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阅读是一个复杂的、主动思维的心理语言活动过程。阅读理解的层次涉及到语言知 识、非语言知识以及阅读技能和认知手段。读者同时运用各种知识对语言材料进行分析处理, 获得 作者所要传递的意义。因此, 阅读理解的过程是读者的语言知识和头脑中的各种知识共同作用的 结果。运用认知心理学的阅读模式, 探讨阅读理解过程中信息处理的有关问题, 强调语言知识、背 景知识以及组织信息的策略对阅读理解的重要作用, 讨论在阅读教学中如何运用这些知识及策略 提高学生的阅读理解能力。  相似文献   

当今世界已进入"读题时代"。标题是报刊新闻内容的凝缩,好的标题会起到"画龙点睛"的作用,研究报刊新闻标题具有十分重要的意义。近几年来,俄汉报刊新闻标题中均使用了仿拟辞格,增强了标题的感染力。但俄汉两种语言的仿拟辞格又打上了各自民族文化、民族心理的烙印。通过语言的对比,挖掘出两个民族在语言文化、民族心理等方面深层次的异同,有助于进一步深化对俄汉报刊标题的研究。  相似文献   

在目标语阅读过程中, 利用语境提示信息推测生词的意义要求阅读者具备足够的语 言知识和文化背景知识, 文章的语篇特征对于阅读者能否正确推测出词的意义存在着影响, 阅读目 的决定词汇应对的策略。因此在教学中过于强调学生应该利用语境推测词义有其不合理之处, 应 该对于字典的使用给予更多的重视。  相似文献   

俄罗斯文学作品选读一直被学生认为是比较难学的课程,因为文学篇章的理解难点不仅涉及词语意义理解方面的困难,篇章中词语的具体所指内容也很难分析,学生还要了解俄罗斯历史、文化、国情等方面的知识。通过探讨上下文语境在文学篇章阅读理解过程中的认知作用,激发和鼓励学生对俄罗斯文学课程学习的信心,是行之有效的做法。  相似文献   

英美报刊课要体现时代特色, 突出实践性。教材应融时代性、知识性、实用性、科学性、系 统性和趣味性为一体。教学要以学生为中心, 课内学习课外实践相结合, 既注重对学生阅读能力的 培养, 还要提高学生素质和语言交际技能。任课教师不仅要精通语言, 还应具备新闻知识、文化知 识、搜集处理信息和使用多媒体教学工具的能力。  相似文献   

:英美报刊课要体现时代特色, 突出实践性。教材应融时代性、知识性、实用性、科学性、系 统性和趣味性为一体。教学要以学生为中心, 课内学习课外实践相结合, 既注重对学生阅读能力的 培养, 还要提高学生素质和语言交际技能。任课教师不仅要精通语言, 还应具备新闻知识、文化知 识、搜集处理信息和使用多媒体教学工具的能力  相似文献   

充分理解分析对象需要信息和知识。然而获取信息和学习知识是两种不同的行为,掌握信息并不一定代表掌握知识。中国和巴西在信息交换方面有着悠久的历史,但目前我们仍需克服知识的障碍。本文分析了19世纪末以来巴西知识分子对中国的意象建构。到目前为止,学者们建构了三个有关中国的意象:古代中国、共产主义中国、提供资本机遇的中国。在过去几年里,一个具备经济和政治能力、即将取代美国成为世界体系中霸权国家的新中国意象已在巴西出现。然而,由于巴西缺乏一支优秀的汉学研究团队,因此即便获取的中国信息数量有所增加,巴西仍无法充分理解中国。尽管巴西拥有不少优秀的中国研究领域的专家,但却没有能够真正理解21世纪中国的汉学家。本文就培养巴西汉学家,并使其了解"真实中国"的重要性提出了思考。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论的核心是通过新旧知识的融合, 提高学习者学习、认知能力, 培养 其创造性。建构主义理论指导下的英美报刊文章选读网络课堂教学可以设置有主题、有材料, 有主 题、无材料和无主题、无材料的三种模式, 教师结合“情境设置”、“确立问题”、“协作学习和合理会 话”及“意义建构”四个环节在不同模式课堂教学中运用, 合理引导和组织学生开展讨论, 激发其主 动、积极地学习, 切实提高课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

