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The emergence of the Dutch miracle – often seen as a result of the famous Polder model – has not only resulted in drastic changes as regards the labour market policy, but also in a performance that is considered superior to most other OECD economies. In addition, it is often suggested that this development may well be considered a prototype of the Third Way politics of contemporary social democracy. Both views are scrutinised and discussed by means of a cross-national and cross-time analysis of 19 liberal democracies within the OECD world. The comparative analysis of the labour market performance, also by means of demographic categories, demonstrates that the performance of the Dutch labour market is neither outstanding nor exceptional. It appears mainly to have been caused by the growth of part-time labour. Hence, one may well doubt whether a Dutch miracle exists at all. The analysis also demonstrates that the Dutch labour market performance is neither optimal nor beneficial to all concerned. Finally, it is observed that the social democratic Third Way turns out to be a trade-off in the Netherlands: welfare is becoming less generous and work comes first.  相似文献   

European Journal of Political Research - The 1996 elections in Italy may be evaluated using a dual means of inquiry: which novelties (or the absence thereof) appear with respect to 1994? And, how...  相似文献   

The 1996 elections in Italy may be evaluated using a dual means of inquiry: which novelties (or the absence thereof) appear with respect to 1994? And, how many and in what way (if any) do they contribute to the definition of a new type of party system and a new logic of political competition? As regards the former perspective, we address three questions which represented fundamental issues at the time of the vote: (a) Would the new electoral system manage to provide a clear and stable governmental majority where it had failed to do so in 1994? (b) Would the political parties and alliances have changed their offers to the voters? (c) Would the voters have changed their behaviour, adapting it not just to any new offers, but especially to the logic of majoritarian competition? Regarding the latter perspective, these questions can be amalgamated into a single enquiry: Do the 1996 elections constitute a decisive step in the direction of a new party system, or are they a step backwards, or do they simply present a static picture?  相似文献   


Human Rights Review -  相似文献   

The author discusses the historical development of political media communication. The first age was a time of relatively easy access to the media; the second age showed the growing power of the media through access to television; and the third suggests an increasing proliferation of information channels within and beyond the mainstream mass media. Four current trends are analysed, with speculation of the subject of their future development. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

This paper analyzes prenomination presidential candidate preferences, using data from the Center for Political Studies' 1984 Continuous Monitoring Survey. Among Democratic identifiers, affective evaluations of the candidates were the strongest influence on candidate preference, but judgments concerning the candidates' nomination prospects and electability also influenced candidate preference, as did strength of party identification. The outcomes of particular primaries strongly influenced voters' opinions regarding the candidates' nomination prospects and, indirectly, their electability. Walter Mondale's decisive victory in the New York primary on April 3 apparently led to a bandwagon effect among Democratic voters across the nation; that is, the perception that Mondale was very likely to win the nomination produced a dramatic shift in candidate preference toward Mondale and away from Gary Hart.  相似文献   

信息化时代的到来,现代网络技术和计算机通讯被广泛应用到我们的日常生活中,行政环境日趋复杂多变,治理主体多元化,这给地方政府带来新的挑战,迫切需要地方政府改变职能,适应信息化时代的浪潮。信息化时代给地方政府治理带来了深刻的影响,主要体现在治理理念、治理方式、组织结构和治理内容四个方面。  相似文献   

本从形象入手,考察1908年美国退还部分庚子赔款前中国人在美形象的变迁。当时美国对华印象普遍不佳,义和团运动时期中国形象更是降到了最低点。但是此后,美国对华印象有了转变,为美国政府决议退还部分庚子赔款、资助中国学生赴美学习创造了良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

The Theory of Institutional Design. Edited by Robert E. Goodin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp.x + 288, name and subject indexes. £16.95 (paper); £35/$49.95 (cloth). ISBN 0–521–63643–4 and 47119–2.

The Political Economy of Public Administration. Institutional Choice in the Public Sector. By Murray J. Horn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp.ix + 263, biblio., name and subject indexes. £14.95/$21.95 (paper); £35/$59.95 (cloth) ISBN 0–521–48436–7 and 48201–1.

The Future of Governing : Four Emerging Models. By B. Guy Peters. Lawrence, KS: The University Press of Kansas, 1996. Pp.ix + 179, biblio., index. £11.95 (paper); £27.95 (cloth). ISBN 0–7006–0794–3 and 0793–5.

Public Management and Administrative Reform in Western Europe. Edited by Walter J. M.Kickert. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1997. Pp.xv + 278, 6 figures, 19 tables, biblio., index. £49.95 (cloth). ISBN 1–85898–553–6.  相似文献   

Alter J 《Newsweek》1997,130(13):38

Underwood A 《Newsweek》2005,146(4):50-51

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