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一 引 言  本地民众热衷于打官司 ,且将其视同于上剧场或其他休闲场所一般。一位受到伤害的丈夫会步行二十里去向裁判官诉说他全然无力使其妻子恪守为妇之道。一个满腹委屈的乡下人会踉踉跄跄地走出十里地向裁判官状告邻家偷了他六捆草 ,而且他会在诉状里用诗歌般哀婉动人的词句来恳求这位大人为他作主 ,在该案件中 ,他的感激之情比天高、比海深。〔 1〕这就是来到威海卫最早的英国裁判官 (此处所说的裁判官 ,原文作Magistrate ,在英文中有地方官、裁判官等多义 ,因本文主要探讨其司法功能 ,故译作裁判官 ,但读者须注意其本来…  相似文献   

Adam Feldman 《Law & policy》2017,39(2):192-209
The Supreme Court's main output is the decision on the merits. Little is known, however, about how such decisions are constructed. This article is one of the first to look at the way Supreme Court opinions are constructed by examining the impact of the core linguistic resources at the Court's disposal. It does so in a novel manner by measuring the Court's reliance on wording from parties’ merits filings, amicus briefs, and lower‐court opinions between the 2005 and 2014 terms. To accomplish this goal, the article compares language in over 13,000 documents in the Court's docket during this period with their respective majority opinions. The article then looks at the relative impact of parties’ briefs and filings, amicus curiae briefs, and lower‐court opinions on the Court's majority opinion language. This article provides both macro– and microlevel analyses by locating the relative effects of these linguistic resources on the Court's overall opinion language as well as by breaking these findings down by individual justice. In the aggregate, this article finds that, of the three resources analyzed, the Court tends to use language from parties’ merits briefs most frequently, then wording from lower‐court opinions, and the least from amicus briefs, but that differences in case level factors shift the relative utility of each of these three resources.  相似文献   

法院诉讼行为要论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
廖永安 《法学家》2003,(2):47-55
民事诉讼行为是民事诉讼法学的一个基本理论范畴.按照德国法学家绍尔(Sauer)的说法,“诉讼行为之概念乃为诉讼法之中心”.此说虽有夸张之处,但从大陆法系诸国法学的现状来看,诉讼行为理论实为构筑民事诉讼法学体系的理论基石之一……  相似文献   

为推进和规范在线诉讼活动,完善在线诉讼规则,依法保障当事人及其他诉讼参与人等诉讼主体的合法权利,确保公正高效审理案件,根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》等相关法律规定,结合人民法院工作实际,制定本规则。  相似文献   

One of the most disturbing features of an elective judiciary is judicial campaign finance. This paper explores the financing of the 1988 Texas Supreme Court races, probably the most expensive partisan judicial election campaign in history. It examines the sources of the funding of those six seats on the court in terms of competition among interest groups for control of the court. It also examines proposed reforms in the system of campaign finance and points out that those reforms are not neutral tools of good government, but that instead they have massive political implications for the interests vying to influence the direction of tort law in the state.  相似文献   

Several articles have appeared in the journal Zakonnost' devoted to the problem of reforming the institution of support of a state criminal charge in court. In this connection we would like to express our opinion regarding the proposals made.  相似文献   

In police practices cases, the Supreme Court decides issues that determine when the law enforcement interest in solving crimes must give way to the interest of individuals to be left alone by the government. The replacement of Chief Justice Rehnquist with John Roberts and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor with Samuel Alito has now been in place for more than four terms. The time is appropriate to assess the likely impact of these two new members of the Court on police practices cases. This article examines that question by analyzing both the police practices opinions written by Roberts and Alito while they served on U.S. Courts of Appeals and their opinions while on the Supreme Court through the 2008-09 term. The conclusion is that the previous pattern of the police prevailing in the vast majority of these cases is unlikely to change. In addition, there is some evidence to suggest that Chief Justice Roberts is aligning himself closely with Justice Scalia in these cases and may be setting the stage for a significant modification or even elimination of the exclusionary rule.  相似文献   

Amicus curiae participation is a staple of interest group activity in the U.S. Supreme Court. While a reasonably large body of scholarship has accumulated regarding the effectiveness of this method of participation, little attention has been paid to examining the reasons why amicus participation might increase litigation success. In this article, I test two separate, but not mutually exclusive, theories as to why amicus briefs may be effective. The first, the affected groups hypothesis, suggests amicus briefs are influential because they signal to the Court how many groups and individuals will be potentially affected by the decision. The second, the information hypothesis, proposes that amicus briefs are effective because they provide the Court with added information that buttresses the arguments of the direct parties. When subjected to empirical verification, the results indicate that not only does amicus participation increase litigation success, but also that this influence may be best explained by the information hypothesis.  相似文献   

章志远 《法学杂志》2013,34(3):94-104
检视行政首长出庭应诉制度的文本变迁和实践运作,可以发现原本处于边缘化地位的行政首长出庭应诉制度已经上升为当前行政审判的重要制度。行政首长出庭应诉制度的兴起既是人民法院努力优化行政审判外部环境和民众寻求行政争议实质性解决的结果,更与行政机关改善自身形象寻求外力合作治理的动向密不可分。行政首长出庭应诉制度的运作目前尚存在运动化、形式化和庸俗化的误区。为了保障行政首长出庭应诉制度的有效实施,应当坚持三步走的渐进式制度运行模式并辅之相配套的裁量机制、评价机制和公开机制。  相似文献   