英语报刊课具备语言文化教学多种优点。但由于其“资刊”的特性,英语报刊课在我国大学英语教学中一直处于比较薄弱的环节。80 年代后国家教委组织制定的两个《大纲》对英语教学提出宏观上的要求,这对英语报刊课的教学起到了一定的推动作用。英语报刊课词汇量大,提供大量的国际知识和与英美国家有关的背景知识,其教材的丰富性、灵活性、变化性以及实用性显示了这门课的优越性,教学发展前景是广阔的。但是这门课及教材目前仍面临着一系列的问题和争议  相似文献   

传播学是一门科际外延广大、研究课题广泛而且内涵深入且多层的学科。其不仅在 理论层面上有极其广阔的发展空间, 在应用层面的价值也与日俱增。因此, 对传播人才的需求是能 从宏观的层面掌握传播学理论并运用于实践的复合型人才。为此, 传播学专业的教育需要打破教 师、教室和教材为中心的限制, 在更广泛的领域内尝试教学内容和教学方法的变化, 以促进学生知 识的拓展和创造性地运用知识的能力。在“工作坊”式实践教学中, 综合的投入带来多元化的收 获:强化了学生对知识的掌握与应用;促进了学生创新能力的全面提高;锻炼了学生批判性思考的 能力;增强学生的社会责任感;促进学生所学知识向能力转换。但是, 在教育方法探索中仍有问题 尚待解决。  相似文献   

新加坡华文报业集团将手握学生报,一起"iChinese"(爱华文),视为华文报业与华文教育发展的双赢模式。以贴近年轻人的内容和各种创意活动;搭建多媒体言论平台;有声报纸;发挥双份报纸的阅读成效等方式来建构双赢局面。  相似文献   

This article examines how communication patterns mediate the influences of values on political participation. We find that the positive effects of postmaterial values on participation are mediated through reading public affairs content in newspapers. In contrast, materialist values negatively affect participation through watching television entertainment. Interpersonal discussion in which disagreement occurs mediates both the positive effect of reading public affairs and the negative effect of materialism on political participation. We also provide what may be a better explanation of the influence of communication patterns on political participation by going beyond acquisition of factual political knowledge. We show that individuals' efforts to think about news and search for additional information and perspectives modify what people "get from" media. Reflecting about news and integrating information from various sources promote better understanding of the political world and may provide a stronger cognitive base for political participation than factual political knowledge.  相似文献   

How do differences in ownership of media enterprises shape news coverage of international conflict? We examine this relationship using a new dataset of 591,532 articles on US-led multinational military operations in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, published by 2,505 newspapers in 116 countries. We find that ownership chains exert a homogenizing effect on the content of newspapers’ coverage of foreign policy, resulting in coverage across co-owned papers that is more similar in scope (what they cover), focus (how much “hard” relative to “soft” news they offer), and diversity (the breadth of topics they include in their coverage of a given issue) relative to coverage across papers that are not co-owned. However, we also find that competitive market pressures can mitigate these homogenizing effects, and incentivize co-owned outlets to differentiate their coverage. Restrictions on press freedom have the opposite impact, increasing the similarity of coverage within ownership chains.  相似文献   

自2007年3月以来,菲德尔·卡斯特罗在古巴共产党中央机关报<格拉玛报>等报刊上先后在"总司令的思考"和"菲德尔同志的思考"专栏标题下,发表了大量文章,阐述自己时国内外重大问题的看法,以此来指导古巴革命.本文介绍卡斯特罗所写的部分文章的主要内容和他对生物燃料、威胁人类的主要问题、美国政策、古巴"特殊时期"、美国大选、极左派、中国、委内瑞拉革命、金融危机、美国"援助"、对罪恶和美德等一系列关系到人类命运的当前重大国际问题以及古巴国内一些问题的精辟见解.  相似文献   

