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In this article we explore the intersections between white liberal feminisms and the carceral state, particularly within nonprofit agencies. We find a strong collusion between ‘dominating feminisms’ and the carceral state, through funding structures and the belief that the legal system can provide protection to victimized women. We use evidence from our own research on rape crisis centers and gender-responsive programming for criminalized women, respectively, to investigate how some nonprofit agencies further threaten the safety, stability, and self-determination of women of color, queer women, transgendered clients, economically disadvantaged women, and disabled women. As a result, when white liberal feminists seek to intervene in the criminal legal system, we often see reform efforts that directly strengthen institutions that perpetuate economic exploitation, colonialist notions of progress, and white supremacy. We conclude our article with an exploration of some guiding principles within noncarceral antiviolence organizations that espouse a liberatory feminist framework.  相似文献   

Critical Criminology - This article describes the ways in which the formerly incarcerated participants understand “hustling” and the “hustle.” Based on ethnographic...  相似文献   

Abstract: After having discussed the weaknesses of the universalist and territorialist approaches to transnational corporate bankruptcy law, this article argues that a free‐choice régime could combine the advantage of ex post value maximisation of the firm's assets with a comparatively higher degree of ex ante predictability to investors. In addition, it could lead to a better alignment between corporate ownership structures and corporate bankruptcy régimes. Moreover, a free‐choice régime could potentially open the door for regulatory competition in corporate bankruptcy law. However, EC Regulation 1346/00 on insolvency proceedings implements a system of modified universalism, which allows for strategic ex post forum shopping by debtors while keeping the national legislatures’ monopoly in the field of corporate bankruptcy in place. It is suggested that even though it cannot be predicted that a free‐choice régime will pressure state lawmakers to improve their corporate bankruptcy laws, a system of free choice could redirect the law‐making agenda in the EU by focusing the coordination efforts of lawmakers on those issues—such as security interests in property and statutory priority rights—which could negatively affect the proper functioning of the Internal Market, while enabling Member States to customise corporate bankruptcy laws to local preferences and needs.  相似文献   

Early research on prisoner reentry was largely practical and applied, oriented to policymakers responding to the myriad challenges presented by having millions of people leaving prisons and jails each year. More recently, scholars have drawn on critical theoretical frameworks to reformulate the problem as bound up with large-scale shifts in the nature of social control (Wacquant in Dialect Anthropol 34(4):605–620, 2010a), deep racial divisions (Nixon et al. in Race/Ethnicity: Multidiscip Glob Contexts 2(1):21–43, 2008), and transformations of the United States political economy (Hallett in Crit Criminol. doi:10.1007/s10612-011-9138-8, 2011). This paper continues the work of theoretical elaboration through two avenues: (1) examining the contribution that Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish can make to the conceptual development of reentry scholarship, and (2) reworking Foucauldian concepts and themes important to the study of reentry to account for their racialized characteristics.  相似文献   

Recent literature on comparative judicial politics reveals a variety of roles that courts adopt in the process of democratization. These include, very rarely, serving as a trigger for democratization and, more commonly, serving as downstream guarantor for departing autocrats or as downstream consolidator of democracy. In light of these roles, this article reviews six relatively recent books: Courts in Latin America, edited by Helmke and Rios‐Figueroa (2011 ); Judges Beyond Politics in Democracy and Dictatorship: Lessons from Chile, by Hilbink (2007 ); Cultures of Legality: Judicialization and Political Activism in Latin America, edited by Couso, Huneeus, and Sieder (2011 ); The Legacies of Law: Long‐Run Consequences of Legal Development in South Africa, 1652–2000, by Meierhenrich (2008 ); Judging Russia: Constitutional Court in Russian Politics 1990–2006, by Trochev (2008 ); and New Courts in Asia, edited by Harding and Nicholson (2010 ).  相似文献   

一战以后,近代日本的亚洲主义者在面对中国汹涌澎湃的反日浪潮时内心是极度失落的,以致于在此后开始对其思想理论展开重大调整。虽然其主流在于将国家改造运动与亚洲主义捆绑起来,但其中亦不乏别样的论调。而正是这些论调,展现出了与众不同的特殊原理性。尤其是泽柳政太郎,曾脱逸出以往东方vs西方的思维范式而将亚洲主义定义为足以与欧美并存共生的跨国境、超民族理念,以便将其作为通往世界主义的桥梁与当时盛行的国联构想进行融合。然而从其理论中所包含的日本盟主论等色彩来看,泽柳亦终究无法克服历史的局限性、无法跨越出扩张主义意识形态的范畴,未能将发展亚洲、世界大同作为目的,其本质仍停留在鼓吹日本利益优先的亚洲门罗主义层次而应予以批判。  相似文献   

