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文化产业是湖南经济发展支柱产业之一。然而,区域、行业、产业、人才结构不平衡的产业发展现状与湖南省委将湖南建设成为有强大的"文化凝聚力、文化创造力、文化传播力、文化保障力和文化竞争力"的"文化强省"要求还有一定差距。要实现湖南文化产业可持续发展,必须充分认识湖南文化产业发展不平衡的现实,采取适合文化产业发展不平衡特点的非均衡发展战略。  相似文献   

经济社会发展不平衡是当前我国发展的一个重要问题,在很大程度上阻碍了我国经济的进一步发展,不利于我国社会主义和谐社会的建设,与科学发展观的科学理念相悖而行。同时,我们还要以一种辩证的观点来看待发展不平衡问题,发展不平衡在某种程度上能促进竞争的发展;但归根结底,其不利影响还是主要的。最后,在原因分析的基础上,提出了切实可行的促进经济社会平衡发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

韩保江 《理论参考》2009,(12):41-42
讲“老结构”问题,是指第一、二、三次产业发展不协调.第三产业发展严重滞后:城乡发展不平衡和“二元经济结构”的矛盾突出,区域发展不协调,东中西部发展利益仍然存在冲突;  相似文献   

董小君 《理论探索》2020,(3):96-101
党的十九大对新时代我国社会主要矛盾的全新研判,是中国共产党对马克思主义矛盾理论的创新与发展。从理论逻辑与历史逻辑双重视角,可以准确把握新时代中国社会主要矛盾转化的时代特征。新时代我国社会主要矛盾具体体现为不平衡不充分的发展。破解不平衡不充分发展的路径是:推动新旧动能转换,构建现代化国家创新体系;处理好地方与地方的关系,实现城乡及区域协调发展;处理好人与自然的关系,构建绿色发展体系;处理好本国与他国的关系,构建全面开放体系;处理好人与人的关系,重构收入分配体系。  相似文献   

葛俊杰 《学理论》2009,(19):159-160
一个地区的文物资源禀赋和开发程度都对当地的旅游业有显著的促进作用。但是,因为过度开发或游客过多也会造成文物的损害。本文立足于旅游开发与文物保护之间平衡发展,探讨旅游开发对文物保护正反两方面的影响,并提出一些保护性建议。  相似文献   

卢瑾 《理论导刊》2012,(7):26-30
中国的社会主义民主政治建设需要进一步推进公民的有序参与,但在推进过程中面临着直接与间接参与、多数与少数以及多元与一致之间的张力。因此,寻求它们之间的平衡是当代中国民主发展的应有之义,而能够处理好上述平衡关系的,是具有中国特色的参与式民主形式。这种民主首先要借鉴西方参与式民主发展中的有益经验,构建有效的协商参与机制;其次要根据国情发展选举与协商并举的有中国特色社会主义的民主模式。  相似文献   

生产者服务业:现状、问题和发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生产者服务业是面向生产过程而非最终消费的服务行业总称,它的发展对推动产业结构升级、促进产业优化、推动经济增长具有至关重要的作用.目前,我国生产者服务业面临着发展不足、分布不均衡,市场结构不完善、进入壁垒较高,不够开放、各地区间缺乏协作机制,集聚效应不明显、产业关联度不高等问题.因此,我国生产者服务业的中长期发展对策应是:尽快完善生产者服务业发展的基础条件,推进生产者服务业的市场化、产业化、社会化,优化产业布局、加强区域协调、建立起比较优势突出的区域分工格局,强化对生产者服务业发展的财力与人力支持.  相似文献   

对中国区域经济平衡发展的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋衍涛 《理论导刊》2007,(10):21-23
从目前对和谐发展的研究现状来看,作为和谐发展的重要组成部分的区域经济平衡发展却鲜为人所关注。如果谈及和谐发展而不关注区域经济平衡发展则不利于和谐发展局面的形成,所以在构建社会主义和谐社会的大背景下,区域经济平衡发展依然是我国的必然选择,而且根据我国国情,在21世纪,区域经济平衡发展战略应是我国现代化过程中的基本方略。区域经济平衡发展理论的研究对于丰富和完善和谐发展理论也具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告确定我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。满足"美好生活需要"是一个美好的愿景,基于环境资源限制,它受全球环境资源、国内不均衡不充分发展、社会主义初级阶段的制约。公众、政府、市场和社会对"美好生活"都应选择适度满足方式。  相似文献   

