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试论21世纪学报编辑的素质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要迎接21世纪的挑战,提高学报质量,使学报赢得市场、服务社会,学报编辑应着重提高学习能力、创新的能力和策划能力。  相似文献   

学报是高校教学科研工作的一个有机组成部分.要办好学报、做好学报编辑工作、提高学报质量,首先要提高对学报性质特点的认识,明确学报的任务;其次要按确定的目标开展学报编辑工作,不断提高学报的学术理论水平,贯彻理论联系实际的原则,多反映对现实问题的研究,发挥优势,办出自己的特色;此外学报编辑人员还要努力学习,不断提高自身的业务能力和工作水平.  相似文献   

在新形势下,高校学报要尽快转变观念,积极面向市场,着力强化策划工作。高校学报策划,要从定位、栏目、选题、组稿、版式、发行等环节着手,以赢得办刊工作的主动性,提高刊物的市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

高校学报向特色化方向发展,必须规避同质化,从内容和形式上彰显独特个性,要明确适合自己发展的定位、突出专业特色、创设特色栏目、提高学术质量,增强持续发展的生命活力和竞争力.编辑要发挥主观能动性,增强创造学报特色的意识和实践能力.  相似文献   

提高学报质量首要条件是主管单位应对学报的地位和发展方向给予足够的重视,强化学报在学校的教学科研地位,完善管理体制,明确学报编辑部地位和性质,提供人才、经费、设备方面的大力支持,以待遇留人、感情留人。其次是编辑要不断提升自身素质,主要包括专业素质、智力素质、体能素质、政治素质、作风素质、心理素质、职业道德素质等,为提高学报质量尽心尽力。  相似文献   

如今,出版业面临着改制、转制的大趋势,高校学报编辑人员需要承受观念变革、利益调整甚至是人员重组等压力。学报编辑的心理素质又会直接影响学报编辑队伍素质的提高和学报工作的效率和效果。提高高校学报编辑的心理素质,要增强对学报编辑工作的责任感和自豪感,要有计划地学习心理学知识,学会自我调节,不断自我完善和提升,建立和谐的人际关系,处理好工作与健康的关系,事业与家庭的关系等。  相似文献   

高职成高院校学报从实际出发,根据自身特点和需要,依托本校学科、专业和科研优势设置栏目,重点创办特色栏目,精心打造品牌栏目.要培育专栏作者,增强编辑建设栏目的能力.通过加强栏目建设,提高学报整体质量和形成特色风格,扩大学术影响,提升在学术界的地位,为高职成高教育和经济社会的发展发挥应有的作用.  相似文献   

为了进一步总结学报发行工作经验,联络发行单位,拓展发行渠道,扩大学报发行量,提高社会影响,学报编辑部于2007年11月12日至18日在杭州市举办了“中国劳动关系学院学报编辑部2007年发行工作会议”,来自北京、大连、长春、哈尔滨、南京、天津、南通、江都、唐山等地的发行单位参加了会议。会议由学报发行部主任吕吉凤同志主持。学报总编辑赵健杰首先向与会者介绍了学报创刊20年的发展历程以及所取得的成绩,并代表学报编辑部向多年来支持学报发展的各个发行单位表示衷心感谢。为了增进发行单位对学报的全面了解,赵健杰还就学报编辑部建设情况向…  相似文献   

全国高职成高院校学报联络中心是中国人文社科学报学会系统中开展学术活动最好的联络中心之一。为了更好地开展联络中心活动,不断提高高职成高学报的质量,必须在凝聚会员、服务会员上下功夫。为此,联络中心在加强组织建设的基础上,充分发挥其功能,制定符合高职成高院校学报实际的活动规划,积极落实中国人文社科学报学会提出的工作计划,开展富有高职成高院校学报特色的学术活动。  相似文献   

根据共青团院校学报逐渐公开发行、质量要求提高的现状,共青团院校学报在新形势应该具有现实问题学术化、学术理论应用化、青年研究集中化的特色;具有为院校教学科研服务、为青少年工作服务、为社会发展服务的功能、为了保障学报质量的不断提高,应该设置领导把关、专家主持、编辑操作的编辑部结构。  相似文献   

This article discusses the manifold contributions of Willem Assies to the social sciences and Latin American studies. It focuses on his writings on agrarian and peasant studies, social movements, and indigenous peoples. In particular, he made important contributions to our understanding of multicultural citizenship, the multiethnic state, and plurinational democracy. His writings had a major impact on those working on rural and indigenous peoples' issues, although the Dutch academic establishment largely failed to appreciate his exceptional talents. It is argued in this article that he never wavered from his early recognition of the importance of class in social analysis, while acknowledging its limitations. In his view, one of the central challenges facing the indigenous peoples' social movements was how to link indigenous issues to general national problems. To what extent had they met this challenge? His premature death prevented him from exploring this key issue further, but hopefully other scholars will take up the baton and continue to debate his ideas.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(3):275-295
This paper presents a study of the work of the institutional labor economist, Ben Seligman. Seligman presents an interesting case study of theory and practice because he spent part of his career working for unions. He formed his version of institutional economics before he went to work for those unions, but his work for them exposed him to the impact automation was having on workers and unions. Because his institutional economics included an appreciation for humans as active agents with the capability to act within the limits set by the context of socioeconomic institutions, he was able to set forth an analysis of automation that centered on alienation as a key indicator of the harm automation caused.  相似文献   