张连举 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):51-54
汇编作品是对现有作品和资料在不改变原作内容的情况下进行选题、筛拔并加以编排组合而成的作品,受我国著作权法的保护。汇编作品与其他作品有着不同的创作方式,编辑人员是汇编作品的组织者和策划人,编辑人员为汇编作品而创作出新的作品,编辑人员对汇编作品的版面编排付出了匠心。汇编作品中各篇独立文章享有著作权,而作为整体的汇编作品的著作权由汇编人享有。汇编作品的著作权源于汇编人的创造性,汇编作品之汇编者的著作权主要有发表权、署名权、版式、装帧设计专有使用权、取得经济报酬权等。  相似文献   

This article examines the changing relationship between sexual politics and the carceral state. While sexual and gender nonconforming people have been historically punished for transgressing social norms, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists in Europe and North America have begun to invest in the state punishment of others. Whether supporting hate crime legislation, calling for more police in gentrifying neighborhoods, or participating in police recruitment campaigns, organisations that formerly fought against criminalisation trends now actively support expanding forms of state violence and punishment. Focussing on examples from the British and US context—and drawing from the concept of ‘queer necropolitics’—this article considers how the carceral state has shifted from a key target of queer protest to celebrated guardian of sexual citizenship. Arguing that this process constitutes more than just another story of queer assimilation and co-optation, the article suggests this shift reflects a deeper reconfiguration of sexual politics, where citizenship norms and practices are increasingly infused with a chillingly punitive and deathly logic.  相似文献   

论作品的原创性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原创性是作品可版权性的核心要件,其最基本的涵义就是作品来源于作者,而不是抄袭他人作品的结果;原创性并不包含艺术价值和新颖性的要求;个性的存在是原创性的直接证据;在特定作品中,版权法的原创性要求可能与这些作品将要实现的社会价值相冲突,版权法需要作出适当平衡;创作意图的存在与否不应当成为原创性的要件;额头出汗原则不应当成为现代作品获得可版权性的基础;原创性是否包含创造性应当视作品类型的不同而作不同处理。应当将作者导向型分析与作品导向型分析,特征导向型分析与目的导向型分析,定性研究与定量研究结合起来对作品是否具有原创性作出适当的界定。主观性的表达可能受版权法保护,但客观性的事实却不具有可版权性。  相似文献   

非法演绎作品保护模式论考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄汇 《法学论坛》2008,23(1):129-135
非法演绎作品的保护系版权法领域一个极具争议的问题,其凝结了原作品作者、非法演绎人和社会公众等多方主体之利益,对其的保护主要有侵权作品论、著作权保护论、著作权消极保护论、不当得利保护论和添附保护论五种代表性观点.在这些观点中著作权消极保护论为最优进路,它既兼顾了原作品作者的人格和财产利益,又很好保护了非法演绎人的创造性努力以及公众的演绎自由权.基于这种分析,对非法演绎作品保护中可能出现的特殊问题展开探讨并对其具体法律构造提出相关建议,这些建议对我国著作权制度的立法完善将有所助益.  相似文献   

音乐作品是整个著作权作品体系中十分重要的组成部分,保护音乐作品著作权反映了我国著作权法律制度的发展水平。随着网络技术的飞速发展,音乐作品在国际范围内的交流日益加深,我国的法律制度也应该与国际接轨,因而在音乐作品的保护上建立和完善著作权限制制度和著作权集体管理制度是必然的趋势。本文首先分析了音乐作品的表演权、广播权以及网络传播权三项重要的音乐作品财产权,进而对音乐作品著作权受到侵害的情形进行分析,并提出对策建议,即完善著作权权利限制制度、著作权集体管理制度以及互联网管理制度。  相似文献   

作品情节的著作权保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邵小平 《知识产权》2004,14(1):45-47
一、作品的含义及应具备的条件 著作权法所保护的对象即著作权的客体是文学、艺术和自然科学、社会科学和程技术等领域中的作品.我国《著作权法实施条例》第2条规定:"著作权法所称作品,指文学、艺术和科学领域内,具有独创性并能以某种有形形式复制的智力创作成果."  相似文献   