世界各国的民族政策及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族政策,是国家政权调节和处理民族之间、民族与国家之间关系的措施与准则.从民族政策的性质看,可大致分成严苛极端型、温和宽容型两类.从世界各国的情况看,温和宽容型的民族政策在改善民族关系、促进落后地区经济社会发展、保证国家社会安定等方面具有积极正面的影响.严苛极端型的民族政策,无一不遭到被歧视被压迫民族的反抗,最终或导致执行此类政策的政府垮台,或迫使其改弦易辙,调整其政策.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide and a wide variety of other industrial gases, including methane, ozone, and feron, trap a portion of the earth's thermal radiation that would otherwise escape into space. This radiative trapping of energy produces the heating of the atmosphere popularly labeled the greenhouse effect. Detailed observations from remote stations show that the carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere has increased from 316 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 1958 to 350 ppmv in 1986. The exponential growth in carbon dioxide levels parallels the increased worldwide use of carbon-based fuels. Methane concentrations are increasing at a rate of one to two percent per year, lower atmosphere ozone at a somewhat smaller rate, and freons at a current rate of five percent per year. Calculations of the expected increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface since 1900 lead to a value of about 0.5 °C if the moderating effect of the earth's oceans is taken into account. Calculations are based on models that range in complexity from simple energy balance considerations to detailed three-dimensionsl calculations that strain the capacity of current digital computers. Detailed analysis of tens of millions of surface-temperature observations indicate an average warming of about 0.5 °C since the turn of the century and a greater warming of 2 °C in high latitudes. Major climatic shifts can be expected as the warming proceeds at an increasing pace. The rate of anticipated warming is historically unpercedented.  相似文献   

Albert Heckscher (1857–1897) was a Danish lawyer. In his dissertation (Bidrag till Grundlæggelse af en Afstemningslære), accepted in 1892 at the University of Copenhagen, Heckscher dealt with numerous issues related to voting, especially those related to vote-aggregation in parliaments, courts and committees. He knew the works of Condorcet and Borda quite well, and analyzed many topics that would nowadays fall into the domain of the theory of social choice. These include Condorcet-cycles, differences between Condorcet-effective rules and the Borda rule, strategic voting, the influence of the voting order under the parliamentary voting rules, the likelihood of single-peaked preference profiles, and the problems created by non-separable preferences. Heckscher’s treatment of the Judgment Aggregation Paradox is especially noteworthy. Although Kornhauser and Sager (Yale Law Journal 96: 82–117, 1986) are usually mentioned as the inventors of this problem, Heckscher’s earlier treatment confirms the suspicion that the problem is not of recent origin. Numerous issues studied in the post-Arrowian theory of voting may already be found in Heckscher’s dissertation; some of them have become subjects of systematic study only in the twenty-first century. It is argued that Albert Heckscher, the unknown nineteenth century Danish lawyer, deserves a place in the pantheon of the theory of social choice alongside his better known contemporaries Charles Dodgson and E. J. Nanson.  相似文献   

董明晶 《学理论》2009,(8):146-147
本文分析了大学英语听力教学的现状,指出在大学英语听力教学中教师应从培养学生听力学习的主动性、提供可理解语料和训练听力技巧等几个方面发挥自己的作用,为提高学生英语听力能力做一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

Abrams  Burton A. 《Public Choice》1999,99(3-4):395-401
Recent empirical studies have revealed that the size of government is inversely related to economic growth and technical efficiency. Evidence is presented linking the size of government to reported unemployment rates for the industrial countries during recent years. This finding helps to explain the empirical link between government size and poor macroeconomic performance.  相似文献   

讲座是应用广泛的一种宣传手段,影响讲座宣传效果的因素很多,了解并掌握其中的特点和规律,有利于扬长避短,最大限度地提高宣传效果,让宣传工作真正为弘扬时代主旋律而发挥作用.  相似文献   

Research has shown that in proportional, flexible list systems, ballot list position influences electoral success. In this paper we investigate to what extent this is due to the primacy effect, a psychological bias towards the first option in a list. We also examine alternative explanations such as the electoral beneficial traits these candidates share and extra media coverage they receive. Using data from the 2014 Belgian elections, we find that candidates with higher ballot list positions indeed score better because they have more political experience and receive more media attention. We also find strong evidence for the primacy effect which is caused by a confirmation bias as well as ballot list position being the easiest heuristic for voters.  相似文献   

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