The advantage of academic life is that society allows us to spend years reading things no one else reads, writing articles and books almost no one else reads, and traveling to places no one else travels to. But in times of crisis, when the totally unexpected becomes reality, society understandably expects that we serve our communities with knowledge, explanation, insights, and policy alternatives. The days, weeks, and months following the attacks of 11 September were such an occasion and many academics experienced sudden demands for public commentary and analysis. As international studies scholars, we have insights and knowledge that our communities require and desire, most notably in times of crisis. By responding to the best of our abilities, we are able to return something to society and help people understand more clearly the world in which we live. In this essay, we discuss how we handled this challenge in the wake of 11 September and the lessons we have learned through that process.  相似文献   

This research explores the relationship between public narratives and the Italian military contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (2001–2014). Despite attracting little attention in the literature, Italy has been one of the most crucial contributors of multilateral military missions around the world in the post-bipolar era. Italy has remained consistently engaged militarily in Afghanistan over the entire period of the ISAF mission. However, the country’s involvement has been characterised by differing and controversial views and perspectives among Italian political actors and the media. This study aims to reconstruct the core features of the strategic narratives and the media frames around the military intervention and it does so through a Qualitative Content Analysis on a collection of almost 200 articles published by four main Italian national newspapers. The goal of this paper is twofold: on the one hand, we systematically retrace the main discursive patterns and frames employed by the newspapers on the ISAF. On the other, we evaluate whether in the case of military interventions, the Italian media unveil critical inconsistencies and competitive arguments or whether they function as a repeater of the dominant political discourse. Thanks to the case study, we find that the Italian media supported the mainstream narratives.  相似文献   

American news coverage of terrorist activity consistently portrays the attacker as abnormal, but the mechanics of this othering process are entirely dependent on the nationality of the attacker in question. Coverage of domestic terrorism stresses the attacker’s personal instability and contrasts the perpetrator with his or her victims, painting the terrorist as an anomaly in American society. Foreign attackers, with whom journalists more frequently apply the terrorist label, are othered in US news media through heavy emphasis on their association with distant groups and conflicts. To explore how framing techniques differ throughout coverage of domestic and foreign terrorists, two separate corpora of articles from popular American newspapers were systematically compiled. One corpus contained articles about American attackers, while the other contained articles about foreign terrorists. The corpora were processed using both corpus linguistics software and a comparative analysis of texts. Exploring the American media’s framing choices illuminates how popular biases and perceptions of terrorist violence came to be; framing theory asserts that communicating entities inevitably shape the story they relay, influencing the reactions of those who experience the event second-hand. Not only does news coverage use distinct framing patterns for American and foreign perpetrators, but those patterns foster a populace that conceptualises American and foreign terrorists differently.  相似文献   

Studies on the democratic control and legitimacy of Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) have thus far mostly focused on formal institutions. However, a comprehensive analysis requires including the ‘sociocultural infrastructure’ in which such formal institutions are embedded. Students of democracy have argued that the public sphere is a crucial dimension, if not a precondition for all mechanisms of democratic control in general. This paper investigates whether and in which ways Europeans participated in transnational European communication on humanitarian military interventions (1990–2005/2006). The paper analyzes a full sample of 108,677 newspaper articles published in leading newspapers of six EU member states, and the US as a comparative case. It demonstrates that the ‘national’ arenas of political communication are intertwined and allow ordinary citizens to make up their minds about common European issues in the highly controversial and normatively sensitive realm of humanitarian military interventions.  相似文献   

The war in Libya of 2011 is generally portrayed as yet more evidence of the European Union (EU)'s inability to formulate a coordinated foreign policy. While the crisis took place in the EU's backyard, joint foreign policy action was hindered by member states' disagreements on whether or not to establish a no-fly zone in Libya. While this is true of political decision-makers, this paper investigates whether governmental decisions were reflected in similar divisions in national news media or whether references to European identity and criticism of European disunity transcended national media boundaries. Comparing a total of 6746 newspaper articles from Germany, France, the UK, Austria and the USA, the findings show that intergovernmental differences did not lead to similarly divided public spheres. Public debates in France, Germany and Austria constantly referred to a European foreign policy identity, though EU identity references were largely absent from UK newspapers.  相似文献   

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