从行为的结果出发探讨作品独创性之客观主义标准有其合理性的一面,但是,纯粹的客观主义标准并不妥当.探讨如果在著作权法中彻底贯彻客观主义标准,可能会无端扩大著作权法保护的范围、可能会导致对"作者死亡"理论的承认等,从而使著作权法存在的基础不复存在.  相似文献   

分析了主观主义标准从创作行为去判断作品独创性的合理性和将作者的创作成果与客观外部世界的永恒实体彻底区别开来的不科学性.探讨如果在著作权法中彻底贯彻主观主义标准,则著作权法的保护范围会无限扩大,公有领域会受到严重侵蚀,著作权法所追求的"繁荣文学艺术"这一目标将无以达成.  相似文献   

百花齐放,百家争鸣。同人作品,一朵刚刚绽放的花,其带来的法律问题近年来已成为知识产权法学界的焦点。非演绎性同人作品产生于信息网络中,对原作品具有一定依赖性的同时又绽放出新的花朵,因此,尽管非演绎性同人作品与原作品可能会产生知识产权的对碰,但是基于其本身积极意义与公共利益的需求,对于此类同人作品不应持完全的否定态度,而是应在明确其法律属性及规范合法性要件的同时寻求非演绎性同人作品与原作品的双赢。  相似文献   

This publication seeks to explore whether the position of juvenile offenders vis‐à‐vis the Cambodian criminal law has changed with the passage of the new criminal legislation and whether this change has been positive or otherwise. The quality of this change will demonstrate to the reader whether the overall process of the reform of the juvenile justice component of the Cambodian system of criminal justice, which spans the last fifteen years and has been funded by the international community, has been a success. The author limited the scope of this inquiry to a comparison between the various domestic laws applicable to juvenile offenders and did not include comparisons with international law, model laws or juvenile laws of other states. Being the first publication of its kind, this analysis limits its claim to the analysis of the relevant statutory provisions rather than ‘practice notes’ which have yet to develop.  相似文献   

李亮 《河北法学》2005,23(2):71-73
分析了续写作品的特性:对原作品的依附性,包括对原作内容和篇名上的依附性、名气上的依附性;自身的独创性:独创性是其最本质的特征,是续写者独立思考独立创新的结果,续写作品与原作品之间有实质性差异,与原作品是可以分离的。并在此基础上指出,续写作品是对原作品的合理使用,并没有侵犯原作者的著作权,应当受到著作权法的保护。  相似文献   

数字技术架构了从网络空间到虚拟世界的复杂传播方式甚至生活方式。它增加了著作权认定及其权属的复杂性,尤其是虚拟世界的开发者提供的拆封或点击合同造成了虚拟世界内的作品认定、权属纠纷的一些新特征。拆封合同可以约定虚拟世界使用者放弃著作权的行使,但不能约定将著作权归于开发者所有,除非提供了公平的合同条款。  相似文献   

杨明 《知识产权》2007,17(1):58-61
当戏曲作品被搬上银幕荧屏之后,有时会发生涉及唱腔的著作权纠纷,2005年12月上海市第二中级人民法院受理的《天仙配》案即是一个典型案例。戏曲电影作品上标明的著作权人往往只是制片人等有关主体,唱腔的设计者通常仅作为主演出现,唱腔的著作权问题被忽视了。在我国众多的戏曲作品中,对于一些著名唱腔,是能够找到证据来证明其设计者和表演者的,故应当由唱腔艺术家们享有相应的著作权和邻接权。  相似文献   

公司自治与裁判宽容——新《公司法》视野下的裁判思维   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒋大兴 《法学家》2006,2(6):70-78
新<公司法>秉持自由主义的逻辑,对公司进行松绑.此种立法逻辑要求司法者调整长期以来的管制主义裁判思维,坚持裁判宽容.裁判宽容要求在审理公司法案件时,充分尊重股东自治和公司自治;谨慎解释自治与强制的界限,理解强制性规范设定的基准,理解公司法并非推行公共政策的合适领域;法官要充分尊重公司的商业判断,不对公司实体营运过多干预;公司诉讼要采取更为宽缓和灵活的方式,有些案型要将调解设置为必经程序,有些案型要主动压缩审理周期.  相似文献   

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