform ‐ an altered distribution formula for SDR's in an SDR‐based system in which low interest rates for borrowers are retained ‐ cannot be achieved, the present system may carry more advantages for the less developed countries than a second‐best ‘link’ scheme.  相似文献   

Allis S 《Time》1992,140(16):61, 64

This study found no support for the belief by the governments of most less developed countries (LDCs) that the provision of fiscal incentives is necessary to attract direct foreign investment and that the greater the generosity of these incentive programmes the greater would be the level of such investment. What mattered were the presence of natural resources and a proven record of economic performance. The provision of incentives could not compensate for the absence of either of these two factors. The study is a cross‐sectional one of 27 LDCs for the period 1965–73.  相似文献   

The author argues that we do not really know how different the policymaking systems of developed and developing nations are. In his view, policymaking in less developed regimes is different from that which occurs in more affluent countries. However, the differences are frequently overstated. After analyzing several problems of the policymaking process, Peters concludes that the differences are larglely those of degree rather than of fundamentally different types of policy problems and processes. He concludes that what may matter is the degree of difficulty governments encounter in policymaking, and in some ways the less developed countries may actually enjoy some real advantages. At the same time, however, they have more informational, financial and ideological barriers that impose political limitations on policy learning.  相似文献   

In 1986, Mississippi Budget decision makers encountered dropping revenues and public opinion demanding that the state keep its commitments to educational reform. This article examines and assesses the Mississippi Legislature's effort to avoid across the board cuts by replacing its standard budget decision-making practice of bottom driven marginal adjustments with prioritized cuts. The Mississippi House developed “hit lists” of targeted items, But few listed items were adopted. However, appropriations were reduced for functional areas with hit list programs and the agencies were forced to reduce services. The legislature was removed from the direct line of fire and could say “the agencies did it”. The Mississippi experience suggests that top budgeters facing reduced revenue will not just substitute across the board cuts for incremental increases. Their ideas about program effectiveness and the perceived political consequences from cutting in certain areas can lead to variable cuts.  相似文献   

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