Paul Chen 《Law & policy》2003,25(4):455-472
The Supreme Court's recent federalism decisions are the clearest example of the states' improving legal fortunes in litigation against the federal government. Reducing the dramatic shift in the Court's federalism jurisprudence to the attitudinal voting of individual justices ignores the influence on the Court's decision making from broader institutional developments in American politics and domestic policy. These developments include: (1) the diminishing effectiveness of the states' lobbying power in the federal policymaking arena; (2) the increasing effectiveness of litigation by states' attorneys general in the federal judicial arena; and (3) the convergence of these developments resulting in a pro-state Supreme Court agenda.  相似文献   

2008年12月8日,最高人民法院审判委员会第1457次会议通过了《最高人民法院关于当事人对具有强制执行效力的公证债权文书的内容有争议提起诉讼人民法院是否受理问题的批复》(以下简称《批复》),12月26日最高人民法院以法释[2008]17号文正式发布了《批复》,该《批复》于发布之日起施行。《批复》的发布施行明确了有关具有强制执行效力的公证债权文书是否具有可诉性的法律适用问题,解决了长期以来公证界和司法界争论的一个实务和理论问题。  相似文献   

刑事程序法以证据来证明犯罪事实,刑事实体法以犯罪事实符合犯罪构成要件来认定犯罪。构成要件与诉讼证明以犯罪事实为纽带紧密关联,相互影响。犯罪构成要件通过对犯罪事实的勾勒和形塑决定证明方向,划定证明范围,依据不同要件的分类影响证明责任的分配。诉讼证明对犯罪构成要件的影响主要是通过实践中惯常性的证明困难倒逼犯罪构成要件就其结构和具体要素作出必要的调整和修正。引入绝对责任和客观处罚条件、构建阶梯型罪名、设立抽象危险犯、建立推定制度以及通过刑法解释合理缩减证明范围,将主观要件类型化为若干客观情节都是刑法为了满足证明的需要就犯罪构成要件作出的完善。  相似文献   

公司决议只具有约束股东及董监事的内部效力而不具有外部效力,债权人等外部主体对决议效力不存在法律上的利益,无权主张确认决议无效或不存在。股东会决议撤销之诉中对股东资格的要求不应剥夺股权转让自由,董监事仅在决议损害公司利益时才享有撤销权。董事会决议瑕疵之诉中,董监事只可在董事会无法自我纠正时提起诉讼,同时应比照代表诉讼要求限制股东诉权。股东及董监事可作为无独立请求权第三人参加诉讼,有权进行与所参加方相抵触的诉讼行为。应按瑕疵而非决议区分诉讼标的,但针对同一瑕疵提起的后诉不构成重复诉讼而属共同诉讼,针对同一决议的诉讼应当合并审理。判决不存在对世效力,既判力只在原告胜诉时发生扩张。  相似文献   

XIN HE 《Law & policy》2009,31(4):463-486
This research studies the responses of two lower-level courts, one in rural and the other in urban China, to recent judicial reforms focusing on strengthening institutional building and professionalism. It finds that the court-funding structure under which the courts heavily rely on the local government for expenses, together with the unbalanced development of local economy, remarkably affects the two courts' behavioral pattern in different ways. The rural court, for the sake of litigation fees, tries to attract potential litigants to file certain lawsuits, even though it cannot effectively handle them. The efforts toward institutional building and professionalism only aggravate the already difficult situation. The urban court's institutional quality seems to have increased in the reform process, thanks to sufficient resources from the developed and diversified local economy. But it has also become more formalized and bureaucratic, as it tries to exclude difficult and problematic disputes from getting into the court. In illustrating the complexity of transitional China's judicial reform process generated by both the unbalanced economic development and the bureaucratization of the judiciary, this article suggests that the enhancement of institutional quality, which many argue is key to economic development, may itself be contingent upon the success of economic development.  相似文献   

根据1999年组织法条例第18条关于国家公职人员刑事诉讼的授权规定,经最高法院全体会议批准,为了最高法院刑事审判庭启动国家公职人员诉讼程序,最高法院院长由此发  相似文献   

梁絮雪 《河北法学》2006,24(4):134-136
民事诉讼构造理论--作为民事诉讼法学的一个非常重要的范畴,是民事诉讼的基本框架,反映了民事诉讼中原告、被告、审判方的不同地位以及国家权力与个人权利之间的关系,决定了整个民事诉讼的基本运行态势.以美学为研究角度,更深入地探讨民事诉讼构造理论,发挥美学对法学的解释力.  相似文献   

在我国司法改革深入进行的现实背景下,我们应以改革为视角重新审视诉讼监督规范,尤其要对诉讼监督规范的结构及其模式进行梳理,透过诉讼监督规范的一般观念与结构基点阐述诉讼监督规范的结构内涵,并结合中外学者提出或建构的诉讼监督规范结构模式,针对我国检察机关在诉讼监督的实际效果,深入探讨诉讼监督规范结构的结构形态,以丰富诉讼监督规范的结构理论证成。  相似文献   

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