On 15 May 1870, the Nawab of Bengal married Sarah Vennell, a seventeen-year-old English chambermaid, in a Shia Muslim wedding ceremony, making her his fourth permanent or Nikah wife. They lived in England for ten years, and had six children. The Nawab’s liaison with what British officials called ‘a woman of mean extraction’ was a contributing factor when he was persuaded by the British government to abdicate in1880, give up many of his claims and allow the permanent abolition of his title. In that same year the Nawab formed a liaison with another maid and later returned to India with this maid and his and Sarah’s four surviving children, leaving Sarah in England. Their youngest son, my grandfather, changed his name and emigrated to Australia in 1925. This essay describes my gradual discovery in Australia of my Indian ancestors and the issues I confronted when trying to write their story. It includes an extract in which I describe my grandfather’s childhood in India.  相似文献   

The following interview examines Hubert's creative process for his graphic novel Adrian and the Tree of Secrets (Arsenal Pulp Press, 2014). It explores his thinking about gender and the adolescent experience in the context of a range of social issues including his own Catholic upbringing. This interview culminates with a discussion about homosexuality in contemporary France, Charlie Hebdo, and larger extremism.  相似文献   

Henningham is taken to task for his misleading review article in The Journal of Peasant Studies (Vol.11, No. 4, July 1984) on the Special Issue on ‘Agrarian Movements in India: Studies on Twentieth Century Bihar’ (Vol.9, No.3, April 1982). It is suggested that Henningham seriously misrepresents the arguments in the Special Issue and uses his ‘review article’ as a vehicle for expounding the views presented in his own book, published in 1982.  相似文献   

World Accumulation, 1492–1789, by Andre Gunder Frank. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978. Pp. 303, index. £3.95, paper.

In this review article, Andre Gunder Frank's latest book, World Accumulation, is given extended critical treatment. It is argued that, in generalising his earlier arguments (which were formulated with respect to Chile and Brazil) across space and time, and in responding to a decade of criticism of his work, Frank has moved closer to the position of one of his best‐known critics, Laclau. Frank is taken to task for his ‘world market abstractionism’ and it is posited that the incorporation model which he espouses does not transcend the limits of petty‐bourgeois theory and downgrades the class struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat. The article falls into two parts. In the first, issues relating to Frank's historical framework are taken up—basically with regard to (i) Frank's ‘cycles of accumulation’ and (ii) Frank's interpretation of the second serfdom in eastern Europe; and in the second certain theoretical issues, around the theme of'wage‐labour’, are discussed. Both Frank's historical framework and his theoretical formulations are shown to be seriously defective.  相似文献   

Using, as a point of departure, Tim Lott's recent autobiography where he attempts to make sense of his mother's suicide of 1988 through a reconstruction of his family genealogy, this article tries to map the production of gendered, classed, and racialized subjects and subjectivity in west London. It addresses the tension between Lott's discourse of his own white working-class boyhood during the 1970s where questions of ‘race’ are all but absent, and the racialized ‘commonsense’ that pervades the interviews with other local white contemporaries of Lott and his parents. These narratives are analysed in relation to the socio-economic context and the political activism of the period. Theoretically, it analyses the ‘diaspora space’ of London/Britain, interrogating essentialist ‘origin stories’ of belonging; reaching out to a glimmer on the horizon of emerging non-identical formations of kinship across boundaries of class, racism and ethnicity; and exploring the purchase of certain South Asian terms – ‘ajnabi’, ‘ghair’ and ‘apna/apni’ – in constructing a nonbinarized understanding of identification across ‘difference’.  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(1):49-67
Michael Ross was international affairs director for the American Congress of Industrial Organizations from 1945 to 1955 and for the merged American Federation of Labour—Congress of Industrial Organizations from 1958 until his death in 1963. As such, he played a prominent role in the bitter anti-communist international trade union politics of the day. Ross, however, had been a communist in his younger years. Making use of Ross's own writings and an extensive secondary literature on the politics of the period, this article seeks to describe and explain his ideological journey. It argues that, while there were significant shifts in Ross's politics, there were also underlying consistencies. Specifically, it is contended that Ross retained a consistent commitment apparent throughout his career—as advocate of Soviet communism, New Deal bureaucrat, and trade union official—to working-class interests advanced by technocratic planning. It notes, however, that the radicalism and ambition of this politics were diluted both by the successes and constraints of Ross's career advancement and, more substantively, by a political context hostile to planning ideals in the US after 1945.  相似文献   

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